I added words talked about my MURPH challenge. How I completed it, hot it busted my yahoos, and how exhausted I was. How I needed to puke or lay in the jacuzzi and die. Funny thing is Bill makes reference to those comments by commenting on completing the Challenge........ So I'm lost. Anyway, I did it in my mid 50's!!! I'm not a young punk full of piss and vinegar anymore that's for sure. I hope we raised the goal of $250,000.00 for the scholarship fund for Lt Michael Murphy scholarship fund. I can say I was part of that. I am also a member of the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation. I help returning Vets...... Just can't help myself but we are a brotherhood. We have a way to help each other. I guess it's setting goals that made me feel good. My ankle burned like hell, but NEVER QUIT!!!! I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow haha. Thanks RC There I said it all again!