Basic signs and symbols you have found


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you have all kinds of signs on those rocks,
you have an owl, you have set of mating sea turtles, of which the female
is admonishing you

My son, keep my words,
And treasure my commands within you.
2 Keep my commands and live,
And my law as the apple of your eye.
3 Bind them on your fingers;
Write them on the tablet of your heart.
4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”
And call understanding your nearest kin,
5 That they may keep you from the immoral woman,
From the seductress who flatters with her words.

[From the immoral woman known as Miss Pareidolia]
proverbs 7 except for the last sentence, my own editorializing]

lets see you have
1.a full body owl in plain site
2.mating sea turtles-the best sign in the business!
he has one eye closed
she is so happy she gave you a compass bearing
she has one eye closed as well
and the above bible verse is etched on her cheek P7
what do you mean you dont see anything but rocks?,
the rocks ARE the thing-just hidden [joyfully] in plain site
ps focus-focus-focus [do yourself a favor, install your own pic as your screen saver],let me
know when you do that, I and will count down the days until you see it all...don't worry I will
not let you go to long..maybe a week or 10 days, try this ok? if you dont get it by that time
I will give a complete mark up gratis...but I want you to be able to see them , if mark them
for you everytime, then you might as well make me your partner, but I dont need a partner
right now, but you need to be able to change your focus to see this stuff...ok? cool!

P8 'seek knowledge rather than silver, understanding rather than gold'

your tongue-in-cheek comment went right over folks' heads. LMAO!!!

rangler said:
....what the truth of the matter is...your smart enough to do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

The best advice you've given yet, r - I wonder if anyone will actually follow it or just take your word for things.

If one does his own research, as I have (being in the mining business myself, beginning in the '70's), he will take note of the precious mineral deposit distributions in central and northern Mexico (Sierra Madre) and extending into the southern USA. What you will find is that, relatively speaking, there is a comparitively small amount of gold/silver to be found on the USA side. With a few exceptions (very few), the surface-minable mineral was (and still is) much more prevalent in the Sierra Madre. Take a peek at the current action in the mining exploration game and see where the old and new deposits were and are being found. Question: why go north beyond the frontier to look for harder-to-find mineral when it is so much more findable in the Mexican mountains? Answer: a very few miners exploited a handful of deposits in the now USA, but nearly all of them never saw the borderlands, let alone ventured into them. They didn't have enough resources to do it.

If you want to see Spanish mining in the USA, go find where the richest surface deposits were exploited ca 1850's to 1870's by Americans, and you may find some history there. If the 'Spanish' were 'all over the place', it seems like they would have harvested all that easy placer in California, no? They did get a little, but why go all the way to California when the pickings were so good back home? That's why the streams were full of nuggets when the '49-er's began exploiting California. Same goes for the deserts and mountains of the Southwest, but in spades. Much better diggings were to be found back home in Mexico.

Another question for the rational thinkers: if the King demanded his 1/5 of the booty, do you seriously believe he would have allowed the miners to leave it buried somewhere back in the wilderness with a rock nearby that looks like a poodle if the seasons and the sun angle was just right? Answer: no, it was 'pay to play'. The King and his men didn't take your word for anything in this game - they shook you down for their share when you got back home. Try giving the IRS an IOU for your taxes - do you think things were any different then than now?

You guys can buy into r's video games if you're into fantasy, but if any of you are serious enough to check out reality, you'll discover that all these carvings you're finding were not left there by the 'Spanish'. They were created by someone else. Now go figure out who and why. Remember - use your own noodle.

Springfield said:
rangler said:
....what the truth of the matter is...your smart enough to do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

The best advice you've given yet, r - I wonder if anyone will actually follow it or just take your word for things.

Another question for the rational thinkers: if the King demanded his 1/5 of the booty, do you seriously believe he would have allowed the miners to leave it buried somewhere back in the wilderness with a rock nearby that looks like a poodle if the seasons and the sun angle was just right? Answer: no, it was 'pay to play'. The King and his men didn't take your word for anything in this game - they shook you down for their share when you got back home. Try giving the IRS an IOU for your taxes - do you think things were any different then than now?

You guys can buy into r's video games if you're into fantasy, but if any of you are serious enough to check out reality, you'll discover that all these carvings you're finding were not left there by the 'Spanish'. They were created by someone else. Now go figure out who and why. Remember - use your own noodle.
From everything I have read, it was not the miners who buried their fifth, it was officers who came and took it and cached it elsewhere.
When a certain theory is laid out alongside derision for others, I tend to automatically discredit the theory. I also find it hard to "use my own noodle" when people only hint and tease about what they know. I appreciate it more when people present their ideas in a clearly understandable form so we can research it. From what I've read on TN, many of us have already heard these carvings could be much older and consider it plausible.

