Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

I think Joe could care less about the artifacts. Not his thing. You on the other hand show your true color with that statement.

The artifacts

Secret Canyon,

Are you really sure about what happened to Cummings notes? I am talking about the notes that survived the work and were kept by him. There was a wealth of data that survived the original investigation.


If that is your opinion then I respect it. If you believe that is where Joe is fine. I disagree with your opinion and that is ok also. I personally believe the person that gave me the information.

Tom Dunkle

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.... nothing about a fortress on this site...or others I have reviewed...

Discovery of Ancient America, David Allen Deal, p 28.


Joe for shame. You never told me you had connections with the descendants of Calalus. Tom K and Bob C perhaps. Some how I suspect this is all tied in with the holy stone sex ritual. My feeling are hurt. I was not invited. I suspect the drink I was given at the rendezvous put me right to sleep. Thus I missed it. Folks I now see the hidden purpose of the rendezvous. If you attend this year avoid that, "here try this". Also avoid the hike to the crematorium. I think I noticed some firewood being collected.

You see SC I have a sense of humor.

Tom what does it mater who was here a thousand years ago. If things keep going they way they are we will all be eating each other in a few years. Which reminds me I need to go reload some more ammo now so talk to you later.

see how good I am being?...not saying bad things about haury an Cummings?

seems neither of them was in attendance in Arizona at the time the artifacts were unearthed...Emil Haury - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I believe you are mistaken here. Both men were present and actually participated in the excavation of some of the artifacts.

Once again, I would recommend "Journal of the Southwest" Volume 51, Number 1, Spring 2009

Take care,


Damn Ben now you have me thinking. How would one identify a descendant of Calalus? There's a guy who from Canada who shows up here now and again. He is looking for something and I suspect it could be tied in with all of this. He has a unhealthy attraction to symbols carved on rocks in remote places. Plus he showed up at the rendezvous for the sex ritual and did not tell me about it. When Rick G showed up with that oil can I should have guessed something was up. May have been the drink they gave me but I could swear I heard voices coming out of that bag.


I think Joe could care less about the artifacts. Not his thing. You on the other hand show your true color with that statement.

Is this what you were referring to?

"One of the persons they picked to prove they did not exist was Joe. They have done it before. Several of the critics of the Tucson Artifacts during the original excavation were paid to render negative reports. No one ever asked what happened to Cummings data. It just disappeared. At that time it was convenient for them that the Artifacts be dis-credited. At least that is what I was told by the pilot I became friends with and I believe he is telling the truth."

From the start of this fiction, Ben has been trying to tie me into it. He has even stated that I was a "gatekeeper". Only one of the many false statements he has made about me.

I am flattered that he has placed me in the company of people like: Barry Fell, Byron Cummings, Emil Haury, James Quinlan, James Breazeale, .....And the list goes on. Even Cyclone Covey wrote: "Just the same, this and Hawley's other examples accumulate into a damaging case, which conclude that his hypothetical couple of hoaxers would have had to be recent". That comment referred to the passages in Latin textbooks that appeared to have been copied....word for word on the artifacts.

Once again, the artifacts were found below a Pleistocene age alluvial fan.:dontknow:

Take care,



I don`t believe I ever said Joe was on the payroll or a gatekeeper. They simply used him to generate a certain degree of negativity regarding the Tucson Artifacts and Calalus knowing that a certain segment would buy into his view. To this day he continues I guess the good work. I believe they only paid folks that could influence events they considered of great importance. They also were able to retrieve a number of artifacts in this fashion by identifying ordinary folks who had discovered things that fit into what they were saying and would contact them. They picked up a lot this way.

They also generated a great deal of interest because of the TV production, can`t remember who the forensic geologist who was on that program that judged the artifacts to be real. That show eventually lead them to secure the one artifact they had been after for years but had eluded them. That one artifact for all practical purposes shut down their operations. I don`t imagine we will hear from them again. And after tonight you will not hear from me also. My discovery will be in responsible hands going forward.

You asked what type of folks are involved in all of this. The two gentleman that I got to know were intelligent and well educated. The one lady that I met at the site in Spirit Mountain was a Harvard trained archaeologist that worked with them for over 20 years in primarily the Superstitions. I was never invited to see that site. What I can tell you about her is she was smart as a whip and also played a major role in the Valesequillo discovery in Mexico. When she passed away a number of years ago her files including her work with these folks simply disappeared before they could be shipped to the Smithsonian. From what I was told over a thousand photos of sites simply went up in smoke.

Mr. Ribaudo,

Your point regarding the Pleistocene age alluvial fan is a good one except for one tiny problem That is the artifacts exist.

