Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

I realize that I have run a lot of you in circles,I have had my own reasons which you will now understand,dont try to question me about it do your own research,please, I realize that my theory goes against conventional wisdom,but where has conventional wisdom gotten us, the first assumption people make is to search where the stone tablets were found, another assumption is that the priest refers to a Spanish padre or some thing strictly religious in nature, rather than a larger symbolic meaning, it follows that if the priest is mis-interpreted, so are the remaining symbols, the stone tablets are to be used in a certain place, for a certain purpose, to show you a map of the temple, and with in this temple is the tomb of the atlantis archives, the Tucson artifacts are similar to the stone tablets, except they show more detail,both the Tucson artifacts and the stone tablets, were meant to be found, that's why both were protruding from the ground, archeologist for years have been digging up parts of atlantis, but, in order to keep their gov ,funding they have had certain guide lines to follow, knowing all the time what was really taken place,untill certain archeologist come forth with the term forbidden archeology,a smallpart of what is now Arizona, Nevada, Utah,hold the secrets of atlantis,or calalus,or terra incognita or the unknown land, two of these locations which hold secret temples and tombs are spirit mountain,and what is called the superstition mountains, in both places , the secret is to find the cross of Lorraine when found try moving some of the boulders which should be very easy ,they were set up that way,thats how you enter the temple complex,the information im giving you is very private and only known by the lost and forgotten , that want to be remembered and


I am glad because you accept how is a temple in Superstition M . IMO , the location of the temple in Superstition M is recognized in the Celtic/ Orthodox Cross of the Tucson artifacts . Like in this picture

View attachment 806981

I don't know if in Spirit M is an patriarchal Cross .


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markmar, thank you

sgtfda,your right and the powers to be are all over it,and you know exactly what im talking about.this has been going for almost two weeks,

I realize that I have run a lot of you in circles,I have had my own reasons which you will now understand,dont try to question me about it do your own research,please, I realize that my theory goes against conventional wisdom,but where has conventional wisdom gotten us, the first assumption people make is to search where the stone tablets were found, another assumption is that the priest refers to a Spanish padre or some thing strictly religious in nature, rather than a larger symbolic meaning, it follows that if the priest is mis-interpreted, so are the remaining symbols, the stone tablets are to be used in a certain place, for a certain purpose, to show you a map of the temple, and with in this temple is the tomb of the atlantis archives, the Tucson artifacts are similar to the stone tablets, except they show more detail,both the Tucson artifacts and the stone tablets, were meant to be found, that's why both were protruding from the ground, archeologist for years have been digging up parts of atlantis, but, in order to keep their gov ,funding they have had certain guide lines to follow, knowing all the time what was really taken place,untill certain archeologist come forth with the term forbidden archeology,a smallpart of what is now Arizona, Nevada, Utah,hold the secrets of atlantis,or calalus,or terra incognita or the unknown land, two of these locations which hold secret temples and tombs are spirit mountain,and what is called the superstition mountains, in both places , the secret is to find the cross of Lorraine when found try moving some of the boulders which should be very easy ,they were set up that way,thats how you enter the temple complex,the information im giving you is very private and only known by the lost and forgotten , that want to be remembered and


Good thing I took you off ignore. If the the above (highlighted) statement is true, how do you explain the fact that a trench had to be dug to find the artifacts? :dontknow:

Did you ever come up with an explanation of why there is a dinosaur on the surface of one of the artifacts? :dontknow:

Simple questions really.

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper, one of the stone tablets was protruding from the ground,in the Tucson artifacts ,the cross was protruding out of the ground,and it has not been proven that this is in fact a dinosaur,but could be according to my theory,np

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Evidence to support my theory above:
From Edgar Cayce's Atlantis Readings-1 (364-13)
"Q: Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct? A: ...The red, of course, in the Atlantean and the American."
"What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States.

Then also from Two Myths of the Mission Indians: The Mohave Account of Origins:
"Then Mastambo sent off five of the tribes, telling them what country to inhabit and how to live."

Mastambo is also said to have created the Colorado River.

