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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Golden Thread
Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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The red spot on my twin brothers face is a birthmark, its wedge shaped and goes thru his brain. He has whats called sturge webber syndrome, it developed a.bleed in the center core of his brain in an area called the vital cortex which created a tumor. His surgeon was Dr. Thorrel in Lincoln Nebraska...lord blessed that man for saving many lives including my brother after 6 hours in deep brain surgery. Want to attack them as well?
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Keep digging...you may finally discover something to use against me....ohhh i peed the bed until i was 3 years old....IS THAT THE EVIDENCE YOU NEED?

You've been trying soooo hard for MONTHS to disprove me....and you came up with NOTHING. I have not made 1 false statement. If i wasnt telling the truth...it wouldnt add up...but it does...everybody sees that. Ive posted way too many things to call it a coincidence...yet i have only posted a little. I posted a silver bar that cannot be faked to this degree...everybody sees that also.
You have posted false statements about the true properties of silver, you have posted wet finger drawn adjustments to the carving in hopes people would believe it doesnt match. You have dug up my irrelevant criminal record of driving offenses(nobody cares), you have attacked me in every way you can including attempt to downgrade my wonderful bus life. You search for any transaction i make online in attempt to call me a fraud...YOU FAILED.
You want to play the victim and say im accusing you...yes you are a liar...false statements of silver properties and wetted finger drawings is good example of how you are trying to mislead the public.
For MONTHS you came up with ZERO evidence that i am a fraud or lying in ANY WAY.
Stop acting like a 5 year old and get off this thread.....no...i bet you go on and on like a jealous hater. People think you are a fool...they all see your tiny circle posting in tandem, people send me lots of congrats but are afraid to post publicly because you will attack them also. No i wont post a screenshot of all the people who support me because you will indeed attack them next. You are an irrelevant nobody trying to worm your way into my legendary accomplishment.
I say again...if i post pics of the coins you will say they are fake also or say i bought them, im not giving the IRS excuse to raid me. Ive shown an undocumented silver bar that people can see is real, it cant be faked to this level and people see that. I will however have it tested...and i am looking for an expert to examine my pot as well.
TO ALL THE OTHER READERS...I APPOLOGIZE FOR ALL THIS BULLSHIT DRAMA THIS TINY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS HAVE CAUSED. My book will be out soon, i am not a writer...im waiting on my help to edit the footnotes etc...they should be done very soon. I will post it when it is released to the public, stay tuned....and ignore those foolish haters. Every celebrity on earth has a hater, stalker, jealous fool out to attempt to ruin them. These guys failed.

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  • yawn.webp
    84.3 KB · Views: 47
Dude, you don't get it.

So you're rich eh? Coulda fooled me. I don't care if you aren't, but don't tell us that you are.

We would never rob you. What could we find in some pot smoking liars bus? :laughing7:

I suggest we leave this thread alone. Let bugout have his "dream". We need to be focusing on REAL Civil War relics, and events. Let's not let this guy mock the brave dead anymore. He wants attention, and sadly we've been giving it to him. Time to move on.

I suggest we leave this thread alone. Let bugout have his "dream". We need to be focusing on REAL Civil War relics, and events. Let's not let this guy mock the brave dead anymore. He wants attention, and sadly we've been giving it to him. Time to move on.

I am in full agreement and intend to do just that. :notworthy:

Keep digging...you may finally discover something to use against me....ohhh i peed the bed until i was 3 years old....IS THAT THE EVIDENCE YOU NEED?

You've been trying soooo hard for MONTHS to disprove me....and you came up with NOTHING. I have not made 1 false statement. If i wasnt telling the truth...it wouldnt add up...but it does...everybody sees that. Ive posted way too many things to call it a coincidence...yet i have only posted a little. I posted a silver bar that cannot be faked to this degree...everybody sees that also.
You have posted false statements about the true properties of silver, you have posted wet finger drawn adjustments to the carving in hopes people would believe it doesnt match. You have dug up my irrelevant criminal record of driving offenses(nobody cares), you have attacked me in every way you can including attempt to downgrade my wonderful bus life. You search for any transaction i make online in attempt to call me a fraud...YOU FAILED.
You want to play the victim and say im accusing you...yes you are a liar...false statements of silver properties and wetted finger drawings is good example of how you are trying to mislead the public.
For MONTHS you came up with ZERO evidence that i am a fraud or lying in ANY WAY.
Stop acting like a 5 year old and get off this thread.....no...i bet you go on and on like a jealous hater. People think you are a fool...they all see your tiny circle posting in tandem, people send me lots of congrats but are afraid to post publicly because you will attack them also. No i wont post a screenshot of all the people who support me because you will indeed attack them next. You are an irrelevant nobody trying to worm your way into my legendary accomplishment.
I say again...if i post pics of the coins you will say they are fake also or say i bought them, im not giving the IRS excuse to raid me. Ive shown an undocumented silver bar that people can see is real, it cant be faked to this level and people see that. I will however have it tested...and i am looking for an expert to examine my pot as well.
TO ALL THE OTHER READERS...I APPOLOGIZE FOR ALL THIS BULLSHIT DRAMA THIS TINY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS HAVE CAUSED. My book will be out soon, i am not a writer...im waiting on my help to edit the footnotes etc...they should be done very soon. I will post it when it is released to the public, stay tuned....and ignore those foolish haters. Every celebrity on earth has a hater, stalker, jealous fool out to attempt to ruin them. These guys failed.

