Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

Not Peralta,

I've been in grapevine canyon, about as far as you can get up the canyon. It is saturated with rock carvings. According to the archeologists, some of the oldest carvings are NOT native American indian. The Pai people did not just throw a dart at a map and it hit Spirit mountain so it became their mountain of creation. There was a definate reason they recognized Spirit mountain. Something was there so ancient to even themselves they could only understand it as the begining of everything. Archeologists are still trying to understand what went on on the mountain and in grapevine canyon. Mines litter both sides of the Colorado river at Spirit mountain and some date to before the first anglos even entered the area. A fascinating place to say the least !


Not Peralta,

You have a good memory.
The photo of the cabin is not Bob Wards cabin.
It's the old ranch house at Tortilla ranch on the east side of Tortilla mountain. Taken about the time Floyd Stone was getting ready to sell the ranch to the Forest Service.



Is it your opinion that these pictures are of the same building?

Many Thanks,

Joe Ribaudo

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azhiker if you get a chance, check out the map at grapevine canyon, its well worth the trip.also if you get a chance the foundations of fort piute are still

Not Peralta,

I'm not familiar with fort Piute, is that the old ruins on the Mohave wagon road out near Goffs, California ? I've never been to the site myself. Fort Mohave Mesa is just south east of Spirit Mountain and Hardyville which was the crossing on the Colorado River and was part of the Mohave wagon road. Hardyville was as far north as boats could navigate on the Colorado river. The Yavapai believe man first came from a cave or hole in Spirit mountain and traveled down grapevine wash to the water (Colorado River). Fascinating map and area. Would you divulge more about the mining in the area if you can ? Thanks,


azhiker if you get a chance, check out the map at grapevine canyon, its well worth the trip.also if you get a chance the foundations of fort piute are still

Not Peralta,

I'm not familiar with fort Piute, is that the old ruins on the Mohave wagon road out near Goffs, California ? I've never been to the site myself. Fort Mohave Mesa is just south east of Spirit Mountain and Hardyville which was the crossing on the Colorado River and was part of the Mohave wagon road. Hardyville was as far north as boats could navigate on the Colorado river. The Yavapai believe man first came from a cave or hole in Spirit mountain and traveled down grapevine wash to the water (Colorado River). Fascinating map and area. Would you divulge more about the mining in the area if you can ? Thanks,



Try Fort Beale.

Joe Ribaudo

Grapevine Canyon

Arizona Hiker, N.P.

Thanks for posting. I really enjoy reading your thoughts.


Ft Paiute
This is also an interesting site concerning Ft Piute, rock petroglyphs.

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azhiker mining in this area has never stopped ,theres new mines in the process of opening now ,no one knows about the first mines operated in this area, if you lived in this area in the late 1800,s and had a boat, you could put it in the river, and go by water to any where in the world. that in itself is amazing,thers no telling who the first travelers up this river were, if people could go to grapevine canyon, and see were its located, it would make any one wonder , why did they come to this spot in the middle of no where , and why was this spot so


Do you think these ancient people created something that the trails maps are taking us to? I live in Laughlin and have hiked this area many times. I believe there is something that is very special to somebody here.




Do you think these ancient people created something that the trails maps are taking us to? I live in Laughlin and have hiked this area many times. I believe there is something that is very special to somebody here.



Tom I don't believe the maps are to this area, but I have found some low grade gems in the area and lots of worked out mines.


tom dunkle, its almost in your back yard,just go up to christmas tree pass and follow the directions in my theory, theres to much history to discuss, go judge for your self, if i can help i will. just remember its a sacred area, respect it np

wr mickel 1,my theory only came out in march, and theres no reason,in the past for anyone to have considered this area ,for the stone tablets, have you been there and looked at my theory ,or even read it since march,np

wr mickel 1,my theory only came out in march, and theres no reason,in the past for anyone to have considered this area ,for the stone tablets, have you been there and looked at my theory ,or even read it since march,np

Not Peralta

Yes Ive been thier alot and I said I don't believe that area is connected to the maps, But its still a good area to explore, lots of old mines and such.

As far as your theory its 100% not right. (JUST LIKE JOE'S)


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wrmickel1 glad to hear from another expert, WHATS YOUR THEORY, since you know im 100% not right, tell the world , please, and are you going to answer my question that I asked,thank you ,np

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The Trail Maps


Thanks for your advice.

Once knew someone I believe created the Horse/Priest Map. He spent a lot of time in the Superstitions creating signs. Some I have seen posted here.


Tom, I don't quite understand your comment. Do you think some of the signs in the Superstitions are fake? Do you think some of the things posted here on my site, are fake? You have to admit the size of some of the monuments on Spirit Mtn would make them impossible to create except by nature. What do you mean by "created the horse/priest map"? I like to hear more. NP

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Tom is correct. I have been told by a number of people that they have been with someone when they created "signs" in the Supe's. Others have told me they have personally created such false "signs".

Is it your opinion that Waltz lied to Julia and Rhiney, sending them into a, possibly, deadly search into the Superstitons? Is there any solid evidence that Waltz crossed the river at Hardyville. Are you aware of Waltz's placer claim on the Colorado River?

Joe Ribaudo

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cactusjumper,yes ,i to have known people that created signs and symbols and markers in the supes,i have also heard a lot of stories from different people, about other people doing the same, i dont want to make people mad or upset,over the things i know, but ,before someone goes looking for something,theres things you have to ask yourself, if this person had a treasure ,were did he get it, why wouldnt you just simply take it and go,why hide it if no one knows you have it. and how did they get the info on it, people spend their life savings,and some times their life, hunting for something that is nothing more than a story or myth,you have to have some kind of facts, and im speaking to you from years of doing this, from knowing a lot of the writers as well as the players. I dont have or want any investers ever,I am just telling it like it is. no, i do not beleive in the dutchmans story,no one would never have even heard of him untill julia sold the story to a reporter, along with a supossed map to the mine. but maybe there was someone there calling himself jacob waltz who had some gold,my argument with that is ,the signatures that have been gathered through the years definetly do not match. then you get to the other side of the coin,why would hardy ,who owned a very well to do business,and was not only doing business, but was freinds with 3,of the richest men in the west. leave the richest gold area in cal,and come to one of the most desolate places you could find with a fortune. will stop for now give you more later. no i did not know waltz had a claim on the

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Not Peralta

In your fifteen years of researching in the Superstition , in what story or myth you have believed ?
When somebody can't find a treasure , do not means how not exist .


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