Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Mr. N.P.

I read grannie`s letter last night and it gives the location of a temple in Spirit Mountain and had several pictures of a cave in the Superstitions with strange writing and a picture of a wall that has most of the range with trails on it. It is very old. Grannie said to give all of this to the authorities one day. I have a friend in the local sheriff`s department I will hand all of this over to. I will send you a copy.

Buzzard has circled boulder canyon too long his mind is gone. Wouldn`t pay any attention to him. All he has left is pictures of overweight women he posts and his cactus. Do you think the overweight women and the cactus are the same to him? Both are treasure signs.


mary333,thank you again,i hope every thing is fine with you,np

It maybe better to be suspected a fool than to have run your mouth and removed all doubt.

G'morning Mary , gals & guys. A nice red rose and coffee for my gal Mary, join me in the patio? You guys go get your own.

For some strange reason i seem to believe that we are attempting to merge several different stories into one common base, which obviously they cannot, then again, 'may', fit, even though seemingly in conflict to do so.

Soo relax people and have fun, share your stories, see where each piece fits, but share the loot 'only' with me.
:icon_thumright::occasion14: only kidding, I have my Tayopa, now go get yours.

Do not create Shibboleths based upon your version.

Don Jose de La Mancha

cactusjumper,i told you a long time ago you had no idea, and you still don't,well from what you just said,basically kills your whole library of information,doesn't it,now you have nothing to talk about, you have no idea who Cynthia Irwin Williams was until you had time to look her up,i asked you questions about her and it took you days to answer me,you know so much about Cynthia, what was this used for in her research,and this is all you will ever get.npView attachment 805846


First, I don't claim to know "everything". On the other hand, I do know quite a bit about Cynthia Williams. As for your grid, it's not something that is well known, or possibly even known at all, in the field of archaeology. I have never seen it before, and don't know what Ms. Williams may have used it for. To be honest, I don't care.

Joe Ribaudo

Omnigrid Rulers at


perhaps we should have a boxing tourney...or mud wrestling...except joe can not bring those HUGE females...not even a picture...


I, of course, Googled it, just as you did. I believe I tied my answer to the field of archaeology. Are you aware of it being used by archaeologists in their work?:dontknow:

Hope all is well with you.

Take care,



I don't like your attitude . You lose your finesse . You don't be hurry to choose partener in this arena . To the end we are alone like gladiators .



I don't like your attitude . You lose your finesse . You don't be hurry to choose partener in this arena . To the end we are alone like gladiators .



Well she's a guy, so........"finesse" is the first thing to go.:laughing7:

Take care,



Is a guy ? If he continues in this way , in the end he will obtain bad habits .


When you stay at the Bates Motel it all make perfect sense. Mary I'm going to keep a eye open for you as I shower.

I`ve been laughing for the last five minutes, that was a good one.

Well she's a guy, so........"finesse" is the first thing to go.:laughing7:

Take care,


:dontknow:maybe, cactusjumper is really a fat woman. He/she sure gets cranky when someone disagrees with any thing heshe says. np:dontknow:

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I'm back,np ps cactus jumper I knew you didn't know what Cynthia used that for,no wonder you cant find any thing.:hello2:

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mary333, don't mind these guys, they don't mind at all,but cactusjumper is a mare of a different breed,:dontknow:

this used to be a togh croud, now its just crowded,np

Joe is definitely not a woman..... He may be an old chronichy sum*****, but he ain't no woman... Ask my little boy if you don't believe me. Joe gave him free donuts at a past Rendezvous.... Pretty sure they were instant friends...



The conversations between you and " mary333 " in medicine called " dual personality ".


markmar,the conversations between mary333 and myself is between us, not you, or any one

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