Bonafide Proof

Yes the "Beale Papers" may not be true? But still why make up such a hoax must be a cover-up for some treasure and most likely KGC.

Why must there "always" be real treasure? Why not just a dime novel? For some reason people hook far too easily on tales of treasure, even the most obvious of fictional tales maintaining an audience of true believers. So allow me to ask, why are you assuming that there must be a real treasure attached to this narration when there exist absolutely not one shred of provenance to support that notion? And the same goes for the whole KGC myth of secret wealth as well.

Why must there "always" be real treasure? Why not just a dime novel? For some reason people hook far too easily on tales of treasure, even the most obvious of fictional tales maintaining an audience of true believers. So allow me to ask, why are you assuming that there must be a real treasure attached to this narration when there exist absolutely not one shred of provenance to support that notion? And the same goes for the whole KGC myth of secret wealth as well.

No myth their wealth was real and still is today. Look at the Vanderbilts, Rockefeller's, Samuel Chase. No I have definite proof of thousands of tons of gold so I know for a fact the KGC and their treasures are real. As for believing the "Beale Papers" contain a real treasure, it may not, but the KGC did things like that they would contain you and then bury the treasure outside the circle and most of the time right under your nose and in plain sight. I stated my reasons in my post about Frank James being in Lynchburg, Va. that Winter and the Spring when James Beverly Ward sent in for his copyright of the Beale Papers. To me I smell a large treasure. I think I know where it is but I can not connect the two together. There is 853 boxes of specie containing $25,000 to the box for over $21 Million face value within 40 miles of the contained site of four miles from Buford's.

OK, think you are close, "franklin"; MY R & I indicate General Jubal A. Early, CSA was "made" KGC by General John A. Quitman, CSA in MD or PA (can't remember where) during the CONFEDERATE WAR; Yank General "Black Dave" Hunter destroyed Lexington, Va. & VMI, (on the way to attack Lynchburg, Va.), so... Gen. Early (CSA/KGC); (a "local boy" from Franklin County, south of Bedford County) kicked Hunter's arse up the Great Western Road (Rt. 460 W) , and some Yanks back to the Shenandoah Valley via Peaks of Otter. NOW, CSA/KGC boxes COULD be buried "along" the GREAT WESTERN ROAD through Bedford County, Roanoke County, & points in the mountains WEST towards WV. Rebuilding of Lexington, Va./VMI came AFTER the CONFEDERATE WAR... WHERE did the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ come from...? HEH! Frank James KNEW!

I tracked Frank James and his family through Virginia into N.C. and back to Lyncburg. Frank James and Jesse James both were in Danville, Va. and the county I live in then they went to Anson County, N.C. where some of their men were from and lived. The first train robbery had a man from Anson County with them and a young man from Henry County, Va.

When the Yankee Governor was placed in power in N.C. all of the KGC members left and went to Missouri some joined up with Frank and Jesse James. I know where a house stood in Henry County, Va. where they both stayed. Yes Frank James and Jesse James knew where the depositories and vaults of gold were located and they visited them and their sentinels.

P.S. The Dalton Gang's family was originally from around Danville, Va.

... There is 853 boxes of specie containing $25,000 to the box for over $21 Million face value within 40 miles of the contained site of four miles from Buford's.
Of course there is...but there is some BIG reason that you are unable to retrieve this waiting fortune.

Yes and many more larger and just like it. Now if you can convince Uncle Sam then we can recover most of them.

Yes and many more larger and just like it. Now if you can convince Uncle Sam then we can recover most of them.

No doubt Uncle Sam is still waiting on your true real-world provenance.....

I have had with this forum. As long as posters like bigscoop and ECS can get on here and ridicule and belittle posters that actually post information and the moderators let them do it day in and day out then it is time for me to leave and move on. I am sick of them attacking every poster. What does it prove to anyone if they do not believe in this treasure then why are they here.

A forum is to share information so we can make a judgement as to what we need to research or search for next. They contribute nothing as far as information only the same rhetoric and the same put downs. Well find someone else. Good day to all and good luck.

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You seem to forget all the TN posters you have ridiculed and belittled when they have brought forth their information to share because you disagreed with it not fitting with your "research".
What you question others' information you should realize that your information will also be questioned.

Bigscoop and I have contributed information and facts on several different subjects that related to what was portrayed in the Beale narrative text, which you argued, and when errors were pointed out, you cast blame on those who bring that to attention.

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(Opinion) If I am Ward, and tried to brake the codes and only managed to break only two, what I would do is publish them but, I would not put all of the codes in correct. I would put the first few numbers in correct and falsify the rest. If someone managed to solve those numbers, they might contact Ward and say something like "I was using Shakespeare,s Tempest and everything was going great until 317, are you sure the numbers are right?" Either way, we will not know anything unless we get the true documents.


P.S. I think Lafitte is my candidate for the role as T.J.B.

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(Opinion)...I think Lafitte is my candidate for the role as T.J.B.
That has been discussed many times on these threads, and dismissed since most of that theory is based on the fake Lafitte diary created by forger John Andrechyne Laflin.
A forged fake diary written in 1958 used to prove a fictional character in an adventure treasure pamphlet published in 1885 is not conformation.
The only real "connexion" between Thomas Beale (not "Thomas J Beale") and Lafitte, is that knew each other in New Orleans, and New Orleans is never mentioned in the Beale Papers.

So Franklin, you and or Rebel have a copy of the journal?

So Franklin, you and or Rebel have a copy of the journal?

No, I do not... wasn't it written in 1948 or something? WAIT! That was 1984 by "OW"... heh!
:laughing7: It IS "on-line"... "PROVENANCE" & all...

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No I do not have a copy of Lafitte's fictional journal. I do however know a really good historian that has traveled to all of those countries of Lafitte's in search for the truth. He found out that Jean Laffit died in 1823 off the coast of the Yucatan. Also he could not have been either of the TJB's Jr. or Sr. as both of them were dead by 1823.

Franklin, Lafitte was a friend of TJB's. There are eyewitness accounts of Lafitte being alive long after 1823. There were numerous sightings during the 1830's, by people who knew him well. The Journal was authenticated by two different experts. The only two missing pages, were not the locations of his treasure, but pages used to authenticate the journal. The only photograph I ever saw of Laflin looked like an older, heaver Lafitte. Closer to this painting, minus the sideburns and goatee.

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I think you mean "friend of Thomas Beale, Sr."; he DID become Captain of BEALE'S RIFLES for the Battle of New Orleans. NOT the same as "TJB"...

Franklin, Lafitte was a friend of TJB's. There are eyewitness accounts of Lafitte being alive long after 1823. There were numerous sightings during the 1830's, by people who knew him well. The Journal was authenticated by two different experts. The only two missing pages, were not the locations of his treasure, but pages used to authenticate the journal. The only photograph I ever saw of Laflin looked like an older, heaver Lafitte. Closer to this painting, minus the sideburns and goatee.
View attachment 1484753

I am sorry but I have a real good source and he says that Jean Lafitte died in 1823.

... Lafitte was a friend of TJB's. There are eyewitness accounts of Lafitte being alive long after 1823. There were numerous sightings during the 1830's, by people who knew him well. The Journal was authenticated by two different experts...
...but when Laffite's handwriting in the memoir was compared to that of Laflin's and analyzed, it was concluded to made by the hand.

The same was discovered concerning his other forged documents.
Jean Laffite and New Orleans have nothing to do with the Beale Virginia treasure tale.

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