Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Operation STARGATE resulted; "google"... Operation StarGate"

Why would I?

I already know what star gates are - I already communicate with the entities who visit us via these "black holes" or star gates as you prefer to refer too them. What If i was one of them? alien entity telling you the answer to all your questions - but you were too busy trying to tell me what you know, rather than read & learn what i have to teach you?

I've said it before (well repeated what aristotle said) that half the battle toward getting the right answers is asking the right questions.

All "stars" are suns, all suns are black holes and all black holes are gateways between one reality and the another.
All matter has at its center a singularity (miniature black hole).
Atoms have one and sub atomic levels (quarks et al) are just lower reality levels of what we see and observe at this macro reality level. Going up the scale we have the universe and galaxy and the multi-verse and so on...

As above so below.

If you understand the unified field - you'd know this you wouldn't need to go looking for conspiracy theorys on google

2 + 2 = 4 its mathemeatics and its pure = its a universal law - not a conspiracy theory.
Physics is the same - it's laws of the universe - that explain everything.

You've read nothing of what I typed for you, nor watched any of the vids I linked for you, - and persist with conspiracy theory crap - rather than pure physics, laws of the universe that actually answer your questions...

There are obviously those who prefer to imagine than to know - there's nothing wrong with that, the world needs its imaginers as well - where would we be today without Gene Roddenbury and star trek?...or Walt Disney?

But trying to teach physics (or math) to such creative people is a waste of time & effort...

I'm done.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Hola amigos, <and a big Dakota HOWDY out to my good buddy Reb! :hello2: :hello: :thumbsup:>

First, thank you Rebel for starting this thread! :thumbsup:

Lucky Eddie, you need not teach us "kids" amigo, go ahead and present your ideas. It is true that this is a family site so we do have kids among our readers and they likely do benefit from in-depth explanations, but many of us are not so young anymore and have some grasp of the topics we are discussing. I have never yet found a treasure hunter that was just a dummy; our shared avocation requires brains so the real dummies get weeded out of treasure hunting at the first puzzle they can't figure out. In fact, I can't think of a group of people of higher intelligence to have discussions with, than a bunch of treasure hunters!

This whole topic is rather fascinating for me; from Carlos Allende (aka Carl Allen, from PA) openly admitting that his story was a "pack of lies" to the supposed "suicide" of Morris Jessup, quote

On April 19, 1959, Jessup contacted Doctor Manson Valentine and arranged to meet with him the next day, claiming to have made a breakthrough regarding an event known as the Philadelphia Experiment. However, on April 20, 1959, Jessup allegedly committed suicide in a Dade County, Florida, park, possibly the Matheson Hammock one, by inhaling automobile exhaust fumes by use of a hose connected between the exhaust pipe and a rear window of the vehicle. Some people believed that "The circumstances of Jessup's apparent suicide remain mysterious"[7] and conspiracy theorists contended that it was connected to his knowledge of the "Philadelphia Experiment".[8] Although some friends claimed that he possibly had been driven to suicide by the "Allende Case,"[9] other friends said that an extremely depressed Jessup had been discussing suicide with his friends for several months before his act.[10] <from the Wiki article, saved me typing it and yep I am that lazy! :o ::) ;D>

The US Navy was in fact doing experiments in better ways to protect our ships during the war by camouflage, the degaussing to protect against magnetic mines etc so is this the whole answer to what Carl Allen saw, and later made up the invisibility story out of whole cloth? I have doubts. The current experiments in real invisibility show that it IS possible; <the main trick being to bend light> so is it possible that the modern military experiments have a history that began in WW2?

Time and light are supposedly directly related; by bending light, (by this theory) one also bends time along with it. A professor Mallet was working on a real working time machine a few years ago, utilizing powerful lasers to produce a theoretical "bubble" of light, inside of which time itself would be bent into the same shape and (in his theory) it would be possible to send and receive messages or tiny particles through this bubble. <Funny how that sounds similar to the old Time Tunnel science-fiction show, with the spiraling light in the tunnel> If this theory works, and bending light does bend time - then Allen's description of a huge electromagnetic device that was intended to bend light around the warship, would have also created a "bubble" of bent time inside of that bubble, just as he said.

I look forward to your replies, thank you again mi compadre Reb!

