Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

the stone tablets and the kgc, what a coincidence, oh right there are no coincidences. It took someone a long time to actually figure out what I was referring to in the language of my theory, first page of this thread. Finally, out of the darkness, comes the light. Why do you think the Confederacy came to Arizona? Paralells. Why do you think the stone tablets have never been solved? It's called semantics, SEMANTICS, of or pertaining to, or arising from the different meanings of words or other symbols, as, semantic change, semantic confusion. np


You wrote " the key is in the name "

If you want , can you give an explanation ?


As I stated before, my health is not what it used to be and I decided to share my theory about the stone tablets before it was too late. I realize that my theory goes against "conventional wisdom", but where has "conventional wisdom" gotten us? The first assumption people make is to search where they were found. If your starting point is wrong, than nothing can be gained by continuing in that direction. The stone tablets were being transported to a "castle", mission or meeting place and from there to be turned over to someone in the confederation. For some reason (no one knows) they never made it. And there they lay until they were discovered years later. Their discovery and subsiquent mis-interpretations gave rise to a legend that had nothing to do with what the creaters intended.
Another assumption is that the "priest" refers to a Spanish padre or something strictly religious in nature rather than a much larger symbolic meaning. It follows that if the priest is mis-interpreted, so are the remaining symbols and the KCG connection soon became lost to a created legend.
The stone tablets were to be used in a certain place, for a certain purpose, to show you a map. A map which will lead you to the KGC temple of the crescent moon. Within this temple lies the KGC "tomb of God", which is the main treasury. That's why there is no mention of treasure, gold, silver or mines on the stone tablets. Nor is the name of the river mentioned. The confederation already knows this information. All of this planning started long before the Civil War. np

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If you believe how the stone tablets leads to Spirit Mountain , why the horse map is to the north or to the south of the river ( which they knew the name ) and is not to the west or to the east ( if the river is Colorado and runs from north to south ) ?
I believe the circle is not so large like KGC .


As I stated before, my health is not what it used to be and I decided to share my theory about the stone tablets before it was too late. I realize that my theory goes against "conventional wisdom", but where has "conventional wisdom" gotten us? The first assumption people make is to search where they were found. If your starting point is wrong, than nothing can be gained by continuing in that direction. The stone tablets were being transported to a "castle", mission or meeting place and from there to be turned over to someone in the confederation. For some reason (no one knows) they never made it. And there they lay until they were discovered years later. Their discovery and subsiquent mis-interpretations gave rise to a legend that had nothing to do with what the creaters intended.
Another assumption is that the "priest" refers to a Spanish padre or something strictly religious in nature rather than a much larger symbolic meaning. It follows that if the priest is mis-interpreted, so are the remaining symbols and the KCG connection soon became lost to a created legend.
The stone tablets were to be used in a certain place, for a certain purpose, to show you a map. A map which will lead you to the KGC temple of the crescent moon. Within this temple lies the KGC "tomb of God", which is the main treasury. That's why there is no mention of treasure, gold, silver or mines on the stone tablets. Nor is the name of the river mentioned. The confederation already knows this information. All of this planning started long before the Civil War. np

Interesting. Thanks.

markmar,the stone tablets are to be used in one area ,not to lead you to the


You wrote " The stone tablets were to be used in a certain place, for a certain purpose, to show you a map. A map which will lead you to the KGC temple of the crescent moon "

In your previous pictures , the crescent moon is next peak ( to the left ) of Spirit Mountain .


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thats correct,but,its still part of spirit mnt,its all the same area,np

secretcanyon,no im not,thank

img126.jpgBesides the three rich men from the gold fields of California, another interesting character was there. His name was Robert Sallee James (Jesse James' father). He supposedly dies in 1850, but there is no known gravesite and no burial date. This could be another KGC connection. Again, I ask the question, what made Hardy leave the gold field and come to the middle of nowhere to run a ferry on the Colorado River? Could he have been doing something far more important for his rich friends? There already was a Union crossing farther south, as well as a Union Fort. Something to think about.Img_7094.jpgDo you see the KGC connection in this picture?np ps,please click on to picture to enlarge.

