Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Never got to prospect then. I was in the military at the time (1983), on a World Cruise on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). Perth was the last stop before Diego Garcia. The women loved the Yanks. I almost got busted by one girl's dad. Had to jump out of her second story bedroom window. I remember that six of us filled up a Hotel Room floor to ceiling with Emu Lager Cans (we were pushing the last ones in through the windows). I wish I would have been there to see the maids face.Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemories! HAHAHA

Hey Gollum,

I was watching you too then buddy!

When you left freo and headed south then to port across the southern ocean towards Tassie - I was watching you & reporting for my peeps.

Got some nice pics of the A10? Warthog radar jammer? and about half a dozen F 15 tomcats pulling vertical G's off of black point on the southern coastline (close enough to count the rivets under the wings).

Oh yeah I spotted (and reported) you the day before flying that sortie along the Donnelly river (again with the warthog & just the one f15, that was us in the canoe 'trout fishing'). :wink:

You may think your invincible buddy - but you need to start some paradigm thinking, you ass was my grass anytime I'd wanted buddy, and you might remind your commander (again - I bet is ass is still glowing from last time) that next time, its considered polite to get permission from the host country, before flying any sorties across our sovereign airspace and country. :wink:

Nice catchin' up again!

Oh and if you really wanna go prospect here - let me know, I COULD arrange it for you no problem :wink:.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

He's KooKoo for cocoa puffs!

My Flag is a joke. I live in Southern California, the land of fruits and nuts. I can spot 'em, and Edde, you are 'em! Nuts that is.

Roy, see what Public Healthcare will do to you? State must have run out of money and let him go off his meds. HAHAHA


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Lucky Eddie said:
Never got to prospect then. I was in the military at the time (1983), on a World Cruise on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). Perth was the last stop before Diego Garcia. The women loved the Yanks. I almost got busted by one girl's dad. Had to jump out of her second story bedroom window. I remember that six of us filled up a Hotel Room floor to ceiling with Emu Lager Cans (we were pushing the last ones in through the windows). I wish I would have been there to see the maids face.Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemories! HAHAHA

Hey Gollum,

I was watching you too then buddy!

When you left freo and headed south then to port across the southern ocean towards Tassie - I was watching you & reporting for my peeps.

Got some nice pics of the A10? Warthog radar jammer? and about half a dozen F 15 tomcats pulling vertical G's off of black point on the southern coastline (close enough to count the rivets under the wings).

Oh yeah I spotted (and reported) you the day before flying that sortie along the Donnelly river (again with the warthog & just the one f15, that was us in the canoe 'trout fishing'). :wink:

You may think your invincible buddy - but you need to start some paradigm thinking, you ass was my grass anytime I'd wanted buddy, and you might remind your commander (again - I bet is ass is still glowing from last time) that next time, its considered polite to get permission from the host country, before flying any sorties across our sovereign airspace and country. :wink:

Nice catchin' up again!

Oh and if you really wanna go prospect here - let me know, I COULD arrange it for you no problem :wink:.



I have several friends still in W.A. If I want to go gold detecting, I think I would rather not have to pick up my hunting partner at the asylum gate.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Lucky Eddie wrote
One claims to live on US Minor Outlying Islands (Guam / Hawaii?).

Wrong guess, it is South Dakota as is clearly marked on the satellite map; I put Dakota Territory and "minor outlying islands" as a joke. In one very real sense however this place is an island in the great plains, as the Black Hills were once truly an island in a great inland sea. Can you understand the concept of a joke? Are you even in Australia? I don't know what your problem is Lucky Ed, and as much as I hate to do it but consider yourself on 'ignore'. If you should decide that you can be civil and carry a conversation, lots of us would love to talk with you but so far your posts have not even been civil. Good luck to you Lucky Eddie, I think you may actually need it. And before you leap to the paranoid conclusion that is some kind of a threat, rest assured that I have no intention of traveling to Australia to do you harm, as I don't make threats or empty promises. Have fun with your war, looks like you might be the only one in it.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Ohh yeah - your "gas pipeline explosion" on 9/11/10...9 years to the day after 9/11/01, was no gas pipeline explosion - it was a downed jet hit by a SAM.