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


So I guess after that tirade all the worlds problems are solved :laughing7:

Theories, formulas, speculations are all fine and dandy, until the next Brainaic comes along with new crap to dispelling the old crap. It's a vicious cycle :laughing7:

The Philadelphia Experiment on its own an interesting topic without the rest of the mumbo jumbo :laughing9:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Oroblanco said:

Not from you, but from the other rambling in several previous posts. I was getting dizzy trying to read through it :laughing7:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

My apologies amigo, I didn't mean to rant or offend anyone at all, when you mentioned a tirade I thought boy, I must have said something that didn't come out the way it was intended at all. I do agree with you 100% that the subject is fascinating on several levels. Why did the Office of Naval Research contact Jessup, if there was nothing but a big hoax at the root of this? That alone seems like a red flag to me, that something was definitely of interest to them, and not just made-up BS.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

No problem, it just seemed to me like like he was hijacking the post... If you have that much information to share, start your own post ;D

Back the The Philly Experiment, sadly we may never know the true story behind it. I first read about it in the 70's and was fascinated.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Two things:
1--Eddie wrote, more than once, that the earth's long year (26,000 years) was the time the earth orbited the universe. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh would you like to RETHINK that one?

2--Tesla developed and championed alternating current, not direct current. Westinghouse was the D.C. proponent.

After his 26,000 year trip around the universe and not correcting that Tesla / D.C. current thing; I stopped putting much credence in Eddie's recitation. He began to remind me of that young know it all in the movie Good Will Hunting that liked to impress the ladies at the college pub with his philosophical rants until Matt Damon's character stepped on him big time for reading all the specialty books then regurgitating the theories without knowing what the hell he was talking about.

OH CRAP, I forgot...............Eddie has a physics degree. He must have been out sick the day the class covered the earth's period of precession and the time to orbit THE GALAXY. :dontknow:

By the way, we already have anti-grav propulsion.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

1--Eddie wrote, more than once, that the earth's long year (26,000 years) was the time the earth orbited the universe. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh would you like to RETHINK that one?

Hmm - misquote someone - then prove them wrong from your misquote? ::)

Usual cointelpro operation - classic in fact. :laughing9:

If you look - you will see that I mentioned how the SUN orbits our universe, once every great year of 26000+ earth years and that while the SUN does this - the earth in turn orbits the sun in a elliptical cork screw moment of angular torque that we perceive as time.

Yes we 'observe it' on the vernal equinox, at the rising of the sun, from earth, and describe it as the precession of the equinoxes.

Maybe you missed that bit - there's admittedly a lot to digest.

Let me know when your up to speed.

You copy paste to quote someone and use the quotation marks to show that you have done so - please don't correct my post that you misunderstood and misquoted and suggest that somehow I got it wrong because your reading & comprehension skills aren't up to the task, it does your credibility little good to anyone with a reasonable IQ. :wink:


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

;D Ss! GOOD to "see" ya, again! :coffee2: Coffee? You are correct; Tesla did the AC "thing"... couldn't remember, and my books & papers were still packed in boxes (just moved) :D :wink: ANYWAY, :hello2: is good. TWO books I just found this morning are: Nikola Tesla - Dreamer by Allan L. Benson, and Enigma Fantastique by W. Gordon Allen, Ph.D.; the REST of the stuff must be in OTHER boxes. ANYWAY, after he developed the "Death Ray", the FBI contacted the War Dept., stuff was seized and classified as SECRET or something. My
"sense" is that his AC stuff was later developed as a "PULSE ENGINE" for the AURORA "spy plane" in the 1980's/90's. AND! His "Death Ray" PROBABLY became Prez. Reagan's STAR WAR DEFENSE SYSTEM, or something. Read THIS! :wink: :coffee2: 8) (SUNNY out...). :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Just wanted to mention, we also have Ion drive propulsion in use today for spacecraft, something quite "science fiction" when I was young.

An interesting sub-question concerning the Phila Expt relates to the claimed teleportation of the ship; I read of some experiments done which were based on causing an object to vibrate at the same rate as various wavelengths, that resulted in what appeared to be teleportation when a certain rate was reached. (violet I think it was) If I can find anything online about this phenomenon this evening I will post links, must sign off but wanted to catch up on the discussion; I hope you all are having a very good day.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: ;D :icon_thumleft: PLEASE DO, Oro... THAT is what I like about this web-site; we can share, and as a TEAM... Together, Each... Achieve More! Info, etc. :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: ;D
:coffee2: YOUR prize! And MORE for others... :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Is this you eddie ?

Negative. I am not Arthur Christian (or whoever the poster of the work you linked to) claims to be.

You will note however that he posted verbatim from two articles contained on the BroJon website by the author Marshall Smith.

You will also note I hope that I referenced 3 other authors besides myself.

1. Stan Deyo (Solar teacup analogy etc).
2. Marshall Smith (Where Einstein went wrong) i.e. the same BroJon website
3. TE Bearden ( for E=Delta TC^2
4. Nassim Harramine, for the Fractal tetrahedral nature of the contractive (gravity) energy of the universe and
5. Lloyd Pye - Starchild skull.