I personally consider Edgar Cayce's readings credible as well as the Mohave Account of Origins. These comments help support my belief in Spirit Mountain being of great importance. Cynthia Irwin-Williams considered both the Superstition Mtns and Spirit Mtn historically significant. Cayce on Atlantis I

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Evidence to support my theory above:
From Edgar Cayce's Atlantis Readings-1 (364-13)
"Q: Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct? A: ...The red, of course, in the Atlantean and the American."
"What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States.

Then also from Two Myths of the Mission Indians: The Mohave Account of Origins:


I don't know if this is even relevant or not but on the subject of the "dinosaur", the archeologists of the mid 1800's were not the first humans to know about dinosaurs. Native Americans and pre historic man knew of them also. They didn't know they were dinosaurs but they found their bones, skulls, skeletons and tracks just as the 19th century archeologists found them. The indians of Utah, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona and other western states lived right on top of the prime dinosaur remains long before archeologists came along. Many native American legends are traced to indians discovering these prehistoric creatures, the southwest Thunderbird is believed to be one of the most noted. Can you imagine a Montana indian about the year 1700 finding a tyranasarus skull / skeleton in a wash after a flash flood and what they must have thought ? A skull the size of a buffalo and teeth the size of their hands. These people made their living butchering animals down to their skeletons so knew a thing or two about what an animal must have looked like before it became bones. Don't know if this is even important but something to think about.


azhiker ,this all has been a mystery for a long time,things are in motion as we speak,but we will just have to wait and see,hope for the best, looks

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Ta Prohm ruins, Angkor Wat, Cambodia

angkor wat stegosaurus.webp

NP don't forget much of the Arizona desert was also under water at one time. A friend up on Rich Hill has a mine where gold is 25 ft down. The gold that is found in bottom pockets is black. Black with sea weed that rotted many years ago. And that's on Rich Hill. Read recently that there is evidence mankind in the US date back a lot longer than previously thought. A lot longer!

NP don't forget much of the Arizona desert was also under water at one time. A friend up on Rich Hill has a mine where gold is 25 ft down. The gold that is found in bottom pockets is black. Black with sea weed that rotted many years ago. And that's on Rich Hill. Read recently that there is evidence mankind in the US date back a lot longer than previously thought. A lot longer!


Was that in the US or in South America?

Take care,


In the US Joe from what I recall. I believe not ten or twenty thousand years but much older. There is a site in Pennsylvania where they have been excavating a cave for years and have still not hit bottom. My head is full of useless knowledge and at times it can get jumbled in my old age.

Evidence to support my theory above:
From Edgar Cayce's Atlantis Readings-1 (364-13)
"Q: Are the places designated for the beginning of the five races correct? A: ...The red, of course, in the Atlantean and the American."
"What is now the central portion of this country, or the Mississippi basin, was then all in the ocean; only the plateau was existent, or the regions that are now portions of Nevada, Utah and Arizona formed the greater part of what we know as the United States.

Then also from Two Myths of the Mission Indians: The Mohave Account of Origins:
"Then Mastambo sent off five of the tribes, telling them what country to inhabit and how to live."

Mastambo is also said to have created the Colorado River.

I personally consider Edgar Cayce's readings credible as well as the Mohave Account of Origins. These comments help support my belief in Spirit Mountain being of great importance. Cynthia Irwin-Williams considered both the Superstition Mtns and Spirit Mtn historically significant.
Two Myths of the Mission Indians: The Mohave Account of Origins
Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis Readings - 1 Cayce on Atlantis I


Is there any documentation, somewhere, that confirms Ms. Williams interest in the Superstition Mountains or Spirit Mountain?

Is there anything that connects her with Atlantis, the Tucson artifacts/Calalus or the place called OZ by Ben Davis?

Thanks in advance,

Joe Ribaudo


I believe there is still some debate on these "older".......bones.:dontknow: Not saying it ain't so, just not settled science yet.

Take care,


cactusjumper, at this point im not going to say any thing, I have been told not to,by a higher authority than you,np but I can tell you rich hill is outside congress junction going to yarnell ps some things I will answer ,but not much, ihave given you people thetheory and some material to study, im not going to do all your work for you, because ,I could be shut down at any time ,that statement alone should tell you some ps.again your the one that said you had all the info on her, why now are you asking me.

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