Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

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After all the back and forth on this thread, I've been struck by a few things:
The first arguement against my theory was that there never was a mission at the base of the Superstitions. There WAS, but that doesn't change the basics of my theory. The stone tablets don't lead to the Superstition Mtns just because they were found there.
I was told that there are LOTS of heart rocks in plenty of mountains. How many heart rocks are above a canyon containing a map? No one debated whether I found a map or not.
I was told I was "making up clues" to match the tablets. Well, isn't looking for clues what we all do?
My clues and markers just don't happen to be in the "generally accepted" area. I was even challenged on my use of the word "monument" to describe the large rock formations. I can't move these monuments to a place that it convenient for everyone. That is the challenge of my theory.
I respect honest debate but know some people will find any fault they can to minimize what I have located.
Once I searched the heart and found the map, I couldn't ignore the many additional matches to the stone tablets that I was seeing.
Instead of just telling me that there was no mission, shouldn't you at least be telling me that what I say could be a "priest" rock looks nothing like a priest? Or my "dagger" rock looks nothing like the dagger on the stone tablets?
Of all the people who have visited this thread - I wonder if anyone has bothered to come look. This area is so important that the Spanish sent Padre Fransico Garces here. (That's well documented.)
One final note: The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. After 60+ years, isn't it possible that people are looking in the wrong place for the clues that the stone tablets contain? And remember, they never mention treasure, gold, silver or a mine OR Peralta or the name of the river.
Sincerely, Not Peralta please click on pictures to enlarge photo.thank you np
View attachment 789928View attachment 789929View attachment 789930View attachment 789931
PART #2, SACRED INDIAN MOUNTAIN. Img002. The monument in center, has a similar shape to the huge {Aztec-chief?} monument in photo img001. Speaking hypothetically: This 'dagger-shaped' monument could have originally been a sculpture of an {Aztec-chief}, and later changed by the Spanish stone-cutters. Would be an incorporation of 'ancient and later Spanish influence'. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- - Photo of monument found here in America, resembles an Aztec-chief, like the one's in your photo. Years ago met a treasure hunter from Spain, searching here in America for 27 years on the 'old Spanish trails'. His believed that the descendants of the Aztec were here in America's past. ---------- Speaking hypothetically: The dagger shaped monument, could have been the monument of a 'Aztec-chief' that the Spaniards later carved off the face and added their carvings to it. Looking at the dagger shaped monument, right below the curve of the top {on the right-side} is a 'bear-head' profile pointing down. It's mouth is the shape of a 'cave' {tunnel-symbol}, outlined by the shadow. {THE SHADOW KNOWS} ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The circular shadow to the left of the 'bear-head' has a small {dot} circle in it. Book Treasure, signs, symbol.......: [page 36} Shows the classic 'tunnel-symbol'. And that the tunnel symbol is often found with the mine symbol {circle in a circle}. On the 'dagger-shaped' monument there is a carved triangle with a ' V ' on top of it. The ' V ' symbol means 'open' according to the book, 'The Rocks Begin To Speak'. On the rock outcrop left of the 'dagger-shaped' monument are 'face-profiles' and some symbols.

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After all the back and forth on this thread, I've been struck by a few things:
The first arguement against my theory was that there never was a mission at the base of the Superstitions. There WAS, but that doesn't change the basics of my theory. The stone tablets don't lead to the Superstition Mtns just because they were found there.
I was told that there are LOTS of heart rocks in plenty of mountains. How many heart rocks are above a canyon containing a map? No one debated whether I found a map or not.
I was told I was "making up clues" to match the tablets. Well, isn't looking for clues what we all do?
My clues and markers just don't happen to be in the "generally accepted" area. I was even challenged on my use of the word "monument" to describe the large rock formations. I can't move these monuments to a place that it convenient for everyone. That is the challenge of my theory.
I respect honest debate but know some people will find any fault they can to minimize what I have located.
Once I searched the heart and found the map, I couldn't ignore the many additional matches to the stone tablets that I was seeing.
Instead of just telling me that there was no mission, shouldn't you at least be telling me that what I say could be a "priest" rock looks nothing like a priest? Or my "dagger" rock looks nothing like the dagger on the stone tablets?
Of all the people who have visited this thread - I wonder if anyone has bothered to come look. This area is so important that the Spanish sent Padre Fransico Garces here. (That's well documented.)
One final note: The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. After 60+ years, isn't it possible that people are looking in the wrong place for the clues that the stone tablets contain? And remember, they never mention treasure, gold, silver or a mine OR Peralta or the name of the river.
Sincerely, Not Peralta please click on pictures to enlarge photo.thank you np
View attachment 789928View attachment 789929View attachment 789930View attachment 789931
PART #2, SACRED INDIAN MOUNTAIN. Img002. The monument in center, has a similar shape to the huge {Aztec-chief?} monument in photo img001. Speaking hypothetically: This 'dagger-shaped' monument could have originally been a sculpture of an {Aztec-chief}, and later changed by the Spanish stone-cutters. Would be an incorporation of 'ancient and later Spanish influence'.

