Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Cheez, Eddie. You sure use up a lot of space to camouflage you ign0rance of this subject. The main person who brought out the greys using the mental pictures of owls to cover their true appearance when contacting people was Whitley Striber in his book Communion. Now, as to whether or not he was imagining things, I do not know,BUT I refuse to laugh at him and make fun of him for what HE believes happened to him. I WAS NOT THERE and neither were YOU. When you make fun of other folks beliefs in this area of science, you only make yourself appear foolish. You are talking just like those world class physicist back in the "old days" up to 1903 who proclaimed that "there will never be a heavier than air vehicle with the ability to sustain flight under it's own power." What happened, Eddie??? Two bicycle mechanics with only high school diplomas, proved them WRONG. (man I love that story.)

So, be very, very careful that you don't end up with egg on your face like those other know it all physicists. Anytime a so called scientist, makes a definitive statement, someone else is gong to prove them wrong.............or slightly skewed. LOL

Why don't you do some Googling of "lifters" and see what you find?

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Hola amigos,

What Lucky Eddie seemed to have missed in his lengthy attempt at insult, were several points; one being that no one said this is what I believe in, only they are reported. I haven't seen such things, owls yes but owls that turned out to be something else no. The visual element is one of the easiest to trick and deceive, which is why magicians can make a battleship disappear when we know that is impossible. If "owl-aliens" are visiting Earth, it seems far more likely that they would be employing a type of technology or device that causes the human witness to be "fooled" into seeing an owl, or a "shape shifting reptilian" when in reality it is nothing like that. Such a device need not even be of the same concept as the bending light idea, it can be done (theoretically) by beaming signals into the head of the witness. Before Lucky leaps to more insult, might want to check on this as such devices were in use in 1950, one devised by the Soviets was used as a brainwashing tool. It could cause either instant sleep, or instant exhaustion of the subject, and would work at a distance, simply by beaming a microwave signal at the head of the subject. The USAF has even patented a device which can use microwaves to cause a "voice effect" in the heads of subjects at a distance, by alternatively causing the brain matter to heat and expand then contract and cool, in a pattern that matches a human voice. There are also the possibilities of a suit or disguise to frighten humans, as Travis Walton reported finding "greys" suits inside of the vehicle, while the actual alien beings looked more like humans outside of those suits.

Yes it is interesting, and we are on speculation to some degree but I sure look forward to your replies. :thumbsup:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

As deep as this post has gotten, maybe y'all had do a little more in depth research on Carlos Allende, whose real name was Carl M Allen.

That's all I have to say about that.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

gollum said:
As deep as this post has gotten, maybe y'all had do a little more in depth research on Carlos Allende, whose real name was Carl M Allen.

That's all I have to say about that.


Already done early in the thread <see "aka Carl Allen" above in post,347880.msg2500837.html#msg2500837>, including a mention of Allen's statement that the whole thing was a "pack of lies".

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Sorry Roy,

It was sandwiched between all the extraneous theorems and formulae.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:coffee2: :D Want fried egg & mayo with that? :wink: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :D Want fried egg & mayo with that? :wink: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D

With what? The premise of your entire thread is a man who openly admitted to making everything up.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


Does everyone here live on an island?

Here was I thinking, it was just me! ::)


Damn me those aliens are clever bugga's eh! :wink:


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:D :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D And EVERYTHING about Area 51 is PROBABLY a "pack of lies", too...
LOL! And the gov't denies it exists... :o :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment


I have been to Area51 a few times over the years. Below is a picture of me about five years ago posing next to the "Black" Mailbox belonging to the rancher Steve Medlin whose ranch butts up against Area51. I was going to see if I could sneak into the property, but by the time I got within sight of the orange stakes there were already two White Jeep Cherokees waiting for me. Those were the ones with their lights on. I don't know how many were actually there.

Doesn't change the fact that Carl Allen admitted making up the whole mess. So did his brother.



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Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

:D LOL... YOU are basing YOUR opinion on a "death-bed CONFESSION"? LOL... The US Gov't (Air Force) denies Area 51 exists, yet YOU were there, and YOU and YOUR brother "KNOW". Carlos may or may not have been Carl Allen... :dontknow: It is POSSIBLE that the Philly Experience was a "Psychological Warfare trick" against Germany & Japan, to "cover up" the "Manhattan Project"; there was really "strange technology" being developed during WWII based on THEN known science and PARA-normal science... "google"... "Secret Weapons of the Allies" or "Secret Warefare "Tech" of the Allies, during WWII". :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: anyone? :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

It wasn't a deathbed confession. His brother ratted him out first, then Carl came forward and admitted he made everything up. Nothing death bed about it.

I don't have any brothers, so you kind of lost me there.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

;D :coffee2: :icon_thumleft: So, the "Philly Experiment" COULD have been a "mis-direct", to "cover"
the Manhattan Project; as UFO's "stories" COULD have been a "mis-direct" to Cover" USAF "BLACK PROJECTS". I DO think Operation Paperclip COULD have helped the US get NAZI/GERMAN scientists
after WWII, and those SAME scientists COULD have developed the German "jet planes" into the NINE Bat-like planes that were travelling at "high speeds"... skipping like saucers on the water (or like a FLAT rock, skipping across the river). I just LOVE the B-2 configuration... a HUGE bat... :D :wink:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

I only disagree with one thing you said Reb;

Operation Paperclip COULD have helped the US get NAZI/GERMAN scientists after WWII,

That is not correct. Operation Paperclip DEFINITELY got both German Scientists AND German Security People (SS, Gestapo, and other units) who had many years and a lot of expertise in working against Soviet Spies, into the United States and traded them citizenship and safety from war crimes prosecution in return for telling all their secrets.


