Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


When a coded document by a Jesuit is made, misspelled words are a common practice. Those misspelled words, those done purposely - is where they want you to look. It is up to another Jesuit who is trained in their coded method to figure out what the person who made the document is trying to tell you. The Jesuit code was made with rules, and as long as they followed those rules they could use that coded method how ever they pleased. They could be as creative as they want when using all aspects of their code. Honest misspellings in a coded document would be figured out pretty quick as just that! A Jesuit decoding a document crafted by another Jesuit doesn't need to know what was in the mind of the particular Jesuit that made the document. As long as the Jesuit that made the coded document followed the rules, another Jesuit decoding it can figure out what is being said. I wouldn't call it a " single word code", more like an " alphabet code ". The hard part of decoding a Jesuit document, whether on paper or on stone is to determine the starting point to find what was hidden.

All is well - Just took a break from posting in Treasure Hunting Forums.


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What I am trying to say is that anyone looking at your username without reading your posts is going to make the snap judgment that you don't know Spanish. It wouldn't occur to them that you took your inspiration from the Stone Maps, or that you were intelligent or that you are, in fact, fluent in Spanish.

Just as it doesn't occur to most people that the misspelling and "mangling" of the genders on the Stone Maps may in fact, be intentional.

Howdy deducer,

The PSM's do not have any mistakes on gender, only misspellings. The greatest of minds have buckled trying to make a word with the missing letters. They really reach out trying to make up a word. Some have, but the word is only good enough for them. I wish you luck if you are going that way. It's not hard to change words to fit your theory, heck some have even changed the horse to an elephant.???


Homar you are correct the stone heart area is full of gold. One of my areas flow out of the heart. I'm downstream and I'm recovering gold washed out of the area. Mother Nature does all the work.


"I can't wait anymore. Tell us already. How long did it take you

I didn't do it, but I imagine it didn't take very long.

Joe Ribaudo

OK so they convince everyone the stones are fake. They'll say ok they're fake now let's get out there and search for the Lost Dutchman Mine or die trying. Or Well there's still got to be some kind of Spanish treasure hid out there we can find.

Well, that's the interesting question. Would the search for the LDM have been as big without the Stone Maps? Although the two are not related, when you google one, the other invariably appears.

Howdy deducer,

The PSM's do not have any mistakes on gender, only misspellings. The greatest of minds have buckled trying to make a word with the missing letters. They really reach out trying to make up a word. Some have, but the word is only good enough for them. I wish you luck if you are going that way. It's not hard to change words to fit your theory, heck some have even changed the horse to an elephant.???


Your concept of what you call the PSM is that it is limited to four stones as I understand it, in which case you are correct as far as gender use.

You will note that I don't use that term, as nothing on these stones indicate a direct connection to the Peraltas, I use the comprehensive term "Stone Maps" which includes all the stones, including the two crosses.

In which case, yes there are gender "mistakes." You may think that people are reaching, trying to read something into those "mistakes," I don't see anything wrong with doing that because it is pretty evident that the maker(s) of the Stone Maps put a lot of effort and thought into them, so one should probably look at them that way.

OK so they convince everyone the stones are fake. They'll say ok they're fake now let's get out there and search for the Lost Dutchman Mine or die trying. Or Well there's still got to be some kind of Spanish treasure hid out there we can find.

All you need to go is turn the handle, and presto ... more argonauts.


Interesting link . I feel how vindicate me a bit . Adams and LD ? Very close but not the same . I am sure you have many good informations . Don't lose the Cancunus coordinates .

People read waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much into the LDM Story and the Stone Maps (IMHO). If there was any kind of secret code to the LDM, Waltz would have made mention of it to Rhiney, Julia, or Dick Holmes.

We have Travis Tumlinson himself stating that he added things to the maps top throw people off if they were ever stolen. Without knowing exactly what he added, trying to decipher their original meanings will be fruitless. I have an idea of what he added, but I say that the only way they will be correctly deciphered will be for someone to find one of the hidden gold mines/caches, then work backwards. I have spent more time than most studying the stone maps themselves. Not trying to decipher their meaning, but closely examining their surfaces, and engravings (with a digital microscope, UV Light, Blue/White LED, etc). As far back as people have known about the Stone Maps, there have always been those that say it looks like someone originally carved the Stone Maps, then later, someone added other carvings to them. They are correct. We now know it was Travis Tumlinson.

Looking solely at the Stone Maps, Joe has a pretty darn good solution. Especially if you tie the Stone Maps in with the letter carried by Adolph Ruth. If you start at the first major monumented canyon on the South Side of the range (sounds like heiroglyphic canyon to me), the two seem to work together well. If you add in the Stone Crosses and Latin Heart, it throws off Joe's Theory. Joe doesn't like the Stone Crosses because he doesn't like the man that supposedly found them (Michael Bilbrey), and for pretty good reason. I don't just look at Bilbrey's History, and say forget the Stone Crosses because I don't trust the finder. Just like the line from "JFK" when talking about how their witnesses are sketchy, Jim Garrison says "Just because a woman's a prostitute, why does that mean she has to have bad eyesight?" HAHAHA

Also, based on all the Stone Maps, Crosses, and Latin Heart, I tend to like the Louis Smith Solution.


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There are a few other things that point to that area. Barry Storm claimed to have found a rich piece of gold ore in Old West Boulder Canyon. The natural/easiest/quickest path out of that area to the West ends up at the massacre grounds. Ruth wanted to be at that exact spot to set up camp. It was others who tried to move him away from Willow Spring, as the location he was searching. That area is right in the middle of Harry LaFrance's cave of gold bars.

Might have left out a few other things, as my memory ain't so good no more.

Many thanks for the kind words.

Take care,


No offense to Joe and his theory, but if I may ask ask some questions- why are the numbers and symbols on the Trail Stones not seen anywhere in the place Joe believes that the TS refers to?

:director: ATTENTION ,THE NUMBERS AND SYMBOLS ARE MISSING HAS ANYONE SEEN THEM :lurk: I think its time for :coffee2: np:cat:

Thought those Jesuit bars that are little crosses looked interesting. Like the stone crosses. Now why would they make bars like that. Photo from a Facebook post


sgtfda, interesting, have you ever seen or heard of gold or silver cactus bars found in or around the supe's. or thin silver cactus bars wrapped in circles to make bowls. np:cat:

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