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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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A classic display Personality Disorders at play here. It is very difficult trying to convince a bipolar patient in the manic state that they are manic. People in the midst of a manic episode feel joyful and outgoing and are willing to talk to almost anyone about anything. They might take on a new project, like opening a business or traveling around the world. They might also believe their success is inevitable. Along those same lines, a pathological liar exhibits the chronic behavior of habitual or compulsive lying, and oftentimes lying has become part of that person’s everyday life to the point where telling a lie feels more natural than telling the truth. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Then there is always the Paranoia & Delusional Disorder in which a person displays symptoms of intense and irrational mistrust or suspicion, which can bring on sense of fear, anger, and betrayal. Some identifiable beliefs and behaviors of individuals with symptoms of paranoia include mistrust, hypervigilence, difficulty with forgiveness, defensive attitude in response to imagined criticism, preoccupation with hidden motives, fear of being deceived or taken advantage of, inability to relax, or are argumentative. After taking this “ bus tour” one more time in its entirety, I won’t even begin to speculate which one, or which combination of these personality disorders, seems to be evident throughout the tour by the bus driver.

PROVE to US that WE are lying.

Personally, if I ever found a treasure of the magnitude of what you are saying it is, I wouldn't post it on a common use forum. If you were worried about the government, why on earth would you stay in the same spot, though you've "seen suspicious vehicles". If the government wanted you, we would have stopped hearing from you a LOOONG time ago. But you're still here...

And why in the he!! would you tell us where on Google Maps we could find you? Please mods and admins, lets end this B.S. and get on with REAL CIVIL WAR ARTIFACTS.

I'm with Kace about these kind of threads being helpful, since I have learned quite a bit within these posts. People more familiar with facts and claims might find it tiresome.
Anyway, I will publicly congratulate you for whatever you have found, Bugs. Although I can't say what it is until we see proof in your upcoming book.
Do you have a publisher?
Nice bikes, btw.
Actually, I have questions but not about the treasures. Not sure if it would do any good asking.

This is insanity.
Not hating, not anything.
This is delusional rambling without any proof of any kind whatsoever.
Every twist, every turn & at every opportunity we're supposed to believe "proof" without ever seeing anything resembling exactly that...
We're done here.
Anyone can post known history & fictional maps. ANYONE!
Every opportunity to substantiate this has been afforded to this lunatic & us readers are called liars... This is bogus in the third degree.
Leaving this thread & this site.
It's unbelievable any moderator would let this insane "Unabomber-esque" rhetoric continue.
Clearly, this forum isn't supervised or regulated whatsoever.
Done & done.
Anyone who believes Bugoutbusman's lunacy is detached from any semblance of reality.

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Oh... We found the vault & have a kettle full of coins, too. They're next to our motorcycles, Corvette dragster & our magic busses parked in a condemned school with no roof that we've been at for years that we describe in detail based on satellite images we publicly invited anyone to seek out online while we're "hiding from the government" after we sold our gold coins!!

Oh, no, wait........ That's Bugoutbusman's story in his OWN WORDS!!!
Jesus H. Tapdancin' Christ.
Done, done and DONE.

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This is insanity.
Not hating, not anything.
This is delusional rambling without any proof of any kind whatsoever.
Every twist, every turn & at every opportunity we're supposed to believe "proof" without ever seeing anything resembling exactly that...
We're done here.
Anyone can post known history & fictional maps. ANYONE!
Every opportunity to substantiate this has been afforded to this lunatic & us readers are called liars... This is bogus in the third degree.
Leaving this thread & this site.
It's unbelievable any moderator would let this insane "Unabomber-esque" rhetoric continue.
Clearly, this forum isn't supervised or regulated whatsoever.
Done & done.
Anyone who believes Bugoutbusman's lunacy is detached from any semblance of reality.

Oh they do supervise, just not the looney tunes!

Believing or not believing is up to the readers. Your little circle of lealous hater friends have gone on and on posting alot of misleading info in attempt to disprove me. Your false statements about silver properties, wetted finger drawings to change the actual carving, and constant lies about facts. You have gone far beyond attempting to mislead others by attacking me bringing up my irrelavent driving record, my choice of a dream life in a bus i built, etc...these are "personal attacks" not discusion about facts, none of that has anything to do with if its real or not. I posted my bus to show how i was able to sit here on site for so long to complete this treasure recovery. You continue by calling me delusional and a pathological liar stating everything i say is a lie? You cant name a single lie. EVERYTHING ive stated is the truth.
I'm going to ask admin moderators to now block you and ban your accounts on behalf of all these "PERSONAL ATTACKS"

Im still a believer...