Tert did you catch that arrow on 4377? That is pretty cool and i suspect important given its nature. And for me, I like what might be near it.
Plus that awesome horse sign in your first pic. The neck is so well done.

I can't decide which I like better. The first pic, I've never seen a horse so close to a conjunction of the many other signs there. I have seen one abutting what i think is a trail map..which this possibly has..with water..maybe. But not the other things.
Having never seen anything like that I would be thinking about them a lot..the carved signs.

Email coming in the next day or so.

Though the comment was meant " tongue in cheek " there have always been a lot of things I miss in these pics. The first one tells me there's a short term vault right next to the turtles. Case solved? I then noticed some included signs that didn't add up. Am finding many things that show the Spanish did have multiple meanings and distractions to keep people like myself from" filling my heart" .
The large picture is a stunning sign to walk up on. There is a sentry cave across from it so when you stop to view the sign they can shoot ya in the back. A sentry could sit in the cool and dark of the cave and note all who pass. Thanks to all for your helpful comments.


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heartquest said:
....From everything I have read, it was not the miners who buried their fifth, it was officers who came and took it and cached it elsewhere.
When a certain theory is laid out alongside derision for others, I tend to automatically discredit the theory. I also find it hard to "use my own noodle" ....

Exactly where did you read this? I'd really like to know.

The king's men 'came and took it'? How did they know where to come? They 'cached it elsewhere'? Why do this? Why wouldn't they simply turn around and take it back to Mexico with them and put it on the first boat back to Spain?

You 'automatically' throw out ideas that are counter to yours? I'm surprised you would admit this, but it explains why you don't have any interest in thinking for yourself.

Tertiary.. I just do not see any turtles i that first pic. Not unusual..I miss a lot. But here is the horse. Whats odd about the horse is he is facing downhill when the trail seems to be pointing up and to your right. If there is a water sign in that pic you would see it going up the trail not down so, I must have more than one thing wrong. The horse seems to perhaps be laden with packs which would be odd to me. . The packs though could just be his body. The blue arrows are possible carvings of interest.
Thar's a ba'r there too padner..not marked.

Over the years springfield is making more and more sense to me on a lot of things, but not everything. and as with any posts...if it is useful take it and use it. There is some disinformation spread around, usually through heartfelt belief of the poster that the poster is correct. I've heard occasionally though it is on purpose. That's a general statement not aimed at springfield or anyone in particular.

So with each bit of information you run across, it is wise to verify it on your own. Lets get back to basic signs and symbols. :)


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Hey, TJim;
I see the 2 "action" turtles (circled in black and yellow) and NOW I also see the shadow singing song bird on the left in a red circle and the one-eyed cat in red, lower left. I wonder if that one-eyed cat is telling folks to look for the "sentinel's cave?


Springfield said:
rangler said:
....what the truth of the matter is...your smart enough to do your own research and come to your own conclusions...

The best advice you've given yet, r - I wonder if anyone will actually follow it or just take your word for things.

If one does his own research, as I have (being in the mining business myself, beginning in the '70's), he will take note of the precious mineral deposit distributions in central and northern Mexico (Sierra Madre) and extending into the southern USA. What you will find is that, relatively speaking, there is a comparitively small amount of gold/silver to be found on the USA side. With a few exceptions (very few), the surface-minable mineral was (and still is) much more prevalent in the Sierra Madre. Take a peek at the current action in the mining exploration game and see where the old and new deposits were and are being found. Question: why go north beyond the frontier to look for harder-to-find mineral when it is so much more findable in the Mexican mountains? Answer: a very few miners exploited a handful of deposits in the now USA, but nearly all of them never saw the borderlands, let alone ventured into them. They didn't have enough resources to do it.

If you want to see Spanish mining in the USA, go find where the richest surface deposits were exploited ca 1850's to 1870's by Americans, and you may find some history there. If the 'Spanish' were 'all over the place', it seems like they would have harvested all that easy placer in California, no? They did get a little, but why go all the way to California when the pickings were so good back home? That's why the streams were full of nuggets when the '49-er's began exploiting California. Same goes for the deserts and mountains of the Southwest, but in spades. Much better diggings were to be found back home in Mexico.

