Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment
I'm done now - if you don't understand my point - I'm sorry. If you do, then great. Maybe you just didn't like me correcting you.
Not at all Beth - you point hadn't occurred to me at all, in the context that you've explained it so well above. Now that I'm finally on the same page with you - it makes a LOT of I guess "obvious" sense that escaped me entirely.
For that I thank you - sincerely.
Everyman (and thus woman) is my teacher - we are all here (on this earth) to learn, is how I view it.
I'm more than happy to learn what my fellow man has to teach me.
I thank you for the point you make.
I'm embarrassed to admit your point didn't/hadn't occurred to me... the way you explained it.
I'm very interested in the significance of numbers myself as it happens and specifically in respect to religious texts (bible etc) the so called "Bible Code", equidistant letter spacings within the first 5 books (torah) of the old testament, (Doron Witztum, Eliyahu Rips and Yoav Rosenberg published a paper, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", in the scientific journal Statistical Science), and indeed the various "Gemmatria" (assignment of letters to numbers) of some of the older Hebrew Latin and Greek texts has been a recent study of mine.
I'll show you one to explain what I mean.
As you might have gathered from my posts already above I'm quite interested in Physics and Mathematics.
I've come to the conclusion that, our very Bible DOES give us a great many 'clues' about this issue as does the mathematics of the construction of great Pyramids in Egypt etc
I'm very interested in what i believe are the 2 great forces in our universe, the expansive and the contractive forces and believe that the answers are most likely in the Bibles first 5 books (Torah) mostly in Genesis.
Genesis is about "creation".
Our God is sometimes referred to as the CREATOR
We learn that he/she is responsible for all of creation.
The number 7 features a lot
As does the number 12 with the 12 tribes and 144,000 chosen men etc.
The big thing with "the example I gave above" is that in 3 different languages in use at the time revelations was written, and there 3 respective gemmatria - the SAME persons name comes up to 666 as the number of the beast in all 3 languages. I guess that might even be viewed as some kind of mathematical "miracle" if you like?
God tells us that in the beginning was "the word".
Today using a simple english language gemmatria where A=1, B = 2, etc...."The Word" gives us:-
total = 93
9+3 = 12
Theres the magical number of the tribes of Israel - that seemed to be so important to God.
In the beginning was 12
12 was the basis of their mathematics, a dozen.
In the beginning was numbers (mathematics i.e. a PURE LANGUAGE), one that could be USED to communicate with God.
Who is God?
I am the Alpha & I am the Omega (The Beginning and the end)
Total = 38
3+8 =11
Total = 41
When God made Adam & Eve, (1+1) he made 'creation for mankind' (reproduction) and that's the beginning.
Then the Two made a family of 5 and thats the end.(just any couple with 3 kids!)
Everything IN creation, is governed by something known as the God Number or Golden mean ratio.
It is the mathematical constant that governs everything from the spacing of leaves, on the branch of a tree, to the spirals of a nautilus shell.
The Golden mean ratio was 'discovered' adopted and used in all palatial building including the various Temples constructed for God to dwell in including even the tent of the lord. Its been the staple of architects in Palatial Building scale (The ratio of 1 is to 2 as 2 is to 3).
In building palaces (and especially the renaissance period) this ratio was used for cathedrals and so on by the knights templar for example.
Its also used in Furniture making because the Human Body has Golden mean ratio as the building blocks of our construction / make up, and furniture made to GM ratios is comfortable to sit in stand at eat off etc (my 20 years making furniture wasn't totally wasted).
Palatial ratio (golden mean) in furniture usually meant that, 1 unit of height was = to 2 units of width which was = to 3 units of length.
These things look GOOD in palaces built to the Golden mean ratio - they look crap in our houses of today which mostly aren't built to Golden mean ratio - they look 'wrong' or out of proportion in our houses of today, because we as a rule don't build much to the Golden mean any more (for reasons I can explain in detail if anyone's interested, my old man was a master Builder most his life).
It (GMR) really comes from something a little tougher than "prime numbers" (those only divisible by 1 and themselves) 1 3 5 7 11 13 17 etc...
It (GMR) comes from whats a little tougher to follow - the famous Fibonacci sequence.
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 etc its a sequence obtained by always adding the preceding number to get the next.
This Fibonacci sequence gives us the Golden mean ratio and it boild down in our today decimal system too ~ 1.618
Now the Fibonacci number (Golden mean) 1.618 is an amazing number... (You can check me out on this with your calculator!).
What do you get it you take 1 away from 1.618 ?
Whats so special bout that I hear you ask?
Stick with me a moment.
What do we get if we ADD 1 to 1.618 ?
Again you asking So?