Im not gonna waist my time calling out the Bug, Im gonna enjoy his posts and follow his story, sure if it comes out that it is not true I might be a little disappointed but Im here to pass the time not to judge people...

Keep it up Bug Im enjoying your post and the disbelievers responses, this entertainment at its best...

Bugoutbusman you live the life alot of us dream about weather they admit it or not.

Your bus is awesome by the way and great job on the conversion, i especially like the keg sink....

You can't ban us. The mods can. I'm surprised they haven't cleansed this thread LONG ago.

PROVE to US that WE are lying.

Personally, if I ever found a treasure of the magnitude of what you are saying it is, I wouldn't post it on a common use forum. If you were worried about the government, why on earth would you stay in the same spot, though you've "seen suspicious vehicles". If the government wanted you, we would have stopped hearing from you a LOOONG time ago. But you're still here...

And why in the he!! would you tell us where on Google Maps we could find you? Please mods and admins, lets end this B.S. and get on with REAL CIVIL WAR ARTIFACTS.

Ive already proved you are the liars, ive exposed your statements of false properties of silver, wetted finger marks, etc. Ive exposed your jealous hater greed. Ive exposed your "personal attacks". All you can do in attempt to discredit me...but none of that has to do with the fact that i did in fact solve this legend and recover the treasure...these are "personal attacks".
I dont wish to dig up anything personal regarding you guys (means nothing in validation)...you were not a part of this event, you were not here.
You opinion is irrelavent on what i wish to post or not post. As i stated...i have cancer and have had a heart attack. I am posting to prevent anyone like CW Springer digging for many years with his wife and 2 kids when i already recovered it...i dont want people to waste their lives. I have posted an overwhelming amount of facts NEVER HEARD BEFORE...but i have only posted 1/4 of my proof...im not going to post my entire book online. The rest of the proof INCLUDING PICS are only in my book.
You have not 1 time been able to disprove me in ANY WAY because in fact i am 100% honest.
You are making fools of yourselves...everyone sees your jealous hater greed trying to steal a 70 pound gold bar from me and then when that failed try to convince people im a liar. YOU FAILED

Im still a believer...

Im not gonna waist my time calling out the Bug, Im gonna enjoy his posts and follow his story, sure if it comes out that it is not true I might be a little disappointed but Im here to pass the time not to judge people...

Keep it up Bug Im enjoying your post and the disbelievers responses, this entertainment at its best...

Bugoutbusman you live the life alot of us dream about weather they admit it or not.

Your bus is awesome by the way and great job on the conversion, i especially like the keg sink....

Thank you, i hope this inspires you to live as you wish and chase your dreams...you are limitless, make your mark, and good luck in your journey

The burden of proof lies with you .. So far, you haven't proved anything .. about your fantasy that is .. You have proved other things about yourself, but not one shred of evidence to support your bogus claim to fame.

Ive only just come across this thread. Kind of skimmed it....but I cant help thinking... with all the "treasure" one could easily have hired a ghost writer / researcher and finished the book by now. Why even bother with the book? Its not for financial gain? I cant help but think that a successful treasure hunter would surely not have to justify anything for 21 pages on an internet forum.


Has the book come out yet? When is it coming out?

Dude, you can call everybody a liar all you want. I just got here sorta speak, so you can't call me a liar. However, you are making it impossible for anyone to believe you because you DON'T post all of your "evidence". You can expect scoffers, attackers and haters because you don't post proof, you post wild goose chases.

I'm telling you man, the government would have nabbed your a$$ long ago if you actually had something. I mean for petes sake, you told us where we could find you on google maps! Gimme a break.

I dont think I would choose to live in a bus if I were *filthy rich


Believing or not believing is up to the readers. Your little circle of lealous hater friends have gone on and on posting alot of misleading info in attempt to disprove me. Your false statements about silver properties, wetted finger drawings to change the actual carving, and constant lies about facts. You have gone far beyond attempting to mislead others by attacking me bringing up my irrelavent driving record, my choice of a dream life in a bus i built, etc...these are "personal attacks" not discusion about facts, none of that has anything to do with if its real or not. I posted my bus to show how i was able to sit here on site for so long to complete this treasure recovery. You continue by calling me delusional and a pathological liar stating everything i say is a lie? You cant name a single lie. EVERYTHING ive stated is the truth.
I'm going to ask admin moderators to now block you and ban your accounts on behalf of all these "PERSONAL ATTACKS"

I'm not going to debate the clinking tones of metals with you, it's obvious you know nothing about metallurgy and are relying on youtube videos for your research.