Another question for the rational thinkers: if the King demanded his 1/5 of the booty, do you seriously believe he would have allowed the miners to leave it buried somewhere back in the wilderness with a rock nearby that looks like a poodle if the seasons and the sun angle was just right? Answer: no, it was 'pay to play'. The King and his men didn't take your word for anything in this game - they shook you down for their share when you got back home. Try giving the IRS an IOU for your taxes - do you think things were any different then than now?

You guys can buy into r's video games if you're into fantasy, but if any of you are serious enough to check out reality, you'll discover that all these carvings you're finding were not left there by the 'Spanish'. They were created by someone else. Now go figure out who and why. Remember - use your own noodle.

and that is also a very good post !!!
hey Steve got a question for you .
does any of this resemble tailing's ?
i need a 5000.23 tasks training for a new miner , in recognizing tailing's .
i know its at least a land slide ,
but not sure how rock slides over two big terraces / ledges like that .
almost like a huge amount of mountain was carved out and thrown off .
but by god or man not sure yet .

Hey Kanabite, I have the same question for steve. Are this mine tailings around this hole. The first picture I have an arrow where the hole is, the scond picture is the hole itself.

Notice the reddish dirt around the hole( arrow pointing) on the first picture. And the reddish dirt in the hole itself.


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here is your pic, properly marked with 8 major elements without a hoyo, couldn't let you wait any longer to see this
IMG_3836.jpg2 Tjims photo -rangler marked (c).webp
awesome monument~!
oro by burro

Desertmoons - Thanks ! Still cant see the horse but It's known that I can be a bit thick. We won't talk about that. The areas you pointed out are all things I've been trying to get better pics of including some numbers that just wont quite show. The view area is 300 yards away which really amazed me.
Shortstack - Good call on the singing bird. Have looked this over a hundred times and missed it. The cat behind the tree is a big stretch. As we can't really see it , is it alive or dead ?
Rangler - North is marked pretty close - Probably less than 15 deg. off . At least one of your directions ought to take me close to other known signs in the area. Real sharp that you can figure that out without even being there. Something that has me confused is the reverse of East and West ??

Could be the shadow is something else though..but it reminds me of a horse.


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Here's a better look at that one-eyed cat.

IMG_3836.jpg2-TJim-cropped cat.webp

Remember a few months ago when you posted some photos of a site on a hilltop that had letters and numbers on every rock laying around the area? Well, you've found another site like that but the letters and numbers are clustered more in groups here.
I've circled the areas with groups of letters and numbers that you are going to have to get a lot closer than 300 yards to to be able to write them down. And, YEP, there are a lot. I believe the only important animals here are the 2 turtles and the shadow bird. Remember, "turtles lead to treasure" and birds are on the inbound trail.
When you are copying down the symbols make real sure you draw them exactly as carved; looking for the indications and symbols that tell us to "reverse" the meanings, in case one or two of those are thrown in. With the number of letter groups in the photo, it'll be a while before you will pick up the true direction of travel. Those turtles have their eyes opened, but their legs are drawn in which could mean that the end game is not too far away. You won't know for sure until you do some decoding of some of those letter groups. I would start with the ones on the sides of the turtles and check that black birds beak area for some confirmations. That big weathered head looking rock by the bird is covered in symbols. And, YES some of the letters, etc, in this "cranked up photo" will be because of pixalation, but NOT ALL are. Just make sure you have a good copy of Old Dog's Spanish Alphabet Codes and an OLDER Catholic Bible. I just found out the the KJV is practically useless on these Bible codes. As a side point, someone wrote that these are Sea Turtles. I'm not sure why that is important here because all turtles (and terrapins) mate the same way.
After you have "decoded" a lot of the signs, you should see a common idea of where to proceed to from this site. I'll bet that they used at least 2 of their 3 code techniques here. If not all 3.
I cranked up the contrast and lightened the shadows some to bring out the groups of letters more. Again, you'll need to get a bunch closer to read them clearly. And, that stupid cat down in the lower left area has his left eye opened and his right one is blanked out. There looks to be a couple of letters on his right cheek area.


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kanabite said:
....does any of this resemble tailing's ?
i need a 5000.23 tasks training for a new miner , in recognizing tailing's .
i know its at least a land slide ,
but not sure how rock slides over two big terraces / ledges like that .
almost like a huge amount of mountain was carved out and thrown off .
but by god or man not sure yet .

Hard to tell from a faraway photo, but it looks like scree.

Pala Y Pico said:
Hey Kanabite, I have the same question for steve. Are this mine tailings around this hole. The first picture I have an arrow where the hole is, the scond picture is the hole itself.

Notice the reddish dirt around the hole( arrow pointing) on the first picture. And the reddish dirt in the hole itself.

Again - impossible to say.

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