NP There is a spot on the Mayo river where a large treasure is supposedly buried. Three of us were walking along the bank, to our right was an area covered with small trees and brush, perhaps 50 -75 meters wide & 100 meters long, on the other side was a series of parallel cliffs.
As we walked along, I suddenly heard a group of burros calling and running through this patch of brush. When we came to the end, the noise also came to this point, then stopped. Naturally I had to investigate, nothing, nor tracks.
As I was telling them what I had heard, wife looked startled and said "they were goats Jose, I could hear the bells ?" My friend then said "no, it was a bunch of dogs, I could hear them barking."
We then checked for tracks, there were none or were any branches or twigs broken or laying on the ground.
Later we heard that this was a common occurance there, many had experienced this, but each heard a different sound

I have several other stories similar to this, none of which can be successfully explained.
I even have the data of a treasure that was found this way. A headless person dressed in black, with turn of the century - 1800's - clothing was often seen under certain conditions. He would appear and then give a toss of his head (?) indicating follow me - but he was headless?? He would then walk to a certain tree on the arroyo bank then dive into the roots.
A certain courageous guy decided to dig at the roots of the tree and uncovered several mule loads of silver bars with some silver coins. The apparition never appeared again ?
Then there is the huge, black, phantom dog that showed me a hidden mine, Las Remedios , part of the Tayopa group.
Have many other unexplainable stories. if you want.
Don Jose de La Mancha