Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Tom your theory has merit. I'm a pastmaster and 32 degree mason and can see the items being used as regalia. During the Civil War many things were made from lead. Look at the back of a CW belt buckle , lead. Shortage of material during the war. I watched the America unearthed video and its clear the items were in the ground for some time. The mineral build up on the items proves that. I don't think they are from 800 AD.

I am wondering if the Knights of the Golden Circle might be somehow involved. It all depends on the merit of stories surrounding hidden Confederate caches of gold and treasures, and also stories about symbols and signs coded for directions or secret notes, etc. Confederate General Albert Pike was renowned for his use of symbols and languages, including Latin, Greek and Hebrew. These artifacts were made of lead, so their intrinsic value might be low. On the other hand, the text and/or symbols might contain coded geographic information (?). ....

....If this kind of symbolic hanky panky was going on by the Confederates, could some of the anomalous artifacts or rocks with foreign languages on them – like the Hebrew at Las Lunas, NM and Big Bend? -- could some of these turn out to be affiliated to Confederate activity? Are some of these alleged evidences for pre-Columbian diffusion actually evidence of Confederate Masonic activity tied to groups like the Knights of the Golden Circle? Were some of these anomalous artifacts found along known Confederate routes? .....

Tom Dunkle

Interesting observations and a fresh twist to the controversy. The enigmatic, unidentified 'KGC carvings' have been found in at least two dozen locations in the west. However, most of the 'archaeological hoax' carvings (ie those supporting New World diffusionist allegations) have not been associated with the 'KGC' or their parent group, at least directly. For example, the Los Lunas Decalogue stone, while certainly intriguing, is overshadowed, IMO, by the structural ruins on the mesa top directly above it - a classic BCE Middle Eastern military encampment.

springfield,thank you for that

I would also be interested in Donald's opinion on the Tucson artifacts. In light of who one of the early archaeologist's on the site was, it would not surprise me if he might have a contrary opinion to that person's conclusions.

Joe Ribaudo

ok..again..i know nothing more that what I have read about these artifacts...but...
the claimed age of these things, puts it to the golden age of the Anasazi...
while humans seem to have a built in delete function for history...
a bunch of guys running around the desert, in red skirts with bronze shields, would have left at least a mythology, some rock art...
something besides lead...
and lead does break down quickly in the limestone areas of the state...
there are rumors that a certain sect of Catholics in new mexico are in fact, practicing a distorted form of one knows for certain where these people came from, or when they arrived in new mexico.
so go figure?

Springfield, SGTfda,

While I agree with Mr. Hardaker on many subjects I differ with his opinion on the artifacts. I listed his name at the end of the quotation but I see it was unclear. My mistake.

My reason for quoting him was to illustrate certain elements of the discovery of the artifacts that are important. Nothing more nothing less.

There is a connection between the Superstitions, Spirit Mountain, Circlestone, and a number of sites and relics in the Southwest, such as the Tucson Artifacts, the Trail Maps, the various crosses and hearts that have been discovered. I have known this since my discovery in Spirit Mountain.

I almost paid for that discovery with my life if not for the quick action of two men. No one needs to prove to me that Calalus is real. I know it is.

Recently I made reference to a movie character, Keyser Soze. There is a line in that movie that applies to what the descendants of Calalus have done. "That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn`t exist." They have done a superb job of that.

Don Jose,

Thanks for the offer, but by Monday I will need a lot more than coffee.

Tom Dunkle

For those who are following Ben Davis down the yellow brick road to.......Oz, consider this:

The artifact site is part of a Pleistocene deposit, and anything under the surface would have to be at least 10,000 years old. Pleistocene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just insert that fact into the story and try to explain it away.:BangHead:

Joe Ribaudo

cactusjumper,I am just trying to help here,stop,take a deep breath,and read toms post again,look for the real meaning in what he is saying,INTERPRET, what he's really talking

What odd both the stones and the lead artifacts were found by police officers. Both sites off the side of a road partially buried. Could Tumlinson have pick up the idea from the artifact story?

From what I've read some of the Tucson artifacts were later found incased in caliche in undisturbed ground. While nugget shooting I've dug metal targets buried in caliche that was 12 feet high. A wash had eroded a path through the layer thus you can dig deep into the side wall. The targets were no more than 100 years old. I've had friends dig through 3 foot of caliche only to find a old tin can. Over near goldfield I picked up a target in solid rock. No cracks just solid. Hammered it out and a foot down a lead bullet. Nature can be funny and the joke was on me.

cactusjumper,I am just trying to help here,stop,take a deep breath,and read toms post again,look for the real meaning in what he is saying,INTERPRET, what he's really talking


What I have always been very good at, is understanding the written word........since I was a pre-teen.

Tom's name is from a fictional character and he is promoting a fictional history. I have been dealing with Ben for a number of years and know what this is all about. You have just come across this story, it seems, and are flush with the excitement of a fantastic new adventure.

It's an interesting diversion when things get slow or boring, but close investigation will cool any intelligent person's heat for the tale.

For someone who tried to hint that Jacob Waltz was the same person as the Dutch Jake who briefly appeared in the history of Hardyvile, does not give me much confidence in your own ability to "INTERPRET" what you have read.:dontknow: I don't get emotionally involved in these crazy stories, so there is never a need for me to "stop, take a deep breath" and do anything more than call a spade a spade. I will leave all of that nonsense for the kids who follow the pied piper.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

For those who are following Ben Davis down the yellow brick road to.......Oz, consider this:

The artifact site is part of a Pleistocene deposit, and anything under the surface would have to be at least 10,000 years old. Pleistocene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just insert that fact into the story and try to explain it away.:BangHead:

Joe Ribaudo

well...anthropologists have moved back the date on human use of stone as tools some 20,000bp.
still not far enough...

What odd both the stones and the lead artifacts were found by police officers. Both sites off the side of a road partially buried. Could Tumlinson have pick up the idea from the artifact story?

probably members of that phoenix biker gang...:laughing7:

The LDM, the stones and the Tucson artifacts stories all have holes in them big enough to drive a truck through. Fact and fiction, truth and lies. They all have physical evidence along with stories one finds hard to believe. Some believe everything. Some part and others none. I look at the side stories for clues to those little treasures lost along the way. A coin here a painting there or a nutball hiding his wife's jewelry in the back yard. Some look just for the fun of looking. Others for a break from a dull existence. But who has more fun than we do seeking our treasure.

cactusjumper,you have all the supposedly expert advice,PROVE,that dutch jake,and jacob waltz,was not the same person?,and why,all jacob waltz's signatures are not the same?,and why after all these years the dutchmans mine can not be found?,if it existed to start with?.np

all the questions that i just asked cactusjumper to answer,i would like for any body to answer, some of these questions i have asked at different times on this thread,and never received an answer,also after all these years why cant you find anything,get your heads out of the

secretcanyon,sgtfda, ithank you both,you both have good solid foundations,and ideas,thats the way it should be,np

the Artifacts

Hello N.P.

Recently I made reference to a movie character, Keyser Soze. There is a line in that movie that applies to what the descendants of Calalus have done. "That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn`t exist." They have done a superb job of that.

One of the persons they picked to prove they did not exist was Joe. They have done it before. Several of the critics of the Tucson Artifacts during the original excavation were paid to render negative reports. No one ever asked what happened to Cummings data. It just disappeared. At that time it was convenient for them that the Artifacts be dis-credited. At least that is what I was told by the pilot I became friends with and I believe he is telling the truth.

Have a good weekend.

Tom Dunkle

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