Mr. Bugout, excuse my interruption of your vitriolic diatribe, but I believe you are suffering under the delusion that I actually give a damn about your opinions or your "Duke Boys", never matured past 8th grade skipping school/responsibility, pot smoking, living in a derelict bus, hid out in an abandoned building cum auto salvage, Lifestyle. If that's what makes you happy, Bully for you.

Contrary to your opinion, I truly hope you DID find a Vast Treasure, for one reason and one reason alone.

I believe your SON deserves more in life than what his father has failed to give him so far, and the poor example of manhood that has been presented here as a Roll Model. I hope he gets Every Red Cent of any find you may have made, and that his Mother is recompensed for having sole responsibility for his care and upbringing. The mere suggestion that you would rather "Build The Wall" that divides a nation and start a Second Civil War than meet your responsibilities as a Parent is appalling to Real Fathers everywhere, and speaks loudly to the Wisdom of his Mother in removing your influence from his life. Bully for HER. I hope her Attorneys are watching this fiasco of a thread like a Hawk.

As for the rest.....Real or Imagined, I wish you success with your "book". Another avenue of income for your son. In truth, he deserves much more, but this is likely all that he will ever get. I hope it sells like hotcakes, while you live your life in Bugout Bus Paradise, scraping the grease from under your fingernails, and leaving your Progeny to a better life far away from the "Duke Boys".

Good Luck and Happy Camping, I'm outta here.

Quiting? And yet none of you ever disproved me in 1 detail.
Your lies have been exposed, wetted finger marks, false statements about the properties of silver, your personnal attacks....all prove that you are jealous haters. Your own comments in the beginning were in amazement...but after kace was a no show and then tried to con me out of a 70 pound gold bar failed...you guys went on and on trying to prove that im not real. You guys made way too many false statements trying to convince the public that the treasure doesnt exist...or that all the info was known...if so why did EVERYONE including CW springer dig 14 miles away? They never went 30 minutes, they ALL assumed the war-crazed man that returned was one of the 3 men so he must know the general area. All 3 men died...i have all names and all details involved...alot will only be found in my book. I did mention to kace over the phone the names of 2 of the men...the 3rd is easy to figure out. But there is so much more that i will not post on this thread...i save the best stuff for my book.
These haters have said they quit...done and done...a few times now. But like cockroaches they will always want the last word...you can see even when they "quit" they attack me as a father, call my bushome dilapidated, etc. Still trying to stir the pot...so expect more drama from them...for that i appologize.
It is up to all readers to believe or not believe...buy my book or dont....makes little difference to me. My book will be realeased very soon, after im sure that it is correct in every way...including footnotes etc. Theres more to writing a book than just explaining the story, im not a writer so the details of lagality can be overwhelming and take time to sort out. But when jealous haters attack me calling me a liar when it is THEY who lie, upsets me. No man will ever accept personal attacks unless he is a fraud...what i have done is 100% real and so i take offence. Ive posted substancial undeniable proof. If i posted pics of coins they would say they are lead painted gold...or that i purchased them. Pics of coins would be nice i agree but its not proof to anyone but the IRS. The solvedclues and an undocumented silver bar casted in stone 500 years ago is a different story. I have been in search of a local XRF machine but so far found nothing, ive been to jewelers, coin shops, and even scrap yards. Ironiclly its the scrap yard that apparently has a good $25,000 xrf but they refuse to use it for anything or anyone outside of their own personnal business, that was at McCoys iron and metal. I even offered them a full bar...they stared and blinked.
The little tiny circle of jealois haters did mention 1 person apparently on this website...but after all thier attacks and attempt to con me out of a gold bar...im not falling into a trap to have any stolen.
So the little tiny circle for jealous haters said AGAIN they quit...but keep watching...these cockroaches will be back with more attacks that have nothing to do with this event.