You might also note - that no where else is the M=Delta T discovery anywhere on the internet except by my own hand.


These below are copies of email exchanges between TE Bearden and myself (with my REAL name redacted).

TE Bearden wrote:
“To first order, time seems to have the same energy density as mass does.
Here's how to look at it.

Suppose you take some spatial energy (in 3-dimensional space) and compress
it by the factor c-squared. That's a whale of a lot of compression, something on the order of 9x10exp16.

So what can you do with that piece of highly compressed energy?

If you just leave it in 3-space, it is what we call "mass".

If you remove it from 3-space and place it over on the 4th axis, that is over on "ict" where the only variable is t. So the only place it can fit is in "t". There it is called "time".

So time is actually highly compressed energy.

In quantum field theory, they even recognize a photon that is "polarized" on the time axis. That is, its energy is oscillating on that fourth axis, as a slight compression and rarefaction of time itself.

For simple work and understanding, it boils down to a second being some 9x10exp16 joules of EM energy, removed from 3-space and compressed into time.

It then follows that, if you "decompress" a little time into spatial energy, you will get enormous joules of energy (i.e., 9x10exp16) for every second of time you transduce into 3-space energy.

Remember, energy can be changed in form, between any two forms, at least in theory.

So by "using a little time", one can produce enormous EM energy in space, in spatial circuits.

It turned out that all 3-space energy comes from the time domain anyway, being time converted into 3-space energy. And it also returns from 3-space back to the time domain, in an ongoing "circulation" in 4-space.
That is decidedly not taken into account in the present physics!

What actually changes is the very notion of "propagation" of energy through 3-space. Actually, nothing can move in 3-space a priori; if it moves, it has to move in 4-space instead.”

Dear **Redacted**,

You pose a true and very disturbing problem, particularly when China's vastly growing needs for oil, gas, etc. are factored in. The demand and competition for cheap oil is steadily increasing, while the supply of CHEAP oil is steadily declining.

Sadly, the scientific "leadership" toward solutions has been rather totally misdirected. Our policy makers and high government officials have already been advised that all that can be done is to
(1) vigorously pursue finding and drilling and exploiting more sources of oil and gas,
(2) develop and force the use of fuel cells and a "hydrogen" economy (never mind all the problems that cannot be solved prior to 2020 or even 2050),
(3) open up the building of new nuclear reactors again,
(4) continue to fund hot fusion research, even though in the nearly half century it's been ongoing it has not added a single extra watt to the power line, and will not do so for at least the next 50 years.

That's basically the "sage energy advice" given to our leaders from the scientific community.

The standard electrical engineering and classical Maxwell-Heaviside electrodynamics model does assume that all EM fields and potentials are generated freely from their associated source charges. But those models do not even model the active vacuum and its exchange, or local curved space-time. So the model being used for electrical power engineering is so inane as to boggle the mind: it implicitly assumes that every EM field, every EM potential, and every joule of EM energy in the universe is and has been freely created out of nothing at all, by those source charges in the universe.

In short, the REAL "perpetual working machine with no energy input" advocates unwittingly are -- guess who -- the electrical engineering departments, professors, and textbooks, as well as the classical Maxwell-Heaviside electrodynamicists and their textbooks

This "source charge problem" more than a century old, has also been rather deliberately "scrubbed out" of the texts, so that the students will not know the problem exists, and that they have been taught a model that implicitly assumes the total falsification of energy conservation, by every charge in the universe. You can simply separate some charge quickly, and with
instruments preset up, watch the rapid advance at light speed of the appearance of the associated fields and potentials, radially outward at light speed. Also, once a potential or field suddenly "reads" at a point reached in that outflow of energy, it remains and IS SUSTAINED thereafter.

This shows that a continuous flow of real EM energy pours from that charge in all directions, continuously, from the moment of formation or separation of the charge.

Yet none of our instruments will or can detect any OBSERVABLE energy input to the source charge.

Either we have to totally surrender the conservation of energy law, as being violated by every charge, EM field, EM potential, and joule of EM energy in the universe, or we have to find a NONOBSERVABLE (virtual state) energy input to that source charge. If we can find such a virtual state continuous energy input to the charge, then we also have to find the exact
method or process whereby the disordered virtual energy absorbed by the charge from the vacuum, is coherently integrated into real, observable EM energy that is emitted as real photons outgoing in all directions.

