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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Golden Thread
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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I Never Discredited You Or Credited You. I didn't say I believed or disbelieved you. I'd Have to See Something to do that.

You Did Not Offer To Show Any Recovery To Me Only Your Solve. Again...I know the story. I don't know anyone buying bars like that for $4000 so how could I offer to help you sell it except say to take it to a jeweler or pawnshop? I didn't see that picture til I saw it on here. I know if I showed that to anyone I woulda gotten a no look.

You PM'd me an apology after insulting me publicly on the forum...I said it would mean more if you posted your apology publicly on the forum. You didn't insult me by PM. Don't apologize by PM.

We live in way different worlds...you and I think so different, everything everyone has said here makes sense to me, you don't wanna hear it. In your situation I'd be trying to sell what I said I found. You don't, so I can't change my thinking in any way to help.

I've Never talked to or PM'd with Creskol...I told you that. I do think he knows what he's talking about much more than I do on that pot and other antiques. But we've Never conversed.

Expose My Greed...Ha! You didn't say that to me and it wouldn't be true. Pretty much everything legal costs money. I would have to do things legal Bug....and Pay For Them. See what Bryan at MidMo says that would cost for me to do it legally. I've Never conversed with him either.

Yes...That's my PM with you and I did say that After you said you had 7000, 68lb Gold Bars In A Cave...You didn't have cash to give me to do it legally. You said you couldn't do it yourself. Why didn't you mention that? And while on the phone I offered to buy 4-5 gold bars and coins with some guys I know down that way. You said you wanted the coins for your kid so you could see him and wouldn't sell any gold bars then hung up on me.

You want ME to Pay to do the legal things like this for you out of My Pocket?? It's me getting buyers and paying my tax attorney and taxes. I was trying to help you get cash since you contacted me. I'm Not going to get in legal trouble because of anything shady...Not happening. You said you needed money to see your son, to get your bus fixed, buy a car, get insurance etc and get out of there and find someone to publish your book and play Forrest Fenn. Same things you've said here. None of that is free and I'm not paying for it.

I told you I wasn't interested in a silver bar because I have silver and it's not worth what I bought it for at this point in time. If I had said ok to it on the phone, I would of said No to it when I saw it. It looks more like lead to me by the photo.

Call Whiteman AFB and ask them if they do maneuvers in those counties. They do. You said you weren't from here so I thought I'd let you know.

Bug, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, you just seem to be sitting around thinking there's some conspiracy out regarding you. If there is, it's Not on here, I'm not privy to it and from what I've seen, others aren't either. It's been legitimate questions from people after you made your initial claim.

I haven't even thought about this since you hung up on me again when I didn't do what you wanted. I haven't been on the forum at all til maybe a week ago and I saw this thread was active and looked. You're wrong about these guys, everyone here has said about the same thing to help you. I just happened to be the closest.

It is against the rules here to post PM's but I'm not going to report it.

I Am Done Trying To Help You. Don't PM me another apology. Stop with the Woman thing and trust me when I say there is No Way I'm Jealous Of You.


Very well written, Kace, and to the point. Well done! :icon_thumleft:

See...again...now you say "it looks like lead" trying to convince people its not real...after you NO SHOWED to look at it now you want to publisize a false narative. Lead is soft and dents with a hammer, ever done a ring test on a silver coin...it rings...

Check this 21 second video of ring test on the silver bar. Ive done chemical testing also. But you will continue to call it lead

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Now you say i was trying to make you pay expenses...our email clearly shows i was selling some to pay everything myself, you think a 70 pound gold bar is "your expense money"?
You guys need to stop, readers can cleary see you guys posting in tandem.
Next you will admit yeah it rings like silver...but its still lead right?

I don't even know why this post keeps popping up, it's silly just like the Dents Run fiasco and they keep dragging on and on like a bad soap opera for months or years on here and tomorrow we will always find out the real truth, but tomorrow never comes and it never will either. lol

To all the readers, i appologize for all of this. I worked very hard for over 3 years. They NO SHOWED...so they should keep tneir mouth shut instead of attacking me publiclly. This isnt going to take years, my hunt ended last october, it takes time to write an entire book over this huge event, like i said...my book is done...its being proofread, its coming soon, it dont happen overnite

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There is more differences in that carving and engraving than those two lines at the bottom.

