Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

build a better detector?

How many millions of $ in R & D would that take?..


Aussie co Minelabs who make all the military mine detectors not to mention some of the best PI (pulse Induction) gold / metal detectors in the world, did just that only a week or so ago?

Yes they released 2 new models - the Minelabs 4800 & 5000 series to replace the much vaunted (but fundamentally flawed) 4500 series.

All one has to do is go to ones dealer and lay down the cash - and your wish would be answered knuckle dragger. ;D

Then again - anyone with even half a brain, would know something obvious to those of us trained and schooled in the new physics.

I talked above about the contractive or gravitic force in the universe did I not - the one we all ignore.

And even better

I gave you a quote from TE (Tom) Bearden (US Lt Col Ret Pentagon nuclear war gaming expert and physicist)....about

So the model being used for electrical power engineering is so inane as to boggle the mind: it implicitly assumes that every EM field, every EM potential, and every joule of EM energy in the universe is and has been freely created out of nothing at all, by those source charges in the universe.

In short, the REAL "perpetual working machine with no energy input" advocates unwittingly are -- guess who -- the electrical engineering departments, professors, and textbooks, as well as the classical Maxwell-Heaviside electrodynamicists and their textbooks

This "source charge problem" more than a century old, has also been rather deliberately "scrubbed out" of the texts, so that the students will not know the problem exists, and that they have been taught a model that implicitly assumes the total falsification of energy conservation, by every charge in the universe. You can simply separate some charge quickly, and with
instruments preset up, watch the rapid advance at light speed of the appearance of the associated fields and potentials, radially outward at light speed. Also, once a potential or field suddenly "reads" at a point reached in that outflow of energy, it remains and IS SUSTAINED thereafter.

This shows that a continuous flow of real EM energy pours from that charge in all directions, continuously, from the moment of formation or separation of the charge.

Yet none of our instruments will or can detect any OBSERVABLE energy input to the source charge.

Either we have to totally surrender the conservation of energy law, as being violated by every charge, EM field, EM potential, and joule of EM energy in the universe, or we have to find a NONOBSERVABLE (virtual state) energy input to that source charge. If we can find such a virtual state continuous energy input to the charge, then we also have to find the exact
method or process whereby the disordered virtual energy absorbed by the charge from the vacuum, is coherently integrated into real, observable EM energy that is emitted as real photons outgoing in all directions.

We of course already published the solution to that source charge problem, as well as to the exact coherent integration mechanism. The source charge also does exhibit the continuous production of negative entropy, and all EM energy in every circuit and device is indeed extracted directly from the local vacuum by the asymmetry of the source charge in its exchange with the
vacuum flux.

Oddly, all the energy in a circuit or device comes directly from the local active vacuum exchange, NOT from cranking the shaft of the generator or dissipating chemical energy in a battery.
It turns out that the fundamental problems with the old electrodynamics are:-

(1) the assumption of an inert local vacuum (falsified in physics for some 70 or 80 years, and PARTICULARLY since the discovery of broken symmetry in 1957 and the prompt award of the Nobel Prize to Lee and Yang in December of the same year, 1957),
(2) the assumption of a flat local spacetime (falsified by general relativity since 1916),
(3) failure to recognize that gauge freedom means clearly that the potential energy of the system can be freely changed at any time, which in turn implies that this already freely
collected regauging energy can then be simply dissipated into the loads to power them freely,
(4) incorporation of the diabolical Lorentz symmetrical regauging just to make the equations amenable to solution, when the forced symmetry arbitrarily discards all Maxwellian systems which could and would exhibit use of excess energy from the vacuum,
(5) the ubiquitous use of the standard closed current loop circuit, which self-enforces symmetrical regauging in the system and thus enforces COP less than 1.0;
(6) still assuming the old material ether, falsified more than 100 years ago by the
Michelson-Morley experiments. This latter is still incorporated by the totally invalid assumption of force fields in the vacuum;
(7) acquiring from the older mechanics the notion that a separate mass-free force operates in
space on a mass to "forcibly move" it. Indeed, a mass-free entity does act on the mass, but the notion of a "mass-free force" is an oxymoron. Mass is a component of force, by the definition F = d/dt(mv). Both the expansion terms have mass as a COMPONENT. This is known and stated by many leading physicists, (Feynman, Wheeler, etc). but continues to be ignored and the
equations are not changed accordingly;
( 8 ) continued use of the 1872 Klein geometry and group theoretic methods, by which all negative entropy processes are excluded a priori and arbitrarily. The result is that broken
symmetry at a given level loses the "information" and "ordering" at that level, and reduces the overall group symmetry. That excludes negative entropy, and continues to lead to the total farce of the present second law of thermodynamics, which has several limited violations experimentally proven, certain areas which do not obey the second law are also known, and
the source charge violates it for any size level desired and for any length of time desired. What is required is the Leyton geometry and group symmetry methods. Under Leyton rules, a broken symmetry at a given level does not lose the information on ordering at that level, and it also generates a new symmetry at the next higher level -- a beautiful negentropic process!

