Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

There are endless possibilities. Since Travis and Aileen Tumlinson are both dead, and they didn't pass on the info to their daughter, we will probably never find out.

The farther forward we move in time, we find many more things that we can never find the actual answers to. No written records exist (not known anyway). People with first hand information die. The only thing we can do is make educated guesses based on peoples' actions and what we know. All of our guesses are clouded by our own personal experiences, levels of education, astuteness of intuition, ego, etc. THAT is why we have as many solutions to both the Lost Dutchman Mine and the Stone Maps as there are grains of sand on the beach. Some are more down to earth, and some are way out in the galaxy.


There are endless possibilities. Since Travis and Aileen Tumlinson are both dead, and they didn't pass on the info to their daughter, we will probably never find out.

The farther forward we move in time, we find many more things that we can never find the actual answers to. No written records exist (not known anyway). People with first hand information die. The only thing we can do is make educated guesses based on peoples' actions and what we know. All of our guesses are clouded by our own personal experiences, levels of education, astuteness of intuition, ego, etc. THAT is why we have as many solutions to both the Lost Dutchman Mine and the Stone Maps as there are grains of sand on the beach. Some are more down to earth, and some are way out in the galaxy.


Wouldn't Miller's description of roots in the grooves suggest a relatively recent burial?

If Pegleg had stole the stones from Arizpe (e.g., the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Arizpe), don't think there would have been any need to wash off the stones?

There are endless possibilities. Since Travis and Aileen Tumlinson are both dead, and they didn't pass on the info to their daughter, we will probably never find out.

The farther forward we move in time, we find many more things that we can never find the actual answers to. No written records exist (not known anyway). People with first hand information die. The only thing we can do is make educated guesses based on peoples' actions and what we know. All of our guesses are clouded by our own personal experiences, levels of education, astuteness of intuition, ego, etc. THAT is why we have as many solutions to both the Lost Dutchman Mine and the Stone Maps as there are grains of sand on the beach. Some are more down to earth, and some are way out in the galaxy.


Is that you Mike??? Put down the bong - you've successfully channeled Aristotle and Plato :)

Seriously though, that's the most concise set of statements related to treasure hunting I think I've ever seen written down. Good job


The actual Travis T version of the story is that he tripped over the corner of a stone while trying to get a better picture of Weaver's Needle. When he noticed the very unnatural corner, he dug it up, and voila! he found the "DON" Stone. He went back to the car, got a shovel out of the trunk, and dug the rest of the stones. When his Uncle Bob got the stones in about 1956, he also had a map supposedly drawn by Travis T showing the actual spot he dug the stone maps.

That might have been camouflage for the real story of his grandfather John Pegleg Tumlinson buying (or stealing) the stone maps from the Mission at Arizpe, Mexico. Nobody knows for certain, and all the first hand people involved are dead. So to me, it doesn't really matter. Queen Creek, Arizpe, whatever. Travis T had the stone maps. There is a very good possibility he carved the Horse/Priest Stone.


It may be possible, but I don't think the gas station cleanup was just show. Al Reser stated that a man named Charlie Miller was close friends with Travis Tumlinson. When he left the gas station, Tumlinson took the stones to Miller's House. Miller told Al Reser that he helped Tumlinson clean the stones, and described the little roots in the grooves.


Howdy Mike,

It seems that over the years your fruitless efforts to solve the stones has made you stray from the truth. Many new stories based on assumptions, and very unreliable sources will do this to the best of us.

Eight years ago you started the thread on the PSM's, and posted the original story stating that the Priest/Horse map was the first one to be discovered. Then a year later Travis went to the same spot, and uncovered the rest, just as the Priest/Horse stone instructs.

This is the original story, the Pegleg story is based on assumptions only, and has no merit. The stones themselves tell you this without the floor wear.

