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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Golden Thread
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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Magnet test
Silver is only SLIGHTLY magnetic, silver coins are often authenticated by using a magnet set at an angle and sliding a silver coin down its slope, if magnetic it would STOP... if not magnetic it would shoot down the slide, silver being slightly magnetic would be slowed but slide down at a much slower rate.

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Your tiny circle of friends are trying so hard to prove its fake... I will take the bar to a local jeweler in the next couple of days. There are jewelers EVERYWHERE, finding an expert on the pot the coins were in is not as easy. There are a few in the state but notning local. I have not given up on having the pot authenticated...im just not finding anyone local.
Yes im massivly rich...but its not in cash so indeed i am without a ride. My bus has a blown suspension airbag and im not driving it all over the state right now. It runs perfectly...it needs an airbag thats all.
I already explained why im not cashing in for spending money...stop pressuring me to leave a money trail for the IRS to arrest me on. You try so hard to see me put in jail...not gonna happen.
You find it so hard to believe just 1 man could do this...in fact i did it. Stop being so jealous and look up a treasure to hunt for yourselves...and work it hard like i did...but you dont have it in you.

If i posted pics of the coins...you would say...
1...i bought them somewhere
2...i inherited them
3...they are lead painted gold
I already explained the risks and why i wont post the coins.
The silver bar is impossible to fake at this level.
The spaniards didnt march slaves up thru here carrying 1 single bar obviously. Its the size that would cover a torso, perhaps 1 in front and 1 on a slaves backside.
Im only showing THIS bar publicly because its the only one that the confederates had cut in half, dating it to the spanish conquest...and the civil war BOTH.

You accuse me of posting previously known info...yet you cant show that info. Post a screenshot of where all my details are listed...you cant. You are as misleading as hillary clinton...repeat it enough that somebody might believe you. Dont post broken links that readers cant follow...post screenshots of the info...you cant. I SAY AGAIN...if my info was known...why did everyone including cw springer dig on the austin farm 14 miles away? Because they all assumed the man that returned knew the general area. The man that returned(john hartley) was a liar...he was not one of the 3 men, he didnt understand 30minutes(by horse), all 3 men died in wilsons creek. They didnt mention the big cache because it belonged to KGC and john harley was not KGC. You had to know KGC symbols to find the pot of coins and that also held the copper map assuring only KGC would find the big cache. I have posted way more than enough...yet there is far more that will only be in my book...including pics.
You even post fake pics like the wetted finger drawings of snakes on the carving...lol. The only people that are agreeing withyou is your tiny circle of friends and their fake accounts. People understand the qualities of silver...its real...and its very old.

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De Soto was Pizzaro's grandson. Pizzaro raided with cortez. De Soto was searching for his grandfathers vault. Or why do you think they came thru here...a fishing trip in the ozark lakes?
They were searching...but they missed a marker themselves because one got destroyed by the indians...they got close but not quite close enough.

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I have been very honest from the beginning...not 1 lie or false statement. Your own accusations are what is conflicting about this story(fake wetted finger drawing marks and more) and false statements about the properties of silver. You try your best to expose me...even bring up my criminal record...nobody cares i got busted with weed 20 years ago(or the fact i still smoke weed), nobody cares i got a driving record like the duke boys...including 142mph in a 55 zone...nobody cares i got convicted for drunk driving...im not hiding anything...and there is NOTHING about me or my past that suggests im a liar in ANY way.
I get countless messeges of congrats for my find...these people are afraid to post because you will attack them also and state they are my fake accounts.
I posted a kace email of hater greed. But i will not post anything to expose innocent people that congrat me to your public attacks.
Next you will attack my grammar like a child because there is nothing left. I assure you my book has been spellchecked many times, and edited by proffesional writers...i am not a writer...this is my first book.

I agree with ya. Nobody cares about your past (but stop smoking weed, that will kill you sooner or later), spelling, or the like. It's hard to wrap something around ones head, when they've been told that NOBODY will ever find it. Heavens, my dad told me I would never find anything worthwhile in my yard, but I found some Civil War relics.

Edit: After about an hour of reading through these pages, I believe you're a looney tune.

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Dr. Seuss once said, "Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope." So, Bug, keep on living your fantasy. Living in exile in a dilapidated old bus, you have to do something to pass your time away.

Exile? Absolutely...and by choice.
Dilapidated? Not even close.
Living the dream, while you punch a clock to support someone eleses dream.