My son is my greatest treasure,
Gene Carter, treasure hunter

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Quiting? And yet none of you ever disproved me in 1 detail.
Your lies have been exposed, wetted finger marks, false statements about the properties of silver, your personnal attacks....all prove that you are jealous haters. Your own comments in the beginning were in amazement...but after kace was a no show and then tried to con me out of a 70 pound gold bar failed...you guys went on and on trying to prove that im not real. You guys made way too many false statements trying to convince the public that the treasure doesnt exist...or that all the info was known...if so why did EVERYONE including CW springer dig 14 miles away? They never went 30 minutes, they ALL assumed the war-crazed man that returned was one of the 3 men so he must know the general area. All 3 men died...i have all names and all details involved...alot will only be found in my book. I did mention to kace over the phone the names of 2 of the men...the 3rd is easy to figure out. But there is so much more that i will not post on this thread...i save the best stuff for my book.
These haters have said they quit...done and done...a few times now. But like cockroaches they will always want the last word...you can see even when they "quit" they attack me as a father, call my bushome dilapidated, etc. Still trying to stir the pot...so expect more drama from them...for that i appologize.
It is up to all readers to believe or not believe...buy my book or dont....makes little difference to me. My book will be realeased very soon, after im sure that it is correct in every way...including footnotes etc. Theres more to writing a book than just explaining the story, im not a writer so the details of lagality can be overwhelming and take time to sort out. But when jealous haters attack me calling me a liar when it is THEY who lie, upsets me. No man will ever accept personal attacks unless he is a fraud...what i have done is 100% real and so i take offence. Ive posted substancial undeniable proof. If i posted pics of coins they would say they are lead painted gold...or that i purchased them. Pics of coins would be nice i agree but its not proof to anyone but the IRS. The solvedclues and an undocumented silver bar casted in stone 500 years ago is a different story. I have been in search of a local XRF machine but so far found nothing, ive been to jewelers, coin shops, and even scrap yards. Ironiclly its the scrap yard that apparently has a good $25,000 xrf but they refuse to use it for anything or anyone outside of their own personnal business, that was at McCoys iron and metal. I even offered them a full bar...they stared and blinked.
The little tiny circle of jealois haters did mention 1 person apparently on this website...but after all thier attacks and attempt to con me out of a gold bar...im not falling into a trap to have any stolen.
So the little tiny circle for jealous haters said AGAIN they quit...but keep watching...these cockroaches will be back with more attacks that have nothing to do with this event.

My son is my greatest treasure,
Gene Carter, treasure hunter

You, bug, are indeed delusional. Sad but true.

Fact is....i solved this legend and recovered the treasure. These cockroaches cant disprove 1 single detail BECAUSE ITS REAL, so like children they resort to insults. Thats what the world is today...people talk a bunch of smack to make themselves feel better, but it only makes them look stupid.

Properly Translated:
Fact is.... I haven't solved this legend or recovered the treasure. Like a cockroach, I can't prove 1 single detail BECAUSE IT ISN'T REAL, so like a child I like to talk a bunch of smack to make myself feel better, but it only makes me look stupid.

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You must be 10 years old....and a jealous cockroach.

BugBoy ... You have accomplished absolutely nothing, found absolutely nothing, have absolutely nothing, said absolutely nothing, written absolutely nothing, or otherwise, that would make me jealous of you in any way, shape, or form.

We can't be jealous of something we can't see...I thought we all agreed to let this alone? Creskol?

We can't be jealous of something we can't see...I thought we all agreed to let this alone? Creskol?

What?? Leave it alone and miss out on all this fun and entertainment?? :laughing7::laughing7:

What?? Leave it alone and miss out on all this fun and entertainment?? :laughing7::laughing7:

Yes, so bugeye can't get an audience, the thread dies, and we can finally talk about REAL history and REAL events and REAL artifacts.

Yes, so bugeye can't get an audience, the thread dies, and we can finally talk about REAL history and REAL events and REAL artifacts.

I guess you are right, Rusty ... As I said before, it is senseless for us to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent such as "The Bug."

Bug-a-bo - the board is yours! Post all the nonsense you wan


you guys have said you were done several times. All you are doing is proving that YOU are the liars.

You just can't stand to think I really did it...jealous haters...you did your best to try and disprove me (nice try) but YOU FAILED not me.
Here's a thought...stop being childish and GROW UP. Readers are sick of reading your insults and personal attacks on me. Why don't you pick a treasure and go solve it and become a legend like me...or is being a childish jealous hater the best you can do? People who talk smack about others to make themselves feel better are the worst kind of scum. But no...you will continue...proving you earn your childish jealous hater liar scum title.

My biggest question on this entire thread, even more of a mystery than any spitton full of gold...is what happened to the OP, he made one post on this way back in 2009 and *POOF*

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