It would be a simple matter for you to saw off a chunk and have it XRF analyzed, there are several places you could have that cheaply done within 100 miles of your current location. For that matter, there is a member here on Tnet that has one and might offer to settle the dispute if you pm'd him with a link to this thread and explained your situation. He has offered his services to another member of the forum in the past to settle a disputed find. You will find him in the Lost Dutchman Forums, his name is azdave35.

The FACT that you have DONE NOTHING TO AUTHENTICATE either the Pot, or the so called Silver bars, leaves little meat to your claims. We've been chewing this gristle long enough, time to spit it out and move on.

Btw, I don't call folks liars. :nono: I just post the Facts and let the viewers decide for themselves.

Like This.....


Posted by you on Jan. 1, 2019 -

" The car in that pic is now gone. My twin brother had brain surgery and needed it so i gave it to him "


OfferUp Sale Site

Posted by you on March 31, 2019 - on OfferUp

" Parting out 2004 Cadillac cts. Wheels are gone. Hood is gone. Front bumper is gone. Right front fender is gone. Seats are gone. Trans is bad. Good engine, many more good parts. Contact for price on parts or buy what's left for $600 "


:icon_scratch: :dontknow:

Oh I feel a facepalm coming...gee wiz, you can't fool these dudes, bugout! Especially when you put your face out there!

I'm not going to debate the clinking tones of metals with you, it's obvious you know nothing about metallurgy and are relying on youtube videos for your research.

It would be a simple matter for you to saw off a chunk and have it XRF analyzed, there are several places you could have that cheaply done within 100 miles of your current location. For that matter, there is a member here on Tnet that has one and might offer to settle the dispute if you pm'd him with a link to this thread and explained your situation. He has offered his services to another member of the forum in the past to settle a disputed find. You will find him in the Lost Dutchman Forums, his name is azdave35.

The FACT that you have DONE NOTHING TO AUTHENTICATE either the Pot, or the so called Silver bars, leaves little meat to your claims. We've been chewing this gristle long enough, time to spit it out and move on.

Btw, I don't call folks liars. :nono: I just post the Facts and let the viewers decide for themselves.

Like This.....


Posted by you on Jan. 1, 2019 -

" The car in that pic is now gone. My twin brother had brain surgery and needed it so i gave it to him "

View attachment 1744185

OfferUp Sale Site

Posted by you on March 31, 2019 - on OfferUp

" Parting out 2004 Cadillac cts. Wheels are gone. Hood is gone. Front bumper is gone. Right front fender is gone. Seats are gone. Trans is bad. Good engine, many more good parts. Contact for price on parts or buy what's left for $600 "

View attachment 1744194

:icon_scratch: :dontknow:

Thats actually 2 differnt cadillacs, i had 3 that i used to build 1, i have alot left of 1 and a little left of another to part out. I did use a bit of one to build a camper also. IF YOU LOOK CLOSE ENOUGH YOU CAN SEE THE PINSTRIPE IS DIFFERENT ON THE 2 DIFFERENT SILVER CADDYS. The dubs went on the good caddy. One has tinted windows...the otner does not. Yes the other bus is for sale or trade for land, i need to get out of here before one of you robs me...the bus is for sale or trade but not for parts. Ive explained selling some of the treasure to pay expenses...im also selling my 1st bus which i drove down a year ago. How is this treasure related?
I was a mechanic and owned an auto shop and towing business for 15 years. I did work on the side including building that caddy out of 3 different cars...2 were silver. I had to feed myself somehow during 3 years of my hunt. i continue to build stuff even now...out of bordem waiting for edits to my book regarding footnotes from old historical county maps and events like the massicre in bear creek etc. Its important to have everything correct when publishing...so im in no rush to get sued for mentioning events 150 years ago.

Yep that camper is some real redneck stuff right there, im in missouri full of rednecks...thats what the camper owner requested so thats what he got.

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And before i hear it...no the pile of junk corvette beside the caddy is not my drag car...its a donor for a rat rod, its stock tuned port injection...ugliest vette ever made. My vette is in a trailer, it currently needs paint and new wheels, the stock vette wheels are super skinny with my fender flares, notice no headlights. I lost my ass in divorce 5 years ago.
That pic taken in my driveway just before divorce.
Yes i have the hood, i had not cut the hole yet

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