Our pipeline explosion happened Thursday night (9/9/-9/10), not on 9/11.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

The Tomcat is NOT an F-15 and the Navy does not have ANY A-10s. The reason you and your buds floating along in that canoe were not bombed or strafed is that our pilots don't attack floaters in a turd bowl.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Carlos Allende's deathbed confession has been mentioned, perhaps some of our readers have never read it; here it is:


- - Riddle of Carlos Allende resolved - -


Carlos Allende, a mystery man and recluse of the 20th Century, has been hiding out in Greeley, Colorado. Sought by many, he is the subject of at least 22 books. Most authors conclude by asking his true whereabouts. "If we could only find Carlos Allende..." states one writer. "We could ask him our questions..."

Carlos Allende, with his own writings, spawned numerous books and a movie based on The Philadelphia Experiment, an alleged classified defense project in 1943 during which a Navy destroyer was supposedly displaced -- instantaneously -- from Philadelphia to Norfolk, Virginia and back again.

The day was bright and sunny. We sat on a bench in downtown Greeley near the Centennial Building, seat of the Weld County's government. Located 50 miles north of Denver, Greeley is home to the Denver Bronco training camp. Formed originally as Union Colony in New York City, the town was established by Nathan Meeker and Horace Greeley, who promoted the westward movement of our nation. Greeley was an 1869 experiment to colonize and civilize The West - - it worked. Because of Greeley's success thousands of settlers moved westward beyond the Mississippi River.

Now, in 1985, at the center of Greeley, Carlos Allende, says that America should try another experiment.

"The Philadelphia Experiment worked," Carlos said. "That was what frightened the military. They didn't know what Einstein was doing. He used them to accomplish his own research in propulsion. He believed we could travel faster than the speed of light. That's what he was doing, and they didn't even know it."

Allende maintains that in October of 1943, he was in a convoy of ships sailing to Algeria. "They did experiments then. I say they must have done it 144 times. I don't know. At least a thousand men have seen the ship become invisible. They radiated the target ship with electromagnetic beams. It started out as an experiment in degaussing ships so they wouldn't attract mines, and in making ships invisible to radar. But Einstein took it farther than anyone expected. He made the ship invisible to your eyes.

"Einstein was on the test ship the DE168. I was on the U.S.S. Feurseth. We were in a military convoy with many, many ships. I was on the bow. There is a place where you can stand on top of thick covers, about a foot above the deck. That's where I was. The railing was curved. I hooked my left hand under the railing and leaned out as far as I could. The force field was under my nose, you might say, really it was under my chest and neck. It had spread out from the target ship. I reached into it with my right arm. It kicked. Curiosity -- they say. That's why I did it. You might say I was satisfied. I had my question answered -- for the moment.

"The visibility of the force field is what disturbed Einstein and the defense investigators. As the ship became invisible the force field became visible. They couldn't figure it out. That's why Einstein came to me. He saw me put my arm in. He wanted to know what I saw, what I had felt, if I smelled anything, and why I had done it. He sort of gave me an intelligence test -- you might say. Once he realized that I did it out of a deep scientific curiosity, he spent time with me. He gave me a rapid course in the physics of invisibility during the next two and a half weeks.

"Einstein and his team were using the Navy for their research. The whole group was Jewish. Steinmetz wound the coils on the beam generator. It was based on the work of Tesla, but only Steinmetz could make the winding. That little drawf -- a hunchback -- was the world's best researcher.

What Einstein really was working on was a starship propulsion system. You have to realize that this was before rockets. This was before NASA's space program. This was Einstein's test of space travel -- starship drive at faster than light.

"What Einstein proved was that invisibility is a precursor to propulsion beyond the speed of light. Invisibility is nothing more than the precondition to a practical utilization of the magnetic field related to the Einstein Tunnel Propulson system. There is nothing to be afraid of with invisibility. Of the many combinations of human blood type, bone type and flesh type, there is only one that remains invisible for life. Others are not affected adversely. This means that the door is open for star travel for all Americans. We must do it. We must proceed. This is the future.

As Carlos talked, he nodded to people who smiled at him. The day was bright and beautiful. The morning sun was rising towards noon -- August 14, 1986.

Carlos is 61. He wore tweed trousers and a jacket. In his pockets were stuffed a variety of pens and pencils, papers and notes. He was thin. On his wrists were medical braclets. He had been hospitalized with a racing heart several times during the previous week. "It must be fate," he said. "This is my death bed statement. In case I die, the questions will be answered. All except one -- that will die with me," he said.

