facts are facts, I still have not shown you all the facts,and dont intend to, sure its some where else, and i do not have to pretend, or make up stories, to justify anything, my thread, is about the truth, you might try reading all of it .just because the stone tablets,were found ,in one place,does not mean,thats the place their leading you to, my theory is my theory, you dont like it,thats your opinion,but,you dont need to come on my site,and be rude ,LOOK and READ,before accusing someone of making some thing up,If you want to see the proof,I already told every one in the world,how to get to the area,and to see most of it,you dont even have to get out of your vehicle. and, while im at it,remember the tablets do not name the river,they do not say any thing about treasure,gold,or silver,or peralta.np p.s. my thread is not peralta, not peralta,nor a treasure hunter.