Negantropic - theres your clue...

Graviticv and negantropic to be precise.

The negative source charge!

All matter has mass and all matter has different mass.

Gold has different mass than lead which has different mass than iron and so on.

And why?... well because the electron shell is placed at a distance equal to the circumferential orbital distance ratio, by virtue of the black hole at the center of the atom of that mass - the electron if you like orbits at the event horizon of that mini black hole. It neither flys off into space nopr does it spiral on down and collapse into the proton.

It orbits perfectly at the event horizon distance that is specific to that state of matter (in this case Gold).

Now - the missing negantropic source charge, spoken of by Bearden above is unique to each element.

All that is required is to discriminate not for the positive expansive charge of Gold - but rather to discriminate for the negative source charge of Gold, and one would have the perfect detector - to then find Gold (only).

If one has variable negantropic source charge coupled tuning, then one could discriminate for various metals at exact pre set settings!.

Yes it can be done - but why would you?

To find more Gold?

Why bother?

If you understood how to alter the nergantropic source charge coupling that affects the electron shell circumferential orbital distance ratio - would you not be better off just getting hold of all the scrap lead you could muster and convert it to gold by altering its electron shell circumferential orbital distance ratio to equal that of Gold?


If you understood the technology to find gold using the negantropic source charge coupling of the black hole event horizon, as it relates to the orbital circumference ratio distance laws, of the electron - yes you could find all the gold in the world quite easily - but better - you could also transmute base metals like lead into gold!

It's the same technology.

The negantropic energy is crystalline in nature - a fractal tetrahedral in fact!

The much looked for teleportation - mauve / purple mist effect described above - is nothing more than a crystal generated negantropic harmonic wave form that fluctuates at the energy level required to push the electron shell distance to that of another reality or another form of mass depending what you wish to achieve.

When you remember that Einsteins special theory of relativity is flawed (except in near earth space due to the solar tea cup anaology i gave earlier of a space blanket ether of space) - then you would know that Einsteins Alpha definition contains the constant 'h' that SHOULD have been used by Einstein in e=mc^2 - to get in fact e=mh^2

And we already know that alpha value is 1/137th so just square it and apply to e =mh^2 theres the energy required to achieve the result desired.

Not really bery hard this new physics.

You could of course extract that energy from the source charge for 'free' with something called a MEG (Motionless Electromagnetic Generator).

But - the only questions is are tyou ready for that level of knowlege or would you be better off traipsing down to your local detector shop and splashing down the readies for a new Minelabs 5000?

Some would sooner pay than think me thinks!.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D ORO! :wink: We DON'T have to stop reading/research/doing R & I; I am almost certain there IS a metal detector "child board" that is MORE appropriate for BD. TN has OTHERS doing R & D for "better equipment", etc.... so we CAN do what we do. And YES! I AM interested in "this research"... having done "toning", reviewing color wavelength analysis, painted as an artist (utilizing the various colors of the RAINBOW), being a musician "toning" the musical scale, etc. I can ONLY do R & I, since I am not "in the loop" for "military use" of EMF/COLOR WAVELENGTH/SOUND WAVES... etc. etc. GREAT for "rainy days" & "white-outs"; coffee? :coffee2: ;D BTW, it is now 6:07 am/est... here in Virginia; gonna have ANOTHER "cuppa", myself! ;D :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :read2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Lucky Eddie said:
The usual problem with producing a hypothesis based on a "false" premise is a paradoxical result.

