David and the Peralta stone maps.

T.Parker said:
I dont even wanna know ......... :nono:
Its never a good day when a Cholla decides to attach itself to you!

Below is my back pack taking one for the team :hello2: Imagine taking one out of the middle of your back...miles away and no one to help ???? would be a bad day for sure.

Your pack with the cholla ball accessory is a perfect example.Now imagine a pair of boots that resembled,instead, a pair of oversized fuzzy green bathroom slippers.With matching green soles that add three inches to your height.Imagine as well,trying to negotiate a path out of a chest-deep forest of cholla,spaced so closely that you cannot even lift a foot,nor bend over to remove what has already accumulated on your feet and by now,beginning to jump to your calves.That welcome breeze,which fifteen minutes ago promised to bring relief from the sun's oppressive heat,has suddenly become an endless series of 50mph gusts.......

It wasn't so much the fuzzy slippers that my hikers became as every square inch of ground instantly was covered by cholla pods.It wasn't the balls that transferred themselves from my feet to my lower extremities.It were the cholla balls that became missiles in the wind,that embedded themselves everywhere that they scored a hit.
Worst of all though,and just as you suggested, was the one gggddam pod that found it's bullseye between my pack and my right shoulder.......of course it did,because I am right handed.
Now normally,having some experience with the odd jumping cholla that decides to hitch a ride,I just reach over to the folding knife that resides in a pouch on my left hand shoulder strap.I have found that it is a simple matter to slip the blade betwixt attacker and victim and,with a quick flick of the wrist,remove the evil from the holy.No big deal....'cept I'm right handed,and ever time I reach for the knife the needles,and more of them are driven deeper by my pack.
Eventually,I managed to release my pack and remove all of my tormenters,save the one that was out of reach of the knife and,by now,flattened for maximum effect.The only solution was to peel my tee shirt over my head,ripping the cholla ball free in the process.It sounded like pulling a long strip of super... heavy... duty... velcro... apart.
It is now three weeks later and I still have red dots on my legs,my arms and my shoulder.
If anyone should hear of recent sightings of Bigfoot tracks and loud screams heard from a mountaintop out there.........that was just me havin fun with cholla. :hello:



*lol* So that's what you call it - cholla! Being summat of a foreigner I have always heard it referred to as "jumping cacti".
And yes - that li'l pic surely reminds me of my daughter's german shepherd who stepped in a bunch of'em (which had blown into a heap). Took me better part of an hour to get the poor critter freed (of sorts). No sooner had we started on the trail again, there was a narrow passage between two chollas which _I_ got through but not the poor dawg - add another hour to the ordeal - and he still looked liked a porcupine - that's when I decided enough was enough and headed for home and sanctuary and a cold beer ...

Quinan Bear said:

I was under the impression that you knew about these mountains?

Why is it i know of these places? I found them through the USGS and the web.

Hola amigo - I am not the expert on the Superstitions, others here know them like the back of their hands. I am not sure why you are so convinced that your sites are in fact mines, treasure vault etc based on the info posted. However as you are seeking recognition, there are much more sure-fire ways than to try to convince treasure hunters, when none of us has an "in" with any of the newspapers, television news agencies etc. I am surprised that you didn't think of contacting a news agency first, several of our members here have made similar claims to what you have stated and no one of you discoverers bothers to contact a news reporter. I don't get it. ???

Cholla, lovely plant, so nice that I have even packed some along attached to my own legs. :wink: It sure is fun pulling those spines out of your hide, through a thick sock and pantleg. I can't imagine landing in one and a horse on top. I think that name "Jumping Cactus" is much more appropriate and vote to use that as the official name.

HI: for those that aren't acquainted with cholla, it has the most interestingly constructed spines. They are super sharp, and can easily penetrate shoe leather pinning your foot inside of your shoe until you finally, in desperation, simply yank it off - after a liter of Plum Saki.

The super sharp needles are composed of a hard core covered with multiple sheaths of the same materiel, but extremely thin and flexible, but with that lovely, extremely sharp point still at the point of the sheath. Once inside of your shrinking hide, the outer sheath pulls off, remaining inside. That is almost impossible to eliminate without uncomfortable minor ?? field surgery snifff. shall we say the plant kingdom version of a harpoon, the barbs on the point resist removing, pulling out.