"America has had the answer since 1943. All the answers are right under the nose of NASA and the Department of Defense but they are still afraid. The secret is that the Philadelphia experiment is repeatable. It should be repeated, again and again. It will lead to star travel and to a fleet of starships capable of protecting America. Travel faster than light has been documented as a phenomenon. Now we must learn again what Einstein knew in 1943. Man can create transportation at speeds faster than light.

"The first and most important statement is that the experiment is repeatable. We must do it. You must continue this research.

The second thing is that Einstein came to me, and trained me in the theory of invisibility. He said they were using the Navy for his own research into Star-ship propulsion. All the Navy wanted was degaussing and radar invisibility. You can imagine their surprise.

Thirdly, when the ship was radiated with the energy beam, particles were thrown off. It formed a thin haze which increased in density. The haze became a mist -- then a good solid fog of particles, atomic particles and even whole atoms. It wasn't green, or blue as has been reported, but an ultra-violet glow. The increasing density of the field caused a breaking effect. This breaking effect on every atom in the electron shell is vital to invisibility. It stopped the orbital motion. Electrons were slowed to a stop. That moment when they do stop, the enormous distances in atoms becomes apparent to the eye. If a nucleus were the size of a pea, the first electron shell would be about 2,500 miles out, on that scale. That is an enormous distance. Mostly empty space. When the electron shell orbital motion is stopped, the illusion of solidity is removed. That is the basis of invisibility. You are simply seeing the empty space.

The next important thing is that the applied exterior force field prevents the nucleus from exploding. The beam is creating a super dense flowing magnetic field moving at the speed of light. It is moving from the electron shell to the epi-center of every atom in the effective mass. The instant jump of strength in the nuclear bond stops the detonation.

"But you still have the transportation to worry about. The next important statement is that you have an imbalance of particles in the effective mass. This creates a particle hunger. The particle hunger has to be satisified once the force field developes because it becomes an acute particle hunger in the worst, and most serious way. There are three ways, at this point to cause the instantaneous transport. Let's say there are two ways for certain, and possibly a third way. Einstein tried two of the ways, and they worked. The experiment is repeatable. Repeatability is the criterion of science. I've never stated this before, but since this is my death bed statement, I will say it clearly -- IT IS REPEATABLE.

The last step, is to utilize the Einstein Tunnel Theory. That will triple the speed. Proof exists right now that we can travel at 4.5 times the speed of light.

If you want to talk about that I will, with examples that everyone can check. If you don't mind, for a moment, I'd like to pause and smoke a cigarette. I'm tired too, as I have been up all night."

Carlos was nearly penniless. I loaned him $10 and drove him to the Greeley post office where he mailed out 5 copies of his most recent book: Roots of Controversy. He said that various people around northern Colorado had received copies of manuscripts, and documents of his life history. But, his national acclaim has come from his annotated copies of a book by an astronomer named Morris K. Jessup. Dr. Jessup had studied the Philadelphia Experiment and told associates that he had been hired to continue the research in 1959. On his way to another professor's house with his manuscript on "instantaneous displacement," Jessup allegedly committed suicide, by stopping along a road and inhaling carbon monoxide from his car.

Jessup had apparently corresponded heavily with Carlos Allende in preparing the manuscript.

"Are you afraid for your life?" I asked. "Always," he said. "I am perpetually in hiding. Foremost from Communist sources. One thing I will say about Jessup is that he did not commit suicide. Since this is my final statement, I will tell you that I met him about two years after his supposed death. We talked all night long. He had killed the man who was sent to kill him, and taken the man's identification. That's why there was no autopsy.

Is Allende afraid of the U. S. Government? "No, not at all. They have given me some of the best protection I've ever seen. They have guarded my life. The U. S. has done a wonderful job, and I compliment them for such beautiful protection all this time. You see, my dream is the same as NASA's. My dream is for the United States to travel to the stars. If we build starships using Einstein's theory, we will never be short of natural resources like aluminum or copper, or iron. We will regain our number one position in the world.

"But right now there are only four men in the United States who understand Unified Field Theory. I am one of them -- but I am not a scientist. My knowledge is from experience and from time with Einstein. He taught me what he could and made me understand.

