Basic signs and symbols you have found

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I will go back some time and check it out for Spanish markings.I can not remember where I read something about a
ducking out sign.Here is a duck that looks like it swimming under water[diving].


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found


Just sharing a few pics.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thom you wrote about Lanny's pic...

#1 I see not just a turtle head, I see a whole turtle
I don't know if you have ever done any study of sea turtles,
This one is doing something of GREAT interest!!!

#2 This is a very nice heart, as shown in your other pix.

#3 This little heart should give you enough confirmation to go ahead and look into a back hoe

FYI... that turtle... is laying eggs.

I have to pretty much agree with what you are seeing and it's meaning
however I wouild like to see those pics in full noon day sun, and see
what the shadows have to say, as this set has no shadows and really
for me that is where the real confirmations lie..also on first blush I
dont see an number, letters, hoyos, faces people and such, craved
in to the sides of these boulders , like I normally before I
commit, I would like to see pics on a very sunny day taken
with your back to the sun...the see what the shadows say..every
Alpha monument I have photographed has shadows that are very
important to not only the confirmation ,but hints of what to look
for at the Omega, even cluses for Distance and Direction..
While I do demure on the pics for now , I see some awesome
critters there..and the Sea Turtle data is little know and very
valuable to all treasure hunters. Thanks for that nugget Thom!
.....thats what I got from this angle for now.

"gold and rose was the color of the dream I had, not too long ago"......Jimi Hendrix

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thank you Old Dog for the your insight on the skull.It might explain some of the other trail markers (Egyptian type markers).
I know there are Spanish and Mexican trial markers along this same path. Now I have some thing extra to think about.
I will try to post some of those pics if I can get the scanner to work.I Also thank you Rangler .I will try to get up there for
a afternoon pic.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Here is a pic I like to call a cat lady.(I don't know why).

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Sorry about the bad pic,it was already scanned.This looks like an Egyptian,I did not get a good pic of his shoulder pads-rank?

More pics later;sorry I have not followed much of a format I'm just throwing some pics out there to get a response
and let everyone have a look.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

plehbah said:
Do any qualified geologists respond to these threads without being shouted at and insulted?

Of course not. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Springfield said:
plehbah said:
Do any qualified geologists respond to these threads without being shouted at and insulted?

Of course not. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Where on this thread has anyone been shouted at or insulted??
That is not and never has been what this thread was about.

Everyone posting here Has been very respectful
and I hope has been treated the same.

I hope it can continue this way.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

bob631 said:
You just keep up the good work Thom, who knows where these guys get off, you have never done anything wrong to anyone ever.

If you "qualified" geologists want to talk to someone start a new thread and I'll be happy to entertain you.

welcome back my friend.
We have missed you in these threads.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

"Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it,
or less so even if the whole world disagrees with it."
Maimonides (1135-1204)

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

ok...I've been pondering this formation for a good 9 months and still can not decide if it is natural or not.

What do think?



Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I will try and give it a shot,#1 looks like it a pointer .It has a head and eyes.#2 looks worn,maybe a flower.#3
a cross,looks like you might have more,(shadow type)#4 looks like a bird.I am new to this form and I might just be seeing things.nice pic

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks lanny,

I see a lot that seems to be saying something,
Aside from the cross in the center (a natural break enhanced by chisel work)
I think it an ensamble of natural things placed in an unnatural position.
Here is my scribble of your picture the Xs show the stones that have been moved into the natural shape of things.

What do you think?


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Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

When we found a couple of these type things on our trails,
we found that they were where a pre set up occurred.
We have several "planning " setups were worked out.
you may find a place down the trail a bit that looks similar to what you see here in miniature, as life size.
When you realise that the set up was a site map for the constructors, it will become more clear.

it will be an interesting revelation.
and a fun discovery.
When the details jump out at you and life comes into the site everything seems to change in front of you.
even colors seem to become more defined.
Let me know when you find it.


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Earlier on this form I posted some picks of a stone calf any clues.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

lanny said:
Earlier on this form I posted some picks of a stone calf any clues.

I am still not sure it is a calf as much as it could be a lamb.

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Old Dog said:
I am still not sure it is a calf as much as it could be a lamb.

Ooh, good call, i was pretty sure that wasnt a calf, ears being way too small and all. just couldnt place the shape tho

Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Wow.. a lot of pictures to catch up on and study and i am slow.

Lonny... besides the obvious potential carvings on the large upright...these other areas caught my eye as potential carvings..


Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

Thanks lonny and Thom.

Yes it does help. Just trying to see what purpose that formation might have as I think it is at the location of a site. A site already recovered long ago for sure.

Here is an out of scale map. There is a small creek. The cross rocks are on the bank of the dry creek, at the foot of a hill where i think something used to be.

The site interests me because there are 3 rock chutes, and behind them what looks like a nice staging area with appropriate boulders/rocks etc. Some of them flat, some of them if you stood on them you would be at a nice height to strap on packs to mules and related things... and some...signs.

Don't know what it is all about...but one theory is that the weighing or counting or whatever went on in the staging area.
The rock chutes...(pairs of slabs or boulders that create a short narrow walkway) would be to organize the labor. One for carrying out the dirt, as it was dug, another for the return trip and the third not sure.
If that theory is correct..well the ones heading in would see the cross rocks each trip.

The cross rocks might even have been a little shrine with a statue on it when it was all in operation.

i just was not sure if the cross or crosses were carved or not. And lanny...when next i get out that way i will look more closely at the things you have highlighted.



Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found

I have seen a few places were some one mentioned a lamb. Does a lamb have a special meaning.

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