Can you just imagine Parker making a pass with this on the lower posterior section of his anatomy??

Don Jose de La Mancha

"Can you just imagine Parker making a pass with this on the lower posterior section of his anatomy??"

I'd rather not Don.
I will leave that "vision" to you.
Can't say that I'd want to be the one with the pliers either.
I'll leave both parts of the experience to you "old timers".


You have all left out one endearing feature of the cholla. If you go back up to Tim's picture, you will notice that the spines all go in different directions. Makes those buggers a bit difficult to pull out.

First time I took Juno into the mountains, he managed to get one stuck in his leg. He tried to bite it, and got it stuck in his lips. I made the mistake of trying to pull it out with my bare fingers. Juno jerked and I was stuck as well.

After he tangled with another cholla, I took off my pack and got my pliers out. After that Juno kept his nose to the ground and his head on a constant swivel. Never got into a cholla again, except for the times when I turned around on a narrow trail and he backed into one.

Damn good mountain dog. Had his own backpack. :dog:

Take care,


It appears that I will accomplish my quest after all. I have recieved a message stating that my "horse map" overlay, has been studied and found to be promissing. They said that the "cross" that is on the map next to "El cabollo de Santa fe" is in fact a cactus marker and the mine next to it is there as well. Most markers do match up and will be viewed. I will be notified again once they view all locations.
I will keep you up to date on what is found but it may be some time before i hear from them again.

Quinan Bear said:
It appears that I will accomplish my quest after all. I have recieved a message stating that my "horse map" overlay, has been studied and found to be promissing. They said that the "cross" that is on the map next to "El cabollo de Santa fe" is in fact a cactus marker and the mine next to it is there as well. Most markers do match up and will be viewed. I will be notified again once they view all locations.
I will keep you up to date on what is found but it may be some time before i hear from them again.

Congratulations - I'm sure the forest service will be interested in keeping tabs on your "partners." I look forward to hearing about your discoveries in the media soon.

Thanks. It's about time someone sees what i see.

I'm sure these guys are just documenting these places, so the forest rangers can relax.


That's wonderful news! Perhaps you can post some pictures of the actual sites/entrances. Any pictures from inside would also be of interest to everyone,
I'm sure.


Joe Ribaudo

Quinan Bear said:
Thanks. It's about time someone sees what i see.

I'm sure these guys are just documenting these places, so the forest rangers can relax.

I would never count on that! Greed can do terrible things to good people!

Cubfan wrote
Greed can do terrible things to good people!

:o ;D :laughing9: :laughing7: :icon_thumright:

Congratulations Quinan Bear, I hope it all works out for you. :thumbsup:


I hope that they don't try to open the entrance until everything is documented and they aquire permission to open it.

I found a site that tells of a mineral bearing quartz vein next to Blck top mesa. I have been looking for where it starts and ends and so far I have found what apears to be another mine or cache high up on a hill and not far from Geronimo's cave that is south of Weaver's, there is a structure and a couple of mines near this place. This is also a place that the earth was lifted upwards and at the top is where three faults all meet. this would be a great place for a vein to show in just a small area. this is also a place where you can see around quite well and where you could mine and never get found or be seen by people passing by, even though it is very near the trail. If the Horse map turns out to be right, then I will post this new site and get your input on it.

Here is a picture of one of the markers along the Dutchman's Trail. Can you see the cross and the initials of J.W. ?


  • Cross.webp
    88.4 KB · Views: 375
nope, sorry! no cross, no jw ...
And - if it _is_ along the Dutchman's Trail - then 100:1 it's not _the_ JW that's carved it!

I see the "JW" but not the cross - really don't know what one would have to do with the other anyways.

As far as I'm aware, that "JW" inscription is pretty well known. You seem to forget that there are folks still alive who have been going into those mountains on a VERY REGULAR basis for over 60 years and have seen things firsthand. In addition there have been hundreds of people since Jacob Waltz passed away who have worked in those mountains, explored them and dare I say "may have destroyed and/or hidden a number of important things."

