Bonafide Proof

:laughing7:.....the Friedman opinions can not be considered at all, the bases of their summations being arrived upon on the assumption that the proposed solution resides within the entire C1 code presented in the narration, as it is presented, and by assumption that all of this cipher was to be applied in the same fashion, but "today we know that neither of these assumptions are accurate." So the Friedman opinions carry no weight or value unless you are one of the few remaining who still believes the same.

If you say so. :laughing7:
What about John Laflin's memoirs of Jean Lafitte?
There's a Sherman and a Ward mentioned, but still no mention of Beale. :tongue3:

I believe the Friedman's opinions about the Beale Ciphers says a lot. Expert cryptologist's opinion ways in that the Beale Treasure is a hoax. I can prove it is by the author using an 1878 DOI to decipher the codes and while decoding them he miss counts after 480 but yet every letter he needs to decipher is right on, there is no way this could happen other than the author made the cipher codes himself. Think about it the author's mistakes clearly tells you it is a hoax.

I believe the Friedman's opinions about the Beale Ciphers says a lot. Expert cryptologist's opinion ways in that the Beale Treasure is a hoax. I can prove it is by the author using an 1878 DOI to decipher the codes and while decoding them he miss counts after 480 but yet every letter he needs to decipher is right on, there is no way this could happen other than the author made the cipher codes himself. Think about it the author's mistakes clearly tells you it is a hoax.

All that really tells us is that C2 was contrived for the story presentation. Yes I agree that the C2 was a product of the story being narrated, have even pointed out many flaws in this regard to myself. But this doesn't conclude that the entire narration wasn't without alternate purpose.

If you say so. :laughing7:
What about John Laflin's memoirs of Jean Lafitte?
There's a Sherman and a Ward mentioned, but still no mention of Beale. :tongue3:

What about those memoirs? I don't don't believe I've even made reference to them lately, you being the only one who doing this?

You know, it's funny, for years you've been touting that whole "family fiction thing and Risque's fabulous library" while all along I often suggested to you that perhaps that family thing wasn't exactly as you perceived it to be, all the while suggesting an Adams Onis Treaty connection. Now, many moons later, you have even presented evidence connecting Risque to that very same treaty. What you fail to realize in doing so is that you've actually strengthened my prior claims and weakened your own.

You see I learned long ago that in these forums it is always better to let the doubters discover the information themselves, sort of puts them in something of an embarrassing quandary or paradox that they have to deal with. You have continued to deny my theory in support of your Risque claims, and then "Boom Baby!" You find evidence supporting my theory deep inside your own. There's more, by the way, if you're not too afraid to go looking for it. :icon_thumright: "let that ground shake, my friend, and it will set you free!" :laughing7:

If Risqué received a payout from the Federal governments Adams-Onis "claims" slush fund for the "patriots" that aided Andrew Jackson in forcing the Spanish governments hand in giving the US Florida, it is still all in the family.
The ground didn't shake for you until I mentioned that Major Risqué was in Florida with Jackson (remember your "Risqué was in Florida? post?), and the "fraudulent" claims of spoliation made against the Spanish government in Florida-until those posts, its been Adams-Onis repeated over and over without any connexion to the Beale story- then off you go.

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If Risqué received a payout from the Federal governments Adams-Onis "claims" slush fund for the "patriots" that aided Andrew Jackson in forcing the Spanish governments hand in giving the US Florida, it is still all in the family.
The ground didn't shake for you until I mentioned that Major Risqué was in Florida with Jackson (remember your "Risqué was in Florida? post?), and the "fraudulent" claims of spoliation made against the Spanish government in Florida-until those posts, its been Adams-Onis repeated over and over without any connexion to the Beale story- then off you go.

Really. I'm sire I can still find the post where I suggested to folks that they needed to find out more about Risque and his time spent with Jackson, when, were, etc. I'm positive that the referenced post is still in these recent threads somewhere. And so you followed that suggestion, and now look what you found. :icon_thumright: maybe you should see what other suggestions I have also made?

Remember that post I made about the 1815 Jackson banquet which James Beverly Risqué co-sponsored, and Pascal Buford was also in attendance?
Want to take a guess at who conducted the prayer invocation?
Was that Rev Charles Green Clay, the Clay mentioned as a frequent guest entertained at Morriss's in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers?
I'll give you clue: It was not Henry Clay. :thumbsup:

We need facts of the Beale Papers actually happening? Does anyone have anything that is bonafide that actually substantiates that the Beale Party left Virginia in 1817? Is there any information or facts that they were seen or documented as being on the trail from St. Louis, MO. to Sante Fe, NM? Are there any proof of them being in Sante Fe, NM or returning to their homes in Virginia? Folks it is time to prove this story before we continue to hunt for a GHOST TREASURE. GHOST are hard to see and even harder to find if not impossible. So here it is what bonafide proof do you have let us have it?
So far on these Beale threads no bonafide proof is offered.
It is either someone claiming they solved the ciphers without proof, another creating alternative stories behind the Beale story based on a name, a word, a date, or on a whim, or those who knowingly post unrelated misinformation as a could have.
Because there is no direct evidence outside of the Beale Papers that can prove that the job pamphlet is nothing more than a work of fiction sprung from the imagination of this "unknown author" who included vague references of actual events to make the dime novel seem believable, an inducement to burn the candle and play the cipher game.

