Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

markmar, im not trying to be sarcastic,but if you read my other post ,you will understand why I am not answering your questions ,please don't ask again thank you,np


The best way to avoid answering questions is to not make statements that have no historical documentation. There seems no practical reason for coming on a public forum and spinning fictional stories as "fact". If you don't want to answer any questions on what you post here, it would be best to confine yourself to conversations around your kitchen table, or writing on bathroom walls. We will all be better off.

Joe Ribaudo

:BangHead:cactusjumper ,the same posting will apply to you as well, in what I just explained to markmar, and later I will be expecting an apology from both of you,if you had any common sense ,and would read what I have posted, then you would understand why at this time ,I cannot remark on certain subjects, and trust me, I will be looking forword to an apology,so don't ask again, and by all means don't think your being smart,you would look very foolish in the end by your peers, thank you for being patiebt,np:cat:

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cactusjumper ,the same posting will apply to you as well, in what I just explained to markmar, and later I will be expecting an apology from both of you,if you had any common sense ,and would read what I have posted, then you would understand why at this time ,I cannot remark on certain subjects, and trust me, I will be looking forword to an apology,so don't ask again, and by all means don't think your being smart,you would look very foolish in the end by your peers, thank you for being patiebt,np


I have been "patiebt" for years. Your time is all used up. Time for you to join WRM1 and "Mary" in the rubber room. Let me worry about my peers.

Joe Ribaudo

:occasion18:cactusjumper, looks like you need to worry about your patiebt, maybe you need the writing room,np:dontknow:
wrm1 and especially mary333 ,at least id be in very good company,:dontknow:

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cb,thanks for the info,np


I have been "patiebt" for years. Your time is all used up. Time for you to join WRM1 and "Mary" in the rubber room. Let me worry about my peers.

Joe Ribaudo


They have a rubber room!

Well I'll take a large and we'll see if they got a small old shriveled up one for you. :laughing7:

Alrighty Then: Wrmickel1

Wrmickel 1, You are right. If Humper was selling his solution to the maps while believing the maps to be fakes how low can he go. That is just so dis-honest. I will have to put him on ignore. The stench is too much.


Originally Posted by sgtfda
Had to go to the Apache Junction fruit market today so I decided to meet up with Tom K at the Blue Bird. By the way they have a set of the stones on display in the front window. Copies just like the museum. God everyone has them. Tom told me a acquaintance made the stones in the 30's and placed them in the FJ spot. I asked why there and he said the guy was working in the area. This person also worked as a tombstone engraver. Which explains a lot. I wanted to ask him about the Burns from Burns Ranch and the pitt mine. The stones came up after I noticed the window display. I will still keep a open mind as its fun to play with the issue.

Tom told me this story some time ago. Not much chance he will ever divulge the name. I believe it to be true.

Take care,


mary333,wrm1, wel I guess we will all be sharing a room soon,should we get cacyusjumper a closet, or just leave him in the clothes closet maybe he can buy one of his own maps ,yhat way he will know were to go without some one having to tell him,np:occasion18:

cactusjumper ,oh ya,that rubber room, did you book a double for your self,and your big head?:BangHead:

For what it's worth, whether you agree with his conclusions or not, Cactusjumper has never attempted to sell his map/theory to anyone that I know of. He's always freely provided it along with a detailed explanation when asked.

cb,the thin red line,np

For what it's worth, whether you agree with his conclusions or not, Cactusjumper has never attempted to sell his map/theory to anyone that I know of. He's always freely provided it along with a detailed explanation when asked.


I assume your post means the Bobsie twins are making some more unsubstantiated charges against me. They will eventually go away when they realize their barbs are not reaching me.

When unfairly attacked, eventually, a man's true friends will come, in some manner, to his defense. The others will fall into the category of "friendly acquaintance".

As for my explanation of my map, I have always said the Stone Maps could be a hoax. If that was the case, they were created by someone who was a true expert on the legends and the terrain of the Superstition Mountains. At the end, I expected a note in a bottle and a :icon_thumleft:

Take care,


I have been following this subject for a while. I work nearby and travel Hwy 95 in NV frequently. Recently I've seen increased helicopter traffic around the Spirit Mountain area. Never really noticed it before. Do you have any idea what may be going on up there? Does any body know what's going on? My friend and I were planning on hiking up around Christmas Tree Pass to see some of the stuff talked about here but we heard some other hikers got run out of the area. Wonder what's up, isn't it a public place?

As you know Joe some just can't handle the truth. I've always payed attention to what you had to say and have learned much from your posts. Your history of posting facts speaks for itself. Keep up the good work. There is nothing wrong with requesting facts in return. As you know it is a endless debate. But keep in mind there are those like me who appreciate your info.

For what it's worth, whether you agree with his conclusions or not, Cactusjumper has never attempted to sell his map/theory to anyone that I know of. He's always freely provided it along with a detailed explanation when asked.

Cubfan 64

Have you asked for it! And agree or not

Whats your view on the conclusion!


dirty boots, your absolutely correct on all accounts,sorry I can not comment on any of it,hope you will understand thank

Cubfan 64

Have you asked for it! And agree or not

Whats your view on the conclusion!


Yes, I have a copy from one of the early Rendezvous' I attended. I've looked at it a number of times, but never carefully enough to come to a conclusion one way or another. I will say that I didn't see things line up as exactly as cactusjumper suggests, but that's not saying much because I generally can't see much of the stuff in other people's explanations and map overlays of the mountains either - with a few exceptions.

My impression is somewhat jaded however because I'm just not a "student" of the stone maps. Their provenance and history are simply too tainted to me to be worthy of my time to investigate them in depth - it's just not a strong interest of mine.

I also don't have the experience in desert mountains to distinguish what's "normal" from what's not as far as rock formations go. The only things I've seen that I would nod my head in agreement on are some of the things Wayne (Somehiker) has showed me, and even some of those are a stretch for me.

The thing that always amazes me is the number of people who claim to have come up with a 100% match for the stone maps, and yet all those people have made their 100% matches in different places in the mountains. How can that be? In my mind, it "can be" because someone finds 1 or 2 things that appear to match, and then make the terrain somehow match their theory until everything fits like a glove.

Not Peralta,

You won't or can't answer my questions. I've been reading this site for a while and noticed that you stopped answering questions about your theory about the temple at Spirit Mountain.

Has someone gotten to you or told you to shut up?

Now I see strange traffic in the area. Doesn't anyone else wonder! Maybe someone should contact the media, like the RJ or better yet Coast-to-Coast.

Was something found that is a BIG secret? Like maybe the temple you talked about? It IS public land, shouldn't what ever is up there be available for the public to see?

Why should anyone get run off public land? I'd like some kind of answer.


You wrote " mary333,wrm1, wel I guess we will all be sharing a room soon "

Remove the key from the door , I want to see this " sharing " .


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