I lost most interest in "popular" music after the "Disco" era of the late 70's and then concentrated on
creating my own music.
New melodic patterns, considered an abomination....
{Yeah, say the last sentence out loud....twice...}
Words, lyrics, created from my experiences....
I have yet to showcase my work...
And Yet, where and how shall I perform my passion?
That of helping our Vets?
What of
Your passions, desires and dreams?
I can see it!
Let's make it real!
Serious replies only, Please.....
Down the hall and to the left. I call on Thursdays.....Yes. Starting at 4:30.
Any other games?
Bring money
That you care not of losing, for you will
certainly lose....
I'm also quite fond of "Trivial Pursuit," if anyone is interested.....and knows of a site to play....
I'm still of memory to recall when I was a "Department Head."
In charge of 4-5 monthly budgets...
Dedication to the Residents?
Yeah, here's another story....
I was once the Head of Maintenance of a "Long Term Care Facility."
Many years ago....
One Saturday morning, on my day off, I brought my best 78 rpm Player and 30-40 discs.
Glenn Miller, Ted Lewis, Benny Goodman and other favorites.
When I cranked up my player for the first disc,
I wondered, "Does anyone really care?"
I put that disc on my player and the music soon filled the hallways.
Soon, My Friends were making their way to the music and many began dancing!
I still am moved, even today, thinking of it....
How 'bout that!
One of many DJ experiences that I'll never forget....
The Power of Music!
A hint of that first 78rpm disc?
Yeah, my "Dance Card" was full for all afternoon!
My copy....

"Here Comes Trouble"