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As I stated before, my health is not what it used to be and I decided to share my theory about the stone tablets before it was too late. I realize that my theory goes against "conventional wisdom", but where has "conventional wisdom" gotten us? The first assumption people make is to search where they were found. If your starting point is wrong, than nothing can be gained by continuing in that direction. The stone tablets were being transported to a "castle", mission or meeting place and from there to be turned over to someone in the confederation. For some reason (no one knows) they never made it. And there they lay until they were discovered years later. Their discovery and subsiquent mis-interpretations gave rise to a legend that had nothing to do with what the creaters intended.
Another assumption is that the "priest" refers to a Spanish padre or something strictly religious in nature rather than a much larger symbolic meaning. It follows that if the priest is mis-interpreted, so are the remaining symbols and the KCG connection soon became lost to a created legend.
The stone tablets were to be used in a certain place, for a certain purpose, to show you a map. A map which will lead you to the KGC temple of the crescent moon. Within this temple lies the KGC "tomb of God", which is the main treasury. That's why there is no mention of treasure, gold, silver or mines on the stone tablets. Nor is the name of the river mentioned. The confederation already knows this information. All of this planning started long before the Civil War. np

This petroglyph is in Bridge Canyon in the Spirit Mountains area. img110.jpg np

The Temple

Hello N.P.

Your comments regarding the temple hit me pretty hard. Are you saying there is such a temple in the area of Spirit Mountain?

If so are you open to the possibility that such a temple could be of different origin?

As you know one of the artifacts, (the Latin Heart) is intimately a part of the Stone Map history. What many people fail to understand is that the Latin Heart is woven into the very fabric of the Tucson Artifacts. Both The Tucson Artifacts and the Latin Heart speak to us utilizing what is referred to as ancient Latin. This form of Latin was prevelant at the time of the existance of Calalus.

Also both the Latin Heart and the Tucson Artifacts utilize star navigation systems. The same system that is incorporated in the Circlestone observatory and several other observatories in the Superstitions. I have personally found such an observatory near Spirit Mountain. It`s function seems identical to the one at Circlestone.

If you are open to what I indicated in my first sentence let me know. I would like to share a discovery I made at Spirit Mountain. A discovery that almost cost me my life. The two men who saved me I believe were descendants of the settlers of Calalus.

Tom Dunkle

Hello N.P.

Your comments regarding the temple hit me pretty hard. Are you saying there is such a temple in the area of Spirit Mountain?

If so are you open to the possibility that such a temple could be of different origin?

As you know one of the artifacts, (the Latin Heart) is intimately a part of the Stone Map history. What many people fail to understand is that the Latin Heart is woven into the very fabric of the Tucson Artifacts. Both The Tucson Artifacts and the Latin Heart speak to us utilizing what is referred to as ancient Latin. This form of Latin was prevelant at the time of the existance of Calalus.

Also both the Latin Heart and the Tucson Artifacts utilize star navigation systems. The same system that is incorporated in the Circlestone observatory and several other observatories in the Superstitions. I have personally found such an observatory near Spirit Mountain. It`s function seems identical to the one at Circlestone.

If you are open to what I indicated in my first sentence let me know. I would like to share a discovery I made at Spirit Mountain. A discovery that almost cost me my life. The two men who saved me I believe were descendants of the settlers of Calalus.

Tom Dunkle


I take it you are a "gatekeeper".


Tom, I have been pondering the mysteries of the Spirit Mountain area for over 15 years. This area has such an amazing confluence of markers, monuments and stories that it can be daunting. Due to the spiritual nature of the area, no personal experience of yours would ever surprise me. Contradicting the "experts" in stone tablet lore has not deterred me from presenting my theory. I have too many facts to prove a KGC connection despite what other "real KGC experts" have expanded on. I don't KNOW what is in Spirit Mountain, but there are too many indicators to ignore. Believe me, if I was younger, I'd have already been up there to look. np

tom,heres something to think about, if tou believe in calalus,then you also believe in terra Incognita,they talk about the serpents and monsters,and lions. the unknown land consisted of these things,I would have you go to america;s nazca lines,what experts thought for years was small horses,turned out to be lions,the american nazca lines bring you to only one place , spirit mountain. I also would refer you to the orion zone,grape vine canyon has a complete orions belt petroglyph,on the net go to the orion zone ,grape vine canyon,nv, this is all FACT. np

tom,there were a lot of shipping interest on the colorado river untill the 1900's, np

Hello NP,

I hope you find my comments of interest.

Cactus Jumper,

My real name is Keyser Soze. Please just leave me alone and go harass some one else.

Tom Dunkle.

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