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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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To clear up confusion...The legend says 3 men buried thier money...1 man returned, he was a liar named john hartley....he got info from a dying man, all 3 were killed. He didnt understand it was a kgc cache with alot more than the pot of coins. Kgc...knights of the golden circle...the circle of gold cache sites left by spaniards...the real reazon the civil war started, they CAPITALIZED on slavery...but it started over taxes impossed on these kgc treasure hunters. Thats why de soto was here...tracking down his grandfathers vault (pizzaro who raided with cortez).
The purpose of the pot of coins left with kgc markers was to ensure only a kgc man could find it, THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN...so you had to understand kgc signs to get the copper map
Screenshot_20181231-103817_Samsung Internet.webp
Screenshot for the video "the dissapointment, or force of credulity" by brian springer

Im not mad about people who dont believe me...its your choice to believe or not.
What upsets me is trolls like creskol who begin saying wow its amazing, then states he will copy MY info to write a book...then says its BS and im a liar. Hes a troll...all he can to keep me posting proof that he says already exists...it did not exist until my postings, show me where it says 3 crosses represent a man named church and his 3 sons. If it was already known how come everyone dug on the austin farm and never went 30 minutes (by horse on heading carved in stone)?
Now he saying big brother watching me...um yeah i said that a long time ago, planes circling me a half dozen times so low i can see the pilot. Choppers, black vehicles with govt tags...yes they are watching me. So if i was full of BS then why does this troll now say govt watching me? Its because hes a troll.
Google "monumental mystery" by ken morrison...he discusses the 3 crosses being total mystery. He claimed he found a paint can or something with z name on it, after contacting that guy who claimed he found it...he ended the story...NO PROOF, NO KETTLE, NO COINS, NO SOLVED CLUES. I believe he was reffering to a different tresure found at Noble Hill just north of springfield...3 hours by horse.
YES its ALOT more than a pot of coins...YES its even bigger than the spaniard vault. I havent posted 1/4 of my story here yet.
De soto was searching for my vault.
That troll is simply jelous that 1 single man found it. It took over 3 years because after solving multiple maps in stone NEVER SEEN BEFORE...but i didnt stop when i recovered that fortune...i continued on until i solved the copper map as well...THAT is what makes me the legend,. Next he will post a funny bit laughing about me being a legend...hes the one contradicting himself. Him and his other fake troll accounts. To everyone els...read it...and enjoy. The rest of the story is in my book which i will be posting VERY SOON.
I admire CW for his dedication to his search...i have great respect for his family...unfortunatly he did not understand the clues, he followed where john hartley left off thinking he at least knew the area, but john was NOT 1 of the 3 men.

OK. I've not looked at this thread for several months and am now confused. I thought the OG story was about 3 guys going off to war pooling their money and burying it. Now I find the guys had found a Spanish treasure and put a copper map to it and some silver bars. Oh yea, it was also a KGB cashe.
My confusion is where did the Spanish Treasure and map come in? How could it be KGB BEFORE the war and how did it go from some money guys pooled to a massive KGB vault?
My suggestion is to forget about the book. After giving half the value to the land owner and paying near half in state & fed. taxes you would be better off taking a trip to sell the coins one or two at a time. I'd guess every County Seat in the state has one or two pawn shops in it. Tell the pawn shop your Grandpa gave you these two coins and you'd like to sell them. Most HONEST pawn shops will give you 75-80% value. Take the 80% cash, better return than if you do it legally and pay taxes. You should be able to visit 4 or 5 Countys a day. Find the good eating joints in each town and write a book about where to eat in Missouri.
It's not that I doubt the story, I'm just confused about how the story went from money buried by 3 guys going off to war to now involving KGB and Spanish treasure. Good luck.

