Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

:BangHead:cactusjumper. you know why tommy lee jones is smiling in the picture,he's fixing to flash the stone tablets.::cat:

Hello N.P.

Your comments regarding the temple hit me pretty hard. Are you saying there is such a temple in the area of Spirit Mountain?

If so are you open to the possibility that such a temple could be of different origin?

As you know one of the artifacts, (the Latin Heart) is intimately a part of the Stone Map history. What many people fail to understand is that the Latin Heart is woven into the very fabric of the Tucson Artifacts. Both The Tucson Artifacts and the Latin Heart speak to us utilizing what is referred to as ancient Latin. This form of Latin was prevelant at the time of the existance of Calalus.

Also both the Latin Heart and the Tucson Artifacts utilize star navigation systems. The same system that is incorporated in the Circlestone observatory and several other observatories in the Superstitions. I have personally found such an observatory near Spirit Mountain. It`s function seems identical to the one at Circlestone.

If you are open to what I indicated in my first sentence let me know. I would like to share a discovery I made at Spirit Mountain. A discovery that almost cost me my life. The two men who saved me I believe were descendants of the settlers of Calalus.

Tom Dunkle

tom,i have done my research on this subject,and my findings along with others find it very valid,i would like the opinions of the viewers also,thank you np


I don't know how you can say such a thing. Is this not the face of a man with an overabundance of creativity?

Keep in mind that Bob may have had a drink or two to welcome his guest. Not saying the man was a drunk, mind you, just that he was known to imbibe now and again.

Joe Ribaudo

this was his mission

"The Enigma of a Treasure"
For the last week or so, you may have noticed that I have been somewhat silent on my thread. The reason is as follows. I have been a treasure hunter for a long time. I've seen and heard every trick in the book when it comes to treasure and treasure stories. I'm putting this story on this thread so people can pay attention and learn a valuable lesson from it. It will eventually happen over and over, again and again. People need to be aware and know exactly what questions to ask and what information not to give away.

When I originally put my theory on the Internet, I felt like I was giving it away. Treasure hunting is a funny business. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is declare that you found it! Then people will want proof and the government will want to take it. I was asked privately by a hunter what the correct path would be. I recommended publicity first (including as permit) rather than taking the chance that the government would hide the discovery for "safe keeping".

If the continuing saga is to be believed, the site has been compromised beyond repair. I was hoping to point people in a new direction, maybe I did it too well. Or maybe a creative serial treasure hunter told a good tale using someone else's facts. Some stories are too fantastic to be true while other stories are so fantastic that they must be true.

Keep believing and looking where ever you think best. Treasure hunters are dreamers, why can't dreams come true.

Didn't BB post something likes this once, right before the breakdown.

Now I know what happened to Bob.

somero,no this is no reproduction of any ones except mine,in order for you to understand it,you would have to have an

several old timers had actually told me the story of the floating woman at la barge canyon, and also about the running horses,just myths. but, I have an unusual true story that happened to me,it was getting dark and I was making camp at fish creek,i built a fire and was relaxing from a long day of hiking,I was about a hundred feet from were the camp fire was located, and I started hearing metal hitting metal,then I heard some one talking,soon after there was this person at my camp fire ,I approached this person and he stunk something terrible,tied around his neck he had a old cast iron skillet,and tin cups and some type of an old canteen,he just pretended like I wasn't even there,he took off the skillet ,and put a small skunk in it and added water from his canteen,and put it on the fire ,I yelled at him and all he said was god was leading him to the spring,and him and everything he had with him just vanished,there was no foot prints were this person had walked into my camp,np

Are you sure you didn't pick and eat the wrong kind of mushrooms around your camp fire? LOL!!!

wvpapaw, no these stories actually happened,icould tell you some real great ones about

Hello N.P.

Your comments regarding the temple hit me pretty hard. Are you saying there is such a temple in the area of Spirit Mountain?

If so are you open to the possibility that such a temple could be of different origin?

As you know one of the artifacts, (the Latin Heart) is intimately a part of the Stone Map history. What many people fail to understand is that the Latin Heart is woven into the very fabric of the Tucson Artifacts. Both The Tucson Artifacts and the Latin Heart speak to us utilizing what is referred to as ancient Latin. This form of Latin was prevelant at the time of the existance of Calalus.

Also both the Latin Heart and the Tucson Artifacts utilize star navigation systems. The same system that is incorporated in the Circlestone observatory and several other observatories in the Superstitions. I have personally found such an observatory near Spirit Mountain. It`s function seems identical to the one at Circlestone.

If you are open to what I indicated in my first sentence let me know. I would like to share a discovery I made at Spirit Mountain. A discovery that almost cost me my life. The two men who saved me I believe were descendants of the settlers of Calalus.

Tom Dunkle


Don't know if I mentioned how refreshing it was to see you moving your story to Spirit Mountain. The old stuff was getting a little stale.

Very nice,

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper,talking about getting real stale,how many years has it been now since people have been looking in the superstitions for the lost Dutchman, and the solution for the stone tablets,np

Hello Marius,

A tip of the hat to you sir for recognizing the similarities between the two pictures. A great catch. Years ago I was in Mexico and had the opportunity to visit several archaeological sites, and I believe the base of the temple in your photograph is very similar to the temple base base found at Mitla, Yucatan, State of Oaxaco, thirty miles form the capital of Oaxaco. The temple in your photo resemble Israelite temples found around the world.

The original intent of the creator of the Rock Art is hard to say particularly with the subsequent graffiti but if there was a temple in those mountains what an incredible find. I believe one of the posters here made a great point when he commented that the native american`s worship this area for a reason.

Of course the picture of the temple you posted came from an artifact found in Arizona.


tom thanks for the post

Hello NP,

I hope you find my comments of interest.

Cactus Jumper,

My real name is Keyser Soze. Please just leave me alone and go harass some one else.

Tom Dunkle.

thanks for the

cactusjumper,talking about getting real stale,how many years has it been now since people have been looking in the superstitions for the lost Dutchman, and the solution for the stone tablets,np

oh did I mention ,how many years has it been?

wvpapawgot any good wv stories,

cactusjumper,talking about getting real stale,how many years has it been now since people have been looking in the superstitions for the lost Dutchman, and the solution for the stone tablets,np

:dontknow:its getting staler by the

Not Peralta,

Sorry about what I said about your story going cold. Guess I was just frustrated after being run off and seeing those helicopters.

Some friends and I left early this morning for Spirit Mountain and followed the directions from this site. We went up Grapevine Canyon, saw the heart, found the petroglyphs (including the one with the map). We drove down the road and saw the knife rock, it's way more impressive in person! Just up the road, just like you said, we could see the three from your picture as well as the priest rock. It's hard to get the real idea what they look like in a small photograph. At least we didn't see any strange men this time, but then we stayed mostly on the main trails.

I've hiked in the Superstition Mountains in the past and have never seen as many things that look like the Stone Tablets as I saw today in such a small area. It was fun and we were done before it got too hot. We've hiked around here before but never really noticed the things you pointed out on this site. It's impressive in person. I'd recommend that people should come look, even Cactusjumper. I plan on spending more time hiking around Spirit Mountain, this fall when we can spend the day. There's no telling what else I might see. Too bad there's no camping.

dirty boots,im glad you and your friends had an enjoyable trip,glad my instructions worked for you.thank you,np

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