I lost most interest in "popular" music after the "Disco" era of the late 70's and then concentrated on creating my own music.

New melodic patterns, considered an abomination....

{Yeah, say the last sentence out loud....twice...}

Words, lyrics, created from my experiences....

I have yet to showcase my work...

And Yet, where and how shall I perform my passion?
That of helping our Vets?

What of
passions, desires and dreams?

I can see it!

Let's make it real!


Serious replies only, Please.....

Down the hall and to the left. I call on Thursdays.....Yes. Starting at 4:30.

Any other games?


Bring money
That you care not of losing, for you will certainly lose....

I'm also quite fond of "Trivial Pursuit," if anyone is interested.....and knows of a site to play....

I'm still of memory to recall when I was a "Department Head."
In charge of 4-5 monthly budgets...


Dedication to the Residents?

Yeah, here's another story....

I was once the Head of Maintenance of a "Long Term Care Facility."
Many years ago....

One Saturday morning, on my day off, I brought my best 78 rpm Player and 30-40 discs.

Glenn Miller, Ted Lewis, Benny Goodman and other favorites.

When I cranked up my player for the first disc,
I wondered, "Does anyone really care?"

I put that disc on my player and the music soon filled the hallways.

Soon, My Friends were making their way to the music and many began dancing!

I still am moved, even today, thinking of it....

How 'bout that!

One of many DJ experiences that I'll never forget....



The Power of Music!

A hint of that first 78rpm disc?

Yeah, my "Dance Card" was full for all afternoon! :thumbsup:

My copy....
View attachment 1168900
"Here Comes Trouble"

Tried USO...? Go "local"; A, AF, N, CG, & M! VFW...? Local American Legion has "Thirsty Thursdays Nights"... FUN for ALL! "Google" THIRSTY THURSDAYS - American Legion - Lynchburg, Va. Don't have one...? GET ONE STARTED! FUN for ALL!

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Billy Joel - We didn't start the fire.

I remember when he had a thick head of hair.....guess we're all getting

Regards + HH



Tried USO...? Go "local"; A, AF, N, CG, & M! VFW...? Local American Legion has "Thirsty Thursdays Nights"... FUN for ALL! "Google" THIRSTY THURSDAYS - American Legion - Lynchburg, Va. Don't have one...? GET ONE STARTED! FUN for ALL!

Thanks, my Friend, for the idea!

I'll probably soon be talking again with the
Commander at the American Legion, this time about my Project at the College.

I'll mention a possible fund-raiser for financial support to help pay for potential advertising costs, promotion, rides to the Project course,etc.

I used to play Bingo a couple years back at the Legion and talked with the
Commander then and he suggested that I join.

I certainly would have,
but I'm not eligible, only because of the period of time I served:

Yeah, what do you call the Cold War?

Without going into details,
I was told that on any given time that I was posted, and my post came under attack,
I had 90 rounds, a flak vest, steel pot, gas mask and a life expectancy of 90 seconds.

I also had a field phone that I was to call in for SAT and BAF, while I was picking and choosing my 90 shots....

Don't tell anyone, but the next time I meet with Congressman Collins,
I'll encourage a Congressional Resolution to Recognize and Honor "Cold War Vets.

Hope all have a Great Week!




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Here's a performance when he had hair and the intensity is much thinks not many of today's artists can measure up.

Regards + HH




Here's a performance when he had hair and the intensity is much thinks not many of today's artists can measure up.

Regards + HH


Really, Bill!

I resemble that comment! :laughing7:

Here's a juxtaposition of photos to consider.....

research project 006 - Copy.webp


Scary, ain't it?

Shouldn't be.

The first picture is a couple of years ago, taken for a Psychology Course in a research project concerning appearances and perceptions that I devised.

The second was less than a week ago.

Which image invokes compassion?

A homeless Vet?
Someone you may see from the corner of your eye,
"A long haired Hippie!"

You turn your gaze, pretend they don't exist....

What if it was me, on the corner, hungry, begging for change?
Would you still look away?