Its KGC not KGB. KGC is older than the civil war. KGC was a group of treasure hunters recovering old spaniard caches. I had a heart attack and i have testicular cancer, people deserve to know the truth about the civil war...and i dont want any other people digging for many years with their families like CW did when i have already recovered it. I dont give a hoot about govt or taxes. To turn it over to the govt isnt going to help america or its people, it would go into politicians pockets...and fund illegal aliens. Instead i choose to help america...my hunt ended in oct 2018...how long has "we fund the wall" been building the wall without help from congress? Think about it, i choose to help american people NOT our corrupt govt. I donate to many things where i feel its needed most. Thanks for reading and asking for clarification, hope this helps.
I could go sell a few coins...but im giving it to the american people the best way possible.
No i dont want a line of beggars lined up expecting their share..l choose to donate, and alot more im reburying in every state and starting my own legend...forrest fenn style...not 1 poem...but hundreds, thats my 2nd book.
Most of the bars are gold, but this half bar of silver has oxidation that proves dated 500 years old AND the cut end oxidation proves dated to the civil war period.
The bottom of the kettle proves it never sat on a flat surface...and the missing handle broke off a long time ago (probably when it was swinging from the rifle from shoulder to shoulder weighted by gold coins) proves it hasnt been hanging either. It was buried full of gold coins...in fact there is gold visible on the inside rubbed into the tiny pores of the kettle. Look at the crest...look at the kettle, yes its older than the civil war.

Just tell us how many gold and silver coins and paper money that was in the pot.

To all Treasure Hunters, I highly recommend that you pay all state and federal income taxes because that is the law. If not, off to jail you may go. Connecticut where I live has a state income tax and I am willing to pay both when I found buried treasures. Good hunting and good luck and pay your taxes..

When is the first book due out?

Watch out Bug .. There are some noticeable changes in your character!


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Just tell us how many gold and silver coins and paper money that was in the pot.

My question is did they unload all the loot before they riddled it with .22 bullets? A lot of "holes" in BugBoys story.

Look, Mr. Carter... I am a lawyer. I am not YOUR lawyer, so please note that this is strictly academic. Let's say someone found a valuable treasure horde in Missouri. Let's say they admitted it on a public forum and stated their real name and where they live, etc. Further, let's say that they admit that they are not posting the treasure because they are dodging the IRS. One can safely assume that the IRS is 1) already aware of the claim; 2) has investigated it (seen any black SUV's lurking around the party bus?); and 3) has made a determination as to whether or not they believe the claim and want to pursue the matter. If they believe there is a treasure horde that has been untaxed (as of tax year 2018 when Gene Carter claimed to have discovered it) one would think they would have executed search warrants and build a prosecution case. After all, admitting to finding a large horde of treasure and admitting to "dodging the IRS" in and of itself gives them sufficient probable cause for a warrant.

In our hypothetical example, the treasure horde finder who found an actual horde of treasure should consider contacting a tax law attorney and maybe a financial planner. Best to be up front with the IRS even if you don't agree where your tax dollars get spent. For example, I pay my taxes even though I hate that Federal employees are allowed to have casual Fridays. Such a disgrace.

Also, in our hypothetical example, if the treasure horde finder didn't really find a horde of treasure, then the IRS would not pursue their investigation any further and said finder could go along posting treasure stories on the interwebs.

Stay safe, keep the blinds closed, and consider relocating to a non-extraditable nation. Hypothetically, of course.

MidMo...That's Very Kind of You To Give Him Free Legal Advice....I hope he takes it. I completely agree with everything you've said.

Bug...I don't believe Creskol is trying to get anyone in legal trouble and He is Not Writing A Book Based On The Treasure Legend. He's Talking About All The Replies and Statements being funny as is Real Truth. Bryan from MidMo is trying to help you, I don't consider that a leech. He's given you about $400 in legal advice at no charge.

Sam Austin of this video with the Springer's Had No Sons...He had two daughters that both took their husbands last name so there is No SammyAustin from those unions. He did have a grandson named Samuel, but due to his age and where he lived growing up and when his grandparents left the property and CW died...IF he was the one who posted on here, I doubt he would be much help as a treasure hunter. Neither his middle or last name is Austin.

The documentary film by Brian that HBP posted the link to is a story based on his mothers attempt to help her husband through PTSD from the war and keep her family together. Everything she, the spirit that she says used her hand to write through or the lizard/turtle/beetle says is a metaphor or analogy about what he witnessed and did during his service. Brian plainly states this. It explains why this word in the title of his film...CREDULITY is used. Look up the meaning of that word. Watching the video and hearing His story it is obvious. That lizard was proven to be a fake and not Mayan or Incan. It's also made of Limestone.

The Treasure Hunt and Dig was to keep Chester's mind occupied on something besides the horrors he witnessed and participated in while in the war....That's where the Priest, Settlers and Indians come in. The Priest is metaphorically CW The Settlers are metaphorically the Enemy he watched and the Indians are metaphorically the Military who napalmed them. He couldn't get over what he saw and knowing he was part of it...Understandable and he had a wife who tried to help him through his pain in the best way she could.

