Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Just when things were getting interesting. I was waiting for the forked tongue debate. In the early 1900's dinosaur's were depicted as having a forked tongue in books of that time period. You see Joe I to am bored.


I have already been through the forked tongue issue. It boils down to folks grasping at straws.

Take care,


cactusjumper, cant answer the question can you ,and even if you did, it would be wrong,you have no idea what the Tucson artifacts refer to, because you don't know,you don't know anything about the unpublished papers of Cynthia Irwin Williams,why don't you just admit it,np:dontknow: ps,thats right you said you thought the Tucson artifacts were fakes,that really shows how much you know,or is that just part of the disinformation .

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cactusjumper, maybe you should stay on the porch and not try running with the big

grasping at straws ,kind of like hunting for the

cactusjumper, your the one who claims to know so much about the Tucson artifacts,this is the second time,ive asked you to explain Cynthia Irwin Williams true roll in the Tucson artifacts,you don't know,even when you say you know every thing about

What if William Hardy was right and the Dutchman named Jake was killed at Walnut Creek.
And what if William Hardy was working for the KGC? (Which is why he left the gold fields of CA for the AZ desert.)
Considering the KGC's penchant for disinformation and misdirection...what if the Jacob Waltz story was invented as a diversion to direct people away from somewhere else? (Spirit Mountain?) Testing the gold would tell part of the story. Regardless, it worked pretty well, if that's what happened. It would explain why the signatures don't match after Jacob Waltz "left" Prescott and why NOTHING has ever been found in the Superstitions. Just asking....

I find it interesting that no one asked me about the local treasure story that I was following that lead me to Spirit Mountain and the stone tablet markers and monuments. Part of the research into this local treasure story included the fact that the "Dutchman" was in this area for a while. Many other people have proven that the "Dutchman" came to Arizona from California. I was surprised to learn from historical recored in my research that the "Dutchman" was mentioned in the context of the local story I was following. I was reluctant to put the local story, the "Dutchman" and the stone tablets together. It made no sense until I began to recognize so many markers resembling the tablets and the "Dutchman's" story and directions. Both his directions and his story matched many of the things I was seeing, and so did the stone tablets. I don't believe in coincidences. As I stated before, and is aknowledged, the stone that the tablets are made of come from NW Arizona. I've been trying to give clues about the "Dutchman" but no one seems to care because everyone is too vested in the Superstition Mountain stories and legonds. I have historical documents to back up my claims. I'll say it again-the stone tablets DON'T lead to the Superstition Mountains. NP

I mentioned previously the connection between a Dutchman named Jake and Hardyville. Now I want to restate that the Dutchman was here. We only have to figure out where the story goes from here. Considering the possible connection between William Hardy and the KGC there are added mysteries to the "Dutchman" story. NP

the title treasure hunter,is only an excuse to put a label on what you really are, a seeker of some truth,knowledge,of the lost and forgotten, since the beginning of time,man has been looking for it,looking for the one thing that has always been there,no matter what the time period in history, it wants to be found and recognized, to get a better idea why so many historical indicators lead to spirit mountain,the views of the elders ,combined with your own, new awareness of old idea's may surprise you,what has been lost and forgotten in time is meant to be found,but only for the few that understand the creative forces behind it,for you,the true secret is to let the spirits of the lost and forgotten enter and guide you, when your in a certain place and time,and you are searching for the truth,let them guide you, the past that escapes us, are only beginning to emerge,they want them to,maps and ancient objects want to tell a story, when they show them selves,they are lost and forgotten again in the chaos of greed, lust, and passion of man,things have been revealed and will continue to do so, but, only, to the few that truly recognize the spirit of the lost and forgotten. for Cynthia Irwin Williams. np

Mr. N.P.

The letters that my grandmother left me and the things she told me Bernice told her about the Superstitions and Spirit Mountain support much of what you say.

Ms. Williams was involved in both the Superstitions and Spirit Mountain with people that Bernice would say very little about other than they were hiding things. From what I have read Mr. Ribaudo and others are in mazes created by those people. A lot of what Bernice wrote about the Stone Maps was given to her by these people.

I wouldn`t worry about what people post here. I do enjoy reading Mr. Matthews. What Mr. Ribaudo says about him only shows what a fool Mr. Ribaudo is.

Mr. Ribaudo is nothing but an old buzzard who circled Boulder Canyon for years and found nothing and posts disgusting pictures of women on this website to make himself feel important.


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G'morning Mary, here are 1/2 dz of beautiful red Roses. Coffee or a fresh limeade in the patio?

You posted --> Joe R. posts disgusting pictures of women

Speaking for myself, how can any picture of the LORDS gift to mankind ever be considered disgusting???

As for either version of the tablets, I am still neutral, wth a slight tendency towards Reavis.

Do Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I have changed my Avatar to one of myself when I was 'slightly' younger, would you consider it disgusting?

p.p.s. Err ah just where does he post these pictures???:censored:

NP I do hope you have not gone full tilt over this issue. Remember Norman Bates. His mothers dress did not look good on him. Right Mary!

Mary we would all love a photo of you. I can tell your a sweetheart

Mary ill trade you. Here is a recent photo of me. Now it's your turn



You are soooo perceptive. I never would have guessed. :laughing7:

After the exchange of pictures, I doubt it will be long before Mary will be opting to have your babies.:dontknow:


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You wrote " What if William Hardy was right and the Dutchman named Jake was killed at Walnut Creek.
And what if William Hardy was working for the KGC? (Which is why he left the gold fields of CA for the AZ desert.)
Considering the KGC's penchant for disinformation and misdirection...what if the Jacob Waltz story was invented as a diversion to direct people away from somewhere else? (Spirit Mountain?) Testing the gold would tell part of the story. Regardless, it worked pretty well, if that's what happened. It would explain why the signatures don't match after Jacob Waltz "left" Prescott and why NOTHING has ever been found in the Superstitions. Just asking

IMO , the Dutcman named Jake was other person than Dutchman Jakob Waltz . Are two different stories which performed in two different places . The reason who Waltz didn't have the same signature in some documents ( and maybe you must proof this ) , don't make him " invisible " ( Waltz have a grave , have Jake ? ) . Maybe because he had changed the name , he tried to find a plausible signature :dontknow: .
In that time was many germans emigrants who was gold prospectors . Read the story of Juan Montragon mine , which have relation with other germans gold prospectors .
If we see in every story an conspiracy to confuse the researchers , is a vicious circle that leads nowhere . :icon_scratch:


mary333,thank you for your post,very interesting,I to know of the people Bernice and Cynthia talk about,thats one reason I have been very aware of my surroundings,and the things I do in life,my post above just about explains it all,I told cactus jumper a long time ago that he had no idea who I was, and what I have done, that should have been enough, but he continues even today with his games, cactus jumper is in a maze,but by the people I met a long time ago,they will never give him what he seeks, theres a certain group on this thread that feels they need to control every one that comes on it,they cant even control themselves, these people that Bernice and Cynthia talked about are on a quest to let things out,but its only for a few,but its only going to be lost and forgotten information, and theres more than just spirit mnt and the supe's,i hope people that come to these threads are not going to let cactus jumper and his little group run them off,trust me when I tell you,they are not in the light of these peoples eyes,please stay in touch, you can also e mail me also,thank you. np

Mary is out of luck Joe. My wife had my balls cut off years ago. No more baby's But don't worry Mary perhaps with a team effort your dream will come true.

NP you referring to me? True Joe is a friend and I respect his opinion. No bull from Joe just facts as he sees it. He expects the same from others. I'm a independent thinker and look at all sides. Yours included. You have posted some interesting things.

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