"We can have starships, and need them for defense. Imagine them out in space beyond the moon. Russia launches a nuclear attack. The starships could return with LASER cannon's blasting -- repeating LASER cannons -- capable of incinerating every major city in the USSR. It is reasonable. We could have a fleet of starships unrivaled in the world, starships capable of protecting America from surprise attack.

Carlos said that he feels comfortable in Greeley, as we visited some of his favorite sites. These are his friends. People wave and smile at the bright-minded, colorful old man. He talks to strangers, too; winks at college girls, and flirts with beautiful women. Anyone who has met Carlos seems to remember the friendly, disheveled, out-going man. He speaks in various accents and languages. His Spanish is refined and intelligent. Few people know that Carlos Allende -- legally born Carl Allen in Kensington, Pennsylvania -- is a mystery to readers and authors all over the world.

"I have been in Greeley off and on now for over thirty years. It is one of my favorite cities in the world," he said. "It is a farm town, people are close to the land, and the town is filled with farmers -- people whom I enjoy. Farmers are my own people, I was a farm boy, and though I have sailed the world, I am a farm boy at heart, and always have been. But also, Greeley is quiet, and the rent is reasonable," he said.


Originally published "THE NEWS of Colorado Centennial Country," (USPS 748-510) published weekly by Old Weldpress, Inc., 627 8th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado, 80631, John J. Dugan Jr, Editor and Publisher, Volume 2, Number 31, dated August 22nd, 1986, page 1 and page 8. Online at:

Interesting? More coffee? :thumbsup: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Wow, Roy. More coffee????? I was thinking more of a shot of Jack. ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Like Shortstack said,

A Fairchild A-10 is a tank killer. There has never been one launched from or landed on an aircraft carrier.

Now, did you mean F15 Eagles, or F14Tomcats? If you watched them, maybe you can tell me what squadron they were from (there were only two onboard at the time).

No, like so many other whack jobs, your vision was most likely too impaired from the unique design of your Tin Foil Hat that kept the CIA and NSA from controlling your thoughts with our secret mind beam!


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


They have seen my tinfoil hat - time to change disguises - again! :laughing7:

Hmmmm...could be cointelpro after all!

Scott Ritter - Kiddie Fiddler?

What's interesting, is how the guy got his position with the UN given his record.....
former top (CHIEF) United Nations weapons inspector

Ritter, the married father of twin teen daughters

It is not the first time Ritter, who was an outspoken critic of President Bush and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, has been in trouble over contacts with underage girls.

He was involved in an another internet sex sting in New York in June 2001, but that case was dismissed. :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

He had been charged with attempted child endangerment after arranging in an online chatroom to meet what he thought was a 16-year-old girl at a Burger King restaurant.

The girl turned out to be an undercover policewoman.

Ritter said the criminal charge was a smear campaign in response to his criticising US policy in the Middle East. :wink:

The New York Post reported Ritter was caught in a similar case in April 2001 involving a 14-year-old girl, but he was never charged. :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

He was the chief weapons inspector for the UN from 1991-1998
So lets look at the facts we DO know.

1. He seems to not have had such a record BEFORE and while he worked for Unscom as a weapons inspector up til 1998. :icon_thumright:

2. He's Married with twin teen daughters - any record of child abuse within the family? ahhh No!. :icon_thumright:

3. All of his apparent 'misdemeanors' occurred AFTER he spilled the beans when Colin Powell Lied his azz off to the United Nations as an excuse to go to war in Iraq looking for what turned out to be, as Ritter correctly claimed - "weapons of mass disappearance". :laughing7:

World Credibility Powell (and by extension the entire US Administration) = 0 & Ritter = 100 :icon_thumright:

4. Brookes (from Office of Naval Intelligence) puts out a meme under his pseudonym "Sorcha Faal" saying:

being unable to successfully relay the classified material on this bio-bomb to their superiors in Israel, they “made successful contact” with former UN arms inspector Scott Ritter at his home in Delmar, New York. Ritter, though, did not fare as well as Borowiecki and Abbas as when he attempted to relay the information on this bio-bomb to United Nations headquarters he was promptly arrested by US Federal Police Forces.
:dontknow: :icon_scratch:

So, a former UNSCOM weapons inspector, who's got 100% world credibility in his field, tries to give info to the UN - about Bio weapons of US ownership, and is arrested by FEDERAL police.......for the most publicly despised crime of Kiddie Fiddling..... :laughing7: :hello2: ::)

Since when do "sexual predators" ever get targeted by the Feds?

