Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Hei NP

How are you ?

the America unearthed show that aired last

I just watched it online. I started laughing right from the start when they showed Julia Thomas as a white woman. Everything went downhill from there. When Wolter was standing with Tom Kollenborn on The Massacre Grounds, and he said he needed to find where the Stone Maps were, I laughed because they were standing a few hundred feet from the SMHS Museum where the originals are.



Here is a photo of the real thing. The ones on display are blackish.

I just watched the America Unearthed show about The Lost Dutchmans Mine, Scott Wolter is a real Indiana Jonser, he put a weak effort in finding it, you think he would of had a team searching real hard for it, instead of his brief stroll through the park. I like how he got a text message in a mine, when I can't even get radio reception in the Baltimore Tunnel.

According to Scott, "Sometimes history isn't what we have been told". Like when it is being fed to us through the History Channel.:dontknow: As Gollom said, it starts wrong, and only goes downhill, too much point out.

I still enjoyed seeing Tom, Ron, and Phil. I don't believe I know who Jim is, I just don't know why Tom, and Ron would be part of a show revealing the PSM's when they don't believe in them. I also don't understand how Scott agrees with Ron that the mine has never been lost, and they are both still looking for it?

Waltz said that no miner would find his mine, that in my opinion rules out geology, geology, and geology. Only his directions, or maybe the map would help find it, but then you would need to know where east, and west really are.


It's a reality show made to entertain the general public. I found it entertaining as did Tom.

It's a reality show made to entertain the general public. I found it entertaining as did Tom.

Exactly - the only reason I watched it was for the scenery and to see if anyone I knew was on it. Anyone tuning in hoping to get anything more than 45 minutes of entertainment value out of it hasn't watched any reality (nonreality imho) shows over the years.

It gave me a smile to see Ron show off the piece of "Kochera Ore" as well as a few of his "winks and nods" comments. Knowing some of the stories surrounding that ore, where it came from, when it showed up, etc... I'm sure Ron took pleasure out of being able to show off a piece of LDM ore on national television.

The whole episode made me laugh hard! The host's egotism and cluelessness permeated every facet of the show. As if he was going to wrap it all up in an hour that has eluded many brilliant men for a century or more. I just shake my head.

The whole episode made me laugh hard! The host's egotism and cluelessness permeated every facet of the show. As if he was going to wrap it all up in an hour that has eluded many brilliant men for a century or more. I just shake my head.

I'm still eating the popcorn on this one.......

Dude worked for the federal govt in the past........doing a Concrete Forensic Investigation......on the PENTAGON after the "plane" hit on 9/11.....studying the concrete.....:icon_scratch:

This is his biggest claim to fame according to his own website, and we haven't heard any of this evidence before....?? :censored:

Wonder what residues he found?? From Jet Fuel, or ????:censored:????

Just ask him to show us all his "Concrete Evidence"..:laughing7:..and how he's now gallivanting around on a trumped up "Honorary Doctorate in Geology" or something that doesn't exist. You do a favor for the govt and they let you say anything you want to

There is another reason why these men are being funded to do their "research work" you know.:blackbeard:

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Here is a photo of the real thing. The ones on display are blackish.


According to Ray Grant at the Mining and Minerals Museum and Greg Davis, the ones at the SMHS Museum are the originals. I asked Ray that several years ago, as I knew they had a second display set made. Ray told me in no uncertain terms that the ones on loan to the SMHS Museum are the ones donated to the Flagg Foundation in 1969. The display set are supposed to be on display at ASU. Now, if you believe that the ones claimed to be original are not the originals, then that is another story.


Last year they had the reddish stones on display. They now have black ones. They are not original.

Last year they had the reddish stones on display. They now have black ones. They are not original.

I remember that originally, the deal with the ASU Mining and Mineral Museum was that SMHS Museum would keep the stone maps on display for a few years and split any monies with ASU. The ones I got to use my microscope on and examine up close were the reddish ones (that was in 2010). I just email Ray Grant at the Mining and Minerals Museum to see if they took the originals back.


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