Look at what some refer to as Two Snakes coming out the bottom of the kettle. I've heard several different thoughts on this. Years ago I was told about and saw what was called 'Snake Spring'. This man that took me there Believed that was related to the carving.

I didn't go right next to it as it did have snakes all around it...The ground seemed to be moving. I share his belief though about that having something to do with the carving due to it looking so similar. Just an opinion though.

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There are no snakes on the carving, what you are looking at was a searcher trying to read old weathered rock and highlighted his imaginatiom

I can be a jerk at times...sure, but im no liar. I worked too hard for too long to not get offended when attacked online.
The readers want to know your opinion of the ring test video.
Or NOW are you gunna keep quiet?

There is more differences in that carving and engraving than those two lines at the bottom.

Look at what some refer to as Two Snakes coming out the bottom of the kettle. I've heard several different thoughts on this. Years ago I was told about and saw what was called 'Snake Spring'. This man that took me there Believed that was related to the carving.

I didn't go right next to it as it did have snakes all around it...The ground seemed to be moving. I share his belief though about that having something to do with the carving due to it looking so similar. Just an opinion though.

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Look close...the snakes are not carved...its drawn with a wetted finger.
You are posting mileading info.

Hey Bugs, I would suggest you leave the politics out of this thread so it won'tbe locked. Isn't there standard ways to test your stuff?
If I had that much treasure I think I would buy an island and come to the states to hunt treasure.
Or maybe a ghost town.
Without mentioning your political views would you mind telling us your general plans going forward?

Very well written, Kace, and to the point. Well done! :icon_thumleft:

Thank You Creskol, I appreciate it!

I also appreciate how fast and accurately you are able to identify things in the 'What Is It?' Threads.. Amazing the way you can identify things so fast and accurately...I've learned a lot from you.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's absolutely not Spanish in any way whatsoever. Nor is it silver for that matter.
Kace is 100% spot on about Cedar County being the the flight path of military exercises – Raptors, Warthogs & Stealth Bombers fly over here monthly. Same goes for Ospreys & incredibly unique military helicopters.
To Bugoutbusman's fairytale workings here, one probably should've done some historical research on this Civil War/KGC/Spanish/Incan/Mayan/Aztec nonsense. That chunk of metal is devoid of every single indicator imaginable, not to mention it's a mismatched/non-standard dimension which no precious metal ever is, no matter what era it is falsely said to have come from.
His bus runs, but it doesn't, he's rich, but he doesn't Have the money to get anything done.
Most of all, Folks --> He's refusing to show anything to anyone for any reason while claiming, for years, he's "solved this & hiding it from the government..." Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Got it.
This is a work of dishonest, delusional, unsubstantiated fiction based off of nothing more than what's previously known & documented.
It's sad, it's unfortunate & really harms the world of treasure hunting for those who have ethics, morals and an honest drive to further the truth in their respective hunts.

Soooo jealous lol, everyone sees that

My bus runs fine, it has a blown airbag...so it leans. I drove it in here like that. It needs minor repair.

Y'all making fools of yourselves...trying everything you can to call me a fake...trust me you failed, everyone can see im telling the truth.

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Soooo jealous lol, everyone sees that

My bus runs fine, it has a blown airbag...so it leans. I drove it in here like that. It needs minor repair.

Y'all making fools of yourselves...trying everything you can to call me a fake...trust me you failed, everyone can see im telling the truth.

So Jealous? ... Not hardly .. don't flatter yourself!

Y'all making fools of yourselves.. so far, the only one who has made a fool of themselves is you, and you are doing a superb job of doing that! Got to give you credit for that!

everyone can see im telling the truth ... Seriously? So far I haven't seen one person here that believes you .. your posts are like reading ramblings of a lunatic.

