Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

ConceptualizedNetherlandr posted :
Crank the vertical exaggeration a tad on on GE and then compare
It does make me wonder what The original dimensions for the Ruth/Gonzolas map was, does anyone know what size the original was? What I have found is that if the map was 3/4 the height of the width then it matches exactly.

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May have been taken from ? View topic - Highway 60
Which credits Thomas Glover's "The Lost Dutchman Mine of Jacob Waltz"
as the source.

Thanks, SH. Would have surprised me if that was actually Travis's map. I don't think that he would have carried around something like that topo map. It's too bad we can't get our hands on what actually led him to that site, that would be something I suspect would answer quite a number of questions.

It does make me wonder what The original dimensions for the Ruth/Gonzolas map was, does anyone know what size the original was? What I have found is that if the map was 3/4 the height of the width then it matches exactly.

No problem . you can adapt the map to fits in your place :laughing7:.
A tip to make a 3D map : go to a specific distance from the place which you want to draw , so far as the place to fits into a copybook page if you put it between your eyes and the spot . After put a piece of glass with the same dimension of the copybook page between your eyes and the spot , and with a marker pen draw the landmarks on it as you can see them through your glass . The map is ready and you can to copy it on paper or on other materials . 8-)

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Thanks, SH. Would have surprised me if that was actually Travis's map. I don't think that he would have carried around something like that topo map. It's too bad we can't get our hands on what actually led him to that site, that would be something I suspect would answer quite a number of questions.

We have all read many of these stories, written by folks who have gone out for a hike in the Sups and "found" the LDM.
Many have also claimed to have solved the Stone Maps at the same time, in this case finding their treasure about a half hour's jaunt from the second parking lot at First Water. Theirs and the one from the fella with the hiking pole gpr that could see a dead priest sitting at a table, ala Doc Noss, in a hidden room down below the surface, make two more so far this year.
Travis likely would have purchased a topo after he found the stones and began his search for the area they applied to.
This topo would have had to be one which was available at that time....prior to his death in 1961....for it to have belonged to him.
I would think if it still exists, the family has it now. His manuscript would probably give more insight as to the reason he decided to stop there to see if he could spot Weaver's Needle. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some enterprising author, having heard of Janie's wish to write a book, is now in possession of his papers and is working with her....perhaps someone like Thomas Glover, who is said to be working on two more books.


Just a guess, but I think Thomas is done after his next two books are published.:dontknow:

Take care,


That could be, since those were the two books I was talking about.
Are both out for publishing ? And what is the topic of the second or final one...has he told you yet ?

That could be, since those were the two books I was talking about.
Are both out for publishing ? And what is the topic of the second or final one...has he told you yet ?


I do have that information, but will wait until after 10-10-14 to post it.

Take care,


O K, everybody have a hot :coffee2:, and wake up, lets get a conversation of some kind going. its been nap time over here.:cat:

ED T, they are not the same map, only the symbology is the same, I had already discussed this in the other thread. np:cat:

ED T, What is it really that you seek, because of your pain of not knowing the explained. np:cat:


That could be, since those were the two books I was talking about.
Are both out for publishing ? And what is the topic of the second or final one...has he told you yet ?


Dr. Glover was here Friday and we talked about his up coming books. I am not at liberty to give out any information about them. Sorry.

He will be at the Rendezvous.

Take care,


Just wanted to say there's no way the Weaver's needle is even a part of the' they removed any sign in the reprint of the shape it was being assigned to in order to either hide the object, or to merely state they had no observance of that as a separate clue, but that it was actually a part of the rivers as shown in these two photos

View attachment 1075586

below you can see there is nothing in this stone heart below

View attachment 1075594

then in this one below all of a sudden theres some more markings,??

and the markings are now looking like they are actually the continuation of the areas that are seen as zig zags with faint lines added in yellow to show the actual completed ridge line.

View attachment 1075595

through the last three we see the gradual erasing of the so called needle shape, and in the stone in the middle, it is the remade one, the copy,

the original looks similar, but has clearly some engraved marks that show up, real faint but they are obviously there.....

just because everyone starts at the Massacre point does not mean that is the point to retrace the trail through the clues on the means they were running from something and had made some headway from the other side of the area, by Goldfield Bulldogs, and were trapped on their way south to Mexico.


Dr. Glover was here Friday and we talked about his up coming books. I am not at liberty to give out any information about them. Sorry.

He will be at the Rendezvous.

Take care,


Is that information out now?

:director: I want to wish all my brother and sister Veterans a happy Veterans Day, have a hot:coffee2: on

Another show, same old people, same old story. same old promotions , same ending. np:laughing7::cat:

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