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trailrider,yes the spanish were here,and they were following in the foot steps of


"A phosphene is a multicolored shape or pattern seen in the darkness, without external visual stimulation. Phosphenes can be seen with closed eyes or in a completely dark room with open eyes. Phosphenes may appear as:

* spirals
* exploding stars
* wispy clouds
* wheels
* tunnels
* parallel lines
* wavy lines
* dotted lines
* zigzags
* checkerboards
* honeycombs
* spider webs
* dot patterns
* circles within circles
* crosses
* thin meandering lines, like lightning
* geometric shapes, like triangles, squares, pentagons
* and so on. "

The european ancient folks gave the light of culture to many other civilizations . Don't forget how the word " phosphene " is a greek word . The wavy lines , usually are a symbol for movement or a motion in general descriptions . The motion combined with the phosphene ( light and dark ) is exactly what i said .
The relation of greek culture and Native American art still to be a mystery .



"A phosphene is a multicolored shape or pattern seen in the darkness, without external visual stimulation. Phosphenes can be seen with closed eyes or in a completely dark room with open eyes. Phosphenes may appear as:

* spirals
* exploding stars
* wispy clouds
* wheels
* tunnels
* parallel lines
* wavy lines
* dotted lines
* zigzags
* checkerboards
* honeycombs
* spider webs
* dot patterns
* circles within circles
* crosses
* thin meandering lines, like lightning
* geometric shapes, like triangles, squares, pentagons
* and so on. "

The european ancient folks gave the light of culture to many other civilizations . Don't forget how the word " phosphene " is a greek word . The wavy lines , usually are a symbol for movement or a motion in general descriptions . The motion combined with the phosphene ( light and dark ) is exactly what i said .
The relation of greek culture and Native American art still to be a mystery .



I am aware of all of your points in your last post. I don't disagree, other than "The relation of greek culture and Native American art still to be a mystery ."

I have investigated the known spiritual aspect of phosphenes, as they relate to Native Americans. It may be difficult for you to research the subject, as I doubt :dontknow: there is a lot of information on the Internet. You have left out floaters in your list.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

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Looks like a line drawn by some dude with one leg shorter than the other.:icon_scratch:


Here's the picture you requested. Let me know what you think. npimg133.webp

Not Peralta

You seem to be alittle quacked. Are you quackers or something.


Hello my friends ,lets get along.the 1847 is used to find the will see these numbers next to it.when you find the one go to the right to find 8 and 4 the 7 is the treasure location ,7 means gold.
Take Care

Here's the picture you requested. Let me know what you think. np<img src=""/>

Hello not peralta,look at the photo with shrubs and large rock formation in distant right side.below rock wall there is a boulder pointer follow the tip and there is a mine symbol,circle in a circle.
Take Care

peralta, if that works for you, good for you. good luck. np

trailrider,thanks for sharing your photo;s,np

Hello my friends ,lets get along.the 1847 is used to find the will see these numbers next to it.when you find the one go to the right to find 8 and 4 the 7 is the treasure location ,7 means gold.
Take Care


Can you tell us your source for the 7 meaning "gold"?

I have only seen it used to denote a good/best campsite.




