Season 12

The entire Island has turned into a giant puzzle or possibly multiple puzzles and with pieces missing. They are trying to put the pieces together

No, you are the one assuming that everyone watching is expecting something of value being buried. Facts are that a hole was dug very deep but the reason is unknown and the most obvious reason is to bury something of value which is partially backed up with precious metals being found in water samples.

As far as the show being scripted, I know some people on a different "reality" show and the people behind the cameras, following the activity and daily lives of the individuals, dont always get the "perfect" shots or angles so they ask for them to be repeated. After a while it becomes a joke and game for everyone involved.
I for certain have never thought all people watched assuming something of value is buried and/or will be found. I do think a lot of folks actually believe something of value is buried though. And to say something that doesn't align with that narrative is somehow bad.

Grizz12: "Facts are that a hole was dug very deep...."

Yea I too would like to know when this became a fact. Are you talking about 200+ years ago...? Which episode was that....!?

And if that's a known fact to you can you share why anyone would do that just to put something of value?

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Grizz12: "Facts are that a hole was dug very deep...."

Yea I too would like to know when this became a fact. Are you talking about 200+ years ago...? Which episode was that....!?

And if that's a known fact to you can you share why anyone would do that just to put something of value?
In the 1700's when those kids found it and started digging deeper. Maybe you should actually watch the show before being so critical of it.

There have been many excavations resulting in a variety of findings which lead to the conclusion that something was going there that has not been documented. Why is there no record of the swamp roads being built and why? No record of wells, which at the time were priceless because they supplied fresh water?

In the 1700's when those kids found it and started digging deeper. Maybe you should actually watch the show before being so critical of it.

There have been many excavations resulting in a variety of findings which lead to the conclusion that something was going there that has not been documented. Why is there no record of the swamp roads being built and why? No record of wells, which at the time were priceless because they supplied fresh water?
Not trying to be critical of it. Watched every show for 12 years.

Record of swamp roads.... Whoever built them centuries ago didn't care about documenting them. Why would they...? Water wells... same thing. Document them for what...? What would any of those 2 things have to do with something of value buried...? Why would anyone from long ago care about documenting any goings on on O.I...? Whoever settled on O.I., built the road and dug a well needed those things to live there. But what does that have to do with something of value buried. It just shows some folks lived on the island. Nothing earth shattering about that.

I've read and heard the story of the children doing some digging but nothing ever shown that something of value was discovered. And all the other big excavations found nothing. The brothers have found nothing except artifacts from former island dwellers.

So not trying to be critical but just stating the facts as they were presented. After all the holes drilled and holes dug not one thing of value to show for it toward something of value is still buried. You still believe someone dug a hole 100-150+ft. to put ..... what...?

In the 1700's when those kids found it and started digging deeper. Maybe you should actually watch the show before being so critical of it.

There have been many excavations resulting in a variety of findings which lead to the conclusion that something was going there that has not been documented. Why is there no record of the swamp roads being built and why? No record of wells, which at the time were priceless because they supplied fresh water?
Are you saying because kids dug deeper that this somehow became "fact". And the most obvious reason is to bury something of value. How did you or anyone jump to that conclusion? The hole wasn't there unless kids dug it. So what came first the hole or something of value...?

I've never heard or it's obvious that deep holes hold something of value. My well is 198 ft deep here. I need to send a camera on down possibly.

The hole came first for the kids/men. ( they weren't exactly kids more like young men, mid 20's or so ) They were re-digging an existing hole that had been filled in. So the hole was there before them, and assuming there ever was something in it, "it" came first and someone dug the hole to put it in.. We all know that though...

The hole came first for the kids/men. ( they weren't exactly kids more like young men, mid 20's or so ) They were re-digging an existing hole that had been filled in. So the hole was there before them, and assuming there ever was something in it, "it" came first and someone dug the hole to put it in.. We all know that though...
But there was never any "proof" or documented proof that anything of value was ever found I understand from the young men. Only word of mouth or speculation as I understand that. I'd like to understand why any of those young men would feel the need to dig a filled in hole.

I believe it was a made up story that gives "explanation" that the filled in hole had something of value at the bottom. And layers and layers of the story then developed to add to the mystery and justification to dig and dig and dig and dig..... Even block and tackle story left to justify the boys dig.... and it continues today after 200+ years.

Whatever happened to the water samples to obtain a 2nd opinion or verification of certain metal traces said to be detected. I bet there gone and that ship has sailed along with other dead ends.

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No way of knowing if the block and tackle story is even true at this point but if so, assuming there was soft ground below it and then once digging you found the platforms anyone would begin to think just maybe there is or was something going on there.. Doesn't mean it has anything to do with a treasure of course..

No way of knowing if the block and tackle story is even true at this point but if so, assuming there was soft ground below it and then once digging you found the platforms anyone would begin to think just maybe there is or was something going on there.. Doesn't mean it has anything to do with a treasure of course..
Yea I believe the finding of "platforms" wasn't true either. Who in the hell would take the time to cut, drag and lay logs that will never be seen and have no earthly purpose being there. None of the stories make a lick of sense unless your just a hard core believer and take it all in as gospel. At that point the stories make sense but only to you.

Anyone who has a lot of valuables wouldn't take the time to dig a hole 100-150' deep. I've asked before but I'll ask again.... What's the difference between 10 ft. and 140 ft except math...? If someone says to make sure nobody can get to them... well hell you put them there so you have to repeat this if you want them back. If you did it then somebody else can also. And if you weren't coming back then just throw overboard and be done with them.... skip all the labor intense work and effort.

