1815 parade & banquet in Lynchburg, Va. to honor Gen. Jackson; a bit of info, you MAY not know... Gen. Jackson & Thomas Jefferson had a dinner/meeting at Poplar Forest. Gen. Jackson was traveling to DC to see the PREZ (Madison) about a PARDON for the Lafitte Bros, who WERE Double Agents, for America AND Spain. The Brits also tried to interest the Lafitte Bros. to "join them" (BRITS). The Pirates decided to join Gen. Andy in the battle of New Orleans... hence, the "pay-back" time... PV, in his book, " on February 16th, 1815, President James Madison issued a public proclamation of pardon for ALL the Baratarians, including the Lafittes", pg. 109-110. PV has a CHAPTER in his book, THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a MYSTERY, Chap. 12, "Lafitte & Jackson", pp 107-111. BTW, hard back copy of the book is available at the Gift Shop - Peaks of Otter, for $ 25.00; October would be a GREAT time to visit/stay over-night, as the FALL Colors are "PEAKING" in mid-October.