Yeah buddy I'm surrounded by elderly families so I watch out for them as best I can. This scumbag was video taping through the bedroom window of the old woman. I mean how invasive. My daughter is in her 30's, I have small grandchildren, what about my wife dressing and undressing in our own bedroom? I'm glad for my big mouth Pitbulls. Although they are in the back yard, they went crazy one day when were in the pool. Sure enough. Jehovah's Witness had dropped a pamphlet on the front door knob. As a former anti/counterterrorist that was a teaching point I used. If you don't have a dog and go on vacation leave a couple of large doggie bowls in your back yard as a deterrent. I hear it works. Thanks for reading Mr Bill

With Fall Semester approaching and Scholarships out of the question,
I spent this morning lining up some items on ebay to help with the costs of books, paper, pencils and Ramen.

In describing some of the items(collectible currency),
I found myself using the term, "Crispy."


"My, My, My..."
my my my.webp
Luda May Hewitt.

Hope all have been well!

Best Wishes,


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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Another sleepless night night in Lonelyville. I can't figure out for the life of me why I can't get a simple nights rest...... My conscious is clear..... Or is it? Where are you GMD? You've traveled this path I'm sure sir before me......oh what's the use..... I'm damaged goods. But I keep on keeping on. Why lord ? Why ?

"Damaged Goods?" Really?

Brother, you have lived enough experiences, more than any 10 others combined that you will meet in a daily encounter.
You have shown skills, possession of survival instincts, compassion, a sense of humor, adaptability, shall I continue?

Yes, I certainly understand levels of frustration, feelings of being alone, feeling worthless and worse of all, a feeling of being Friendless....

I would suggest a bit of Volunteering at your closest VA Center to put your feet back on the ground.
Volunteer as a driver for Vets who need a ride to get help at the Center.
Volunteer to be a Greeter.

I guarantee that the feeling you get from volunteering will show you that you are NOT "Damaged Goods!"

What a fabulous opportunity to continue to "Serve" and make new Friends!

Inspiration and opportunities are always as close as you wish them to be!

I offer my strength to you in times of doubt. :thumbsup:

Always your Brother, always your Friend and always here for you and all America's Heroes!

Best Wishes,


Our Friends.webp

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Good to give them the heads up.....see insomnia has it's plus sides.

Regards + HH


Y'all be surprised at some of the junk goes on when most are asleep.
Trust me; I sometimes study all night and step outside for breaks....



A song from my youth that I sometimes hummed late into the night, in the Army, sitting vigilant in my bunker, in Germany, when it got below freezing.

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I've been a bit of an insomniac throughout my life.....I remember in my early teens listening to Cousin Brucie with my transistor radio under the covers in the wee hours of the night....I never really worried much about the lack of sleep I figured I'd catch up when I got tired enough.

Regards + HH


One never "catches up" on sleep....

Can You Catch Up on Lost Sleep? - Scientific American

You can merely "adapt, adjust" and move on, or get eaten by the time savvy world...

Think of "Jet Lag."

Sleep has been shown to be relevant to mental health in many studies....

Here's just one....

Am I right, Y'all?



Certain music, sometimes my own,
Helps me to remember truisms of life and my hope that I might help a Stranger every day....

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And now that it is Summertime, shall we go sailing?

Perhaps camping and hiking?
Maybe Gold panning in the mountains in a "top secret" stream?
I know! Metal Detecting on a "fresh" local "Tot-Lot!"

Always count me in! Someone has to carry the gear/supplies....

"The 'Birds' of opportunity chirp just beyond your door....
Just waiting for your participation.."
(Birds are actually chirping loudly outside my door as I type this....)

Get outside!
Enjoy your opportunities.
Enjoy possibilities.
Enjoy life: There is "no better game in town."



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"Tonight's dinner?"
Not Ramen tonight!

A "macaroni and cheese" experiment....
Waiting for lightning.
Waiting for....

Ha, ha!

"Charade you are...."
(Next post...around 18:30)

After all, it's Saturday Night....


Surely a "Horror Story" is here somewhere....


My Best Wishes,


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My apologies...

As I study and appreciate life that I find around me.....
I sometimes feel used....abused....and left in the dust.

I now surely feel my Friend, Crispin....

Hope that you may also find new perspectives and ideas about life....

Frequently called, "Philosophy."



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A tune to cheer you up....

Another sleepless night night in Lonelyville. I can't figure out for the life of me why I can't get a simple nights rest...... My conscious is clear..... Or is it? Where are you GMD? You've traveled this path I'm sure sir before me......oh what's the use..... I'm damaged goods. But I keep on keeping on. Why lord ? Why ?

I got a dream..
What am I bid?

Yes, I repaired and refinished antique furniture in the '70's.

And auctioned the goods...

Thank You, Leroy....

Even today,
I practice my "patter."
My dream isn't really for sale at any price....

But if you want to converse,

I got all night! :thumbsup:

"I got an hour now two. Who gives an hour,
A Friend?
I got an hour, Thank you.
Now two?
Who will give their time?

Hey, Friends, I have an hour, now give two...."



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Thirty hours or so north of 2 G.F....

"Green Worms?"

Yeah. Don't they stink! But the fish love 'em!

Let's drown some stinky green worms and empty some bottles of Guinness Stout!




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I lost most interest in "popular" music after the "Disco" era of the late 70's and then concentrated on creating my own music.

New melodic patterns, considered an abomination....

{Yeah, say the last sentence out loud....twice...}

Words, lyrics, created from my experiences....

I have yet to showcase my work...

And Yet, where and how shall I perform my passion?
That of helping our Vets?

What of
passions, desires and dreams?

I can see it!

Let's make it real!


Serious replies only, Please.....

Down the hall and to the left. I call on Thursdays.....Yes. Starting at 4:30.

Any other games?


Bring money
That you care not of losing, for you will certainly lose....

I'm also quite fond of "Trivial Pursuit," if anyone is interested.....and knows of a site to play....

I'm still of memory to recall when I was a "Department Head."
In charge of 4-5 monthly budgets...


Dedication to the Residents?

Yeah, here's another story....

I was once the Head of Maintenance of a "Long Term Care Facility."
Many years ago....

One Saturday morning, on my day off, I brought my best 78 rpm Player and 30-40 discs.

Glenn Miller, Ted Lewis, Benny Goodman and other favorites.

When I cranked up my player for the first disc,
I wondered, "Does anyone really care?"

I put that disc on my player and the music soon filled the hallways.

Soon, My Friends were making their way to the music and many began dancing!

I still am moved, even today, thinking of it....

How 'bout that!

One of many DJ experiences that I'll never forget....



The Power of Music!

A hint of that first 78rpm disc?

Yeah, my "Dance Card" was full for all afternoon! :thumbsup:

My copy....
"Here Comes Trouble"

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"A man who knows of Love certainly knows of pain."

A "random thought..."



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Crap! the batteries in ,y keyboard and mouse are

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