For example:

(1) All dogs have four legs,
(2) All four legged animals are cats.
All dogs are cats,
All cats are dogs!

Which premise is false?

This is not a paradox. And the conclusions are wrong.
This is a quantifier used in logic.

We have two claims in this logic system.
1- All dogs have four legs.....................TRUE (P)
2- All four legged animals are cats....... FALSE(Q) - because cats are only a portion of all four legged animals.

So, this is the P--->Q type (P, then Q)

For this we have:

P Q P-->Q

So, as we can see, when P is true and Q is false, we have P-->Q (P then Q) FALSE. Which means this conclusion is false, that is P-->Q is false.
So, all dogs have four legs indeed, but the asumption that all four legged animals are cats is false.
When you have a true statement against a false one in a P-->Q type logic system, this makes it FALSE.

Eddie, this logic example was not very fortunate to back up your early comparison, but your theory and views posted here are very interesting.
Please continue.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: ;D :icon_thumleft: I did find a few more of my books on Tesla... "Introducing Nikola Tesla" by the TESLA RESEARCH HEADQUARTERS of Canada; "The Inventions, Researches, & Writings of Nikola Tesla" by The Electrical Engineer, 1894; and "Tesla - Man Out of Time" by Margaret Cheney.
His A.C. Current must have been of GREAT interest to the U.S. Gov't, since his "papers" were seized by the War Dept. during WW II. FBI turned him in... after the "Death Ray" and "wireless transmission
of energy through the Earth (grids)... "Tesla - Man Out of Time", Cheney, page 268. :o :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

In mathematics and logic, whenever a syllogism, system of logic or theory produces a paradoxical result, it is almost always the result of an incorrect premise.

Top marks Hung!

Nice to see sopmeone with their thinking cap on. Your one of very few sir and that in itself sets you apart from most.

To paraphrase Aristotle - the key to getting the right answer is too first ask the right question!

In fact what you've just done is prove my comparison for me (rather than the opposite which i suspect was your original intention - but iut matters not because it shows your using your grey matter and trying to follow along and I applaud that!).

What I used was a sylogism of an illogical result obtained from a false premise.

Yes the initial premise that all 4 legged animals are cats is false (and deliberately so).

It shows quite clearly for thiose with their thinking hats on - exactly what I (and others) am saying about some of the false premises that Einstein Mitchellson Morley & Sagnac et al - made about the existence or otherwise of a space ether.

They used the typical


typical of scientific and rational thought - and also the exact same type of 'logical thinking used asyou correctly ascribe in an arithmetic logic unit that is at the heart of our modern day computers using their base binomial programming.

In the case of Einstein...

It shows that one of his original premises was false... (also that he should have allowed for a 3rd possible outcome, in the space ether orbiting the sun at the same orbital velocity as the earth, and their thus being no detectable inertial resistence of the light passing theru that ether in near earth space.)

So - yes you've proven the exampe i gace as false - jjust as intended.

That fact tho - then means that you agree that Einsteins special theory of relativity is likewise false because it too produces just such a paradoxical outcome (called the twin paradox - fascinating google it and you'll see what I mean).

Thanks for expending those grey cells - few do - butthose who do can come an awfull long way in an awfull short period in terms of knowledgeof physics denied the human race now for almost 100 years.

It's not until we understand the error that we can accept the new discoveries since - that are loosely referred too as the new physics.

I sincerely congratulate you that you have taken those first few tentative steps.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :read2: My "sense" is that the "Philly Experiment" was a MIS-DIRECT or DISTRACTER from the MANHATTAN PROJECT, and POSSIBLE "psychological warfare" initiative against GERMAN development of the SOUND wave machine and UFO (NAZI UFO) "weapons"... DUNNO. :dontknow:
"Google"... "German Secret Weapons of WWII". :o

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Hola amigo Reb!

