Ellie B,
The pictures start on page 4 of this thread (April 6, 2013 posting). It would also help you understand my theory if you would go to the origional first post that started this thread. If you don't go back to where I started this thread you won't understand what we're talking about now. There is also a few other posts after the first long one that explain my discovery process further. Please comment once you have had a chance to look at this thread further. NP
First of all I am not here to put you down or criticize you. We are here to learn from each other. With that said I present my honest opinion. Anyone else interested in my experiences with the Stone Maps can join the conversation.
In answer to your post to me; I have read your theory and just reviewed the photographs. Thank you. The so called map you have identified is not a map. It is a petroglyph that can be identified with this Native American culture and they had no conception of even making a map.
In another post concerning the Mormon faith;
The Israelites always turned back to Baal, Molech and the Chaldean gods after turning their backs on the one true God. No evidence has ever been found to document that this group of Baja Indians ever worshipped any of the above mentioned gods. They were not a remnant of any tribe tied to Israel. Even the most educated Mormon friends I know in the LDM (which includes a number of Bishops) do not believe this story/legend.
My comments are (bracket)
NP stated:
I believe that the stone tablets were being delivered to the Mission that used to be located near the base of the Superstition Mountains off Peralta Road. Not many people know that this mission existed (there was never a mission located at this site or it would have been mentioned by the Church, Native Americans or the early pioneers, gold seekers, historians, etc.). I believe that a building once existed at this location but it was not a mission; there are no documents to prove otherwise.
NP stated: I believe it enough to "say it out loud" by posting it here. People can go look at Spirit Mountain for themselves. There they can see most of the markers from the tablets (your claim). The tablets are simply directions, (the directions specified by the tablets are not simple) they don't say they lead to a treasure (yes they do once the tablets have been properly decoded). They lead to a certain area, which, I don't believe is the Superstitions (wrong). I have already shown more proof than any one has shown to date concerning the tablets (your opinion).
Apparently you have never read all of my thread responses and statements located within this site.
Page 1 statement: Recently, while searching for a different treasure, I ran across numerous
monuments (please define monument) and markers that match the stone tablets in a different set of mountains. Some of my pictures can be viewed on my FB page at Stone Tablets Peralta. I don't believe that Peralta had anything to do with the tablets. Nowhere on the tablets is there a mention of treasure, gold, silver or mines (is that a prerequisite?). The river is never named (does not need to be although it has two names). Whoever was delivering the tablets already knew the name of the river and was very knowledgeable of the area (true, however the stone tablets were created in the 1890’s). I have found many signs and symbols within a 2 mile radius all associated with the stone tablets (your opinion). This includes a river, a heart and a map in the valley below the heart (these formations were created by nature). This area has a lot of history, especially with gold and silver. The same cannot be said about the Superstitions (what can possibly be more famous than the Seven Cities of Gold?). I'm not even sure the tablets are a "treasure map", (I am 100% positive that they are) yet I do think they lead to something important to the right person(s). I am trying to change the conversation.
Ellie B
Thanks for your patience NP.