Post the "results" of your chemical testing then... Oh, wait, YOU WON'T... Because da gov't out take yer Lucky CHARMS!!!!! We have all kinds of stuff laying around the farm I can hit with a hammer, too. Again, anyone capable of deductive reasoning can see that's not silver & of zero value (other than scrap weight, which is approx. .02/lb.) .
Total. Outright. Lie.

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Pretty amazing the "richest treasure hunter ever" is publicly degrading a lady while saying he's the one being attacked. That's a special level of low.
And, again, with every possible avenue to clear the air, he's saying "his book," which has no new material (other than his outright lies), explains everything.
Amazing no one in the area has even heard of him — Other than the local authorities, of course.
This is a sham. A complete work of delusional, pathological lying behavior.
One single untraceable coin could literally solve EVERY one of his problems, but bugoutbusman is soooooooooo far gone, somehow he thinks OTHER people will believe the government is out to get him?????
This. Is. Wrong. Awful, shameful & wrong. On every level imaginable.

I've hesitated to become involved in this conversation for many reasons, chief among them being that I don't wish to hasten anyone's downward spiral. But by continuing to keep responding to this farce, we are doing just that, as well as providing a springboard for further depredations. But after that video I had to make one last observation before I leave this drama to its natural conclusion.

I have to hand it to you Bug, your dedication to preserving your narrative is commendable. But thanks to your haste in dismissing Kace's opinion on the appearance of your "Silver Bars"....your video inadvertently 'rang the bell' of truth, and the death knell on their authenticity. For this I am in your debt. You saved me from wasting any more of my time on this thread.

It's painfully obvious you have never held an authentic silver bar, much less took a hammer to one. Silver is an extremely soft, ductile and malleable metal. (On the Mohs scale it has a hardness of only 2-2.5). It does not "ring" when struck. In fact, to the human ear it does not resonate/ring at all unless alloyed with other metals like bronze and tin. "Any trained Metallurgist" could tell you this.

Also, your lead comparison fails miserably as lead is never found in its pure form, as was used in your comparison. Lead has been mined all over the state of Missouri in its natural form, which is in combination with galena, copper, and small traces of silver. In the old days Base bars of this natural lead ore...similar in appearance to what you are calling "KGC/Spanish silver bars"...were commonly produced for ease of transportation to a refining facility. This is what I presumed your bars to be, BEFORE you provided us with that wonderful "ringing" video demonstration.

In addition to that unfortunate ringing, you were kind enough to finally show the so called "cut end" of the bar in question. Not surprisingly, it showed the exact same simulated oxidation as the rest of the piece. All in all, an excellent demonstration of why one should never act in haste, and should always proof their "Proof" before going public.

I can't wait for the book. I predict it will land with a satisfying thud, a perfect 1.5 on the Mohs scale.

I reckon I'll leave you to it then.


P.S. Oh, and by the way, next time you might want to remove your mold from view of the camera as well. :wink:


To test authenticity of a silver coin its common to tap it and see if it rings, silver does in fact ring, looking very close to the cut end all of the cut maks are visible from the back and forth sawing....it was slow cutting because it is a bit soft and each stroke is visable unlike cutting thru steel which polishes as you go. The oxidation is in fact deeper oni the outside than it is on the cut end, although its hard to tell in video or pics...160 years still greys it quite severely. What mold are you refering to? I set it on the rear of my riding mower which is a painted surface....obviously any melted metals would have cooked the paint off...thats a thin sheet of steel that forms my mower body. There are spots in the bottom of the bar which were caused by air escaping the heated stone when molten silver was poured into it.

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Closer look at the cut marks...nothing to hide here...its real silver.
These confederate men started cutting lengthwise...it is a soft metal so it slowed their cuts down like it had the brakes on...you can even measure depth of each cut, the cutting was slow so they stood it on end and the cutting went much faster. This soft silver metal cut much faster and you can see the strokes cut much deeper with every swipe. If it was a hard metal you would not see these cut marks so plainly.

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