I believe everyone appreciates Matthew's factual historical posts. I know I do as well.
Take care,
Signs, signs, everywhere
A letting go
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This heart has a map. Search the heart, search the map.
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Nature is full of hearts is it not. Even found a gold nugget shaped like a heart.
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As far as the crack in the heart stone goes: I was told that the tablets were taken to Bob Ward's house, since he was the closest. The guy that found them wanted to clean them up. One of the children fooling with the heart stone dropped it. It was glued back together after it was cleaned. That's the story that I got from Bob Ward, personally. Bear in mind that while Bob did have his faults, he was a personal friend of mine, as well as Bambi. I'm somewhat glad that Bambi doesn't remember those times. Bob's is the only "Dutchman" and stone tablet book I keep in the house. NP
Well this part confuses me being that Bob Ward and Bambi are my uncle and Aunt. Bambi goes by name "Cookie" and I lived with Bob off and on as kid. So I do remember getting in to a lot of trouble for some thing major, but I cant recall what it was. I was the only kid that was out there from my memory, unless it was the guys kid that found the stone maps so more than likely I am that kid that broke the tablet. I remember the big map inside his shack. May I ask who you are that you know my aunt and Bob so well, she doesnt remember do to the accident, I can tell you in private Msg. to confirm who I am. Please and thank you
VIVA Carlos Santana!!!Don Jose
That might have been camouflage for the real story of his grandfather John Pegleg Tumlinson buying (or stealing) the stone maps from the Mission at Arizpe, Mexico. Nobody knows for certain, and all the first hand people involved are dead. So to me, it doesn't really matter. Queen Creek, Arizpe, whatever. Travis T had the stone maps. There is a very good possibility he carved the Horse/Priest Stone.
That might have been camouflage for the real story of his grandfather John Pegleg Tumlinson buying (or stealing) the stone maps from the Mission at Arizpe, Mexico. Nobody knows for certain, and all the first hand people involved are dead. So to me, it doesn't really matter. Queen Creek, Arizpe, whatever. Travis T had the stone maps. There is a very good possibility he carved the Horse/Priest Stone.
Would it have been possible that Peg Leg might have had the "Distance" map (or at least a rubbing of it) from Azripe showing the location of where to dig for the Stone Maps? My thought has always been that, if they are real, one map piece is missing.