Cool! You have two motorcycles and an RV. Now I'ma believer.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's absolutely not Spanish in any way whatsoever. Nor is it silver for that matter.
Kace is 100% spot on about Cedar County being the the flight path of military exercises – Raptors, Warthogs & Stealth Bombers fly over here monthly. Same goes for Ospreys & incredibly unique military helicopters.
To Bugoutbusman's fairytale workings here, one probably should've done some historical research on this Civil War/KGC/Spanish/Incan/Mayan/Aztec nonsense. That chunk of metal is devoid of every single indicator imaginable, not to mention it's a mismatched/non-standard dimension which no precious metal ever is, no matter what era it is falsely said to have come from.
His bus runs, but it doesn't, he's rich, but he doesn't Have the money to get anything done.
Most of all, Folks --> He's refusing to show anything to anyone for any reason while claiming, for years, he's "solved this & hiding it from the government..." Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Got it.
This is a work of dishonest, delusional, unsubstantiated fiction based off of nothing more than what's previously known & documented.
It's sad, it's unfortunate & really harms the world of treasure hunting for those who have ethics, morals and an honest drive to further the truth in their respective hunts.

Thanks for confirming the military exercises down there and being so specific about the aircraft RT!

I appreciate you making reference to the way he talked about me, it shows your character, but really we just have to consider the source. He attacks when not agreed with...and he's attacked you guys too when shown or told something different than he wants to hear.

Even these kinds of threads are helpful to folks learning what's what and who's who. People reading them see all sides and not just one. I do agree that if all sides aren't shown it's Very Wrong and harmful to treasure hunters.

I'm glad you're here!!


Living the dream, while you punch a clock to support someone eleses dream.

Living the dream ? .. Looks like more than a dream to me! It looks like a nightmare!

Yee Gawds and little catfish .. Is this what "living the dream" looks like?


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EDIT: Never mind. Have at it.

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All I know is I am pissed at myself for the time I wasted reading through this

Bug, who is taking the pictures of you?

I am leaving this thread with this final post.

Even though his whole story is a fantasy, you just can't make up the ramblings he spewed, as shown below.
They are, in his own words, the "ramblings of a lunatic" as referenced in an earlier post.
They are listed in chronological order.

"The Big Cache is Big Enough to Build a WALL" (the fantasy)
as told by: Bug
Gene Carter

  • my tags are expired on my buses
  • insurance has dropped.
  • Getting new tags at this point isnt easy
  • My bus needs inspected
  • I am from another state
  • My drivers license has also expired
  • To get registration here i need an address
  • i cant drive the bus anywhere to get inspected.
  • Theres so much red tape because its a converted bus from out of state and literally everything is expired
  • My bus has 1 blown airbag, it will drive but it leans when air ride is up
  • It wont pass inspection
  • Im not gunna bother with the buses for now, or buying a car.
  • I dont have enough cash so it would require cashing in some gold.
  • 2 choppers circling my area
  • my internet is very unstable
  • all my texts are sending in double
  • Im guessing the feds are about to raid me
  • Stepped on 1 thorn that passed most the way thru my foot, i shrugged it off glad it wasnt another rusty nail
  • This aint no game to me.
  • I will be there to expose you, you will look like a total thieving fraud, and i will sue you
  • my book is nearly done, its in final stages now. You are only trying to get me worked up (posted January 13, 2019 .. 7+ months ago LOL)
  • Haha, people are already emailing me, calling you a loser. You got NOTHING. (uh huh .. sure they are)
  • Everyone reading this thread is wondering why you admit to being a thief. ( uh huh .. Sure they are! LOL)
  • The complete story is in MY BOOK, due to release soon
  • you cant copy the entire bible written in 2 paragraphs
  • Im still getting the kettle dated (posted January 14, 2019 .. and he still hasn’t had it authenticated)
  • So far I still have been unable to find a sepcialist to authenticate this antique pot. I`m still working on it. (posted January 16, 2019)
  • great way to promote my real book which is in editing as we speak. (posted January 31, 2019 .. I guess editing takes at least 7 months ..HaHA)
  • NOTHING compared to my 3 years of documenting details.
  • PERFECT! I invite you to meet with me and go over my "PROOF". I recieved a messege from you and replied with my phone number. (posted April 20, 2019)
  • I dont play games. I have messeged sammy austin, he has not called or texted me yet. It seems we are both in the area. Id like to meet with sam, go over this, get pics of him and i together, then have him post his opinion, hows that? If i can convince another treasure hunter that was involved that i suceeded....? When the kettle comes back dated PRE CIVIL WAR what next? I pray sammy austin has the set of pots that match this bluing pot.
  • My bus runs very well...it drove me here and it will drive me out of here. (not according to the snipers above) (posted July 18, 2019)
  • If i post pics of coins...people will say i purchased them...and irs would be all over me
  • This cache was in 2 parts, the kettle of coins also contained a copper map to the older spaniard treasure.
  • how about half a silver bar casted in stone?.. This is the real kettle, and i really did solve this legend and recovered BOTH of its caches. (yup .. sure you did)
  • Ive had my book edited and its being proof-read. I will be posting my REAL BOOK soon (same thing you said 7+ months ago) (posted July 19, 2019)
  • This is much bigger than the legend stated, the legend is about the kettle of coins...but there is FAR MORE...stay tuned...i will post the rest soon.
  • He simply wants to see me jailed for dodging the 47% treasure trove tax law.
  • Im not going to hand over evidence that will get me locked up for a very long time because i dont want the govt to use this money againt american people.
  • This is my treasure...nobody will ever force me to share
  • I am an accomploshed treasure hunter celebrity LEGEND
  • I doubt anyone really cares that i have a driving record in Iowa like the Duke boys that i commited a couple decades ago, or my drunk driving
  • airplanes circle me so low that i can see the pilot, circling over and over
  • uspicious vehicles that frequent my area and follow me
  • Lawyers are leeches and i don't trust them any more than the govt.
  • i don't post pics of the treasure, thats evidence that can lead to many problems for me.
  • i said that a long time ago, planes circling me a half dozen times so low i can see the pilot. Choppers, black vehicles with govt tags...yes they are watching me.
  • YES its ALOT more than a pot of coins...YES its even bigger than the spaniard vault. I havent posted 1/4 of my story here yet.
  • It took over 3 years because after solving multiple maps in stone NEVER SEEN BEFORE...but i didnt stop when i recovered that fortune...i continued on until i solved the copper map as well...THAT is what makes me the legend
  • I had a heart attack and i have testicular cancer
  • I dont give a hoot about govt or taxes. To turn it over to the govt isnt going to help america or its people, it would go into politicians pockets...and fund illegal aliens.
  • l choose to donate, and alot more im reburying in every state and starting my own legend
  • Im not posting all the proof online...real proof is in my book. Im not an experienced writer so it took some time...but its ready...being proofread now. (I thought this was happening way back in January) (posted August 6, 2019)
  • Military aircraft dont circle half dozen times not far above the trees.
  • Check this 21 second video of ring test on the silver bar. Ive done chemical testing also. But you will continue to call it lead
  • Your tiny circle of friends are trying so hard to prove its fake... I will take the bar to a local jeweler in the next couple of days. (uh huh .. just like you did the kettle?)
  • Yes im massivly rich...but its not in cash so indeed i am without a ride.
  • My bus has a blown suspension airbag and im not driving it all over the state right now. It runs perfectly...it needs an airbag thats all. (except for an expired inspection, dead plates, and an operator with out a license)
  • stop pressuring me to leave a money trail for the IRS to arrest me on. You try so hard to see me put in jail
  • I have posted way more than enough...yet there is far more that will only be in my book...including pics.
  • I have been very honest from the beginning...not 1 lie or false statement.
  • nobody cares i got busted with weed 20 years ago or the fact i still smoke weed
  • nobody cares i got a driving record like the duke boys...including 142mph in a 55 zone.
  • nobody cares i got convicted for drunk driving
  • NOTHING about me or my past that suggests im a liar in ANY way.
  • I assure you my book has been spellchecked many times, and edited by proffesional writers.

