Bonafide Proof

We need facts of the Beale Papers actually happening? Does anyone have anything that is bonafide that actually substantiates that the Beale Party left Virginia in 1817? Is there any information or facts that they were seen or documented as being on the trail from St. Louis, MO. to Sante Fe, NM? Are there any proof of them being in Sante Fe, NM or returning to their homes in Virginia? Folks it is time to prove this story before we continue to hunt for a GHOST TREASURE. GHOST are hard to see and even harder to find if not impossible. So here it is what bonafide proof do you have let us have it?
After 130+ years no one has produced any remotely proof that can be considered bonafide.
The same can be said of all the "solved" ciphers that have been presented over the years.

Again... proof of the 1st part of the Beale PAPERS Pamphlet (aka "The Job Print"), ie. Beale Expedition of 1817-1821/22 DOESN'T EXIST. Just a DECOY!

Franklin Hotel was REAL; 1816 by Samuel & Sarah Harrison. Mayor Robert MORRIS was REAL (1813); can't find ANYTHING about him being married... YET! Nice things indicated about Sarah MORRISS, was ALSO indicated (FOR REAL...) about Sarah HARRISON.

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Franklin Hotel was REAL; 1816 by Samuel & Sarah Harrison. Mayor Robert MORRIS was REAL (1813); can't find ANYTHING about him being married... YET! Nice things indicated about Sarah MORRISS, was ALSO indicated (FOR REAL...) about Sarah HARRISON.

Robert Morris and Sarah Mitchell were married in Loudoun County, Virginia about the same time Sarah's brother married Robert's sister. Loudoun County records were partially destroyed during the Civil War but some remains. There should be records at the Ketochin Baptist Church spelling may be wrong but it was in the same township that James Dunnington, Morris' partner was from. They later had a business in Baltimore and in Lynchburg together. I have their receipts up to 1809 still looking for the others from 1809 to 1825.

We know that Robert and Sarah Morris were actual people who lived in Lynchburg during the time periods mentioned in the job pamphlet, the real question is whether or not there was a Thomas J Beale who made contact with and sent letter, and left an iron box with Morris.
Then it must be determined if the "unknown author" heard this story from Morris during the 2nd year of the Confederate War, and if this "unknown author" sought out James Beverly Ward as copyright agent and publisher.
As with the "Beale perilous adventure" no hard documented evidence has ever been produced that can establish beyond a reasonable doubt that any of the events mentioned in the Beale Papers ever actually had occurred.

...and that is the cause for the never ending search and debate.

We have also seen "funeral receipt" for Sarah M. MORRISS, CONSORT of Robert MORRISS... paid by "JB" Ward.

We have also seen "funeral receipt" for Sarah M. MORRISS, CONSORT of Robert MORRISS... paid by "JB" Ward.

I could never figure out why "McCarthy" was out from Robert Morris' name on that funeral receipt?

Hmmm...dunno, either.
:dontknow: Just another piece of evidence that has nothing to do with the story in the job pamphlet, yet one is compelled to make a "connexion" that is not there. :icon_scratch:
The reason being the peripheral known Lynchburg names used as a "dressing" to give the treasure story plausible credibility to, as codebreaker William Friedman observed, the "unwary reader". :thumbsup:

YET! "Wary" RESEARCHERS (like US!), are "on the PROWL".

I found something new while researching today and you may not believe it. Buford's Tavern is still standing today. That's right still standing. I will have to search around that building for sure.

ORIGINAL Locust Level is still standing... GIFT shop of old "ANTIQUES"...

I found something new while researching today and you may not believe it. Buford's Tavern is still standing today. That's right still standing. I will have to search around that building for sure.

I found some more new information today. I obtained several pages in Robert Morriss' handwriting and several of his signatures. I am plowing new ground and the crop is going to be good.

I found some more new information today. I obtained several pages in Robert Morriss' handwriting and several of his signatures. I am plowing new ground and the crop is going to be good.
Looking forward to seeing such...

Looking forward to seeing such...

When others signed Robert Morriss' name they spelled it "Morris" but when he signed his own name "Morriss" of course he signed it "Rob Morrifs" Old style. Also the papers are dated 1813, 1817,1818,1819 after that he went in to the Hotel business for good. But there is no mention of Thomas J. Beale. Even the papers after that without Robert Morriss being in them did not mention Thomas J. Beale?

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