As far as selling the Snake Oil and going to prison. Let me tell you a little story. I once worked for a guy who went to prison for selling herbal supplements. The only thing he did wrong was in his ad, was to list it as FDA approved, when in fact it was only FDA recognized, or some other technical wording. The point being, at the time, he did not know you couldn't put that in an ad, and did it very unknowingly that it was illegal. Needless to say, the FDA takes that infraction as serious as a heart attack. He had the finances for a very good defense, but still lost, and did time, I think 16 months. When he got out, he went back to selling the same herbal suppliment with proper wording, and has had no problem since. I guess the point being, he was a really good guy to work for, I trusted him, and he had done prison time. So, I cannot assassinate someones character for going to prison. If someone does not know Bilbrey personally, without a grudge, than it is only assumption as to his character.