We of course already published the solution to that source charge problem, as well as to the exact coherent integration mechanism. The source charge also does exhibit the continuous production of negative entropy, and all EM energy in every circuit and device is indeed extracted directly from the local vacuum by the asymmetry of the source charge in its exchange with the
vacuum flux.

Oddly, all the energy in a circuit or device comes directly from the local active vacuum exchange, NOT from cranking the shaft of the generator or dissipating chemical energy in a battery.
It turns out that the fundamental problems with the old electrodynamics are:-

(1) the assumption of an inert local vacuum (falsified in physics for some 70 or 80 years, and PARTICULARLY since the discovery of broken symmetry in 1957 and the prompt award of the Nobel Prize to Lee and Yang in December of the same year, 1957),
(2) the assumption of a flat local spacetime (falsified by general relativity since 1916),
(3) failure to recognize that gauge freedom means clearly that the potential energy of the system can be freely changed at any time, which in turn implies that this already freely
collected regauging energy can then be simply dissipated into the loads to power them freely,
(4) incorporation of the diabolical Lorentz symmetrical regauging just to make the equations amenable to solution, when the forced symmetry arbitrarily discards all Maxwellian systems which could and would exhibit use of excess energy from the vacuum,
(5) the ubiquitous use of the standard closed current loop circuit, which self-enforces symmetrical regauging in the system and thus enforces COP less than 1.0;
(6) still assuming the old material ether, falsified more than 100 years ago by the
Michelson-Morley experiments. This latter is still incorporated by the totally invalid assumption of force fields in the vacuum;
(7) acquiring from the older mechanics the notion that a separate mass-free force operates in
space on a mass to "forcibly move" it. Indeed, a mass-free entity does act on the mass, but the notion of a "mass-free force" is an oxymoron. Mass is a component of force, by the definition F = d/dt(mv). Both the expansion terms have mass as a COMPONENT. This is known and stated by many leading physicists, (Feynman, Wheeler, etc). but continues to be ignored and the
equations are not changed accordingly;
(8) continued use of the 1872 Klein geometry and group theoretic methods, by which all negative entropy processes are excluded a priori and arbitrarily. The result is that broken
symmetry at a given level loses the "information" and "ordering" at that level, and reduces the overall group symmetry. That excludes negative entropy, and continues to lead to the total farce of the present second law of thermodynamics, which has several limited violations experimentally proven, certain areas which do not obey the second law are also known, and
the source charge violates it for any size level desired and for any length of time desired. What is required is the Leyton geometry and group symmetry methods. Under Leyton rules, a broken symmetry at a given level does not lose the information on ordering at that level, and it also generates a new symmetry at the next higher level -- a beautiful negentropic process!

I attach a short little fact paper on the Leyton geometry and its

If we can just get the scientific community into Leyton's geometry and methods, and working with his hierarchies of symmetry, then the energy crisis can be solved fairly quickly. One can take all the energy one wishes from the seething local vacuum, once the methods are known and utilized.

Anyway, that is where it is all leading.

Best wishes,

Tom Bearden”

You might note that I didn't bother to burden you with the included copies of Leyton's geometry and hierarchy of symmetry papers.

Now, hopefully it should be obvious....... that I am a bonefide researcher in the field of physics - who is in personal contact with some of the people that I quoted above - hence why I am privy to such information as that I've presented above.

And you got it for free without even asking - so why so important to know "who I am"?

Gonna send yet MORE spooks to do a number on me?

Sorry but you'll have to get in line buddy! :wink: Most sad already are doing their best to get the above outta me when all they fricken well had to do was ASK!

These parents have been put thru hell after the above organization exfiltrated Kadwell (Felton) & his common law wife and child out of Aussie, after doing a couple years trying to get the above outta me without any result.

Then they sent another crew, to try the same thing........when we moved away from that town to get away from these buttwipes.

Funny how so many people just "disappear" (get exfiltrated) that live near me in such a relatively short period of time... in "mysterious ways" that defy explanation! These are the crew rowed up the canal and tried to get into my vessel and almost got caught AGAIN........ ::)

Course when you realise that they work for a foreign intelligence agency and have been busy systematically destroying as much of my life as possible and have to get out of the country once their job is done.......well - these things make a little more sense I guess.

Again - if the crazy bastages would just ASK nicely - I'd a told em all they wanted to know, without all the cloak n dagger crap!

Pretty sad really, when you think that's what these nations spend their black ops $ on....

Lets see there was the couple 'clients' from "San Francisco" after 9/11 - but she only spoke Hebrew - yeah right -I'm that fricken dumb!

Then there was the little hebrew girl hitch hiking in the middle of fricken no where, just as i happen to be driving past to the neighboring town for a meeting I'd mentioned in an email...who wanted to know what I knew about "oil wars"...