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Coffee? Of course! :thumbsup: :coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Side note - I will be 'absent' more often in the upcoming weeks, nothing wrong just extra bizzie. So I will probably fall behind in our discussions, but will try to touch base when I can.

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Thanks Mike for clearing that up, sure wish I could afford a trip to the land down under (they do find the most impressive gold nuggets there) and don't even mind a war, so long as I have some idea what the fight is for, and what we get when we win. ;D

I do hope to persuade you to tell me (or us if in public) of your adventures in Aussie-land some evening Mike. Did you get a chance to check out the gold fields and/or see the Outback? Thank you in advance, and no rush on a reply - whenever you have the free time and feel like telling of your time there. If you would rather not, I will be disappointed. :tongue3:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Never got to prospect then. I was in the military at the time (1983), on a World Cruise on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70). Perth was the last stop before Diego Garcia. The women loved the Yanks. I almost got busted by one girl's dad. Had to jump out of her second story bedroom window. I remember that six of us filled up a Hotel Room floor to ceiling with Emu Lager Cans (we were pushing the last ones in through the windows). I wish I would have been there to see the maids face.Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemories! HAHAHA


Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Thanks Mike! :icon_thumright: Sounds like the good kind of memories!
:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

Re: Carlos Allende & the Philadelphia Experiment

Lets see shall we?

Wars likely to start now sometime between Sept 18 - 23rd or at latest Nov 23rd (tipping point).

Ohh yeah - your "gas pipeline explosion" on 9/11/10...9 years to the day after 9/11/01, was no gas pipeline explosion - it was a downed jet hit by a SAM......

You can fool all the people, some of the time, and some of the people, all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. :wink:

Some of them like me can see in paradigm manner - we after all are rained to spot things out of the ordinary - and to think outside the square (or fractal tetrahedron = take your pick). ;D

One of you claims to live on Christmas island
One claims to live on the Cocos Keeling Islands (but clearly doesn't)
One claims to live on US Minor Outlying Islands (Guam / Hawaii?).

I lived on an Island
I recently applied for a position with the Aussie spooks who run Cocos Island on Cocos Island
I recently spoke with ayseeohh....... about just this exact scenario

And suddenly - I'm surrounded by fellow Islanders! ::) (who apparently don't actually live on any of the Islands they claim too, but what to know who I am or might be etc)! ::)

The fact I know how to disarm nukes in mid flight using the negantropic gravitic contractive fractal tetrahedral force of the universe, not yet understood by mankind, and obtain similar amounts of energy from the time domain via twin microsingularities spinning at the event horizon of a black hole, as we currently get from splitting the atom doesn't interest any of the spook community or the oil oligarchy who most of the spooks work for?

Yeah right....... I can believe that! :wink: :icon_thumright:

Maybe John D didn't get his full taxpayers moneys worth with his goals 2000 program after all.

Maybe a few of us actually able to think for ourselves, managed to escape the asylum...

Hey, I fully admit - I might actually be 100% certifiably crazy........(Although I have in the past "section 8ed" someone into Graylands (mental hospital) so might actually be qualified to know crazy, when I see it, however I would respectfully suggest to you - that it would be a REAL mistake to assume - that just coz I might be crazy it necessarily follows that I must therefore also be stupid.

I'm reminded of the ol joke about the mental asylum inmate.

So this guys driving along and gets a flat tire.
He stops the car outside the local mental asylum, and proceeds to change the tire.
Gets the jack under the car and cranks the wheel up off the road!.
Pops the hub cap off and lays it upside down on the road, and commences to remove the wheel lug nuts one at a time - carefully placing them inside the upturned hubcap so they don't get lost.

As he lifts the flat tire off the hub - he pinches his fingers between the tire and mudguard / quarter panel, drops the flat tire and it falls flat to the road - hitting the edge of the hub cap - shooting all the lug nuts up into the air - and every last one of them - goes down the damned roadside storm water drain, as they land. ::) :o >:(

So, there is our genius, scratchin' his head :icon_scratch: - wondering - "what the heck am I gonna do now?". :dontknow:

Over the wall of the neighboring asylum, pokes the head of an inmate - who's been watching on with interest! :help:

"Now your screwed" - says the inmate! :laughing9:

"yeah - not half" says the genius ???

"You know what I'd do in your situation?" offers the asylum inmate! :sign13:

"No - what would YOU do?" asks the genius. ???

"Well" says the inmate, If it were me - I'd pop the hub cap on the remaining 3 wheels, and remove one lug nut from each of the 3 remaining wheels, and I'd use those 3 lug nuts to attach your spare wheel and hold it in place - just long enough to drive to the nearest gas station and get some more lug nuts!".

"Bloody heck, that's a great idea" says the Genius - and he sets too doing just that! :-*

As he finishes and puts the jack away in the trunk along with tire iron and wrench and flat tire, - he asks the inmate....

"Hey buddy if you don't ask me asking" says the genius, "I just wanted to say a sincere thanks to you for your invaluable help, and if you don't mind me asking - whats a bright fella like you doing inside a mental asylum?"

"Ohh that's dead easy" replies the inmate - "I'm crazy, not fricken stupid!" :tongue3: :hello2: :laughing7:

Welcome to my asylum dudes! :icon_pirat: :headbang: :thumbsup:


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