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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Golden Thread
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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I think creskol is using yet another fake account "real truth" to discredit me as well as gain info to write a book based off mine. It clearly states NOBODY knew what the crosses meant etc, so this is NOT same old info. Ive had my book edited and its being proof-read. I will be posting my REAL BOOK soon, dont bother with creskols fake crap, he clearly states he doesnt believe it...yet he wants to write a book about it. My book is the real deal, big part of the reason im not posting alot more is due to creskol. This is much bigger than the legend stated, the legend is about the kettle of coins...but there is FAR MORE...stay tuned...i will post the rest soon.


I think creskol is using yet another fake account "real truth" to discredit me as well as gain info to write a book based off mine. It clearly states NOBODY knew what the crosses meant etc, so this is NOT same old info. Ive had my book edited and its being proof-read. I will be posting my REAL BOOK soon, dont bother with creskols fake crap, he clearly states he doesnt believe it...yet he wants to write a book about it. My book is the real deal, big part of the reason im not posting alot more is due to creskol. This is much bigger than the legend stated, the legend is about the kettle of coins...but there is FAR MORE...stay tuned...i will post the rest soon.

I stand by my previous statement in which I said, " My God you are ignorant!"

There is not a sole on this forum that believes a word of your fantasy.

You don't need anybody to discredit you, Bug.. you are doing a fantastic job of that all by yourself!

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Im pretty sure creskol works for the govt, trying so hard for me to post the actual treasure. He simply wants to see me jailed for dodging the 47% treasure trove tax law. Im not going to hand over evidence that will get me locked up for a very long time because i dont want the govt to use this money againt american people. Pelosi offered us $1 in protection on our wall, and sends billions to third world countries. How many of you are upset that your tax monies go to non citizens? Free healthcare, housing, more for illegal aliens...while americans die in the street with no assistance. If i turn in this treasure it will not go to american economy...it goes to war funding, more cameras to watch americans, further strip our rights...im doing america a favor by not giving any to the govt, instead i donate to things like "build the wall", if our govt wont build the wall with taxpares money as we demand...then I AM BUILDING THE WALL.. So of course they will try to lock me up. Creskol, and his fake accounts are the only ones talking smack here. Saying all my info was previously known? Hell no, its all new...i did it. He says its all BS after he stated its so amazing even he wants to write a book about it.
This is my treasure...nobody will ever force me to share...do you think your getting a cut?
The story itself is a treasure...MY story...it starts with a treasure legend but gets ALOT bigger. Creskol is jelous that i made the biggest find in recent times...yes its ALOT bigger than 1 pot of coins...i showed a spaniard bar...looted from the Inca empire...i have ALOT of them.
I had offered to show the proof to anyone to validate it...the person who promised to validate was a NO SHOW. So if you want the full story and the pics...it is all in my book, i am not a writer so it has taken time to get edited, published, etc. I will realease my book to the public soon.
The public wants you to shut up creskol, they want the story also, but badgering me online isnt helping. Creskol is jelous that he is a NOBODY, and I am an accomploshed treasure hunter celebrity LEGEND, so he publicly claims he will steal my book...after that fail...its all out attack on me. Creskol must be related to Hillery Clinton. Every reader of this thread understands that its creskol and his fake accounts discrediting me in attempt to keep me posting proof that he will steal for his fake book.

Very interesting Bugoutbusman just read through all 15 pages, I would ask that you keep posting and ignore the haters, defiantly would like to see more pics and have no problem waiting to see them, please share your book title with us when its ready...
Well done sir....

Im pretty sure creskol works for the govt, trying so hard for me to post the actual treasure. He simply wants to see me jailed for dodging the 47% treasure trove tax law. Im not going to hand over evidence that will get me locked up for a very long time because i dont want the govt to use this money againt american people.

Look, Mr. Carter... I am a lawyer. I am not YOUR lawyer, so please note that this is strictly academic. Let's say someone found a valuable treasure horde in Missouri. Let's say they admitted it on a public forum and stated their real name and where they live, etc. Further, let's say that they admit that they are not posting the treasure because they are dodging the IRS. One can safely assume that the IRS is 1) already aware of the claim; 2) has investigated it (seen any black SUV's lurking around the party bus?); and 3) has made a determination as to whether or not they believe the claim and want to pursue the matter. If they believe there is a treasure horde that has been untaxed (as of tax year 2018 when Gene Carter claimed to have discovered it) one would think they would have executed search warrants and build a prosecution case. After all, admitting to finding a large horde of treasure and admitting to "dodging the IRS" in and of itself gives them sufficient probable cause for a warrant.

