Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Hey Frank,

I just confirmed via email with both Greg Davis (SMHS) and Ray Grant (ASU Mining and Minerals Museum) that the Stone Maps that are at the SMHS Museum are indeed the originals that are on permanent loan.

One thing that may make them seem different from different pics is the lighting in different pictures. I do agree that the stones in jack San Felice's Pictures look like they are fresh from having a mold taken from them. The Horse/Priest Stone has ABSOLUTELY no red in it whatsoever. My guess is that those pics were taken when the Flagg Foundation had a set made for display, and rubber molds were made from them.


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Mike. The color difference is very noticeable and the heart stone looked very thin and odd.

I think that it was a mistake getting some people that NOBODY in the community knows that believe in the authenticity of the Stone Maps to put against the likes of Tom Kollenborn and Ron Feldman that DON'T believe in them for the America Unearthed Show.

About Feldman's "wink and a nod" regarding the fact he thinks the Lost Dutchman was never lost; It was (probably) the H.E.A.T. Crew that previously cleaned out the Pit Mine in the late 1990's, and some (including Jack San Felice, Frank, and some others) believe the Pit Mine was The LDM. Its just too many things don't match up for me to put a lot of faith in that theory. Was the Pit Mine a great gold mine? I believe it may have been. The time frame matches with Chuck Kenworthy showing up at my buddy's stunt shop in L.A. with a trunk full of VERY high grade gold ore.


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Mike. The color difference is very noticeable and the heart stone looked very thin and odd.

Frank (or someone else local),

Please drop by the Museum and snap a few pics of the display, and email them to me. If they are different, I can tell 100%. Please make sure they are Hi-Resolution Pics. I handled all the Stone Maps and took a load of Hi-Res Close Ups of them in 2010.


Hello All: The Stone Maps on display at the Superstition Mountain Museum are the same today as the day they were loaned to us from the Flagg Foundation and put on display at the museum. They have NOT been changed however the lights are being changed from time to time to try to improve the lighting. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis, Three terms past president, SMHS.

With glass off image-3714070339.webp image-3714070339.webp image-4078054284.webp image-3556907802.webp


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Hello All: The Stone Maps on display at the Superstition Mountain Museum are the same today as the day they were loaned to us from the Flagg Foundation and put on display at the museum. They have NOT been changed however the lights are being changed from time to time to try to improve the lighting. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis, Three terms past president, SMHS.

Thanks Greg.



I can almost guarantee you that the stones in Jack San Felice's Pics still have rubber on them from the making of molds for a display set.


They just featured them on America Unearthed. I still say they lead to the Jack-n-the-Box on North Vulture Rd. in Wickenburg..

I posted these Stone Map pictures a number of years ago. They were done by Steve Decker from the Mining and Mineral Museum:

This Heart Stone is from the original stones and the picture was taken in a viewing room upstairs:

As you can see the lighting makes a big difference. They can be enlarged about 400%

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Check out all those Pimp Rings with that Bling Bling ! LOL

Alright the six zeros?? 000000

Whats the take on those......?

on one side there is the number 1847, and the number 10 with the mine symbol, or a degree symbol

I think the numbers correlate with the 10 on the front, using this as a 10 "to the power" of 6, corresponding to the number of 0's on the rear.........this gives us a symbol that is deciphered

Then I believe this number 6 is transposed into the 2= 3 - x - 18 = 7 in some manner to derive an equation.

any other ideas about the multiple zeros?? has to be a calculation

Check out all those Pimp Rings with that Bling Bling ! LOL

That is a lady holding the stone in the photo - it is normal for ladies to wear "bling bling".

It really makes me giggle that so many folks actually BELIEVE these stones are going to lead them ANYWHERE. There have been so many different interpretations of this "map." It led one guy to New Mexico, where he was sure he would find Montezuma's treasure:

The stones led me to Wickenburg for lunch:

And last night on the show "America Unearthed" they to the Mammoth Gold Mine..


I still say they lead to the outhouse at the Dons camp.
Just my proof yet.

Alright the six zeros?? 000000

Whats the take on those......?

on one side there is the number 1847, and the number 10 with the mine symbol, or a degree symbol

I think the numbers correlate with the 10 on the front, using this as a 10 "to the power" of 6, corresponding to the number of 0's on the rear.........this gives us a symbol that is deciphered

Then I believe this number 6 is transposed into the 2= 3 - x - 18 = 7 in some manner to derive an equation.

any other ideas about the multiple zeros?? has to be a calculation

And it has to be a calculation why exactly??

Could there be 6 zero's there because... well because Travis Tumlinson decided at one point to carve 6 zero's on it?

And it has to be a calculation why exactly??

Could there be 6 zero's there because... well because Travis Tumlinson decided at one point to carve 6 zero's on it?

Considering the fact that Travis told his friend that he had carved some things himself on the Stone Maps to throw people off if they were ever stolen? I think that's a pretty good theory! HAHAHA


Well back to calculus or algebra, whichever you prefer

there seems to be an equation or mathematical problem on the front to achieve a missing number.........the circular View attachment 1081473dot in the equation at the bottom has to be solved to get the clues right of calculated distances to travel along the dotted line

to derive the missing number you grab the map stones together, and walk the dots......the priest stone explains the three steps taken in the description find the cross, then go so many steps to the next, and so forth to get to the heart

yo boy 18 lugares.....lugares relates to dots on the map as 'places' or Placer Markers or Kerns

View attachment 1081508

Step 1:

the first number 1 on the maps says find the knife edge rock that looks like the piece drawn and then you follow a path over the ridge from the river in clue number 2 where the priest says to grab the cross to find the matching terrain at the starting point on the cross stones

the second number appears at the bottom in the form of two lines, with a cross added as a marker. and then you are given a cypher for step number 2, which can be interpreted as meaning

Step 2 =

go 3 dots to the first clue, the leaning cross symbol and the x is the area it is located in,

then go the missing number, 7 dots, to the next clue, where you see a large circular hole in the rock from the x along the trail

then another 8 dots, till you get to the Omega symbol. the final x along the trail before you go to the area where you set up the stones. notice the number one from the knife is being added to the end as a 1 plus 8 to get the 18 number scribed in the stone equation, as in the ten behind the heart stone insert??? the number ten is another missing clue in number for alignment

the confusing cypher now reads 3 + 7 + (1)8 in the series of steps to get to the end, with the number 1 added by the knife symbol and curved line to start over again

Step 3:

the three holes in the Heart Map stone are meant for a few rods to be placed inside of them, to hold another stone in a certain position to form a picture of the area surrounding the location, and then the stones are turned to a 10 degree angle to show the terrain clearly.

the rest is up to locating the heart stone descriptions and matching them with the other terra formed locations along the Heart Shaped Box Canyon that it describes being in.

So yes you need to be able to know math to know this is NOT math, but a calculated distance of measure to achieve getting to the location through a trail of clues.

aint gonna be easy to try this out without the stones.....

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