Travis is also accused of creating the Priest/Horse stone, but that is also based on unreliable sources, as you yourself found. He did create the Treasue Chest stone, coping the letters from the P/H stone, but he could not have made both of them, those stones tell you that. On the TC stone he gets the gender wrong, and uses both Spanish, and English words. The P/H stone has the gender right, even the exception to the rule of gender is right. This sets those two stones very far apart, and proves that Travis was not capable of creating the P/H stone. In my opinion, Garry overlooked, or failed to see the most telltale fact.

In my opinion the original story that you yourself posted eight years ago, has more merit than your new version.


Is that you Mike??? Put down the bong - you've successfully channeled Aristotle and Plato :)

Seriously though, that's the most concise set of statements related to treasure hunting I think I've ever seen written down. Good job

I was going to suggest Mike take up politics with a response like that, only one problem He's too honest.


That name is written on top of the map. It's a copy of the stone maps with additions. I've found gold deposits using those additions So what was copied from what. There is no question those deposits are in the stone map area. I should add I'm not the only person who has come in contact with that map. I'm the only person who has recovered gold using it. The source of this map would surprise you. For some reason others could not place the map in the correct area. In one spot I found a gold location first with the help of a map dowser and later put it together. Sort of like finding a treasure first then back tracking on a treasure map to other deposits
I've passed this map onto some friends and hope they locate something also.
The horse stone tells you the exact location of the map stone trail. Exact!
I wonder. Does this make me a stoner.

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Howdy Mike,

It seems that over the years your fruitless efforts to solve the stones has made you stray from the truth. Many new stories based on assumptions, and very unreliable sources will do this to the best of us.

Eight years ago you started the thread on the PSM's, and posted the original story stating that the Priest/Horse map was the first one to be discovered. Then a year later Travis went to the same spot, and uncovered the rest, just as the Priest/Horse stone instructs.

This is the original story, the Pegleg story is based on assumptions only, and has no merit. The stones themselves tell you this without the floor wear.

Travis is also accused of creating the Priest/Horse stone, but that is also based on unreliable sources, as you yourself found. He did create the Treasue Chest stone, coping the letters from the P/H stone, but he could not have made both of them, those stones tell you that. On the TC stone he gets the gender wrong, and uses both Spanish, and English words. The P/H stone has the gender right, even the exception to the rule of gender is right. This sets those two stones very far apart, and proves that Travis was not capable of creating the P/H stone. In my opinion, Garry overlooked, or failed to see the most telltale fact.

In my opinion the original story that you yourself posted eight years ago, has more merit than your new version.



My "fruitless efforts to solve the maps" are all in your head. I have never put too much effort into trying to solve the maps. Most of my involvement has been to research their actual history from 1949 until the present.

As far as my changing mind regarding the Stone Maps; If you have a theory based on what you know, and then you find new information, but refuse to change your theory when the new information contradicts it, you are deluded. My theories on the Stone Maps have changed much since 2006 when I first posted that story. Did you fail to read the part of the story in blue?

Some people have asked me to post some information on the Peralta Stones, so here goes:

The story goes that in 1949 an Oregonian Police Officer who was on vacation with his family, pulled the car over to the side of a road. Never specific road given in any version of the story. He wanted to get a better look at Weaver's Needle, so he walked up to the top of a little hill. When he was walking around on the hill, he tripped over a rock. This rock didn't look natural, so he dug it out and picked it up. It was the Horse and Priest Stone. He left and took the rock home.

He came back a year later and found the two other stones and a smaller heart shaped stone. He died in 1956,and his widow gave the stones to a Travis Marlowe. Mr. Marlowe spent the next eight years decyphering the stones, but could never find the mine. On June 12th 1964, Life Magazine published an article about the stones. This was their first public showing (parts of the stones had black electrical tape covering up vital markings). They have had numerous "experts" look at them. Some say they are real, and some say they are fakes. Nobody knows for sure.

Eventually, they were donated to the Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum in Phoenix, where they sit today. They are not on display, but they will bring them out if you ask (they may charge you for it).

Here is an update to the story I originally posted:

Some have said that the finder was never positively identified.