Then there was the tall kiwi guy - worked for the Govt Minister.... yeah I believed that one days hes with Rio Tinto go figure - where else would a spook be? ::)

Lets see who else - the nigerian guy with the bad teeth a few days ago - tailing me, he's just a little too obvious - his trade craft could do with a brush up refresher course - nearly crapped himself when I sprung him... :laughing9:

Then there's me constant companion - good ol 'cigars' in the flat behind....maybe I'll put something 'interesting" in the pricks tailpipe one morning when he starts his car at 10 am... hmmm.....might be a good idea to move him...before he comes to some harm maybe...he's clumsy and left his bolt cutters out front of his flat when disturbed trying to steal our motorbike at 5 am one morning (and trying to lift the hood of one of the cars also another morning)....then there's the Jew with the helicopter who employed me for a while so they could use the satellite internet comms to monitor me a little closer...

I could go on I guess...
Whats the point?
All they had to do was ask....
I've never made a secret of what I know or how I know it... ::)

Sometimes - I have to wonder about them spooks from Israel...they aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed most of em...

Again - if they want to know what I know - most of its printed out above just save a copy and do us all a favor...(and leave me and my family the phuk alone for gods sake)!

Way too many people around me keep 'disappearing' for no good reason... life would be much easier if we just got it out into the open - don't you think?

There's an old saying, it actually comes from a collection of documents these spooks would do well to study - "Ask and ye shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened too you!". :wink:

And a special hello to my chum from the Cocos islands above! :wink: :icon_thumright:

Whats scary is - these are the best they have! ??? :laughing7:

Ohh and bye the way - just a lil heads up - I'm under constant surveillance now by a cointelpro team from ayseeoh, so - getting caught operating as agents of a foreign intelligence service inside our nation without our Govt's prior approval, might prove politically embarrassing - just a lil heads up for ya'll! :wink:

Anything else I can help you with while we are at it?


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

::) Houdini :dontknow:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


The reason I inquired "is this you ?" was not because I am concerned with your identity (I'm not) but rather because your posts are "blurry" as to what you are quoting from others VS what is your own "original" material..........................................


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Hola amigo Reb,
Well no luck so far, loads of stuff online with the (future) possibilities of quantum teleportation but the study I am looking for was not trying to achieve teleportation, it was experiments in vibrations and resonance or something along that line that got an accidental result. I will keep looking.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :coffee2: For YOU! ;D Is it here? "Google"... "EMF: Light & Sound Vibration Theorys" It SHOULD be "THEORIES" :wink: OR... "google"
"Color/Wavelength" Research :wink: OR...
"Color Research; wavelength (vibrations) & teleportation" :icon_thumleft: :wink: :coffee2: coffee? ;D
EMF & Color/Wavelength is KEY. I DO remember reading /hearing something about a PURPLE "mist" surrounding the ship. :wink: :coffee2: More? ;D :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

I, am a knuckle dragging ape. I know if I put my finger in that funny looking hole in the wall I get punished by the Gods. But I think this....some people on this thread should drop their studies of time/electricity/vibration etc., and concentrate on building us all a better detector. Please? ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :coffee2: For YOU! ;D Is it here? "Google"... "EMF: Light & Sound Vibration Theorys" It SHOULD be "THEORIES" :wink: OR... "google"
"Color/Wavelength" Research :wink: OR...
"Color Research; wavelength (vibrations) & teleportation" :icon_thumleft: :wink: :coffee2: coffee? ;D
EMF & Color/Wavelength is KEY. I DO remember reading /hearing something about a PURPLE "mist" surrounding the ship. :wink: :coffee2: More? ;D :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Muchas gracias amigo that does help; I take it that you have read of a similar incident; I wonder how the experimentation progressed since then, as that was some years ago. Some of what comes up with that search are a bit scarey - weaponizing the use of vibrations and EMF. :o

BigDan said:
I, am a knuckle dragging ape. I know if I put my finger in that funny looking hole in the wall I get punished by the Gods. But I think this....some people on this thread should drop their studies of time/electricity/vibration etc., and concentrate on building us all a better detector. Please? ;D

Why should we stop reading up on the research of others in this field, and try to build a better detector? Surely there are far more skilled experts already working on that, and we do have excellent models to work with now. I did try putting together a home-made detector once, and it worked but very poorly - it could detect a large coin if the coil nearly touched it but not even at a distance of one inch. What harm is there, in reading up on some of the far-out theories and experiments that have been tried by the real eggheads? If you are not interested in our subject matter, I sure am not going to force you into it.


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