The language issue you raised was diffused many years ago by the simple point that where did the latin textbooks get the passages? Also the texts were not copied word for word.

Well I have a busy weekend planned in Spirit Mountain. Hope you gentlemen have a good weekend of sex, drugs, rock and roll.

Tom Dunkle

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Ben I now understand. Personally I put little faith on what is portrayed on reality TV. I know some of the producers and a quite a few of the actors. Including one from that show. I've learned there is no reality on reality TV. I tuned down a offer. If I want to make a fool of myself I can do it on my own. I don't need help. Good luck on your trip and I hope it is what you expect. By the way what do you know about the holy stone? Not the fake ones in the oil can. The real one. I hear the lodge wants it back.


I don`t believe I ever said Joe was on the payroll or a gatekeeper. They simply used him to generate a certain degree of negativity regarding the Tucson Artifacts and Calalus knowing that a certain segment would buy into his view. To this day he continues I guess the good work. I believe they only paid folks that could influence events they considered of great importance. They also were able to retrieve a number of artifacts in this fashion by identifying ordinary folks who had discovered things that fit into what they were saying and would contact them. They picked up a lot this way.

They also generated a great deal of interest because of the TV production, can`t remember who the forensic geologist who was on that program that judged the artifacts to be real. That show eventually lead them to secure the one artifact they had been after for years but had eluded them. That one artifact for all practical purposes shut down their operations. I don`t imagine we will hear from them again. And after tonight you will not hear from me also. My discovery will be in responsible hands going forward.

You asked what type of folks are involved in all of this. The two gentleman that I got to know were intelligent and well educated. The one lady that I met at the site in Spirit Mountain was a Harvard trained archaeologist that worked with them for over 20 years in primarily the Superstitions. I was never invited to see that site. What I can tell you about her is she was smart as a whip and also played a major role in the Valesequillo discovery in Mexico. When she passed away a number of years ago her files including her work with these folks simply disappeared before they could be shipped to the Smithsonian. From what I was told over a thousand photos of sites simply went up in smoke.

Mr. Ribaudo,

Your point regarding the Pleistocene age alluvial fan is a good one except for one tiny problem That is the artifacts exist.

The language issue you raised was diffused many years ago by the simple point that where did the latin textbooks get the passages? Also the texts were not copied word for word.

Well I have a busy weekend planned in Spirit Mountain. Hope you gentlemen have a good weekend of sex, drugs, rock and roll.

Tom Dunkle


Not many people have the material on the Tucson artifacts to work with, like you and I do. That means that, usually, you and I are the only ones who know when you make a statement that just isn't so.

These two examples are from Virgil and Cicero:

All of the Latin words, and some of the phrases were found in Latin textbooks that were found in the Tucson High School at the time. As I wrote, Cyclone Covey wrote that "this and Hawley's other examples accumulate into a damaging case...." This from the man who wrote "Calalus". The writers of the textbooks got their text from famous Roman writers. Professor Covey found that to be detrimental to his case.

It is and was possible to "plant" the artifacts in the walls of the trench. There is good evidence that that was done.

Why is it that all of the people that you use to bolster your case are dead or unnamed and none of their records are available for examination?

You will be back......You just can't help yourself. Who will sing the praises when your book comes out. Since I was such a great help to you, I expect you will send me a signed copy.:thumbsup:

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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being on this site,your seeking the understanding of what someone has to say,the unknown to you, as treasure hunters,are we seeking material wealth,or testing our knowledge of understanding what has been lost or forgotten, what has been lost or forgotten,is meant to be found,but only for the ones that understand the creative forces at work,for you the seeker, the true secret is to let the spirits of the lost or forgotten enter and guide you,when your in a certain place and time, and you are searching for the truth, let them guide

Joe I hope it was not something I said. It was just getting interesting. I hope the hang gliding gal returns. Was she the not naked sun bather in the mountains. Now there is a treasure to take a hike to see. Stone hearts and priests you can see anytime. I received a PM from a gal interested in the holy stone sex ritual but alas my wife said I can't go. I'm now restricted to stone hearts, priests and empty pit mines. Maybe at night at the rendezvous we can sneak down and dig up the treasure box.


I'm afraid my memory has gotten so bad, I will have forgotten what we were sneaking out to do, by the time we get there.:BangHead: You will have to lead the way.

Take care friend,


Don't worry your in good hands and will receive your half. You can hold the flashlight. Ill dig. We can get Tom or Bob to keep everyone distracted.

tom , i like your thoughts very much on this post, it's to bad people just dont understand the true meanings behind them,some day soon they will . np

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needmore info on tuscon

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