That is not true. His name was Travis Tumlinson, and his wife confirmed (after his death) that the stones were found along the highway between Apache Junction and Florence Junction, Az, on their way back to Oregon from vacationing in Texas. Nobody has ever questioned the veracity Travis Tumlinson. He was a Cop from Hood River, Oregon. He found the Don Stone initially. He ran back to the car and got a shovel. He spent a few hours digging around where he found the first stone. He found stones 2, 3, and 4. They took the stones into Apache Junction, and washed them off. When somebody asked him what they were, he said he just found them. The guy said that they must be treasure maps. Travis got a little paranoid and put them in his car

Since 2006, I have found a load of new information. One of the things I have found out is that Travis Tumlinson's Family actually witnessed him carving on the cream colored stone. There is only one cream colored stone. Travis himself told his close friend that he had "added" things to the Stone Maps so that in case they were stolen, the thief would be thrown off.

Since I began researching the Stone Maps, I have always said that I wouldn't put a ton of effort into trying to decipher them (and I haven't). To me, the only REAL way to figure the secrets of the Stone Maps would be to find a mine/cache first, then work backwards (like maybe Frank has done........maybe ;-) )

I have also said that solving the Lost Dutchman Mine Mystery would be virtually impossible based on known "clues". Since so many of the old monuments have been destroyed. Glyphs added to or defaced. I had always joked that the person who would wind up finding the LDM would be some granola eating, Birkenstock wearing, patchouli squirting, tree hugger out for a hike, would trip and fall into the mine.


Mike........." I had always joked that the person who would wind up finding the LDM would be some granola eating, Birkenstock wearing, patchouli squirting, tree hugger out for a hike, would trip and fall into the mine. "

That is classic!!!!


... Since I began researching the Stone Maps, I have always said that I wouldn't put a ton of effort into trying to decipher them (and I haven't). To me, the only REAL way to figure the secrets of the Stone Maps would be to find a mine/cache first, then work backwards (like maybe Frank has done........maybe ;-) ) ...

Hmmm - that's an interesting statement that might be read in different ways. Are you hinting that all that large, coarse, hackly placer that we've been seeing photos of lately may not have been recently recovered?

I hope not. I was frying eggs on my head last sun digging some of that chunky stuff.

One area drains from the heart location. Friends are checking that location. I have my hands full digging chunky nuggets. Nature has done most of the work for me. I only do this as a hobby. The other drains from Robert Tumlinson's spot. As a side note Garman wrote Robert was instrumental in finding the remainder of the stone maps. Garman was a partner of Robert. It's interesting seeing where the Tumilsons were searching. They were close.
At any rate those that know me will tell you I don't bull sh@t. I'm always available to guys starting out and I try to point them in the right direction. If you look back in history you can find clues. Follow those clues you may find a good spot also. If I was a gold nut I would be back there every day. Couple times a month enough is fine for me. Greed is not a good thing and the mountain spirits frown on it.

I'll have mine sunny side up, please.

Mnnnnn good along with a fresh cup of hot sweat. Add a little red dust as a sweetener. The only reason I'm back there this time of year one of my partners put together a new machine and I'm helping him get the bugs out. To be honest I don't give a damn about the gold. No joy in the heat getting it.

Howdy Gollum,

You missed my point, which is that the original stories tend to hold more truth in them than stories that come after. I did read the update that was a result of someone's investigation on the finder. You don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Travis's wife's story only shows that she was with him on the second trip when he found the rest of the stones. Why would Travis carve new things on the Priest/Horse stone to throw people off if it was his own work? This proves that that stone is part of the rest, and also found by Travis as the first story indicates.


Mnnnnn good along with a fresh cup of hot sweat. Add a little red dust as a sweetener. The only reason I'm back there this time of year one of my partners put together a new machine and I'm helping him get the bugs out. To be honest I don't give a damn about the gold. No joy in the heat getting it.

You be careful out there Sarge. I know its enjoyable just to get out away from everything and enjoy the quiet and amazing scenery, but know your limits.

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