And when you get to wont be able to walk outside.........the WALL of humidity will tackle you and pin you to the ground and stomp you and hold you there and make you sweat in places you didnt think you had............and thats on a 70 degree day............

That's ok. Beats getting frost bite!

Sent from a empty soda can!

Saturday into Sunday we are going to get another blizzard. 18-24" of snow on top of the four feet we already have...

Sent from a empty soda can!

Saturday into Sunday we are going to get another blizzard. 18-24" of snow on top of the four feet we already have...

Sent from a empty soda can!
It can get old... not going to be as bad here. Just way too cold and snow. Get ready to hunker down, and move snow, again. Ohhhhh happy happy joy joy!

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It can get old... not going to be as bad here. Just way too cold and snow. Get ready to hunker down, and move snow, again. Ohhhhh happy happy joy joy!

My hunker down means many long hours at work. Lol! I'm ready for spring!!

Sent from a empty soda can!

I've heard of this mystical spring you mention.
May have seen it when I bumped my head too hard once; but it seems like a long time ago.


Yup, it was way to long ago!

Sent from a empty soda can!

I don't really care ...right now I would settle for mud season8-).....Gary

I have a question. So what happens to all the white when the snow melts ? Things that make you go hmmmmm

RC I thought my milk tasted a little watered down. You Northerners must be making a heck of a lot of money then. Haha. It got so cold today I had to wear socks, or was it a shirt with sleeves? Haha take care my friend. I've dove the world over. Had a body recovery mission in Korea. They wanted to wait until spring. My NCOIC said hell no, he's an American we have a good idea where he is. We had to use some chain saws and cut through the ice. We got him. It was a sad day. All I can say is thank the good lord for dry suits........ You folks warm up up there maybe I can bottle up some warmth and sunshine and send it your way.....well that would be different from my grandmother.....she made and sold moonshine back during prohibition anything to feed the family I guess. I wish you all warmth and plenty of gas for your generators if needed!

All set here. Plenty of dog food and water for a while. Gas for the genny has been reserved with fuel treatment.. Takes about an hour to get the genny from shed to other side of house and cord ran through a basement window then the gap sealed with ninety mile an hour tape . Kill the main breaker. Then wire genny cord run to a flex cord at furnace junction box. Then a cord to fridge. Sometimes that hour is all it takes to get the power to come back on from the mainline. l.o.l. cuss,cuss.
A few miles away a gas station has standby power so fuel should not be an issue if another long term outage hits. 4 wheeler will get there.If not maybe the tracked six wheeler will.
Got it good. Want for little but a springtime, in time.

Funny thing is, I prepare with a generator and plenty of cans of gas too. My wife says I'm warped, I'm a survivalist that needs help..... I call it Hurricane season. Made it thru Andrew, did relief efforts for Katrina. Actually came home from Afghanistan, stepped off a C 17 airplane, was deployed I think for about 9 months then. Didn't get to see our families, went straight to the helicopters that took us to Hurricane Katrina war zone to another. Brother I've seen a lot. I'm still haunted by the death and devastation of Katrina. And it still gets me to see what fellow human beings will do to one another and not bind together to help with such pain and suffering. I can't really talk about what I witnessed there.....I mean well you understand. Anyway I'm no electrician, but I hook up my generator to my dryer outlet to run 110 items and I can only run one 220 item at a time. Praise The Lord lets hope I don't need it anymore and neither do you.

The woman wants a shower or power before I do,l.o.l.. I worry about the freezer contents but little to lose. This kind of weather it can go outside in a cooler just fine.
But hey. Be ready anyway. Yes, a minor discomfort/ inconvenience is nothing compared to the suffering some have endured.

RC I sent you a PM baseball and basketball tomorrow, cant go fishing...........haha I guess Ill make someone a good husband someday (Sarcasm) the kids (My grandkids) all call me dad or Poppa and say I'm doing well by them.........thats all that matters..........tonight, I'm not cooking, we shall order pizza hahahahahaha. Good night Critters, I'm OUT

Jammie bud!! where you been?

A song, ferreted out with my knowledge of lyrics,
Posted on Facebook by my Friend, Gear head.

A Fellow Georgia Boy, and fan of Team Elliot!
(I hope......)
Let's finally welcome him to the "Critter" fold, Shall we?



"It's not whatcha got, it's what you give.
It ain't the life you choose, it's the life you live..."

Ahead of our time?
At the time?


(What's the acoustic Guitar? HELP! I'm sleepless....)
Apropos of the song?
Most certainly....

I recognize the Fender shown below, [not played]
A Gibson, also?
A "Custom?" :icon_scratch:
(SWEET Gibson Sunburst electric 6 string....)

Y'all be good to one 'nother, hear?



Who's the one that makes you happy?
Or maybe, who's the one always on your mind?
And who is the reason you're living for?
Who's the reason for your smile?

I feel so lonely and I know I'm not the only one
To ever feel this way
I love you so much that I think I'm goin' insane
I'm goin' crazy, Outta my head
Goin' crazy, Outta my head
Can't think about nothin' but your good, good love
And what you give

Everyone needs somebody
And you know
Everybody needs someone

Well then I guess it's true
Everybody needs a special kind of love
And you're the only one I'm thinking of
You mean the world to me
You are my only

I feel so lonely and I know I'm not the only one
To carry on this way
I love you so much I lose track of time
Lose track of the days
I'm goin' outta my head
Goin' crazy, Outta my head
Can't think about nothin' but your good, good love
And what you give

It's not what you got, It's what you give
It ain't the life you choose, it's the life you live
It's only what you give
It's not what you got
But the life you live
It's the life you live

And you're the one that makes me happy
Oh yeah baby
And you're the one always on my mind
Well then I guess it's true
You are my reason
My one and only
That I've been living for
Why can't forever be
Forever and nothing more?

I feel so lonely and I know I'm not the only one
To ever feel this way
I love you so much I lose track of time
Lose track of the days
I'm goin' outta my head
Goin' crazy, Outta my head
Can't think about nothin' but your good, sweet love
And what you give

It's not what you got, It's what you give
It ain't the life you choose, It's the life you live
It's not what you got, It's what you give
And it ain't what it's not, But what it is
Only what you give

It's not what you got, But what you give
Only what you give
It's only what you give, yeah
Can't get enough girl, of that sweet lovin' baby
What you give

Mr. Bill,
You and the Crispy dude should get it together with a list of some kind....Soon?

It surely has grown....

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When I was doing remodeling work at the
Elliot's house, Guest House and Bill's shop just north of Dawsonville,
Chase once offered me a glass of water.

I still have that glass.....

Team Elliot?

Sure! Yeah, Why not?



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I woke up this morning, at the first light of a new day,
Stepped outside into the crisp air, and greedily inhaled a lungful of air,
And looked up to the Heavens....and....
I saw this...

Somehow, I knew this was gonna be a GREAT DAY! :thumbsup:

My Best Wishes to All,


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