You reminded me of a thin little book I used to have, "German Secret Weapons, Blueprint for Mars" (don't have it anymore, lost in fire) some really far out things were in the works for sure. :thumbsup:

More coffee? :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Lucky Eddie charges others with cutting and pasteing information with no thought to facts. Well, Eddie, the only person cutting and pasteing on this thread with no thought to FACTS, is yourself. You've posted enough ramblings on here to equal a nonsense thesis. You STILL claim a 26,000 orbit time for circling the universe when you SHOULD know that circling the UNIVERSE would not be possible to calculate at this time because we (1) don not know the limits of the universe and (2) the universe is constantly expanding, therefore changing that parameter at a great valocity which also would change the time at a constant rate also. You are STILL thinking about circling the GALAXIE and not the UNIVERSE, yet you insist on calling it "universe".

Oroblanco said:
Hola amigo Reb!
You reminded me of a thin little book I used to have, "German Secret Weapons, Blueprint for Mars" (don't have it anymore, lost in fire) some really far out things were in the works for sure. :thumbsup:
More coffee? :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

By the look of this photo, the Germans MAY have gotten to Mars after all.



  • image007-mars.webp
    23.9 KB · Views: 338
Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

By the look of this photo, the Germans MAY have gotten to Mars after all.

:laughing7: Try as hard as I can - for the life of me I just cannot see the Mercedes Benze parked in that photo of Mars - is it just me - or am I missing something? :hello2:

Short stack - you on Home or West Island?


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

They obviously didn't carry spare parts for their Benz. Too much other crap on their minds.

answer: neither

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

> Physicists make a quantum leap
> Researchers teleport a beam of light in the laboratory -- REUTERS
> WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 They may not be able to ask Scotty to beam them up
> yet, but California researchers say that they have completed the first
> full teleportation experiment. They say they teleported a beam of light
> across a laboratory bench.
> Quantum teleportation allows information to be transmitted at the
> speed of light Ñ the fastest speed possible Ñ without being slowed down
> by wires or cables.
> The experiment depends on a property known as entanglement
> what Albert Einstein once described as "spooky action at a distance."
> It is a property of atomic particles that mystifies even physicists.
> Sometimes two particles that are a very long distance apart are nonetheless
> somehow twinned, with the properties of one affecting the other.
> "Entanglement means if you tickle one the other one laughs," Kimble
> said.

Entanglement, as in sympathetic resonance?

PS interesting photo of Mars Shortstack! Some very curious images have come into circulation in recent years.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Now You See It, Now You Don’t — an Invisibility Cloak Made of Glass!


A glass cloak designed to hide a metal cylinder. The upper inset shows the distances between resonator arrays. The lower one highlights the cylindrical spokes made of glass resonators and fused silica spacers.

July 21, 2010—

From Tolkien’s ring of power in The Lord of the Rings to Star Trek’s Romulans, who could make their warships disappear from view, from Harry Potter’s magical cloak to the garment that makes players vanish in the video game classic “Dungeons and Dragons, the power to turn someone or something invisible has fascinated mankind. But who ever thought that a scientist at Michigan Technological University would be serious about building a working invisibility cloak?

That’s exactly what Elena Semouchkina, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Michigan Tech, is doing. She has found ways to use magnetic resonance to capture rays of light and route them around objects, rendering those objects invisible.

Pennsylvania State University, where she is also an adjunct professor, recently reported on their research in the journal Applied Physics Letters, published by the American Institute of Physics. Her co-authors were Douglas Werner and Carlo Pantano of Penn State and George Semouchkin, who works at Michigan Tech and Penn State.

They describe developing a nonmetallic cloak that uses identical glass resonators made of chalcogenide glass, a type of dielectric material (one that does not conduct electricity). In computer simulations, the cloak made objects hit by infrared waves—approximately one micron or one-millionth of a meter long—disappear from view.

Earlier attempts by other researchers used metal rings and wires. “Ours is the first to do the cloaking of cylindrical objects with glass,” Semouchkina said.

Her invisibility cloak uses metamaterials, which are artificial materials having properties that do not exist in nature, made of tiny glass resonators arranged in a concentric pattern in the shape of a cylinder. The “spokes” of the concentric configuration produce the magnetic resonance required to bend light waves around an object, making it invisible.

Metamaterials, which use small resonators instead of atoms or molecules of natural materials, straddle the boundary between materials science and electrical engineering. They were named one of the top three physics discoveries of the decade by the American Physical Society. A new researcher specializing in metamaterials is joining Michigan Tech’s faculty this fall.