I have never understood why some are so compelled to dismiss anyone who shows a bit of interest in the show. Personally, I find the search for what went on there hundreds of years ago very interesting. The knowledge gained from the things they have discovered is a treasure in and of itself. If/when they find a significant treasure, that will simply be icing on the cake.

I have never understood why some are so compelled to dismiss anyone who shows a bit of interest in the show. Personally, I find the search for what went on there hundreds of years ago very interesting. The knowledge gained from the things they have discovered is a treasure in and of itself. If/when they find a significant treasure, that will simply be icing on the cake.
Personally I'd never dismiss anyone or there opinion. If you enjoy it like I do then by all means keep it up. But why do you believe it's a dismissal of someone if another person doesn't believe everything the show presents...?

The hole came first for the kids/men. ( they weren't exactly kids more like young men, mid 20's or so ) They were re-digging an existing hole that had been filled in. So the hole was there before them, and assuming there ever was something in it, "it" came first and someone dug the hole to put it in.. We all know that though...
The lore states that they saw a depression in the ground and decided it must be a buried treasure. The geological evidence strongly suggests that it was due to a sinkhole. The area is known for sinkholes; the ground gave way as someone was plowing a field near the money pit site. Sinkholes exist on the mainland. The area bedrock is similar to that of Florida... what's Florida known for? Sinkholes.

The sinkhole theory explains a lot of what has been found. The soil in the sinkhole will be softer than the surrounding soil, suggesting it had been previously dug. Debris, including field stones and logs, can fall into the sinkhole. In 1949, a sinkhole on the mainland was excavated and they found the same thing: field stones and logs. The highly porous bedrock would also cause the pit to flood as soon as they dug down to a cavern opening (same thing can happen in Florida) and the water level would change with the tide.

All of the "evidence" found in the pit -- the inscription stone, the gold links, the parchment piece, etc -- are all likely plants. Not a single piece of objective evidence has ever come out of the pit. Not even one. And now that the area has literally been dug to death over the course of 200 years, the likelihood of finding items in excavations is quite high but meaningless. All they are doing is excavating the excavations and nothing short of hauling up treasure has any significance whatsoever.

As I've said, the TV show is designed for one thing and one thing only: selling 30 second ads. If they really wanted to get to the truth they would bring in some real geological experts who can determine the situation. Bring back Woods Hole for a thorough, unrestricted analysis. The problem is that the most likely result will be "natural formation." That won't sell 30 second ads so it will never ever happen.

The bottom line is that there has never been anything to suggest buried treasure. Just some kids (or teens, or adults, it's not clear) who saw a depression and said "Look! Buried Treasure!" That's literally what all of this is based on.

The lore states that they saw a depression in the ground and decided it must be a buried treasure. The geological evidence strongly suggests that it was due to a sinkhole. The area is known for sinkholes; the ground gave way as someone was plowing a field near the money pit site. Sinkholes exist on the mainland. The area bedrock is similar to that of Florida... what's Florida known for? Sinkholes.

The sinkhole theory explains a lot of what has been found. The soil in the sinkhole will be softer than the surrounding soil, suggesting it had been previously dug. Debris, including field stones and logs, can fall into the sinkhole. In 1949, a sinkhole on the mainland was excavated and they found the same thing: field stones and logs. The highly porous bedrock would also cause the pit to flood as soon as they dug down to a cavern opening (same thing can happen in Florida) and the water level would change with the tide.

All of the "evidence" found in the pit -- the inscription stone, the gold links, the parchment piece, etc -- are all likely plants. Not a single piece of objective evidence has ever come out of the pit. Not even one. And now that the area has literally been dug to death over the course of 200 years, the likelihood of finding items in excavations is quite high but meaningless. All they are doing is excavating the excavations and nothing short of hauling up treasure has any significance whatsoever.

As I've said, the TV show is designed for one thing and one thing only: selling 30 second ads. If they really wanted to get to the truth they would bring in some real geological experts who can determine the situation. Bring back Woods Hole for a thorough, unrestricted analysis. The problem is that the most likely result will be "natural formation." That won't sell 30 second ads so it will never ever happen.

The bottom line is that there has never been anything to suggest buried treasure. Just some kids (or teens, or adults, it's not clear) who saw a depression and said "Look! Buried Treasure!" That's literally what all of this is based on.
I believe your right about all of the above or a version of it. I watch the show to see how they can twist and turn each little thing into a a buried something. It just amazes me how the narrator and the cast all go along so easily with the script to keep the story alive.

Everybody knows when watching the show no treasure will be found on this episode. How...? If they happened upon a vast treasure word would spread quickly long before it's shown on some episode of O.I.

It just amazes me how the narrator and the cast all go along so easily with the script to keep the story alive.
They're doing the only thing that can be done to turn a buck on OI. As long as viewers tune in, they can continue to sell 30 second ads. I'm sure after every day's taping they all sit around and laugh about it. I would.

Personally I'd never dismiss anyone or there opinion. If you enjoy it like I do then by all means keep it up. But why do you believe it's a dismissal of someone if another person doesn't believe everything the show presents...?
I didn't say anything about not believing constituting a dismissal. I was trying to nicely make a point that many of the posts go way beyond stating a different opinion and cross over into the territory of insulting posters who enjoy the program.

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