Hmmmm... For me or an animal at the shelter?


I'm on the streets,
Learning, living and sharing. My Experiences, my passions and my Love.

Can't wait to see YOU!

Now THERE'S another Study,
And Story.....

Yes, I'm taking notes..........

The results of my Research Project surprised me and my Professor!

The gist was to solicit funds for the Animal Shelter for 1 hour, appearing,

How shall I put this?

I led the Project with 3 other Students.

Then, we set up again, with nicer clothes, clean shaven, etc.

Which "persona" of donation seekers would garner the most donations?

We turned in over $300 to the Shelter!

And which persona received the highest amount of contributions?



By the way,

I made that, "Hippy-Dippy tie-dye T-shirt! over 20 years ago" :thumbsup:

All hair donations sent to:

By the way....
No one received less than a "B" in my Project.

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"And now, a song from Scott and Carol's favorite album of that "new" cat,
Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks!"

What a woman. To put up with me....

Yeah, I still have the disc I used to spin while we danced....




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From another "Thread....."

Originally Posted by Lucid Moments

Here is another one for you Scott.

Oh, Man!

Throw Bonnie into the mix and you're talkin' the best!

An old song you may have heard...
None better than This version!

Ever hear of "Dr. John?"



An old Randy Newman tune, carried to perfection, ala Janis.....

I'll always remember Carol when this song plays.....

A personal postscript:

I was able to save Carol from an addition to vodka,

But I could not save her from her other "demons"
I'll always feel that I failed.....

(crying right now, sorry....)

Where can such music be revealed? I'd say about post #624....

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"Oh, just "shake it, Scotty."

"I do...."

Shelodon Coorer2.webp
"I'm Sorry....
That line of reasoning does not compute nor correspond to any logic in our known Galaxies.
To verify your statement, I'll need STATISTICS, examples and previous studies.
Surely such discourse requires protocol.....
I'm waiting......."

Here's some Play Doh..... Have yourself an adventure....

In fact, it makes no sense at all.


"Ah, damn! There goes Scott...
Arguing with himself.....again.
Maybe he'll win this time....

Scott sometimes just ain't right.....
Ya know? Y'all got a Cousin like Scott, right?

Tonight? Well,


I'm still suckin' air! :thumbsup:

I Never felt Better!

"I can only hope to outlive my enemies....."


Makes no sense at all...

I heard that getting old only leads to dying....

Where did I hear that?

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My Birthday is Saturday.

Another year I have lived.
How have I lived to make a difference?
Do I deserve one more year towards my Passions?


My Birthday is Saturday.

Another year I have lived.
How have I lived to make a difference?
Do I deserve one more year towards my Passions?


Playing BIRTHDAY! by the Beatles, for you; you are a COLD WAR ERA Vet, like Vietnam Era Vet. My older brother was US Army - Ft. Jackson (VEV)l and THEY are "honored" by Vietnam COMBAT Vets. To MY knowledge, ALL vets can join AL; VFW is somewhat different... ALL in the NAME! Good LUCK!

Re. Lucid Moment's post.
A good ol tune.

Free dirt and borrowed tractor day again. Getting to be almost like work, except it's outdoors in beautiful weather.
Beautiful weather ahh beautiful weather. Makes the other types necessary I suppose to be able to realize it.
Not unlike life's ebb and flow,high or low.

Good pick Lucid!


Diesel tractor here I come!
Every one dance or wiggle a little today. Life's still good.


Since I just read it......Happy Pre Birthday Scott!!!!!!!! Hope you have a Hoot of a birthday buddy!


All the best on your upcoming birthday.

Regards + HH



This one is for Rebel because he is a big Keith Richards fan.



Rolling Stones - Wild Horses in front of 1.5 million people in Rio.


Playing Keifer "Riffs" on my guitar, right now! Turn it up, LOUD! LOL! Wife & I are gonna look for Wild Horses in OBX July, 2015; her birthday... :icon_thumleft: 8-)

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The Stones are coming to the Citrus Bowl in Orlando this month I think. Hey Reb I heard that !

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