Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Do the stones lead to another place other than Peralta in the Supes?

If the stones end at this canyon but the numbers continue in clues, we can assume they might lead to more treasures

I see numbers that symbolize clues from 1 - 8

Step 4: the shape of a cross leaning, or the number four rotated

find the cross laid on the ground, (this is all symbolic at this point so try to imagine a larger scale) across the whole US that charts the exploration points of the Spanish, rotated in the direction shown

View attachment 1081540

us this as the base, then to Santa Fe, where the "Foundation" was laid of the Church of the Holy Faith...these begin to align as points on the tree of life....

then the 5th clue

Step 5:

Find the Star Map that shows the two mine locations at the ends of the cross points.....symbolized by the two mine symbols and the 5 drawn on the Horse Stone

the lines drawn from this the area north of santa fe where they settled the first city in New Spain, and then onto the finish....

The Cerro Punto in Nova Scotia, where the cross' arms can be calculated from.

we see one point at the tip of the Chesapeake, and the other at the end of James Bay.

the line continues straight to the Azores and banks a turn to go onto Spain, a fully charted map of settlements deciphered and even located to be reminiscent of a romantic map ....the Peralta Stones are this map

I still say they lead to the outhouse at the Dons camp.
Just my proof yet.

I disagree.

I have concluded that the Stones leads to this:


I swear I can taste a little of that El Cobollo in their burgers, from time to time.

For those who doubt this, let me point out that The Jack in the Box did exist around the time the stones were discovered:


It is good to keep a sense of humor, and a positive attitude too.

Regardless of what anyone else believes or doesn't believe about the stone maps, follow your star amigos, who knows maybe one day someone will find the treasure just as our amigo Sarge found gold by using the stone maps. No one ever found a treasure by sitting at home after all.

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. :thumbsup:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Want fries with that?

What is the purpose of your remark? And please to all posters keep it on topic or close to it. To much good information to have it ruined by a few.Privide good information either way(yes/no) but do not take it off topic or trash it up.
Thanks. I watched the show on American unearthed about the stones as well. The problem with that show is they have yet to ever prove anything that I know of. But being a treasure hunter of sorts I always cheer for the treasure.

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Is there a specific reason your harassing Oroblanco? If your doing it to try to earn a time out then it is working...


Most everyone knows that "harassing Oroblanco" is just the nature of the beast. Don't know if he would know how to take it if folks got polite......all of a sudden. :dontknow:



Most everyone knows that "harassing Oroblanco" is just the nature of the beast. Don't know if he would know how to take it if folks got polite......all of a sudden. :dontknow:

Here is the thing, it violates our rules, wouldn't matter if it bothered or didn't bother Oroblanco, it violates our rules, rules are the same for all forums except our politics forum which has its own set of rules.......


According to Ray Grant at the Mining and Minerals Museum and Greg Davis, the ones at the SMHS Museum are the originals. I asked Ray that several years ago, as I knew they had a second display set made. Ray told me in no uncertain terms that the ones on loan to the SMHS Museum are the ones donated to the Flagg Foundation in 1969. The display set are supposed to be on display at ASU. Now, if you believe that the ones claimed to be original are not the originals, then that is another story.


Not exactly TRUE!

The part that they got them from the Flagg Foundation I gather is, There a mix of the old and new, Cause on the trail map The dagger or big knife was scraped off and at start there was no arrow, it was a 2 on the real one. Scraped off!
I know this to be true cause mom never lies, Well she does if it keeps the treasure crazy hounds off her back.



I posted this in August of last year...

"Finally got around to purchasing a copy of the Superstition mountain Journal Vol. 29 recently. There are two articles with information about the Stone Maps. Part 2 of Azmula's theories regarding the history of the stones and of more topical interest, a write up by Greg Davis about Noble Dwyer.
Greg includes exerpts from the journal of Ron Lorenz detailing the claim by Dwyer to have found the original, and only genuine Stone Map in 1947.
Lorenz writes that he has viewed a photo of this stone, the Horse/Priest Stone on the bumper of a 1946 Dodge. This photo was destroyed in 1983, along with other information by Dwyer, who felt that there had been too much trouble and loss of life caused by the stones. It was Noble who had given the stone to Tumlinson, who in turn had fabricated the two phoney trail maps in order to supplement the H/P stone.

Tom Kollenborn has written about Ron Lorenz...http://superstitionmountaintomkollen...1_archive.html I have not seen anything by Tom about Noble Dwyer."