Whether you believe me or not, it's a fact that Google Earth images can only tell you so much. There are far too many "nooks and crannies" in those mountains that need to be expored by foot (and often hand and foot).

If you're unable to physically get out there, and all you have is Google Earth to work with, that's one thing - but you certainly have to understand the limitations you face hunting for treasure in that way. Just the fact that shadows from images alone can be totally misleading is enough to see that.

Good luck anyways.

The cross takes up the whole rock almost.
I don't just use Google for my research, It's just what I use for a topograghical map, it is a real photo of the area after all.
I know that people have distroyed many markers since J.W.'s time. I also know that there was a horse that had an ear up and one down, I know that one of the ears were knocked off by someone else. I will also say that the cross that waltz made was not a traditional cross as we know it, he was German, so his cross would be one that has equal ends, not like the christian cross at all, which has one long end.
You can keep dismissing my posts, I know you don't want anyone from outside, that has never been there to out smart you and find this mine, but you will find that I am very resourceful and know much more then you may think.
I can also tell you that if i were to go there, I could dig a 20 foot deep hole within feet of a trail and you would never know i was there.

You told me that my Horse overlay was not showing anything but has you now know, it does show more then you want to admit. This would suggest that you don't want others on this forum to listen to me. you want them to dismiss it all as you do, but some of them are very interested and do take a look at what i post and they go to see if it is there. Unlike you guys that don't even look at what I post and say that it is wrong. Well laugh it up while you can.


[In addition there have been hundreds of people since Jacob Waltz passed away who have worked in those mountains, explored them and dare I say "may have destroyed and/or hidden a number of important things."]

You left out a very important fact, one that relates to many of these rock markings, as well as some of the carvings done into cactus. A number of people have been creating these things for a long time. I have talked to people who admitted doing this to me, as well as stating they had been present when others had made false markings. A number of people who will be reading this post will recognize themselves in what I have just written. :o

As for Waltz creating a "German Cross" or carving his initials anywhere, that seems ludicrous to me. Unless you subscribe to the Holmes story, Waltz did not linger in the mountains, the few times he returned. In, get the gold, and right back out. I believe you are correct to have your doubts about such things.

Take care,


QB - I can't figure out what the communication gap is here, but I can assure you it's consistently on your end.

I couldn't care less who locates any "treasures" in the Superstition Mountains - as a matter of fact, I'm 99%+ certain that anything of significance located in those mountains (be it in the past or the future) will never reach the eyes or ears of the general public. I have no "dog in the fight" so to speak, so if you discover something, more power to you :)

As with many other things, you've formed 100% unfounded conclusions about what my intentions may be in following your thread. You've had a good number of people here offer you advice on how to proceed however you obviously know better - well probably not, but you think you do.

Evidenced by your response to this post about your "associates" on the ground...

I'm sure these guys are just documenting these places, so the forest rangers can relax.

I would never count on that! Greed can do terrible things to good people!

I hope that they don't try to open the entrance until everything is documented and they aquire permission to open it.

There isn't a single person here who would ever enter into an agreement with anyone they didn't know regarding a potentially significant find without:

a) Meeting them in person and checking backgrounds and references
b) Having all the legal "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed
c) Overseeing the operation personally

The fact that you are "hoping" your associates do the right thing is not only naive, but negligent - especially when the locations you are pointing people to is on government land.

Ultimately, the truly strange thing is when folks like you come here with grandiose claims that you are either unable or unwilling to prove FACTUALLY and then get all "bunchy" when people question those claims. It's a very odd reaction, but one which seems to replicate several times each year with a new theorist each time. The similarities in reaction are uncanny!

Oh, by the way, can you provide factual sources to account for Jacob Waltz carving a large german cross in a rock?

Also, in case you hadn't thought of it, not only have many things been destroyed and defaced in the Superstitions, but I would hazard a guess that HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of things have been ADDED over the years as well.

Finally, I tell you what, you pick a spot 2 feet from a trail in the Superstitions, start digging your 20 foot deep hole, let us know what trail it's on and you can test your theory.

If anyone really believes that the JW on that rock was carved by the original JW, then I have the actual candle box from under his bed that I would be willing to sell you at a very fair price.

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