I think just about everyone here wants to see other members succeed...When fantastic claims are made, expect folks to want some kind of proof. Nobody will buy a book marketed as solving a legend that has no ending. This story is in many different places as has been said. Even Jameson has it in one of his books. The other stones or rock maps you said haven't been found...were found a long time ago...along with the marker at Stockton Lake.

I'm sure that you not having a vehicle makes it hard to get everywhere you really should go to do in depth research, but like someone said earlier That Is Extremely Important on these historical stories. You can't go just on treasure magazine stories that people were paid $50 to send in or on a county history book or assume that pot is something that fits a theory especially not being dated or authenticated.

Kate Austin's full diary has never been located, there has never been any known or factual specifics of coins or valuables that were supposedly buried in several different locations by those 3 men in one of the versions. Ken Morrison found the Can the man scratched his name on to show he'd found that location. KM talked to his son as the man had passed by then and was sworn to secrecy he said about where his father had hidden part of the treasure that he didn't keep on him. That man from ES had No Desire to go public.

If you can, go to Cedar, St. Clair, Dade, Polk and Vernon County Historical Societies and courthouses and get all the info you can on this story and the history of the counties. Get all the names and locations and go from there. Get the land, census and tax records. Double and triple check those against Everything you can find if you want to write an accurate book on Cedar County history. Heads Up...Some of those counties were Townships and merged to create Cedar County as it is today so you'll need to go to each of them.

I wish everyone success... it takes some substantial cash to travel to be a treasure hunter and historical writer.

I don't believe Springer's found anything as she said by owing so many people a lot of money and I'd imagine that is not a lot of great memories for Brian and Larry. Hopefully that documentary helped them heal and put it in perspective. Doris passed in 2012 so she didn't get your message. Brian doesn't live around here anymore. I do believe that the man from ES did find something.

Ken Morrison's Story...Monumental Mystery you just mentioned is on Page 4 of This Thread.

I would encourage anyone interested in this story to watch the film documentary that HBP linked and read the stories on page 4 of this thread. Both of those pretty much sums the legend up.

Good Luck,

It is my BELIEF that kate austins diary is in the timecapsule in nevada missouri where the copy of the crest was placed on the monument on the courthouse lawn. No its not documented anywhere but its a clue...or it makes no sense for the crest to be there. This is my OPINION.

It is my BELIEF that kate austins diary is in the timecapsule in nevada missouri where the copy of the crest was placed on the monument on the courthouse lawn. No its not documented anywhere but its a clue...or it makes no sense for the crest to be there. This is my OPINION.

I have No Issue at all with you having that Opinion or Belief.

I don't understand Why you have it since that Carving and the Engraving on the Monument do not match each other and the dates and locations concerning Kate Austin are not near this legends time frame, but that doesn't matter at all as I don't need to understand your beliefs.

The Only issues I ever have are with people stating things as Facts when in reality they are Thoughts, Opinions and Beliefs, so I'm Very Happy you clarified this story as your Opinion and Belief and not Factual!

If you get the entire details of everything put in that time capsule and what happened that day, I Believe that could clear some things up.

I doubt I'll be around in 2055 to find out what the thoughts were on the carving...I could be though, so I'll put it on my bucket list! It would be like Miss Belvedere...Almost.


The spiral carving in stockton is unrelated...its indian of some kind. You can see the heading line does not come near stockton.

I have No Issue at all with you having that Opinion or Belief.

I don't understand Why you have it since that Carving and the Engraving on the Monument do not match each other and the dates and locations concerning Kate Austin are not near this legends time frame, but that doesn't matter at all as I don't need to understand your beliefs.

The Only issues I ever have are with people stating things as Facts when in reality they are Thoughts, Opinions and Beliefs, so I'm Very Happy you clarified this story as your Opinion and Belief and not Factual!

If you get the entire details of everything put in that time capsule and what happened that day, I Believe that could clear some things up.

I doubt I'll be around in 2055 to find out what the thoughts were on the carving...I could be though, so I'll put it on my bucket list! It would be like Miss Belvedere...Almost.


The difference between the crest on the austin farm and the crest on the nevada missouri monument placed in 1955 is 1 little extra line on each of the 2 lower turkey tracks. I believe this represents 2 diaries that are in the timecapsule, 1 is kates but we all know she was not one of the 3 "men" she came later...1890 i believe...i really dont care about her, she was a femenist anarchist and had nothing to do with the treasure and very little involvement in the story aside from chasing off diggers. The 2nd diary was AJ's that kate had, this is where the magazine describes the men moving the pot at nite slung over a rifle from shoulder to shoulder as the 3rd man helped along.
What i state about the timecapsule is my opinion.

