I thought he meant the double fuselage fighter


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I thought he meant the double fuselage fighter

This was what I was prepared to die for to protect....

Nike Missiles.

Ours had Nuclear warheads....



TGF, it's picnic time again, come April this yr. Wabbasso.
Ya need to get the boys together, day trip, bring whoever you like, come be a part of us. (we're actually just a pretty rag-tag, falling apart, pulled together, bunch o folks, that can put on one heck of a BBQ) :laughing7:
We would all be very honored, to be among such fine company, if you would kindly make yourself available.

TGF, it's picnic time again, come April this yr. Wabbasso.
Ya need to get the boys together, day trip, bring whoever you like, come be a part of us. (we're actually just a pretty rag-tag, falling apart, pulled together, bunch o folks, that can put on one heck of a BBQ) :laughing7:
We would all be very honored, to be among such fine company, if you would kindly make yourself available.


cat 1.webp
"Can I come, too? I haz ben gud."



Yes, Scott, we would be honored to have you, too! :notworthy:

And my Director of Finances....

cat monopoly money.webp

You know, Gubbermint forms and such.

But my Cat's got all the numbers!



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I can really call all of you my friends, and for that I am eternally thankful. If you haven't seen the movie American Sniper, please do. But there were so many parts of the movie that were true about my life and my relationship with my wife. Paraphrasing of course but there was one scene that I said too. He was talking to his wife and says something like" how can people be going out to dinner, eating steaks like nothing is going on when we are fighting a war and people are dying?" I said the exact same thing! I didn't know Chris Kyle, but I support his family in this ridiculous law suit brought about by Jesse Ventura. Who claims to be a Seal but was a UDT OPERATOR stationed in the Phillipines during the Vietnam war . His own brother was on his team! I helped raised 1 million dollars to offset that 1.8 million dollar offset against his widow. What a jerk Ventura is. I am communicating with Marcus Lutrell now. He and David Rutherford help a fellow Frogman with my PTSD god bless them and god bless all of you. Remember, Combat Diver is a Frogman too ....,,, I appreciate ALL OF YOU!!!

Time to stay grounded- remember my brothers-and try to get some sleep.......fresh I'm a mess....... But I have to fall back and regroup for my tadpoles. Remember- I never retreat! I'm just fighting in a different direction! Haha. God bless you all, thank you for your wisdom and thank you for your friendship. HOOOYAH

2G.F. you are a friend. We keep goin forward despite our pasts. One flipper at a time walkin backwards if need be but on we go. Stick with us; roof jumper.


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I can really call all of you my friends, and for that I am eternally thankful. If you haven't seen the movie American Sniper, please do. But there were so many parts of the movie that were true about my life and my relationship with my wife. Paraphrasing of course but there was one scene that I said too. He was talking to his wife and says something like" how can people be going out to dinner, eating steaks like nothing is going on when we are fighting a war and people are dying?" I said the exact same thing! I didn't know Chris Kyle, but I support his family in this ridiculous law suit brought about by Jesse Ventura. Who claims to be a Seal but was a UDT OPERATOR stationed in the Phillipines during the Vietnam war . His own brother was on his team! I helped raised 1 million dollars to offset that 1.8 million dollar offset against his widow. What a jerk Ventura is. I am communicating with Marcus Lutrell now. He and David Rutherford help a fellow Frogman with my PTSD god bless them and god bless all of you. Remember, Combat Diver is a Frogman too ....,,, I appreciate ALL OF YOU!!!


Brother, I'm on your side!

Private Scott ready and willing to carry out your legal orders, Sir!

Jesse is a washed-up fake "wrastler."

Don't fear his bark; He has no bite.
Most times "bullies" have only a reputation.
Nothing more...
Ever hear of "Fragging?"

What is your reputation?
My reputation is standing for up for my beliefs and my Friends!

Yeah, I'd go a few rounds with "The Body."

Win, place or show....
Even at my age, I'd own him....

let's rock.webp



My Friends will be admitted gratis.

Contact my agent.
He'll surely wake me up to reply....:laughing7:

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My daughter was dating this punk one time. He got her pregnant. So he knocked on the door and came in. I was cleaning one of my sniper rifles....... I said "Hey and I threw him a 168 grain boat tail hollow point, 7.62 x 51 bullet. He caught it. He sad " what's this for?" I said if I see you around here again........the next one is going to be a whole lot faster!" ........we never saw him again!

Just 'cause.....

Listen to the words, my Friends....



Lucky at love
Well, maybe so
There's still a lot of things
You'll never know
Like why each time
The sky begins to snow
You cry

You're faithful to her
In your careless way
So you miss her when
She's far away
But every time you think
You've got it straight
You fall

You face the future
With a weary past
Those dreams you banked upon
Are fading fast
You know you love her
But it may not last
Your fear

It's never easy
And it's never clear
Who's to navigate
And who's to steer
So you flounder
Drifting ever near the rocks

It's hard to say
Where love went wrong
It's hard to say just when
It's hard to walk away from love
It may never come again

You do your best
To keep your hand in play
And try to keep
Those lonesome blues at bay
You think you're winning
But it's hard to say sometimes

It's hard to say
Where love went wrong
It's hard to say just when
It's hard to walk away from love
It may never come again

Lucky at love
Well, maybe so
There's still a lot of things
You'll never know
Like why each time
The sky begins to snow
You cry

Reached #7 on Oct. 31, Halloween in 1981.

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Yeah, I'm a "Midnight Runner."

How 'bout you?




Tonight, whence I sleep, I shall dream of flying.....

Fly, Fly to your Dreams.
Fly in haste.
Time not to waste.
Fly, Fly to your Dream!

And Be...
Be the one to make a change!

Yeah, just some more words I've written down and working on a melody....

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Well, I'm a "midnight Rider"


Well, I'm a "midnight Rider"

Very well played, my Friend! :notworthy:

Say, do you play Poker?

I'd sure like to see me and you with chips on the table, raising and calling.....8-)

Just a "random" thought....

Be Well, my Friend!


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