In our hypothetical example, the treasure horde finder who found an actual horde of treasure should consider contacting a tax law attorney and maybe a financial planner. Best to be up front with the IRS even if you don't agree where your tax dollars get spent. For example, I pay my taxes even though I hate that Federal employees are allowed to have casual Fridays. Such a disgrace.

Also, in our hypothetical example, if the treasure horde finder didn't really find a horde of treasure, then the IRS would not pursue their investigation any further and said finder could go along posting treasure stories on the interwebs.

Stay safe, keep the blinds closed, and consider relocating to a non-extraditable nation. Hypothetically, of course.

Im pretty sure creskol works for the govt, trying so hard for me to post the actual treasure. He simply wants to see me jailed for dodging the 47% treasure trove tax law. Im not going to hand over evidence that will get me locked up for a very long time because i dont want the govt to use this money againt american people. Pelosi offered us $1 in protection on our wall, and sends billions to third world countries. How many of you are upset that your tax monies go to non citizens? Free healthcare, housing, more for illegal aliens...while americans die in the street with no assistance. If i turn in this treasure it will not go to american economy...it goes to war funding, more cameras to watch americans, further strip our rights...im doing america a favor by not giving any to the govt, instead i donate to things like "build the wall", if our govt wont build the wall with taxpares money as we demand...then I AM BUILDING THE WALL.. So of course they will try to lock me up. Creskol, and his fake accounts are the only ones talking smack here. Saying all my info was previously known? Hell no, its all new...i did it. He says its all BS after he stated its so amazing even he wants to write a book about it.
This is my treasure...nobody will ever force me to share...do you think your getting a cut?
The story itself is a treasure...MY story...it starts with a treasure legend but gets ALOT bigger. Creskol is jelous that i made the biggest find in recent times...yes its ALOT bigger than 1 pot of coins...i showed a spaniard bar...looted from the Inca empire...i have ALOT of them.
I had offered to show the proof to anyone to validate it...the person who promised to validate was a NO SHOW. So if you want the full story and the pics...it is all in my book, i am not a writer so it has taken time to get edited, published, etc. I will realease my book to the public soon.
The public wants you to shut up creskol, they want the story also, but badgering me online isnt helping. Creskol is jelous that he is a NOBODY, and I am an accomploshed treasure hunter celebrity LEGEND, so he publicly claims he will steal my book...after that fail...its all out attack on me. Creskol must be related to Hillery Clinton. Every reader of this thread understands that its creskol and his fake accounts discrediting me in attempt to keep me posting proof that he will steal for his fake book.

Jealous of you? Not hardly.
You are "an accomploshed treasure hunter celebrity LEGEND?" HAHAHAHA.. Maybe an accomplished bullshooter, but hardly legend.

Anyone with basic IT skills can tell you bugout & sammyaustin are the same person. Purely based on the generic IP generated. That being said, Gene Carter, claiming to have found this treasure, lives in a broken down bus, gets power from a couple of car batteries, eats canned beans for most of his meals, has an INSANE criminal record in Iowa & cannot, in any way, produce so much as a scintilla of evidence which substantiates his claim. Period. Every reader on here has access to the same pics, the same history, the same resources & information. Not only is he a fraud, but he's a pathological liar who refuses to show proof because "da gov't gonna get my gold!"
Think about it. Even those Oak Island boys are on a wild goose chase, but at least they killed a reality show out of the deal!

Is this before the spaceship lands or............? Pretty sure you've been blasting your "find" online for a couple years & "the feds ain't come a-knockin' yet" – Because they know you don't have two nickels to rub together, let alone millions or billions in precious metals. Or treasure. Or anything of value. Other than nonsensical theatrics, a couple common or stock photos & baseless threats/accusations, of course. The latter gets more epic on a daily basis. Keep it up!!!

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Sweetest piece of lead I've seen in decades, by the way... If anyone w/even basic knowledge of metallurgy (like myself) sees this, they'd say the same. Very convenient you negated to show the cut face of the bar's midsection, too. Seriously, how stupid do you think people are? Grandma's silverware has more oxidation than that – Because silver's oxidation is black. Worst fake I've seen in a loooooooooooong time. That's supposed to have half a millennia of oxidation? You're sideways. Delusional. Lying. Oh, and now there's "a cavern" in your fable, too? Good freaking Lord... How much better does this clown show get?

