Hi there not peralta, I come in peace. This is my first post, so hello to anyone and everyone that may come across this. I'm as new as they come to this game, so I have nothing to claim. What got me started down the rabbit hole was a couple visits to joshua tree/twenty nine palms area over the last couple months. In my thirty seven years I had never been, so I went for fun with my girl and a friend (he has a place out there). I became fascinated with the rich history of the area, and even went to Keys Ranch. Long story short, you start reading about gold and you're bound to end up here! I've been reading a little bit of this and that, including the stone maps, so I have a minimal amount of knowledge on the subject. I found this thread through the search function: I'm going to bullhead this weekend to do some work on my grandpa's old place, so I just searched Bullhead City to so if there might be an old mine or something cool to check out near by (I went to Oatman about 17 years ago)...Lo and behold, here you're saying the stones lead into spirit mountain, the same very same place my dad wants to spread gramps ashes when he finally gets around to it! (It being the spreading of his ashes, and not his passing, which was a couple years ago)...long story long: I'm going to spirit mountain this weekend! I've been wanting to see the petroglyphs for half my life anyways. So, anything I should look out for? I Google earthed the area, and I honestly felt like I found a cluster of hearts, eyes, that when followed led to a triangle pointing further up the mountain...could just be a bunch of bunnies in the clouds for all I know. I'll let you know what I see, if anything, and holy moly, I'm terribly sorry about all the words preceding these last. Peace