So..rather than being destroyed, and it looks like someone (Dwyer ?) crumpled the photo, was the photo rescued by someone else ?


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The same photo, as originally published


The car has been identified as a 1939 Oldsmobile.

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Very interesting.

From the article:

"Always remember; just because somebody says something, even if you respect them as an authority, it doesn’t mean it’s true."

Speak of the devil huh, Joe? :laughing7:

But..."Lorenz writes that he has viewed a photo of this stone, the Horse/Priest Stone on the bumper of a 1946 Dodge."
makes it clear that Lorenz is actually referring to a similar photo of the H/P stone, rather than the Trail Stones bumper photo. And on another car of more recent vintage.

Seems like Tom should have taken his own advice, and taken Ron's story with a grain of salt. There are too many desperate for recognition who want to be tied to the LDM. Many such stories always come after the original, and with nothing to back them up. Ron's story came after the PSM's had been made public, and after Travis had passed away.


Very interesting.

From the article:

Speak of the devil huh, Joe? :laughing7:


If you have something to say to me, you will need to write it in a more forthright manner. As you know, I do value plain talk. On the other hand, I also like clever subterfuge.:laughing7: Not accusing you of being clever.......just saying.

Joe Ribaudo


"So..rather than being destroyed, and it looks like someone (Dwyer ?) crumpled the photo, was the photo rescued by someone else ?"

I believe the original picture was given to Dr. Glover by Dr. Gene Davis. It was "cleaned up" for his book by Dr. Glover.

Good luck,



Where did Gene Davis get the original ? Or was he the original owner of the photo ?


Do the stones lead to another place other than Peralta in the Supes?

If the stones end at this canyon but the numbers continue in clues, we can assume they might lead to more treasures

I see numbers that symbolize clues from 1 - 8

Step 4: the shape of a cross leaning, or the number four rotated

find the cross laid on the ground, (this is all symbolic at this point so try to imagine a larger scale) across the whole US that charts the exploration points of the Spanish, rotated in the direction shown

View attachment 1081540

us this as the base, then to Santa Fe, where the "Foundation" was laid of the Church of the Holy Faith...these begin to align as points on the tree of life....

then the 5th clue, where you use the Nolan Cross and the Star map it forms to find the sixth clue

Step 5:

Find the Star Map that shows the two mine locations at the ends of the cross points.....symbolized by the two mine symbols and the 5 drawn on the Horse Stone

the lines drawn from this the area north of santa fe where they settled the first city in New Spain, and then onto the finish....

The Cerro Punto in Nova Scotia, where the cross' arms can be calculated from. if I am not mistaken they did pull up some roman numerals on the Island that said V on them

we see one point at the tip of the Chesapeake, and the other at the end of James Bay.

the line continues straight to the Azores and banks a turn to go onto Spain, a fully charted map of settlements deciphered and even located to be reminiscent of a romantic map ....the Peralta Stones are this map

Clue 6 is located at the Donkey's eye, making the number VI turned sideways....this is the outline of the next bay over, and peninsula after the bay Oak Island is set in on the map the number drawn as a 6 is the location in the mapped peninsula

Clue 7 is the triangle with the line through it, the point you use the cypher stone to chart your directions to the end trove, having dug it up on Oak Island in clue 5 and found the next area marked by the two stones with holes as a directional marker to get to 6 there from the sailboat stones drawn

Clue 8 is the ........

(dies at desktop never to find the trove)


Where did Gene Davis get the original ? Or was he the original owner of the photo ?



Thomas has told me that story, but I can't remember who gave Gene Davis the original. I will ask Thomas if he wants that information made public.

Take care,


Gee Whiz, here I am working 2 theories to either disprove them as a modern hoax or disprove them as authentic Jesuit maps. Either way to me the basic premise is similar in either scenario.

A starting monument or point, a general finish area point, and symbols representing what to look for along the "trail". So somebody had to have a good bit of knowledge about what these areas look like if they can be found on the Stones. In my opinion looking beyond the Superstitions is a bit of a stretch, especially if you start bringing in locations hundreds or even thousands of miles away.

So are they authentic or a hoax? Maybe a bag of wheat pennies at the end or a cleaned out treasure cache or maybe just maybe something of more value. My point is somebody made them for a reason and the quest is to find that reason, hopefully with some actual physical proof instead of "assumptions", speculation and circumstantial proof. So it's anybody's game on what they wish to interpret.

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