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To everyone reading this thread...there will always be jelous haters. They dont get a cut boohoo. As i stated...im not posting all the proof online...real proof is in my book. Im not an experienced writer so it took some time...but its ready...being proofread now. There will be "leftist manipulators" that will do all they can to supress the truth, they dont want average people seeking out and finding these treasures, the govt wants it all not just 47%. To all lawyers...thanks for the advice but i ignore all lawyers opinions...lawyers are leeches. Yes im gunna go to jail over hording my treasure...so what. This world belongs to our children...i refuse to fund leftist democrats. I already explained all that. I want to help the people not our govt with islamic ideology
Gene Carter

The spiral carving in stockton is unrelated...its indian of some kind. You can see the heading line does not come near stockton.

I have a different BELIEF about the carving at the lake and it's my Opinion that the Bear Creek part of this legend is farther North than what's been written and it is fine that we have different opinions on this. This is a discussion forum.


As one of the readers of this thread, the ravings I've seen here read eerily similar to a manifesto, and set alarm bells ringing in my mind.

After the events that have occurred over the last week, I sincerely hope I am mistaken.

The difference between the crest on the austin farm and the crest on the nevada missouri monument placed in 1955 is 1 little extra line on each of the 2 lower turkey tracks. I believe this represents 2 diaries that are in the timecapsule, 1 is kates but we all know she was not one of the 3 "men" she came later...1890 i believe...i really dont care about her, she was a femenist anarchist and had nothing to do with the treasure and very little involvement in the story aside from chasing off diggers. The 2nd diary was AJ's that kate had, this is where the magazine describes the men moving the pot at nite slung over a rifle from shoulder to shoulder as the 3rd man helped along.
What i state about the timecapsule is my opinion.
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There is more differences in that carving and engraving than those two lines at the bottom.

Look at what some refer to as Two Snakes coming out the bottom of the kettle. I've heard several different thoughts on this. Years ago I was told about and saw what was called 'Snake Spring'. This man that took me there Believed that was related to the carving.

I didn't go right next to it as it did have snakes all around it...The ground seemed to be moving. I share his belief though about that having something to do with the carving due to it looking so similar. Just an opinion though.



As one of the readers of this thread, the ravings I've seen here read eerily similar to a manifesto, and set alarm bells ringing in my mind.

After the events that have occurred over the last week, I sincerely hope I am mistaken.

Me too.

How ya been Kentuck? I was just thinking about you, there is an awesome Roosevelt show on about him in the Dakotas. I haven't seen this one.


To everyone reading this thread...there will always be jelous haters. They dont get a cut boohoo. As i stated...im not posting all the proof online...real proof is in my book. Im not an experienced writer so it took some time...but its ready...being proofread now. There will be "leftist manipulators" that will do all they can to supress the truth, they dont want average people seeking out and finding these treasures, the govt wants it all not just 47%. To all lawyers...thanks for the advice but i ignore all lawyers opinions...lawyers are leeches. Yes im gunna go to jail over hording my treasure...so what. This world belongs to our children...i refuse to fund leftist democrats. I already explained all that. I want to help the people not our govt with islamic ideology
Gene Carter

There hasn't been any jealousy or haters on this thread. It's a Discussion Forum and that includes asking questions about statements that are made on it.

Do you think John Grisham as an lawyer/author with his legal crime novels or any respected treasure hunter author with recoveries isn't asked questions? Once someone decides to go Public with anything and make statements or claims, That comes with the territory. If there's no answers to legitimate questions asked, well... those folks aren't taken seriously and the claims dismissed.

People want to see success, especially treasure hunters...it gives them hope, inspiration and motivation.

If you do manage to get jailed, I agree with Bryan...it's not going to be over any treasure. You've made too many claims on too many websites for too long for it to be that. I hope you don't get jailed though.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, I think I did, but anyway that area down there is used a lot for military maneuvers and training. The Stealth Bomber and Fighter Jets fly over the farm all the time. Some of the planes, the pilots will fly low if they see us out and dip, we can see their faces too. Pretty Cool!

Good Luck,

I believe she has been trying to help you all along .

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