cactusjumper,yes ,i to have known people that created signs and symbols and markers in the supes,i have also heard a lot of stories from different people, about other people doing the same, i dont want to make people mad or upset,over the things i know, but ,before someone goes looking for something,theres things you have to ask yourself, if this person had a treasure ,were did he get it, why wouldnt you just simply take it and go,why hide it if no one knows you have it. and how did they get the info on it, people spend their life savings,and some times their life, hunting for something that is nothing more than a story or myth,you have to have some kind of facts, and im speaking to you from years of doing this, from knowing a lot of the writers as well as the players. I dont have or want any investers ever,I am just telling it like it is. no, i do not beleive in the dutchmans story,no one would never have even heard of him untill julia sold the story to a reporter, along with a supossed map to the mine. but maybe there was someone there calling himself jacob waltz who had some gold,my argument with that is ,the signatures that have been gathered through the years definetly do not match. then you get to the other side of the coin,why would hardy ,who owned a very well to do business,and was not only doing business, but was freinds with 3,of the richest men in the west. leave the richest gold area in cal,and come to one of the most desolate places you could find with a fortune. will stop for now give you more later. no i did not know waltz had a claim on the