Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


..... At the base of the Pyrenees is the small and very famous town of Rennes-le-Château. Should ring a bell.

What I was trying to point out to everyone here is this: We must think just like Father Kino once thought and open up our minds to understand why he had given certain places names he had chosen. Father Kino left us so many clues to help us figure out why he was here. Look at his maps and comments found on these maps, ie: Notes Relating to Father Kino’s Maps of Pimeria Alta

Passage Par Terre A La Californie 1702, Kino Map

French phrase found on upper right hand area beneath Casa Grande left of San Fernando (named by Bernal) at Gila and San Pedro River confluence; ou de la filasse (French) = or of the oakum = old tar rope (ships rigging recycled by hand to caulk wooden ships.). Another secret; find out what the dimensions of each map equals to. ....

Ellie B

Are you making a connection between Kino's work and the alleged Sauniere discoveries in France?

A nautical reference on the Gila River? Why would this be remarkable? The river's connection to the sea was old news in Kino's day.

Joe I enjoy your posts. You bring clarity to the issues and you are quick to point out the bull when you see it.

NP. This is a public forum and all opinions are welcome. You want to restrict opinion get your own web page.

I heard a story about a Dutchman named Jake who had a mine in the Superstition Mtns. It happened a long time ago and I can't prove it. But a lot of people believe it, so it must be "TRUE"....
I heard a story about a Dutchman named Jake who passed through Hardyville and may have visited a mine in the Spirit Mtns. It happened a long time ago and I can't prove it. But a lot of people don't believe it, so it must be "FALSE"....
Do the stone tablets lead into the Superstition Mtns because they were found nearby or do they lead back to where they were made?
Old "truths" aren't necessarily true just because they're OLD.

True NP. I've seen several areas the stones could fit. Then again they could be a big joke. One day I would like to examine the real stones rather than copies.

sgtfda thank you for the advice,why not tell joe to get his own web page, and before you start judging someone's thread, why dont you read the whole thing ,and then you will understand ,why theres no one here for joe, thats what is nice about it being a public forum. he's just become a one-note charlie. np


Thanks for the kind words. I try to keep it real but, to tell the truth, with all the wacko's coming out of the woodwork, it's getting to be more and more like a mindless cluster boink these days.

BB had the balls to come to a Rendezvous and hike into his site. He also told everyone his real name early on. These guys never come out from behind their keyboards into the real world.

Hope to see you this October.

Take care,


NP. I have read the thread. Funny thing about Joe he does know his stuff. I'll never forget BB showing up at Dons Camp. Joe unfolds a map and points to a spot. Looks at BB and says here is where you think the LDM is. Ha! The look on BB's face. That was the BB secret spot.
These issues attract many who have a opinion. Something could have been found and many don't want to hear it. They just can't accept it. I rule nothing out. In the past I located a site along with physical artifacts. Many still would not accept it. Their loss. If someone traveled a road before me I try to learn what they learned and avoid the pot holes up ahead.

sgtfda Im glad you have found things, I hope you good fortune in the years to come,the last part about traveling a road,maybe you could give cactus jumper a lesson or two,thanks np

I heard a story about a Dutchman named Jake who had a mine in the Superstition Mtns. It happened a long time ago and I can't prove it. But a lot of people believe it, so it must be "TRUE"....
I heard a story about a Dutchman named Jake who passed through Hardyville and may have visited a mine in the Spirit Mtns. It happened a long time ago and I can't prove it. But a lot of people don't believe it, so it must be "FALSE"....
Do the stone tablets lead into the Superstition Mtns because they were found nearby or do they lead back to where they were made?
Old "truths" aren't necessarily true just because they're OLD.

NP, etal,

There is only one place the Stone Maps will fit...and that is the truth. Why is it that no one can accept the McGee's research? 1 + 1 = 2, horse located on Florence quad = truth. Horse looking at millsite = sight, a witness mark! What more do you need? Read the article the McGee's had written and SEE the other clever clues that were uncovered.

Exodus 33:5, For the Lord had said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites, ‘You are a stiff-necked people. If I were to go with you even for a moment, I might destroy you.’”

Its true what they say, once again history repeats itself.

wrmickel, where are you when I need you?

Ellie Baba

Are you making a connection between Kino's work and the alleged Sauniere discoveries in France?

A nautical reference on the Gila River? Why would this be remarkable? The river's connection to the sea was old news in Kino's day.

Yes! with an explanation. Can I post a picture on this forum straight from my C Drive? I hate photobucket!

