Bonafide Proof

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Perhaps nobody has researched this avenue more then I, both the pros and cons, and I can still say, as I always have maintained, that the possible Galveston Island connection remains as the only potential alternate source of the tale. But here again, what is still lacking is actual provenance.

Jean Lafitte and John Laflin the journal writer, AKA Jean Lafitte. Not John A. Lafin the grandson who was trying to sell it. You may be right, I may be crazy, but it might be a lunatic...

It is a shame everything in life is not black and white.
Since there is no mention of Thomas J Beale in Laflin's forged Jean Laffite memoirs, what is the purpose of bringing this to the Beale threads?

I was asked to post these from the Library of Congress Archives: A letter from Andrew Jackson to Captain Thomas J. Beale and two from Beale to Jackson. It does not have the"J", but in one place there might be a Sr, at the end of his name.

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Those letters are the closest anyone will ever come to establishing the actual presence of a Captain Thomas J. Beale during the period in question, however, since they lack the “J” they are not concrete, unfortunately.

Today I could write a very convincing book in regards to Galveston Island and the 1885 Beale narration, I could also include a C1 clear text explaining the true nature of the events and the true source of the wealth, but at the end of the day that book would still lack that required provenance of direct connection, so why write it? At best it would all be very strong circumstantial evidence with nothing conclusive and at this late of date, and with so much wild speculation and hypothesis already out there, any such book is going to have to be conclusive in nature before it would ever be taken seriously and have any chance of even reasonable sells. In short, people are tired of all of the Beale tales and maybe's.

On the other hand, however, there is every reason to believe that Galveston Island was the actual source of the Beale narration.

I understand, sort of like my book, i tied it all together, but it is still only circumstantial. I proved it once and I think I can do it again.

"I shall return." D. M.

What about the "The Diary of Thomas J. Beale"? I never knew it was out there. Did one of you write it? Is it another wild goose chase? I am so confused.

What about the "The Diary of Thomas J. Beale"? I never knew it was out there. Did one of you write it? Is it another wild goose chase? I am so confused.

That is a diary that is fiction that you can download off of the Internet. I would give a link but don't have it.

What about the "The Diary of Thomas J. Beale"? I never knew it was out there. Did one of you write it? Is it another wild goose chase? ...
There is also the CD book "THE LOST DIARY OF THOMAS J BEALL" that claims to be fiction based on 99% fact.
"Twenty-two years of research has gone into making the "Lost Diary of Thomas J Beall" genealogy of the Beall family their connections to characters in the job print pamphlet with names of all the members of Beall's associates and scouts".

As with many post 1885 Beale Papers works such as those by the Harts, Innis, and Ellis, unrelated facts pieced together to create an attempt to prove the Beale adventure treasure story true.
99% fact woven into fiction is still- FICTION.

Agreed. The documents I posted between Beale and Jackson, prove I was wrong, also Beale was a Major at that time. It took me years to do my families Genealogy all the way back to 253 B.C. and it was all lost in Hurricane Katrina, there went my proof.

Sorry for your "GENO" Loss; Your interest in Lafitte & your New Orleans "link" tells me you found something... "Lafitte connection"...?

All that I had Lafitte connected was a coin similar to the one in my avatar, found at a Lafitte site, nothing else.

All that I had Lafitte connected was a coin similar to the one in my avatar, found at a Lafitte site, nothing else.

The closest I ever came was an official communication placing the Laffite's in the employ of the American Military, this after the Battle of New Orleans, which can only mean that this was the reason for their being at Galveston Island. From here there was other very strong Beale related circumstantial evidence but nothing conclusive in regards to the Beale connection.

The closest I ever came was an official communication placing the Laffite's in the employ of the American Military, this after the Battle of New Orleans, which can only mean that this was the reason for their being at Galveston Island. From here there was other very strong Beale related circumstantial evidence but nothing conclusive in regards to the Beale connection.


As to the evidence connecting (maybe the wrong) Beale and Lafitte, I documented, was saved: The description of the items removed from Campeachy to be transported to St. Louis, MO. Dumped into Hendricks Lake. The time frame and items all fit nicely.

Nothing has ever been found in Henderick's Lake? Besides, Jean Lafitte would have taken his treasures and that of the Santa Rosa to Galveston Island not up the Mississippi or overland by Henderick's Lake to St. Louis.

I have heard that $2.5 Million in treasure should be 50 miles below New Orleans on an Island. Where ever that is located?

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Is that the Newell Map story? The Catouche Bayou story? White Lake? Vermillion Bay? Schooner Bay? Little/big Pecan Island? Etc...

I was born in New Orleans and at the time of my birth our house was burning to the ground. At the age of 15 days old, we moved into a house on the Chalmette Plantation site. My grandfather was a Riverboat Captain out of Terrebonne Parish, who filled my head with tails of pirates and lost treasure. My brothers and cousins, were treasure hunters from birth. At some point I started saving those stories as well and any other treasure story I heard. I would like to tell what I had found, but I can not. It is all left to speculation. Other treasure hunters have sought me out and were given what needed. Some went to prison due to slipped lips. Only one rewarded me with a gift to my favorite charity.

Just forget all that I have written here, but know I believe what I write.

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McGuffy: Leading someone in one direction and jumping away in another direction. Jumping back to the original: Double McGuffy. The problem may be going in what we think is the real direction, but is it? I think my research says one thing, but others do not trust me. Why? I am a self admitted "World Class Liar." A student of the fine art misdirection. I know when I am telling the truth and when I am not, I think. Here lately I have trouble remembering if I had breakfast or not.

My oldest son works for the Saint Louis University, the Jesuits. The most money hungry order of the Catholic Church. He works with the science department, and has numerous patents, and access to the entire area. If there is any evidence about lost treasures it would be there. He is not into treasure hunting, but I may be able to persuade him to research for something.

I have no reason to lie, I have all of the money I need to live quite well for the rest of my life. My favorite pastime is spending money, according to my wife. Two of my closes friends, both older then I am, are admittedly "Treasure Hunters." One is an electrical engineer, who has developed a new tow behind underwater metal detector, "Proton Torpedo" if you will. He has a big cabin cruiser to tow it and he is a diver. He also just purchased an airplane. He spends his spare time mapping the area along the Gulf of Mexico in back of his beach front house, marking the sites. The only time he can check the site is when he can find someone he trust to go with him. The other friend, also older then I, only detects in his area or when he goes to friend #1's house. They live about three hundred miles apart. Both are to far away for me to visit.

I live on an Indian mound in the middle of nowhere, 26 miles from the nearest Wall-Mart.

Nap-time.Laissez les bons temps rouler

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