Isn't that a task for state or local police enforcement?

And why are the ONI sticking up for him - saying effectively "it's a "fit up"?. ???

I've an idea - but don't want to speculate publicly too much - just yet! :wink:

I reckon - this could be a good one to not jump to conclusions just yet! :wink: (winks as good as a nod to a blind man on a galloping horse!) :laughing9:

I don't know that we can believe all we are reading on this, just yet - based on those within ONI who are publicly painting a vastly different picture. :wink: ;D

COULD - there for example, be plans afoot to bomb IRAN (by either Israel or The USA) for their claimed "nuclear weapons capability", and having someone around LIKE Ritter, who publicly embarrassed the last administration in front of the WORLD audience, and who now maybe has evidence from the Israelis - that the USA has breached the bio terrorism rules in developing its own bio weapons, and is in breach of BIO WMD agreements with the UN, be a real problem for the current 'O' administration?

Not only might Ritter have a pretty good idea whether Iran is anywhere near reaching nuclear weapons capability - he might also be able to prove the claimed bio weapons claims against USA in the international arena! :wink:

Someone like that might be "handy to have locked safely away" - lest the O administration - be made to subsequently look as "unreliable with intelligence estimates" as the last administration was, in front of the world at the UN. :laughing9:

A guy who spied for USA in Baghdad, intercepting all Saddam's Telephone conversations and did the work Ritter did - surely ain't stoopid enough, to not know that after what he did to the last administration on the world stage at the UN - the local security services are going to be monitoring every keystroke on his puter?

I'm s'posed to believe a spy that clever, is also that dumb to be caught doing the same thing 3 times with young girls on the internet? :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

I think I'll adopt a wait n see attitude....... I still remember what happened to the Canadian Spy Bastaiansen & US Spy Delmart Edward Vreeland, because they knew about 9/11 before the event! :wink: (Remember Googles your friend).

Who knows - maybe I was there when Hussenfaus went down!

Hmm - is the same thing happening here?

Lets make a deal.

Lets wait till after the 18 & 19 of September, for the Israeli "false flag" attack on the USA - (sanctioned by the 'O' Administration) to get the war weary US citizens onside for this attack on Iran by Nov 23rd shall we?

Then we can "crucify the messenger" with a clear conscience like our forefathers!

I am the Alpha (Adam) and the Omega (Osama/Obama). The Beginning and the End :wink:

'Beware the Jabberwock, my son, The jaws that bite, the claws that catch. Beware the jubjub bird, and shun The frumious bandersnatch.'

Cheers ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D THANKS. Oro! GREAT to be "back on track"! :coffee2: :coffee2: For
you and Mrs. Oro! ;D :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Colin Powell is a gutless puppet; a political hack who kissed butt for his stars because he was not; is not a warrior. If you want to get a good idea of who or what he is, read Swartzkoff's autobiography. Every time he needed some clarification on operational matters during the retaking of Kuwait, Powell (the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) would make him wait until he (Powell) ran to Bush #1 to get his orders. Powell NEVER made any important decisions on his own. He was and is a puke.

Now, back to the subject at hand. Carlos Allende was buried in an avalanche of governmental misinformation and lies. The background government has been doing this kind of thing since at least 1947. In the Vietnam War, UFOs were called Enemy Helicopters in field reports and morning reports.