1.618^2 (to the power 2 or squared of you prefer)
even more remarkable?
1 divided 1.618 (i.e. the reciprocal of 1.618)
The GM (Golden Mean) squared equals the Golden Mean Plus One!
The reciprocal of the Golden Mean = Golden Mean Minus 1!
Again a magical or miracle type mathematical number and the basis for all creation!.
It doesn't stop there it's MUCH more phenomenal than that!
I am the Alpha & The Omega the beginning and the end.
Well the genius Einstein;-
(Remember he got his nobel prize for physics for his peer reviewed "quantum nature of the photo electric effect paper", not his much wider known, but not peer reviewed "special relativity paper" and resulting e = mc^2, equation taught to school children now for almost 100 years which I *and others* have already disproved in this threat back near the start),
- was the first to discover and use the constant "Alpha" in his photo electric effects paper.
Had he used Alpha as the constant in his special relativity paper also, instead of the so called limit velocity of light constant C, he WOULD have found his long sough unified field equation (GUT Grand Unification Theorem).
Einsteins "Alpha constant" has a value of 1/137
The Omega constant is a mathematical constant defined by
It is the value of W(1) where W is Lambert's W function. The name is derived from the alternate name for Lambert's W function, the Omega function.
The value of Ω is approximately 0.5671432904097838729999686622
Omega (majuscule: Ω, minuscule: ω; Greek Ωμέγα) is the
24th and last letter of the Greek alphabet.
In the Greek numeric system, it has a value of 800.
The word literally means "great O"
In the Beginning was Alpha then God created
ADAM (The Alpha male or first man)
In the end is the Omega (The great 'O')
I wonder who that could be?
President O dumbo?
It seems that this REALLY is - the time of the end or much prophesied 'end times'
And if Odumbo isn't the fore runner of 'the beast' (The way John the Baptist was the fore runner of our Savior / Messiah) then what about the greatest WOMAN in the free world today?
Whichever way you look at it we are at the Omega end times!
Anyway back to our numbers.
The torah is actually a mathematical algorithm, that is, the source code for mankind, its the mathematical algorithm that governs our freewill choice and every possible outcome of those choices for every human that has or will ever live or die.
It is our fate and our destiny - in a computer program, created by god, in pure mathematical numbers, for each and every one of us and given to us in the first 5 books of the old testament said to have been dictated to Moses on Mt Sinai by god himself and contained in every Mezuza scroll that the Jews have built into the front door post of their houses each scroll must be hand written and letter perfect in the Hebrew for all 5 of the first books of the old testament- because it is a PURE mathematical code/algorithm that has been so preserved down thru the ages since Moses.
This is why it works as an equidistant letter spacings code or a mathematical gemmatria code in probably all languages.
Back to the numbers to show you what I mean about significant numbers and dates etc.
Alpha = 0.0072992700729927007299270072
Omega = 0.5671432904097838729999686622
Golden Mean = 1.618
Relationships between Alpha, Omega, and Golden mean?
Relationship between Beginning, Creation and End?
Alpha Divided by Omega = 0.012870239666802165768067166259896
Golden mean divided by Omega = 28.5289454598136887714437647516
Golden Mean divided by Alpha = 221.666
Omega Divided by Alpha = 77.7
Golden Mean divided by Alpha = 221.666
221 = 11 x 11
and 666 = the number of the beast!
11 is a symbol for $ and also the twin towers, taken down on 9/11!
9 x11’s (Date) + 2 more 11’s (or the twin money Towers) gives 11 x 11’s or 221 + the devils number 666 = 221.666
the Golden Mean divided by the Fine Structure Constant Alpha!
There's significance in all numbers, and the 9/11 attacks were an attack on the worlds 2 Money center towers, by the long prophesied, "beast of revelations", and signified the opening of the 6th seal of revelations in the end times.
This to me suggests that EVERYTHING that happens with regard to this planet and mankind (in fact the universe) is predestined / planned and describable mathematically via the unified field which I strongly suspect is based on Golden mean Ratio/Fibonacci Number sequences and prime number sequences and various other alpha and omega ratios.
Alpha, Creation & Omega
The Beginning, Gods Creation (including mankind) and its End, all part of a grand design.
The clues and mush more besides are all included as the blueprint of the mathematical algorithm that is the computer program of our beginning, creation and end, all pre-destined and allowing for our exercise of 'free will' as a result of Eves eating of the apple of the tre of knowledge of the two forces in this universe.
You would think that for someone with this knowledge of the significance of numbers dates etc - Mrs O

that I would have seen the obvious intent of your post and it embarrasses me to say that I did not until you pointed it out!
I hope you enjoyed my little expansion on the theme above.