Semouchkina and her team now are testing an invisibility cloak re-scaled to work at microwave frequencies and made of ceramic resonators. They’re using Michigan Tech’s anechoic chamber, a cave-like room deep within an Electrical Energy Resources Center lab, lined with highly absorbent charcoal-gray foam cones. There, antennas transmit and receive microwaves, which are much longer than infrared light, up to several centimeters long. The researchers have cloaked metal cylinders two to three inches in diameter and three to four inches high.

“Starting from these experiments, we want to move to higher frequencies and smaller wavelengths,” the researcher said. “The most exciting applications will be at the frequencies of visible light.”

So one day, could the police cloak a swat team or the Army, a tank? “It is possible in principle, but not at this time,” Semouchkina said.

Her work is supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Oroblanco said:
interesting photo of Mars Shortstack! Some very curious images have come into circulation in recent years.

Have you noticed, Roy, that the so called scientific community has consciously ignored all of these high def photos taken on Mars and the Moon showing artificial formations and signs of mining sites? There's one bit of info circulating in the UFO research community that we were told not to come back to the moon, but I'm not putting too much credence in that. You'd think that with our supposedly shortage of energy resources, we would be planning and building BIG TIME to go back to the moon to mine the helium 3 there. One shuttle load of that material could provide enough energy to power the U.S. for a year. Now, go figure WHY Odumbo isn't allowing NASA to finish, or at least extend, it's project for going back to our moon.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

??? Something similar to ALTERNATIVE 3 or TOTAL RECALL? Dunno... :dontknow:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Rebel - KGC said:
??? Something similar to ALTERNATIVE 3 or TOTAL RECALL? Dunno... :dontknow:

Do you remember the story of the Purloined Letter? Well, one has to wonder if the powers that be are releasing a lot of factual information through bullsh-- movies and books that are meant to "entertain" us. Just another muse. LOL

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Shortstack wrote
Well, one has to wonder if the powers that be are releasing a lot of factual information through bullsh-- movies and books that are meant to pacify us.

That is an alarming thought; what message should we take from "They Live" or "Independence Day"; let alone the rather creepy "the Fourth Kind" and now I see a fantasy movie of talking owls whom are "protectors" - <"the Guardian"?>owls were commonly reported as what alien abductors appeared to be, until up close and are the 'aliens' in "The Fourth Kind".

This very idea is presented in Men in Black; to release good information through bad channels. Of course maybe the message is more like ET the Extra Terrestrial or "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"? Hard to gauge whether Hollywood is on to something or is just "ON something". :o ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Releasing trickles of good info through known BS sources such as the Tattler, Star, Gossip, and the other supermarket rags would add to the silliness the gov has been perpetrating for decades. You see how fast a person is labeled a Conspiracy Nut even if they have creditable proof. The society, at large, has been "trained" to laugh at everyone the government makes fun of. Have you watched that fool in the White House who briefs the media on that's going on with Odumbo? He practically giggles at everything he's asked.

Think about this. A person can be sent to jail for decades based on testimony given by one or more eyewitnesses in a court of law, BUT, the tens of thousands of eyewitnesses as well as photos and videos of UFO craft coupled with physical evidence found at the scene of landings are not accepted by even the news media. Do you remember the way the Phoenix lights were made the butt of a joke by the mayor of Phoenix, Symington, when he had his assistant put on an alien suit for that news conference. He embarrassed the hell out of the lady councilwoman who was pushing for a serious investigation. Of course later, he told the investigators of The UFO Hunters that he was just trying to "lighten" the moment and calm the citizens' fears. Well, the b--tard never went on the news channels later and SAID that. Nope, he 'fessed up on a TV program that he figured was taken as a laughable show by enough people to cover his own a--. He never went on the local news outlets to at least apologize to that councilwoman for making her the butt of his stu-pid joke. Nope, he retired and just faded away. The A--HOLE!!!