I had never heard about the Jessup thing as reported in the article Oroblanco posted above, but I would not be surprised at all that this story is correct.
If you want some interesting research, look into The RAND Corp. For one thing, they own the Boeing 737s flying out of McClarren Field in Las Vegas as well as the workers being flown out to Area 51 on a daily basis. RAND has been around for decades and decades. Kelley Johnson was a corporate exec in that outfit after he "retired" from the Lockheed Skunkworks.
For folks to get a real grip on what we DON'T know; research a man named Theodore von Karman. I've had a life long interest in flying, the Air Force, and space exploration and have read volumes on the subject. BUT, I'd never heard of this man. I first learned of him about 3 years ago when I bought a book, published by the Air University Press at Maxwell AFB, AL. There he was. He was General Hap Arnold's right hand guy and had Arnold's full authority to quote, "travel the world seeking out all advanced technologies dealing with flight." Karman was also responsible for the establishment of the Air Force's national technical research center as well as other facilities involved in advance research and review of tech information. How many here were aware that Arnold Air Force Station in Tennessee was the main research facility working with high powered electromagnets. In the 1970s that base had the most powerful electromagnet in the world.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Muchas gracias compadres! I just thought that perhaps some of us had never had a chance to read that 'deathbed confession' as the impression we get from the regular sources is that Allen confessed that it was all a "pack of lies"; at least I surmised this idea until I finally got to read it, and that bit on Jessup was another curve I never suspected. It would of course explain why there was no autopsy done on Jessup, who was found dead, and most (if not all) local authorities require an autopsy on anyone found dead, that is someone who did not pass away in the presence of others or in his home. Yet Jessup had no autopsy. Probably would be really painful if he were not dead, huh? ;D I wonder who is buried in his grave?

Thank you for the tip on von Karman, I knew RAND is deeply involved in the secret programs but had never heard of Karman before you mentioned him. I will do as you suggest. :read2: :thumbsup: To quote Alice, "things get curiouser and curiouser".

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

The name of that book was something like, The Architects of Air Power and was written by an Air Force officer who probably wrote that book as a research project for his advanced university degree. It was published by the Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL. and won't be found through normal book outlets. I had a copy but screwed up and gave it to someone who then disappeared from the face of the earth.(that is NO B.S.) I found out that any retired military person or civil service person could order books and papers from the Air University at no costs. So, I perused their on line catalog and spotted some interesting sounding titles; then ordered them on line for no charges. They were shipped to me at my home for no charges for shipping. DANG good deal. Another book I ordered is Apollo's Warriors, by Haas. It's the history of all of the units and aircraft ever involved in the cold war spy game. I got interested in building model dioramas and this book has great pics of unique aircraft and their markings. Also, the history of who, what,where, and when. You can find some of the most interesting information included in the most innocent sounding literature. That's how I learned about von Karman and his powerful job responsibilities.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Jeeper's Shortstack - moved to Russia I see! :laughing9:

You sure get around amigo! :wink:

Brzezinski is the one to watch - long term friend of Tim Ossman of the see eye eh (you'd know him as Osama bin hiding). :wink: Brzezinski's the one wrote PNAC (Plan for the New American Century) that involved world hegemony and encircling Russia with US bases and missile shield.

Your anti gravity flight is too easy - been round for years as some of you probably realize.

I even know how it works!

Thinkin of building one just for shiats and giggles. :o :notworthy:

Anyone can do it - not hard and the creation of rare earth neodymium boron magnets has helped a lot.

Remember I posted about the earths angular momentum cork screw (vortex) passage thru space?

Just reverse it - any magnetized mass rotated in the opposite direction to that of the earths spin will display anti gravitic properties (heck you can see the principle in a kids spinning top or using a car wheel and tire spun on the end of an axle).

The key is that you need two sets of 3 magnets arranged in the fractal tetrahedral relationship I mentioned earlier (intersecting the spherical outer shell at the equivalent of 3 places 19 degrees 47 minutes north of its equator and same south of its equator. For balance purposes phase shift them 60 degrees from each other and spin the upper set of 3 independently in the opposite direction to the earths rotation about its own axis and the lower 3 independently in the same direction.

It helps if the magnets are spherical in shape and also if they are geared so that they spin on their true north/south south poles as a result of their connecting arm to the central vertical shafts (2) being geared from the drive armature.

One set will create localized anti gravity while the other set will create a local gravity field - each thus canceling the other out and it will go no where!

The 'trick to elevation' is in the ability to vary each opposite spin rate of the upper and lower set of spinning spheroid magnet arrays, and this is very similar to the gyrocopter principle with two fan rotors spinning in opposite directions to each other.

We could get into three similar mini spinning gravitics generators located under the lip of the saucer, computer controlled to vector thrust in a desired direction but thats much harder to describe.

This will mimic the flight path of the current crop of "UFO's' (man made) that we 'see' more often than not in our night sky's that appear 'impossible' due to their immediate stops - and 90 degree course variations and massive acceleration rates.

