Silver Member
What is happening right now is the reformed banking system and redistribution of wealth. Very soon, possibly days we will all get our special banking account number. Which will have money for us. Could be a lot, don't really know. No more debts of any kind for anyone. A fresh start with more money than we ever imagined, no worries about starving. Which will be good.
China may be the first country to actually implement the changes. And we should watch how and what they do to understand what will happen here. All the Gold bullion everyone thinks they own, is now situated in six regional areas around the world. The money is real and in place. All it takes is the flip of a switch to transfer funds to our accounts.
The new banking system is in place with trained people at the helm. This is worldwide. All banks have agreed to a common set of operating regulations. To allow complete transparency of all financial transactions. No more "midnight" transactions or "off the books" fiddle-faddle. To permit honest financial transactions worldwide. All currency will be 100% backed with Gold. No more "we America Corporation promise to pay you someday.." Real hard currency everyone can trust.
I'm not a banker so don't understand how various ones compare to each other. We have been promised that all foreign exchange transactions will be transparent. No manipulating by Soros and his ilk.
The spiritual part of this transformation will be explained before the switches are thrown. We, every human on earth, are being guided by higher authority. Our Galaxy has many other planets with life. Hands off rules applied until recently. Then orders-from-above allowed these outer world helpers to intervene to stop the destruction of Earth (Gaia) and us humans. The truth at the center of the Universe is known as SOURCE, and Source controls everything. We are all part of SOURCE. We have been created in the form of SOURCE.
Our DNA is programmable. For example a disease know as Huntington's Disease results from a mutation of a gene sequence "CAG". While mutating it adds more of itself until at forty repetitions, CAGCAGCAGCAG... etc, the disease symptoms occur. It is one disease called Terminal. No cures (yet). Looking at DNA as a string of chemical codes, why couldn't the DNA code be modified? Well it can and has been.
Remember the cloned sheep "Dolly"? That was not a sheep. That was a female who's entire genome created the Genome Project. She was the original donor for the first human clone. And she is still alive. And as her DNA is the original patent, she is the true owner of all genetic research patents. Trillions of dollars of royalties have been stolen from her. Big Pharma is deathly afraid of her and have tried to totally eliminate all references to her life and story. But she lives and if you want her contact info let me know?
Anyway our Spiritual Leaders, on Earth as well as the Universe have other plans for us. Humans on earth have some uniqueness bred into us. Remember the "Ye Are Gods" references to our innate abilities? Whatever that ability is, will be cultivated by advanced alien technology. And we all, being God like, with unlimited power is the last thing the cabal and our slave owners want. That's why they drug, poison our food, poison the air and water and worst of all, kill and make sick our children. Yes Autism is intentionally caused by them. And bright kids drugged into submission in our schools. I am trying to understand compassion, but think those people should be judged and punished by Mothers.
The announcement will include our previous contacts with alien life, out of the planet as well as underneath us. And some have been here millions of years. And all planets are hollow as is Earth. The ultimate truth will be hard for anyone to comprehend. All lies. Everything we, our parents, our ancestors, believed in, and died for were all lies. The simple truth is: We Are All Slaves. Owned by a corporation. With death benefits paid on our deaths. To them, not us.
Many evil satanic forces and beings have been either relocated, off planet or zapped into oblivion. Many earthly beings have been arrested and are being held for trial. Trial by Universal Standards which are mainly to love each other. Talk about some scaredy cats! All have or will be given the opportunity to repent. Admit their part and promise to help disable the rest. I understand many have done so and when the truth is revealed, we should be charitable towards them. Some had no choice. Others simply misled and many by greed but will help maintain our institutions during a period of confusion, hurt and hate. We are all promised individual one-on-one guidance. Maybe our guardian Angels?
There is some urgency for this revelation as our Earth seems to be at a tipping point. Could be catastrophic or not. Not to fear though: Above earth we are surrounded by many great spaceships. That have means to "beam us up Scotty" to safety. Even in very short notice.
Our hollow earth residents also have individual "light chambers" for each of us to protect us, heal our bodies and get our brains working again. And help with our re-education about humans becoming Humans.
Whew. Didn't think I had that in me. The end is in sight. Life will be better than we can imagine. As promised by Heaven.
Uh! OH!...I opened up that can of worms ....