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

I do recall that, and YES it follows govt patterns. Look at the fiasco over the Anthrax scare - most people have forgotten how the govt ridiculed the first victims and said they stupidly drank swamp/contaminated water. However the laughs stopped when some powdered letters made it to the Senate building. Postal workers however were ordered to continue to work with the contaminated mail.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Anyone? ;D NOW! This is getting interesting... the OWL "face" (carving, etc) was used to indicate STOP! DANGER, AHEAD!... similar to RED HAND carving); ONE "case" I know of in South or Middle America, was an carving at the top of a cliff nearby.... Aztec, I think. Yes, I am aware of the big eyes of the OWL being the big eyes of the "GREYS", etc. HOWEVER... like SOME of us HUMANS, there are "good or bad" "lots" of 'em; and I do think SOME of the movies/films of the 50's, 60's, and 70's COULD have been Gov't "release" of info. Based on the "War of the Worlds" broadcast of 1938 (prior to WWII), I can "see" why DIRECT
revelation wouldn't work; then you have COGNITIVE DISSONANCE "issues". :o :coffee2: (coffee with
IRISH whiskey... IRISH COFFEE). :o 8) 7:35 pm/est... :read2: Reading on OWL symbolism, now... ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


You wanna read right up on that, in greater depth - much greater depth - the owls did it. :icon_scratch: :dontknow:

Yeah it was the owls alright even them Egyptians had owl hieroglyphics in their writing - the day Egyptian Pharaohs used hawks for hunting while out on camel back but the night Egyptian Pharaohs, well they flew owls instead due to their night vision.

That's where the answers you seek really lie - the Philadelphia experiment was done by owls, but these were daytime owls...not nigh time owls - the daytime owls only live in caves underground - that's why they are so clever and can move whole ships thru the temporal space/time continuum, they are real shape shifters they are, grey aliens in disguise.

David Icke - he knows all about them shape shifting reptilian aliens greys - you wanna search that up -he claims he was on the Philadelphia I think when it morphed and it was the reptilian shape shifting owl aliens that did it.

Yeah - I really think your on the right track here and should delve a heck of a lot deeper.

Your finally onto something here.


Now your finally getting somewhere, it all makes total sense - I can finally "see" what your on about - its so clear - why didn't I see it before. (insert smacks self upside the head emoticon here).

The shape shifting reptilian owl aliens greys - man why didn't I see this before... I mean 0 its so clear blind freddie couldn't have missed it.

Its so clear - why even a govt dis info cointelpro operation couldn't cover it up, or heap scorn on it to ridicule it - why - I mean - who could ridicule the reptilian shape shift grey owl aliens theory- its SO OBVIOUS, that I didn;t see it before until you guys pointed it out.

Thanks so much for that - can't thank you enough for straightening me out - man where would i ever have been if you guys hadn't just happened along - to sort it all out and put it into perspective for - me after all I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes - and if you hadn't pointed out the shape shifting mars visiting reptilian owl aliens that David Ickes always on about - & their obvious (now that you point it out) role in the Philly experiment - I'd a never seen the obvious connection - although I DO ADMIT - I should'a twigged when you mentioned Nicola Tesla - because everyone who's anyone, knows what a reptilian, shape shifting, mars visiting, owl alien grey HE was (I thought everyone knew that?)....sheesh just goes to prove you can't assume nuthin' these days - why my momma she done gone told me there's be days like this, & I should'a listened more to my momma...because she, she, she, she was the one what taught me, to run forest run!

Yup yup yup - momma was right alright, all along, when she said run Forest run - coz - she must'a know'd that the owls grey aliens from mars that are really shape shifting reptilians from Egypt were hot on my azz.

I jus' wanna say thanks to all a yous good ol' boys for pointing that out to me - why - without them magic gold top cybillum mushrooms ya'll got me for breakfast, I'd a never done gone figured this all out the way ya'll have made it so clear for me now.

Yup yup yup - the cream of the inter lectual crop you lot are - why thanks ye thanks ye thanks ye, as my ol mate Gomer would'a said if he wasn't such a shape shifting reptilian martian alien grey owl, who shifted ships thru the temporal time warp!.

Damn good a ya'll to clear that up ya here - ya'll come back now ya hear! nyuk nyuk nyuk! :tongue3:

Jus' more dammit daggurn proof that the good ol boy 'John D' got his taxpayers moneys worth.. :wink: ;D

Cheers now ya hear!!

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