For those within the craft however - they are subject of the localized gravity field generated by the craft so only experience 'relative' gravity effects.

Its not so hard when you think it thru logically!


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Comrade Eddieski:
Apparently you didn't bother to look up "lifters" as I suggested. Those lifters do not have any MOVING parts; magnetic or otherwise. They are constructed with balsa wood and tin (aluminum) foil and some electrical wiring. Their only drawback is they are "anchored" to the ground by the electrical wire that is plugged into the power supply.
Finally, please do not waste the valuable time of the peoples with your conspiracy theories concerning Comrades Osamaski and others of the Arabic ruling class. We are already well aware of how much they suckski. :icon_farao:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:laughing9: LAWD GAWD A'MIGHTY! THAT is FUNNY! :laughing9: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D :hello2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


Try this on.

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects

PR Newswire


Ex-military men say unknown intruders have monitored and even tampered with American nuclear missiles

Group to call on U.S. Government to reveal the facts

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby. Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will break their silence about these events at the National Press Club and urge the government to publicly confirm their reality.

One of them, ICBM launch officer Captain Robert Salas, was on duty during one missile disruption incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base and was ordered to never discuss it. Another participant, retired Col. Charles Halt, observed a disc-shaped object directing beams of light down into the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England and heard on the radio that they landed in the nuclear weapons storage area. Both men will provide stunning details about these events, and reveal how the U.S. military responded.

Captain Salas notes, "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." Col. Halt adds, "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted—both then and now—to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation."

The group of witnesses and a leading researcher, who has brought them together for the first time, will discuss the national security implications of these and other alarmingly similar incidents and will urge the government to reveal all information about them. This is a public-awareness issue.

Declassified U.S. government documents, to be distributed at the event, now substantiate the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites extending back to 1948. The press conference will also address present-day concerns about the abuse of government secrecy as well as the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons.

WHO: Dwynne Arneson, USAF Lt. Col. Ret., communications center officer-in-charge

Bruce Fenstermacher, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Charles Halt, USAF Col. Ret., former deputy base commander

Robert Hastings, researcher and author

Robert Jamison, former USAF nuclear missile targeting officer

Patrick McDonough, former USAF nuclear missile site geodetic surveyor

Jerome Nelson, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Robert Salas, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

WHAT: Noted researcher Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, will moderate a distinguished panel of former U.S. Air Force officers involved in UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites near Malmstrom, F.E. Warren, and Walker AFBs, as well as the nuclear weapons depot at RAF Bentwaters.

WHEN: Monday, September 27, 2010

12:30 p.m.

WHERE: National Press Club

Holeman Lounge

Event open to credentialed media and Congressional staff only

SOURCE Former U.S. Air Force Officer Robert Salas, and Researcher Robert Hastings

Dated Sept 15th and due to be held September 27th i.e. Monday next week.


Just who was it a week or so ago posted that:-

IF and when Extra terrestrials do visit this planet that they will have to have knowledge of the 2 expansive and contractive forces in balance/equilibrium in this universe.

In order to warp the space time continuum and arrive here within species lifetime limits it is not possible to arrive here otherwise.

IF - they have this knowledge (which I do possess as a loyal servant of my lord God Elohim Yahweh and Jesus Christ, & have demonstrated clearly and unequivocally above for all to see and understand.........

It is possible to use the gravitic scalar wave in it's crystalline fractal tetrahedral form, to "alter" the properties of mass, by altering the electron shell circumference orbital ratio, such that "fissile" materials like radioactive plutonium - become OTHER forms of mass with different valence properties that make them NON FISSILE!

(Not to mention disabling the trigger mechanism).

I told you this BEFORE it became mainstream news.

I can tell you something else too - for those of us still alive by then - we will get to SEE with our own eyes these extraterrestrial craft, when they materialize (de cloak) within our atmosphere by November 2013, (Note well this is AFTER the much publicised Dec 21 2012 Maya end of the earth period).

I can tell you about the coming civil war in USA, I can tell you about the Nuclear false flag attack against USA before Nov 23 this year 2010, necessary to get US war weary citizens 'on side' for the planned attack on Iran.

You all being duped!