Remember that post I made about the 1815 Jackson banquet which James Beverly Risqué co-sponsored, and Pascal Buford was also in attendance?
Want to take a guess at who conducted the prayer invocation?
Was that Rev Charles Green Clay, the Clay mentioned as a frequent guest entertained at Morriss's in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers?
I'll give you clue: It was not Henry Clay. :thumbsup:

Yes, I have a copy. Also you can get a copy of all the Revolutionary and War of 1812 soldiers of Bedford and Campbell County, Virginia. Great read on James Beverly Risqué. I also like the 1828 parades by the Masons which JBR was always there, The Grand Master ended up living in Robert Morris house and died there. Later his son lived there. Read those and you can see that the Mason's Ball was always held by Robert Morris establishment either at the Bell Tavern or the Franklin in this instance. I love reading all of that old information I can find because I know they are factual.

Remember that post I made about the 1815 Jackson banquet which James Beverly Risqué co-sponsored, and Pascal Buford was also in attendance?
Want to take a guess at who conducted the prayer invocation?
Was that Rev Charles Green Clay, the Clay mentioned as a frequent guest entertained at Morriss's in Ward's 1885 Beale Papers?
I'll give you clue: It was not Henry Clay. :thumbsup:
1815 parade & banquet in Lynchburg, Va. to honor Gen. Jackson; a bit of info, you MAY not know... Gen. Jackson & Thomas Jefferson had a dinner/meeting at Poplar Forest. Gen. Jackson was traveling to DC to see the PREZ (Madison) about a PARDON for the Lafitte Bros, who WERE Double Agents, for America AND Spain. The Brits also tried to interest the Lafitte Bros. to "join them" (BRITS). The Pirates decided to join Gen. Andy in the battle of New Orleans... hence, the "pay-back" time... PV, in his book, "on February 16th, 1815, President James Madison issued a public proclamation of pardon for ALL the Baratarians, including the Lafittes", pg. 109-110. PV has a CHAPTER in his book, THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a MYSTERY, Chap. 12, "Lafitte & Jackson", pp 107-111. BTW, hard back copy of the book is available at the Gift Shop - Peaks of Otter, for $ 25.00; October would be a GREAT time to visit/stay over-night, as the FALL Colors are "PEAKING" in mid-October.

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FURTHER... PV ALSO has Chapter 23, The Pirate or THE Slave, pg 174-180. MORE, later...

1815 parade & banquet in Lynchburg, Va. to honor Gen. Jackson; a bit of info, you MAY not know... Gen. Jackson & Thomas Jefferson had a dinner/meeting at Poplar Forest. Gen. Jackson was traveling to DC to see the PREZ (Madison) about a PARDON for the Lafitte Bros, who WERE Double Agents, for America AND Spain. The Brits also tried to interest the Lafitte Bros. to "join them" (BRITS). The Pirates decided to join Gen. Andy in the battle of New Orleans... hence, the "pay-back" time... PV, in his book, " on February 16th, 1815, President James Madison issued a public proclamation of pardon for ALL the Baratarians, including the Lafittes", pg. 109-110. PV has a CHAPTER in his book, THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a MYSTERY, Chap. 12, "Lafitte & Jackson", pp 107-111. BTW, hard back copy of the book is available at the Gift Shop - Peaks of Otter, for $ 25.00; October would be a GREAT time to visit/stay over-night, as the FALL Colors are "PEAKING" in mid-October.

Just remember, these pardons were already being negotiated before the battle and that the actual discretionary and conditional issuing of those pardons was passed onto someone else and even after the issuing of these pardons those pardons still contained conditions that had to be upheld in order for them to remain in force. The WERE NOT "unconditional pardons." PV should have spent more time investigating the actual circumstances of those pardons.

Just remember, these pardons were already being negotiated before the battle and that the actual discretionary and conditional issuing of those pardons was passed onto someone else and even after the issuing of these pardons those pardons still contained conditions that had to be upheld in order for them to remain in force. The WERE NOT "unconditional pardons." PV should have spent more time investigating the actual circumstances of those pardons.
"Monday Morning Quarter-backing"; "SHOULDA", "COULDA", "WOULDA" don't count. It is what it is...

... PV should have spent more time investigating the actual circumstances of those pardons.
Maybe PV did and discarded that information as having nothing to do with the Beale story.

Maybe PV did and discarded that information as having nothing to do with the Beale story.

:laughing7:....if that had been his attitude and intention he would discarded most of what he put into print. PV's books were pretty much a beginner's guide to the mystery, exposing his readers to the possibilities as he knew them and presented them back then. But today there's a lot more information out there.....:icon_thumright:

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:laughing7:....if that had been his attitude and intention he would discarded most of what he put into print. PV's books were pretty much a beginner's guide to the mystery, exposing his readers to the possibilities as he knew them and presented them back then. But today there's a lot more information out there.....:icon_thumright:
HA! YOU writing a book, then...?

HA! YOU writing a book, then...?

No. a quick review of existing youtube sources, dedicated websites, recent books sales, that sort of thing pretty much concludes that this mystery is confined to a very-very small audience that would hardly make it worth all the effort and time. Even the major networks who have tried to stimulate viewer interest have failed. So, no noticeable money to be made in any of this, just for personal interest.

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