Re: Basic Spanish signs and symbols you have found
Thom you wrote...
"To all,
I hope the wise acre remarks from a certain member telling all to dig under each and every marker ...
is heartily ignored!
The spoiling of the trails you are following is as criminal as cheating on your wife.
These markers (if legitamate) were placed where they are to mark a trail,
They do not mark caches very often.
Follow them through and if you feel that this info is in error...
Please use a two box to see for sure if there is anything in the area before you dig.
digging up signs and markers before checking ony serves to ruin your trail and spoil the experience for others.
It is irresponsible and unforgivable."
I have to whole heartily agree! The one who I have taught to read these signs
all think about digging under these markers and I tell them this..
" imagine that you are driving or walking along and you see a sign that says "LasVegas 110 miles"
well the same logic would make you start digging under the sign to find the city......."
see what I am saying??
To destroy these markers is criminal offense, on Federal land, as it is a historical , cultural artifact
you can't pick them up let alone smash them to smithereens! I have had it happen to me a few
summers ago..and I put out the word that what ever that person did to another monument, I would
do to them!! Nothing more was touched.
The piece of work who went thru all these posts with his wise acre comments , needs to be banned
from this site forever, how and why he would be on this site is a mystery. At the very least all his
comments need to be deleted and the natural order of our posts restored. Sheesh!
I rest my case
"the arrogance of one, destroys the credibility of the many...."