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Sheeeeesh!!!! I was in Cedar county a couple days ago and TOTALLY forgot about this story....I would have drove around a little bit more... :dontknow:

I doubt anyone really cares that i have a driving record in Iowa like the Duke boys that i commited a couple decades ago, or my drunk driving several years ago. I've never been accused of fraud of any kind. Never lied to police or on court. My record is irrelavent. Yes i already discussed the airplanes that circle me so low that i can see the pilot, circling over and over. As well as suspicious vehicles that frequent my area and follow me, i stated this months ago. Lawyers are leeches and i don't trust them any more than the govt. I already explained THAT'S one of the main reasons i don't post pics of the treasure, thats evidence that can lead to many problems for me.
Grandmas silverware tarnishes so bady because its a thin layer of plating, this is solid silver...anyone with metallurgy knowledge understands this.

I doubt anyone really cares that i have a driving record in Iowa like the Duke boys that i commited a couple decades ago, or my drunk driving several years ago. I've never been accused of fraud of any kind. Never lied to police or on court. My record is irrelavent. Yes i already discussed the airplanes that circle me so low that i can see the pilot, circling over and over. As well as suspicious vehicles that frequent my area and follow me, i stated this months ago. Lawyers are leeches and i don't trust them any more than the govt. I already explained THAT'S one of the main reasons i don't post pics of the treasure, thats evidence that can lead to many problems for me.
Grandmas silverware tarnishes so bady because its a thin layer of plating, this is solid silver...anyone with metallurgy knowledge understands this.


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Trolls can get so jealous that they will try to convince everyone that they know the truth. These trolls were never here, i did this alone...so they feel its impossible. That is the amusing part

Trolls can get so jealous that they will try to convince everyone that they know the truth. These trolls were never here, i did this alone...so they feel its impossible. That is the amusing part

BullShooters such as yourself are a dime a dozen, too! Definitely nothing to be jealous about!

OK. I've not looked at this thread for several months and am now confused. I thought the OG story was about 3 guys going off to war pooling their money and burying it. Now I find the guys had found a Spanish treasure and put a copper map to it and some silver bars. Oh yea, it was also a KGB cashe.
My confusion is where did the Spanish Treasure and map come in? How could it be KGB BEFORE the war and how did it go from some money guys pooled to a massive KGB vault?
My suggestion is to forget about the book. After giving half the value to the land owner and paying near half in state & fed. taxes you would be better off taking a trip to sell the coins one or two at a time. I'd guess every County Seat in the state has one or two pawn shops in it. Tell the pawn shop your Grandpa gave you these two coins and you'd like to sell them. Most HONEST pawn shops will give you 75-80% value. Take the 80% cash, better return than if you do it legally and pay taxes. You should be able to visit 4 or 5 Countys a day. Find the good eating joints in each town and write a book about where to eat in Missouri.
It's not that I doubt the story, I'm just confused about how the story went from money buried by 3 guys going off to war to now involving KGB and Spanish treasure. Good luck.

It's not about anything other than factual reality when it comes to this ranting, raving & repetitive narrative. Not only is bugoutbusman demanding this fairytale be believed without a scintilla of evidence, he's accusing everyone who disagrees with his retelling of a common story that they're trying to steal the actual story he himself has already stolen. Google this tall tale or just swing by any established library in Missouri — Anyone can find the exact same material. Not an ounce of evidence has been produced & people who are this far down the rabbit hole should have truth & reality presented to them publicly. The twists & turns in this fictional digression are just that. Fiction. This is unfortunate & wrong. Just plain wrong. When the twists, turns and double talk equal the insults and refusals, anyone with the basic power of deductive reasoning can reach only one conclusion. This is bogus. And certainly isn't about sharing information & resources.

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Regardless of all which has come before in this thread, I am posting this link again for any who missed it. This piece is fascinating and melancholy, and worth watching I think.


"The Disappointment: Or, The Force of Credulity is a documentary about the search for four lost treasures buried on a single farm in Missouri. These treasures include a Spanish explorer's gold, silver from the Civil War, mysterious stone carvings, lost texts, and a wife's attempt to heal her husband and protect herself and her children. Part personal documentary and part historical essay, The Disappointment traces the patterns of cultural forgetting etched in a Midwestern landscape."

I wonder about that turtle creature.

B.O.B.M. is telling the REAL Truth!! If you know what I'm sayin'........???

There IS a LOT of stuff going on around here in the OZARKS!!! A lot of intrusive stuff...a lot of stuff we have NO control over... ST*ff is getting real!!...
(see what I did there?)...(I can edit my own St*ff..thank you very much...lol)

OKAY goin' to bed.........

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