I don`t believe I ever said Joe was on the payroll or a gatekeeper. They simply used him to generate a certain degree of negativity regarding the Tucson Artifacts and Calalus knowing that a certain segment would buy into his view. To this day he continues I guess the good work. I believe they only paid folks that could influence events they considered of great importance. They also were able to retrieve a number of artifacts in this fashion by identifying ordinary folks who had discovered things that fit into what they were saying and would contact them. They picked up a lot this way.
They also generated a great deal of interest because of the TV production, can`t remember who the forensic geologist who was on that program that judged the artifacts to be real. That show eventually lead them to secure the one artifact they had been after for years but had eluded them. That one artifact for all practical purposes shut down their operations. I don`t imagine we will hear from them again. And after tonight you will not hear from me also. My discovery will be in responsible hands going forward.
You asked what type of folks are involved in all of this. The two gentleman that I got to know were intelligent and well educated. The one lady that I met at the site in Spirit Mountain was a Harvard trained archaeologist that worked with them for over 20 years in primarily the Superstitions. I was never invited to see that site. What I can tell you about her is she was smart as a whip and also played a major role in the Valesequillo discovery in Mexico. When she passed away a number of years ago her files including her work with these folks simply disappeared before they could be shipped to the Smithsonian. From what I was told over a thousand photos of sites simply went up in smoke.
Mr. Ribaudo,
Your point regarding the Pleistocene age alluvial fan is a good one except for one tiny problem That is the artifacts exist.
The language issue you raised was diffused many years ago by the simple point that where did the latin textbooks get the passages? Also the texts were not copied word for word.
Well I have a busy weekend planned in Spirit Mountain. Hope you gentlemen have a good weekend of sex, drugs, rock and roll.
Tom Dunkle