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I am leaving this thread with this final post.

Folks .. You just can't make this stuff up!

These are the "ramblings of a lunatic" i referenced in an earlier post posted in order.

I thought your point was that he IS making it up.:laughing7:

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Wow, Creskol, that took some work! More work than bug probably does...

You are the ones attacking me here. Nothing ive said is false. You did your best to disprove me...but failed. Yet you continue to attack me in every way you can. Yes this is living the dream for me. I came here 4 years ago, it took over 3 years to complete...my license and tags have expired during this time here.
The video you took screenshots from is 4 years old, filmed when i first arrived to Bolivar before my 30 minute ride on heading. If anyone has google earth with the older dated satalite image additions you will see ive been here on site in bearcreek for 3 years now, there is no roof on this school and you can see me and my buses parked inside working. I have 2 buses here, my older original bus which was in storage until i brought it down over a year ago, yes i have 2 greyhound bus conversions here.
I dont care if people believe me or not, what i do care is being attacked and called a liar publiclly...thats defamation of charactor.
All the readers of this thread see your small group posting false info, lies, wetted finger drawings to alter carvings, false statements about silver properties, my criminal record which shows NOTHING....ALL FAIL TO DISPROVE ME. i am telling the truth 100% and you are upset because you accomplished nothing with your pitiful life. People who talk smack about others to make themselves feel better only prove they have no credibility in themselves.
You claim my bus is dilapidated...read the countless comments on my bus video. And by the way i have made many nice improvements since that old video.
All you are proving is that you are indeed a jealous hater. Yes i pull a corvette dragster behind my bus as well also parked here...and you will say "why dont you drive that?" Its not street legal.
People are getting sick of reading your ramblings when they all know...you were never even here. They are reading to hear my amazing story. You try to drown me out with BULLSHIT attacks and claim im attacking you. JUST SHUT UP, you are making fools of yourselves. People can see my story adds up 100%
Dont play the victim...THIS IS NOT YOUR EVENT. I am the one under attack here. So yes i defend myself...i post more and more proof which is what you really wanted...so you can write a bullshit version of my event. I screenshot all of this thread as evidence.

Heres a link to my bus video if anyone wants to view it. Ive got nothing to hide

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