Most of you intrinsically just "KNOW" inside yourself - when you read the truth... and I believe that most do, Call it a 6th sense, or "survival instinct", cal it what you will - MOST people just "KNOW" - the truth when they see it, which is WHY I've taken the trouble to advise you all above about the future that awaits IF you choose to do nothing!.

"Bad men only prosper when good men fail to act!"

"Occasionally it is necessary for the tree of liberty to be watered with the blood of human sacrifice".

"Those who would sacrifice Liberty for security deserve neither".

You are faced here with a clear choice.

Put up with the current Obamanation that has become of the once great and mighty USA - a nation usurped by another without a shot (other than that fateful one in Dealy plaza in 1962) being fired.

Many in the world - know what and who stole the nation.

We also know that YOU the citizens thru apathy allowed them to do it.

YOU sirs (and ladies) hold the key to the answer.

Each and every one of you must choose who you will serve this day - the evil God of this earth, who keeps you from seeing the light of the Creator shining upon you, or your creator and the messiah he sent do save you.

Serve the Christ within, and you will see the heavens open, Gods angels going up and comming down on the son of man.

It's not so difficult.

The longest of journeys begins with the first step.

The secret to getting the right answers is to learn to ask the right questions.

Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve.

The only ones who cannot see are they who are being lost!

Save yourselves - its an offer available to all.

That's why we have freewill - the right to choose or not to choose, that is each and every single one of us - our divine right, so that our fate might NOT be a result of any choice made by God - but be down to us ourselves, and our individual choice as to whom we shall serve.

The end times are upon us - the 6th seal is opened.

May God bless you all, each and every one.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Ohh yeah - your "gas pipeline explosion" on 9/11/10...9 years to the day after 9/11/01, was no gas pipeline explosion - it was a downed jet hit by a SAM.
Our pipeline explosion happened Thursday night (9/9/-9/10), not on 9/11.

Thanks for the correction Beth....

Some more info that might "interest" readers about that particular "pipeline" explosion!

Beth - this may not have occurred to you but I live half a planet away from you on the other side of the world, and that puts me a few time zones ahead of you date wise for when things "happen" and get reported.

I'm at least 12 hours and often times 1 days date ahead of you - when I read reports instantly on the internet - in this case it was the 10th here of September - when i read a report from USA dated the 9th September.

I got the date wrong admittedly bye a day - saying the 11th BUT - it was the 10th here not the 9th when I read about the pipeline deal being an false flag Israeli attack not the 9th.

I know you all remember the morning of 9/11 and where you were and what you were doing on that morning the same way many remember where they were and what they were doing when JFK was shot.


Well I spent the whole day of 9/11 at a navigation course sea school - before coming home at NIGHT, having dinner, watching some TV and from memory watching LIVE at 1120PM (at NIGHT) the attacks occurring on the WTC with the planes etc...that were in the morning for you all!

Some people don't realize the effect that 'instantaneous communications' these days has on times and dates things get 'experienced by others' elsewhere on the globe.

Einstein clearly didn't or he would never have made his Relativity theory mistakes.

Just clarifying..... a little.

The point is - I said it was no pipeline explosion and that it was 9/11 related and likely a Israeli "false flag" attack - and it would seem that again - someone OUTSIDE the USA these days has FAR MORE idea about whats going on inside the USA than any USA citizens as a result of Israeli control of your media and communications.

I don;t know at what point someone is going to stand up and declare the USA "out of control" and "a rogue nuclear state", but it cannot be very far away now.

Unless the people of the USA seize back control of their once great nation to be run by the people and for the people, - by force if necessary - then it will behove "other nations of the world" to do so on their behalf for the safety of other nations of the world.

While many worry about Islamics getting control of Nuclear arsenals in Pakistan - the REAL worry is just who the hell has their finger on the control of US Nukes...

because it is glaringly clear to the rest of the western world that it is DEFINITELY NOT the so called "Kenyan born president O dumbo"! ::)


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Lucky - I understand the time differences - I talk to my grandchildren in Germany every Sunday - and I always have to take the time difference into account :laughing7:

But, just to make a note - it happened on September 10th at 12:1 am (right after midnight) - it still would have been September 10th if it was 12 hours later. (where you are) It would have been 12:17 pm (lunchtime). I was just clarifying.

And, you have to admit - it really doesn't matter - let's face it - we celebrate things like New Years according to our own time, not someone elses on the other side of the world.


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