If the wavy line has more spiritual and not technical meaning why the temple is conected to the line ? I gave a technical meaning because the petroglyphs looks like a map . What connection could have the Cross in the temple with the old Native Americans beliefs ?
If you believe how I am wrong , Ok , I am .


markmar thank you for your


If the wavy line has more spiritual and not technical meaning why the temple is conected to the line ? I gave a technical meaning because the petroglyphs looks like a map . What connection could have the Cross in the temple with the old Native Americans beliefs ?
If you believe how I am wrong , Ok , I am .



It's just my opinion, same as you. I don't agree it's a temple. If it is, you might be talking Aztec. The Spanish did have a habit of adding their own markings to the Native American rock art, so it can get confusing. No one is right or wrong when it comes to interpreting the meaning of rock art.

Good luck,


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You know how is a possibility , Spanish to was not the first Christians who came in America . A temple , after a fight . could change hands and belief ( and losers artifacts could be thrown away ) . In the beginning ( the temple ) maybe belonged to Christians , after belonged to Toltecs and at last belonged to Aztecs .


This Cross is an Christian Orthodox with Celtic influence .
Look for similarities in those pictures

Temple 1.webp Temple.webp

Have a nice day


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View attachment 790747markmar and cactusjumper, To a certain extent, I think you're both right. On the outside of my squared area of the map, my difference in opinion comes in where I believe the dots are the trail (and therefore not six days). The solid squiggly line is a representation of Spirit Mtn as seen from Christmas Tree Pass Road and hence could be a shamanistic interpretation. I would like to focus on the main map that markmar detailed in color in a previous post. I believe he is right in his interpretation to a point. I would appreciate any comments regarding the main map. Thank-you, NP
Hey Not Peralta, enjoy studying this map, it is a cool looking petroglyph. I'm not experienced at all in interpreting pictography, but started reading and studying the book, THE ROCKS BEGIN TO SPEAK. { desertmoons suggested I get this book, because the natives sometimes marked their cave openings with these type panels.} I see many symbols that are in the book, that is on your map. It mentions that the Indians used {rock incorporation}, that they would employ rock features to add to the meaning of a panel. They also used {symbol combination} and {symbol incorporation}. Combination-just combining 2 or more symbols together. Incorporation-blending 2 or more symbols together. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------- I'll list a few of the symbols found in the book and their meaning: The hands with part of the arms means: REACHING. The hands only means: DEATH {Qjibwa}. The ' T ' {the top of the ' T ' is longer} means: UNDER. The single solid 'dot' means: HERE. The 'square' means: OBJECT or PLACE. The widened ' V ' means: OPEN. The ' O ' means: HOLDING. A short 'horizontal-line' means TRAIL. A solid filled in 'bar-shape' means: SOMETHING THERE. A larger plus-sign ' + ' means: CROSSED. A diamond means: PEACE, UNISON. 'Dots forming a trail mean: FOOT-PRINTS. They are many more, 'best to get the book.' The cost of the book is about $20.00. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Speaking hypothetically: On the bottom center, you have 2-diamond symbols combined, which may mean that 2 different Indian tribes were in peace with each other {in-unison}. On the upper left of the photo the 'reaching-hands', are reaching toward the {' T ' under-symbol} combination. The curved 'turned-symbol' is connected {combined} to the bottom of the 'under-symbol'. The ' T ' under-symbol is combined with many other symbols. The 'dot' symbol which means 'here' is located to the right of the ' T ' under-symbol. The 'reaching-arms' may be reaching toward the symbol combination that represents the entrance into a cave/cavern.

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You know how is a possibility , Spanish to was not the first Christians who came in America . A temple , after a fight . could change hands and belief ( and losers artifacts could be thrown away ) . In the beginning ( the temple ) maybe belonged to Christians , after belonged to Toltecs and at last belonged to Aztecs .

View attachment 791326

This Cross is an Christian Orthodox with Celtic influence .
Look for similarities in those pictures

View attachment 791342 View attachment 791343

Have a nice day


There are no similarities in these two pictures...I would like to see you point them out. Even the so-called roof on the left side is melting down. What do you do for a living?

Simply amazed,

Ellie Baba


It's just my opinion, same as you. I don't agree it's a temple. If it is, you might be talking Aztec. The Spanish did have a habit of adding their own markings to the Native American rock art, so it can get confusing. No one is right or wrong when it comes to interpreting the meaning of rock art.

Good luck,



Did you really write that statement?

Ellie B

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