Kino was making a reference to the fact that the treasures were transported from a French port or French ships. Each clue by itself seems

useless, but once all of them are added together a perfect picture is formed. The truth can be seen once we clear away the clutter. I need to

send a picture depicting this very truth.

NP, study the history and document the truths or you will wander in the darkness, in fact you already are! This is for everyone's benefit. I

suggest that you and Joe get together, shake hands, do a couple rounds in the ring and then come out shaking hands. I can see both sides

of the coin but this stuff has got to stop!

I am going back to the Stone Map forum.

Springfield I will look for your instructions there.

Adios Amigos!

You better come with me Tramp.

Ellie Baba

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Can we assume your book is based on Bernice McGee's Stone Map article ?
With the Horse Map derived from the layout of the 1900 Florence Topo ?

But there is something that keeps drawing me back to the "knight" on the mountain , which you were first to post a photo of.
I've often looked at him, while quenching my thirst at the end of the day, and wondered what travellers in Kino's time would have thought of the sight.
There is even a faint cross visible on his shield.

View attachment 100_1179sm.bmp


Wayne have you defrosted from the deep freeze yet? It's heating up this week out here in the Superstition shadows.
Joe in the circle of those who lived in the area where the mission building is said to be located there seems to be a buzz about it. Did Ernie ever comment on it. I enjoyed talking to him at Dons Camp.
NP did Ward ever show you his map that was later destroyed in the fire. If do do you have a opinion of it. I've only talked to one person about it and he made a copy. He said it does not make much sense.

I've been out front doing some yard work and enjoying the sunshine. Better than yesterday, when I had to scrape ice off the car.
No, Ernie never mentioned a mission while I was there, but a mission would have been more than a single building anyway and even a single building that size would have been hard to keep secret all these years. There was an adobe ranch house near the pond east of Queen Creek, close to where the Stones were found. An article I read some time ago said it was dismantled and moved somewhere else to preserve it. Also said the ranch house had been built on the site of an earlier structure. If someone can find a map showing the original ranch name, they can probably google the same article about the ranch house.


ellie b I agree, the stone tablets will fit, only in one place, and that is the truth, and thats what kino was looking for, the truth,but he never found it ,remember who sent kino to this country,and why he was sent here,to try and put a story together,and make since out of it.and map it. there were many here before kino,and after kino,the reason for this,is because kino could not locate from the native peoples ,what they where sent here to find, I told every one that i had not finished my theory,sure there were french ships with money and troops in the sea of cortez,but,they left ,and did not leave anything,they just turned around and left.and at a religous basis,is how you need to look at the horse tablet,you dont need to follow shadows,you need to follow the creator,and the truth.all the padres,no matter what their faith ,or following,all, and I mean all they were sent to this country for, was to strip it of all its riches. the best way to do that was to befreind the natives, but the word had reached the natives in this country about what happened in history,long before ,the spaniards and the padre's reached this land,It's always about the gold .look what the pope did to its own knights of the temple, over greed,for riches. yes there were riches and artifacts brought to this country,but no one will ever be able to put his or her hands on it.yes,the tablets do take you to only one place ,but its a spiritual place. and theres a reason the area had never been hunted for treasure. the native people even to this day,will take you,from one place to the other.but they beleive,and they really have no idea what is really there ,exept they know its special,and its a special place .spirit mountain,nv enjoy with

sgtfda what map are you talking about,maybe i can help you.If your talking about the degrazia map,from what i know from bob ,i would not waste my time on

sgtfda ,somehiker, when you turn onto peralta road going to peralta trailhead,on the right side of the road used to be a cattle lease,it was fenced off all the way to the trail head, if you follow that fence line,there used to be one road ,with a gate ,and at that time that was the only gate in the fence,and you went through the gate to get to bobs cabin,the fence is off the right hand side of peralta road ,about100yards , if you can find the gate or were it used to be, stand at the gate,turn around backwards,and on a small hill on the right hand side is were the mission or visita was located, you should be able to still see the foundation, if you take a copy of the picture and walk around the foundation,look and match up the back ground.thats the best I can tell you were it was

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NP thanks. Next time I'm up that way ill look. Ward made a huge long map that burned with the cabin. So I was told by the person that made a copy.

Not Peralta

I respect your opinion or theory , but in the Spirit M. you can find only " spirits ". Your theory is a " revolution " between other theories and would better to have solid foundations ( which I don't see ) to support your theory .

The map which you posted show the heart just north of Gila river , therefore in the Superstition M. . You don't put evidences which can go against your theory .


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markmar apparently,you have not read my theory from the begining of this thread. and seen some of the pictures,I posted.I do have very solid foundations on the stone

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