Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found
Thom you wrote about Lanny's pic...
#1 I see not just a turtle head, I see a whole turtle
I don't know if you have ever done any study of sea turtles,
This one is doing something of GREAT interest!!!
#2 This is a very nice heart, as shown in your other pix.
#3 This little heart should give you enough confirmation to go ahead and look into a back hoe
FYI... that turtle... is laying eggs.
I have to pretty much agree with what you are seeing and it's meaning
however I wouild like to see those pics in full noon day sun, and see
what the shadows have to say, as this set has no shadows and really
for me that is where the real confirmations lie..also on first blush I
dont see an number, letters, hoyos, faces people and such, craved
in to the sides of these boulders , like I normally before I
commit, I would like to see pics on a very sunny day taken
with your back to the sun...the see what the shadows say..every
Alpha monument I have photographed has shadows that are very
important to not only the confirmation ,but hints of what to look
for at the Omega, even cluses for Distance and Direction..
While I do demure on the pics for now , I see some awesome
critters there..and the Sea Turtle data is little know and very
valuable to all treasure hunters. Thanks for that nugget Thom!
.....thats what I got from this angle for now.
"gold and rose was the color of the dream I had, not too long ago"......Jimi Hendrix