Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

I would think American Indians descended from mexico or so America .
Eskimos look more Chinese .

it's complicated


To my fellow hunters from Hawaii and parts unknown:

The cats have been toyed with long enough and are ready to pounce.
The story you told is old and cold. I've been patient long enough.
You "promised" the rest of the story.
Was it just the ramblings of a snake bit mind?
Was there something in the air of the cave that made you "forget"?
Am I to be left with nothing but the Cheshire's smile?

Still waiting for the "stars" to align. NP :cat:

Start here.

From this point the stars will lead you to the library of Oz. When this picture made its way into the public view we had many a sleepless night worrying that somehow someone would figure it out. Seems some folks think all of this has something to do with aliens. Its true meaning is something different:hello2:.

The question is why was the final resting place of the library in South Africa? What does the gold of South Africa have to do with the library. Everything.

Perhaps the people and the library came to be in the one place on earth that truly defines both.

On another subject Spirit Mountain was a special and holy place. Preserving it was an honor. Seeing what happened was a true tragedy.

Good luck in your efforts.



Another view....observatory.webp


Hi there not peralta, I come in peace. This is my first post, so hello to anyone and everyone that may come across this. I'm as new as they come to this game, so I have nothing to claim. What got me started down the rabbit hole was a couple visits to joshua tree/twenty nine palms area over the last couple months. In my thirty seven years I had never been, so I went for fun with my girl and a friend (he has a place out there). I became fascinated with the rich history of the area, and even went to Keys Ranch. Long story short, you start reading about gold and you're bound to end up here! I've been reading a little bit of this and that, including the stone maps, so I have a minimal amount of knowledge on the subject. I found this thread through the search function: I'm going to bullhead this weekend to do some work on my grandpa's old place, so I just searched Bullhead City to so if there might be an old mine or something cool to check out near by (I went to Oatman about 17 years ago)...Lo and behold, here you're saying the stones lead into spirit mountain, the same very same place my dad wants to spread gramps ashes when he finally gets around to it! (It being the spreading of his ashes, and not his passing, which was a couple years ago)...long story long: I'm going to spirit mountain this weekend! I've been wanting to see the petroglyphs for half my life anyways. So, anything I should look out for? I Google earthed the area, and I honestly felt like I found a cluster of hearts, eyes, that when followed led to a triangle pointing further up the mountain...could just be a bunch of bunnies in the clouds for all I know. I'll let you know what I see, if anything, and holy moly, I'm terribly sorry about all the words preceding these last. Peace

WELCOME TO TREASURENET Kauziamos ! :hello2::occasion14: Man - Joshua Tree and 29 Palms area is another great place for lost mines, like the lost gold mine of Hermit John in the Sheep Hole mtns, and a rich gold ledge that is somewhere inside the Marine base. I spent a few weeks there on my last trip, that is really GOLD country! Thanks for posting, looking forward to reading more of your posts.

Thank oroblanco! I believe that ridge was called the blue jay or hawk ridge? Apparently a couple miners ran into an indian in the mnt just east of 29 palms and the oasis of Mara. He's like you looking for this here shiny stuff, well I know a place just across the way that has a **** ton! pointing across the valley. I'm paraphrasing, of course. Something like that. Hermit John?! Love it. I'll read up. My fav coming out of jt was Johnny Lang, not to be confused with the young bluesman. I don't know how it's not a movie! There's gold in that there script!

Welcome to this thread Kauziamos. When you visit grapevine canyon to see the petroglyphs keep this thought in your mind, there is about 30 feet of petroglyphs still buried below the rocks.
this is a very spiritual area and a holy one, your grandfather will always be in good company. at the beginning of this thread is many photo's and directions , hope you enjoy your visit, and don't be a stranger to posting here. np:cat:

Kauziamos, Will you post photo's when you return. np:cat:

Will do np...I must say though, I'm a little over halfway through this thread, and I'm a bit hesitant now to wander too far off the beaten path for fear of the black helis...something interesting that I found while google earth exploring the area: while doing a flyover of what I presume to be the entrance of grapevine canon, it almost looks to me like the mountain was shaped to look like an entrance to something grand, perhaps even temple like....

Abre los ojos... "It belongs in a museum!"

thanks for the information, and thanks for the pictures, will enjoy seeing more. np:cat:

Matthew Roberts, do not let certain people discourage you, even though I have my own thread, I still enjoy reading what you and others have to say about history. when I can add to it I do.
keep the conversations going. enjoy them very much, thank you. np:cat:

Matthew Roberts, do not let certain people discourage you, even though I have my own thread, I still enjoy reading what you and others have to say about history. when I can add to it I do.
keep the conversations going. enjoy them very much, thank you. np:cat:

Thanks Not Peralta, appreciate those words. No I am not discouraged and do what I can to give my opinion on things I have learned. I ask no one to believe what I'm saying, they can form their own opinions and that's fine with me. Someone who cannot be respectful to other members on an internet forum has no respect for themselves let alone anyone else.

I always enjoy your posts and threads, follow them whenever I can and we have disagreed in the past but always respect each others opinion. It has always been believed that no Jesuit missions were built north of the Gila River in their time and I believe that to be true to a point. But a mission was a big undertaking that needed a lot of material, money and labor. I firmly believe the Jesuits were exploring well past the Superstition Mountains and may well have constructed outposts which would not be missions but the seeds of what they hoped and planned would become missions one day. this is what I believe Ward wrote about near the burns ranch. Again NP, this is just my own personal opinion, not a proven fact.


If the insults and mocking does not stop from ALL sides long timeouts will be issued.....

If your insulted or mocked report it. Disagreeing with a post is not insulting or against the rules but mocking or insulting or implying someone is lying is....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I appreciate that Matthew openly states his opinion and does not try to sell it as a fact, makes a world of difference when reading. Very informative..............Thanks Matthew.

I appreciate that Matthew openly states his opinion and does not try to sell it as a fact, makes a world of difference when reading. Very informative..............Thanks Matthew.


I believe everyone appreciates Matthew's factual historical posts. I know I do as well.

Take care,


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