Why can't peace survive. Soldier friend of mine. Wont you lay that gun on the line. Cross it and shake a hand. You can live with peace and share the land. Isnt it peace that you disire. To see your children run free. The fighting just fuels the fire. Is this how you want your world to be? Soldier friend of mine lay that gun on the line.

sent from a sending device.


"Ah, Sponge, my Friend.

Was this your first post on this thread?

I'd love nothing more for this planet of humanity to cease killing one another.
I'd gladly lay my weapon down and share a cup of coffee and discussion about how people can help others whom are less fortunate.

But, Alas, seems like bad people always want to kick over the coffee pot.

Do You lay down your weapon, HOPING the adversary does so also?

No. You keep your position on the bargaining table
by keeping your 'self preservation' options available."


That's all I will reply to that post on this thread.
Politics and Religion are not really appreciated here....
So I'll cease....

By the way,
Are you a Vet?


Not a "Military thread," but the Folks here who are,
Will always be....8-)

PS. Got some cool recipes?

Including Ramen for the poor College students here? :thumbsup:

We may disagree upon certain methods,
But, Don't we all agree on the solutions and outcomes?


'Bout time for a list of Members and Representatives here.

Who's in charge of that?

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"Yeah, I'm just a kid, but if you really want to get it on.....

I'll introduce you to my psychotic, imaginary brother.
He's....Well, he's me.....

Shall I add you to his list of "Whoop-Ass?"
You may have to wait your turn.....
Behind the people who have no idea how to work a 4-Way stop....

You DO have the Ticket concession profit numbers, right?"

I'm always such a wag, no?



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Can I get a request for the old school "The Lion sleeps Tonight." Bill posted it before....something magical about that.

Well, I can't be sure which one Bill did, old school, that is...... :laughing7:
so I'll guess you'll hafta settle for a "cat" version. :cat:
Good to see ya, as I'm almost out for the night.


I thank you both.

View attachment 1115924
"Yeah, I'm just a kid, but if you really want to get it on.....

I'll introduce you to my psychotic, imaginary brother.
He's....Well, he's me.....

Shall I add you to his list of "Whoop-Ass?"
You may have to wait your turn.....
Behind the people who have no idea how to work a 4-Way stop....

You DO have the Ticket concession profit numbers, right?"

I'm always such a wag, no?


One of my favorite episodes of Malcolm in The Middle...




A "caution."

Of language....
In the following posting....

"We're all together, here, man!"


I remember you!



Just a couple of Ovation guitars and a heartfelt tune from me........
(Sweet 12 string.....)

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My Friends,





When sleep finally overcomes me,

I shall dream of flying.....

A Trombone?
{Wait for it...}


We ALL will fly away, someday.....

Good Night, my Friends.....

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Joke of the day- three middle age women go to a male strip review. One man is dancing right in front of them. One lady pulls out a 10 dollar bill, licks it and puts it on his right butt cheek. Not to be out done the second pulls out a 50, licks it and puts it on his left butt cheek....... They both stare at third lady who is skiddish with her money...... She pulls out a credit card runs it down his butt crack says " I've found an ATM" takes the money and runs!!

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Joke of the day- three middle age women go to a male strip review. One man is dancing right in front of them. One lady pulls out a 10 dollar bill, licks it and puts it on his right butt cheek. Not to be out down the second pulls out a 50, licks it and puts it on his left butt cheek....... They both stare at third lady who is skiddish with her money...... She pulls out a credit card runs it down his butt crack says " I've found an ATM" takes the money and runs!!


Sent from a empty soda can!

:) have a good night. My ol lady is off on another month long cruise. Won't be home til March. Leaves me with all these young uns ......I told her she's trying to pay me back for all those years I was gone....... Damn thing is I'm older and not as tough! To put up with these little people. The 8 year old said " we can do it poppy" he's something...... Maybe it's time just he and I take a vacation!!!!!

:) have a good night. My ol lady is off on another month long cruise. Won't be home til March. Leaves me with all these young uns ......I told her she's trying to pay me back for all those years I was gone....... Damn thing is I'm older and not as tough! To put up with these little people. The 8 year old said " we can do it poppy" he's something...... Maybe it's time just he and I take a vacation!!!!!

Wow! I don't think I would be okay if my wife was to take all those cruises without me. I'm glad it works for both of you though.

Sent from a empty soda can!

She's a nurse and takes care of an elderly lady on these cruises. I guess the old woman is fulfilling her "Bucket List" before she dies. Shes filthy rich.....but sure dont share it and really leaves me in a bind..........

I can sure understand your frustration I hope your wife is making good money doing this

Sent from a empty soda can!

Dram, how you weathering this winter? 4 weeks and I head to Fla., how about you....Gary

As a soldier I was able to learn the basics of 3 different languages to "stay afloat" It was brought to my attention how hard American English is to learn. So I wish to discuss changes in 2 words in the American language. 1. Menopause.........Good morning honey......whats so good about it? Do I look fat? No are you lying again? Honey would you like for me to fix you breakfast in bed? NO, I hate the sunshine. Honey lets go out for dinner. NO I hate the dark. Honey, could we you know tonight? NO, I'm cold, next night, honey could we? No, I'm hot. Honey can I give you a hug? NO, I'm Sweating...........

as you can see they misnamed this horrible condition. I think it needs to be readdressed and called MEN-ON-PAUSE..........hehehehe

2. Why do they call it Hemmorrhoids ???????? ITS a pain in everybodys a$$...........I think they should rename it ASSTEROIDS !!!!!!!

Ok my fun meter is pegged whoo hoo, hope you laughed..........time to do homework for the little people! haha

Dram, how you weathering this winter? 4 weeks and I head to Fla., how about you....Gary

Gary, I have been working 70-90hrs a week with this snow. I hate every second I'm here in maine. Unfortunately I won't be heading to Florida until the beginning of August! Lol I know it's the wrong time of year to go but it's the only time I can get away...that is unless I quit (getting more likely every day!) or I get laid off (a possibility) right now I'm trying to get a company to replace some screens for the pool enclosure that terminix torn during a termite treatment. I hope this isn't to expensive! Lol

Sent from a empty soda can!



Sent from a empty soda can!

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